The phrase rigor mortis is latin with rigor meaning stiffness and mortis meaning death. Rigor mortis is a temporary condition.

2022 SCMR 1882

The phrase rigor mortis is latin with rigor meaning stiffness and mortis meaning death. Rigor mortis is a temporary condition. Depending on body temperature and other conditions, rigor mortis lasts proximately for 72 hours. The phenomenon is caused by the skeletal muscles partially contracting. The muscles are unable to relax, so the joints become fixed in place. Factors that affect rigor mortis include (i) temperature/weather, (ii) physical exertion, (iii) age, (iv) body fat, (v) any illness the person had at the time of death, (vi) sun exposure, (vii) gender, (viii) body structure, (ix) genetics, (x) tribe & (xi) inhabitation.

To believe or disbelieve a witness, all depends upon intrinsic value of the statement made by him. There cannot be universal principle that in every case, interested witnesses should be disbelieved or disinterested witnesses be believed. It all depends upon the rule of prudence and reasonableness to hold that a particular witness was present on scene of crime and that he is making true statement. Person who is reported otherwise to be very honest, aboveboard and very respectable in society, if gives a statement which is illogical and unbelievable, no prudent man despite his nobility would accept such statement. As a rule of criminal jurisprudence, prosecution evidence is not tested on the basis of quantity but quality of evidence. It is not that who is giving evidence and making statement. What is relevant is what statement has been given and it is not the person but the statement of that person which is to be seen and adjudged.
Conviction in a murder case can be based on the testimony of a single witness, if court is satisfied that he is reliable and it is the quality of evidence and not the quantity which matters.

While appreciating the evidence, the court must not attach undue importance to minor discrepancies and such minor discrepancies which do not shake the salient features of the prosecution case should be ignored. The accused cannot claim premium of such minor discrepancies. If importance be given to such insignificant inconsistencies then there would hardly be any conviction.

It is by now a well established principle of law that mere relationship of the prosecution witnesses with the deceased cannot be a ground to discard the testimony of such witnesses unless previous enmity or ill will is established on the record to falsely implicate the accused in the case

 It is settled that casual discrepancies and conflicts appearing in medical evidence and the ocular version are quite possible for variety of reasons. During turmoil when live shots are being fired, witnesses in a momentary glance make only tentative assessment of points where such fire shots appeared to have landed and it becomes highly improbable to mention their location with exactitude.

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