Can a cheque be drawn on any other institution but for a bank? Is the offence contemplated by Section 489-F PPC only applicable in respect of cheques issued by banks?

 Can a cheque be drawn on any other institution but for a bank? Is the offence contemplated by Section 489-F PPC only applicable in respect of cheques issued by banks? Is Section 489-F PPC applicable in respect of other negotiable instruments? What is the pith and substance of Section 489-F PPC or for that matter what is the dominant object of the said provision? Does Section 489-F PPC qualify as a law that only relates to banking companies and financial institutions or whether it is a law promulgated to govern dealings between private individuals? Whether the offence contemplated by Section 20(4) of the Financial Institutions (Recovery of Finances) Ordinance, 2001 is completely different than the offence envisaged by Section 489-F PPC? Whether the have-nots have a carte to issue cheques that are dishonoured on their presentation?

This judgment seeks to answer the questions raised above.
W.P. No. 9737 of 2018
NRSP Micro Finance Bank Ltd Versus Exofficio Justice of Peace, etc
Decided on 01-04-2022

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