-S. 182--FIR was found false untill and unless I.O--of case collects tangible evidence, no arrest of accused, shall be made; in case, if said FIR is found false then proceedings under Section 182, P.P.C may be initiated in accordance with law against complainant.

 PLJ 2022 Lahore 107

Criminal Procedure Code, 1898 (V of 1898)--

----Ss. 22-A, 22-B & 154--Constitution of Pakistan, 1973, Art. 199--Cognizable offence--Registration of case--Specific allegation of life threats--Direction to--On receiving complaint of any information disclosing a cognizable offence an officer in charge of a police station has no other option except to enter substance thereof in prescribed form, that is to say, to register a case on basis of such information--There is specific allegation of life threats issued by proposed accused allegedly to petitioner and his servants and same cannot be considered civil dispute as stated by counsel for proposed accused and law officer--Even in application for registration of case petitioner has mentioned that, dispute pertaining to land existed between parties and civil suit filed by petitioner is pending for adjudication before competent Court of law--Impugned order dated 07.08.2020 is set aside and Respondent No. 1 is directed to record statement of petitioner without further delay and then proceed further strictly in accordance with law.     [P. 109] A, B & C

Pakistan Penal Code, 1860 (XLV of 1860)--

----S. 182--FIR was found false untill and unless I.O--of case collects tangible evidence, no arrest of accused, shall be made; in case, if said FIR is found false then proceedings under Section 182, P.P.C may be initiated in accordance with law against complainant.

                                                                                 [Pp. 109 & 110] D

Miss Gulzar Butt, Advocate for Petitioner.

Mian Shakeel Ahmed, AAG, Salim Chughtai, SP (Legal) for Respondents.

Mr. Navid Ahmad Khawaja, Advocate.

Date of hearing: 23.11.2020.

 PLJ 2022 Lahore 107
Present: Miss Aalia Neelum, J.
SHO etc.--Respondents
W.P. No. 42546 of 2020, and C.M. No. 2 of 2020,
decided on 23.11.2020.


CM No. 02-2020 and Main Case

Through the instant petition, the petitioner has challenged vires of order dated 07.08.2020 passed by the learned Ex. Officio Justice of Peace/ASJ, Sarai Alamgir, whereby application of the petitioner filed under Section 22-A, 22-B, Cr.P.C. was dismissed.

2. Arguments heard and record perused.

3. On perusal of allegations leveled in the application for registration of case it is apparent that cognizable offence is made out. The material allegation which made out cognizable offence reads as follows:

"1۔ مطلوب حسین ملک ولد ملک مولاداد مسلح پسٹل، 2۔ ملک زین ولد مطلوب حسین ملک، اقوام ملک سکنائے کھوہار، تحصیل سرائے عالمگیر مسلح رائفل ہمراہ پانچ کس نامعلوم افراد جو آتشیں اسلحہ سے مسلحہ تھے جنہیں سامنے آنے پر شناخت کر سکتا ہوں، مٹی سے بھرے تین ڈمپر لے کر ملحقہ جائیداد الحور میرج ہال سرائے عالمگیر ملکیتی رضا ا حمد خان مذکور میں زبردستی داخل ہو گئے اور رضا احمد خان کی ملکیتی و مقبوضہ جائیداد پر بھرتی ڈال کر غیر قانونی طور پر قبضہ کرنے کی کوشش کی۔ سائل اور دیگر ملازمین نے افراد مذکورہ بالا کو جائیداد مذکورہ بالا پر غیر قانونی طور پر قبضہ کرنے سے منع کیا تو مطلوب حسین ملک اور ملک زین مذکور نے سائل و دیگر ملازمین کو جان سے مارنے کی دھمکیاں دینا شروع کر دیں اور کہا کہ اگر کوئی پاس آیا تو اسے قتل کر دیں گے۔ شور شرابہ سن کر ہمارے سیکورٹی گارڈز اور دیگر بہت سے لوگ موقع پر اکٹھے ہو گئے جس پر افراد مذکورہ بال سائل و دیگر ملازمین کو جان سے مارنے کی دھمکیاں دیتے ہوئے موقع سے فرار ہو گئے۔"

Description: ADescription: BDescription: CDescription: DIn Section 154 of the Criminal Procedure Code, the legislature in its collective wisdom has carefully and cautiously used the expression “information”. It is clear that the condition which is sine qua non for recording a first information report is that there must be an information and that information must disclose a cognizable offence. It is, therefore, on receiving complaint of any information disclosing a cognizable offence an officer in charge of a police station has no other option except to enter the substance thereof in the prescribed form, that is to say, to register a case on the basis of such information. Therefore, looking to these materials on record, as there is specific allegation of life threats issued by the proposed accused allegedly to the petitioner and his servants and same cannot be considered civil dispute as stated by the learned counsel for the proposed accused and learned law officer. Even in the application for registration of case petitioner has mentioned that, dispute pertaining to land existed between the parties and civil suit filed by the petitioner is pending for adjudication before competent Court of law. As far as objection of the learned counsel for the proposed accused that complaint could not be filed by the special attorney is concerned same has no force as the petitioner has specifically mentioned in the application for registration of case that he being special attorney of Raza Ahmad khan is administering his properties whereas life threats were issued to him and others. Thus, in the interest of justice and for the above mentioned reasons the impugned order dated 07.08.2020 for the above reasons is set aside and Station Hose Officer/Respondent No. 1 is directed to record the statement of the petitioner without further delay and then proceed further strictly in accordance with law. However, it is made clear, that untill and unless the I.O. of the case collects tangible evidence, no arrest of the accused, shall be made; however, it

is made clear that in case, if the said FIR is found false then proceedings under Section 182, P.P.C may be initiated in accordance with law against the complainant.

4. The petition stands disposed of in above terms along with the pending application(s).

(R.A.)  Petition disposed of

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