وفاقی حکومت نے توشہ خانہ کا 2002ءسے 2023ءتک کا 21سالہ ریکارڈ جاری کر دیا۔

کابینہ ڈویژن نے چار سو چھیالیس صفحات پر مشتمل توشہ خانہ ریکارڈ ویب سائٹ پر اپلوڈ کردیا۔
ریکارڈ کے مطابق آصف زرداری کو 181‘نوازشریف کو 55‘ شاہد خاقان کو27 ‘عمران خان کو 112اورپرویز مشرف کو 126تحائف ملے ۔
وزیراعظم شہباز شریف واحد شخص ہیں جنہوں کوئی قیمتی تحفہ اپنے پاس نہیں رکھا اس کے برعکس سابق وزیراعظم عمران خان نے قیمتی گھڑیاں ‘ انگوٹھی ‘ کف لنکس ودیگر اشیاءسستے داموں لیکر زیادہ قیمت پر بیچ ڈالیں ۔
واضح رہے کہ عمران خان کی حکومت نے توشہ خانہ کی تفصیلات یہ کہہ کر دینے سے انکار کردیا تھا کہ اگر انہیں جاری کیاگیاتو دوست ملکوں سے تعلقات خراب ہوجائیں گے ۔
توشہ خانہ سے تحائف وصول کرنے والوں میں سابق صدور‘سابق وزرائے اعظم، وفاقی وزرا ‘فوجی عہدیداران اورسرکاری افسروںکے نام شامل ہیں
‘ریکارڈ کے مطابق پرویز مشرف‘آصف زرداری ‘ ممنون حسین‘ظفراللہ جمالی ‘محمد میاں سومرو‘شوکت عزیز‘ جنرل (ر)اشفاق پرویز کیانی ‘یوسف گیلانی‘شاہد خاقان ‘نواز شریف‘ پرویز اشرف، عمران خان ‘ نگراں وزیراعلیٰ محسن نقوی‘وزیر خزانہ اسحاق ڈار‘مریم اورنگزیب‘بلاول بھٹو‘نوید قمر‘ خواجہ آصف ‘ فواد چوہدری ‘شیخ رشید ‘ اسدعمر‘جہانگیرترین‘حفیظ شیخ کا توشہ خانہ ریکارڈ بھی ویب سائٹ پرموجودہے‘ سابق وزیر خارجہ عبد الستار ‘ ڈاکٹر عطا ء الرحمن ‘الطاف ایم سلیم ‘ انور محمود ‘ بریگیڈئر ندیم تاج ‘ سنیٹر طارق عظیم ‘ سکندر حیات بوسن ‘ شامل ہیں ۔
توشہ کانہ سے لیے گئے تحائف میں گھڑیاں، پین، کتابیں، رولیکس گھڑی، پرفیوم ، کارپٹ، ٹی پاٹ، کیبل کلاک، موبائل سیٹ ،خنجر ، زیورات، نیکلس، ڈیکوریشن پیس، شال اور قرآن پاک شامل ہے۔
2002میں سابق وزیر اعظم شوکت عزیز نے ایک گلدان اور ایک کشتی کا ڈیکو ریشن پیس بلامعاوضہ رکھ لیا جس کی قیمت 7500روپے لگائی گئی ۔قائم مقام صدر کی حیثیت میں جسٹس (ر) شیخ ریاض احمد نے جیولری باکس اور کھیوہ سیٹ ملامعاوضہ رکھ لیا ۔
پرویز مشرف نے ایک فوٹو فیم ‘ ایک شیلڈ اور ایک گل دان بلا معاوضہ رکھ لیا۔ ایک ریوالور 9300روپے جمع کراکے رکھا۔ بیگم پرویز مشرف نے ایک جیولری باکس لیا ۔پرویز مشرف نے کئی تحائف لئے۔
2003میں ظفر اللہ خان جما لی نے تین ہزار روپے میں ایک کار پٹ لیا۔ غلا ف کعبہ کا ایک ٹکڑا بلا معاوضہ لیا۔انہوں نے ایک شیلڈ اور لوٹس بھی لیا۔2004میں بھی پرویزمشرف ‘ شوکت عزیز اور ظفر اللہ جمالی نے کئی تحائف لئے۔
جہانگیر ترین نے ایک ٹائی آکشن میں 189روپے میں لی۔ 2005میں شوکت عزیز اور پرویز مشرف نے کئی تحائف لئے ۔ میجر جنرل و بیگم شفاعت اللہ نے رولیکس گھڑی 57ہزار روپے میں لی۔
شوکت عزیزنے ایک گھڑی 93400روپے میں لی۔2006میں بھی شوکت عزیز نے ایک گھڑی 276450روپے میں لی ۔ انہوں نے زیادہ تحائف مفت لئے ۔ حنا ربانی کھر نے ایک سرامکڈیکوریشن پیس مفت لیا۔پرویز مشرف نے کٹلری سیٹ7500روپے میں لیا۔
سابق وزیر خارجہ خور شید قصوری نےٹی سیٹ مفت لیا۔ ان کی اہلیہ نے بھی ہاتھی کا ڈیکوریشن مفت لیا۔ عمر ایوب نے آکشن میں سلور ڈیگر 22700 روپے میں لیا۔
جہانگیر خان ترین نے ایک گلدان آکشن میں 1960روپے میں لیا۔2007میں بھی شو کت عزیز نے تحائف لئے۔ عا مر لیاقت حسین نے ایک گھڑی تین ہزار روپے میں لی۔ انہوں نے ایک ڈریگر بلا معاوضہ لیا۔شریف الدین پیرزادہ نے ایک گھڑی 13500روپے میں لی۔خورشید قصوری نے بھی گھڑی خریدی اور ایک لاکھ چھ سو روپے جمع کرائے ۔
2008میں نگران وزیر اعظم محمد میاں سومرو نے ایک اونیکس باؤل بلامعاوضہ لیا۔ میاں محمد سومرو نے کئی تحائف لئے ۔ سنیٹر طلحہ محمود نے بھی 21100روپے میں گھڑی آکشن میں لی۔
آصف علی زرداری نے چھوٹا ووڈن باکس اور ایک اور ماربل باکس مفت لیا۔ انہوں نے باب رحمت کا ماڈل 2250روپے میں لیا۔ 2009 میں زرداری نے ایک ڈیکوریشن پیس 9750روپے میں لیا۔انہوں نے بی ایم ڈبلیو کار ماڈل 40لاکھ99ہزار408روپے میں لی۔
شگفتہ جمانی نے بھی دو گھڑیاں خریدیں۔ گھڑی خریدنے والوں میں ممبران قومی اسمبلی خوش بخت شجاعت ‘ طاہرہ اورنگزیب ‘ خورشید بیگم ‘ مہرین رزاق بھٹو اور ظل ہما شامل ہیں۔میاں شہباز شریف نے بطور وزیر اعلی پنجاب بیس ہزار روپے میں قالین خریدا۔ انہوں نے کئی تحائف خریدے ۔
فاروق نائیک نے بھی تحائف خریدے ۔سابق وزیر اعظم یو سف رضا گیلانی نے چھ ہز ار روپے میں خانہ کعبہ کے دروازے کا ماڈل لیا۔ ان کی اہلیہ نے ہار سمیت جیولری سیٹ تین لاکھ 26ہزار روپے میں لیا۔گیلانی کے بیٹے اور بھائی نے بھی تحائف لئے۔ 2010میں آصف زرادی نے کئی تحائف لئے جن میں پین ‘ ڈیکوریشن پیس وغیر شامل ہیں۔ 2011
میں آصف زرداری نے کئی تحائف لئے ۔ انہوں نے گھڑی اور گن بھی خریدی ۔ ڈاکٹر عبد الحفیظ شیخ نے دو سٹمپ البم لیں ۔شاہ محمود قریشی نے کف لنکس اور ایک پین کا تحفہ مفت لیا۔گیلانی نے کئی تحائف لئے ۔
انہوں نے بریف کیس بھی خریدا۔2012میں ڈاکٹر عبد الحفیظ شیخ نے قالین مفت لیا۔ ایم این اے عامر مگسی نے پندرہ ہزار روپے میں گھڑی خریدی ۔ڈاکٹر عاصم وزیر پیٹرولیم نے بھی 3200میں گھڑی لی ۔ 2013میں حنا ربانی گھر نے گھڑی لی اور 20400روپے ادا کئے ۔
راجہ پرویز اشرف نے سات ہزار روپے میں قالین خریدا۔محمد اسحق ٰ ڈار نے ایک ہزار روپے میں بیڈ سپر یڈ لیا۔
سابق صدر ممنون حسین نے باؤل اور دیگر تحائف لئے ۔ سابق وزیر اعظم نوا زشریف ۲نے رولیکس گھڑیی دو لاکھ 43ہزار روپے میں خریدی ۔سرتاج عزیز نے قالین لیا۔ 2014میں اسحاق ڈار نے قالین لیا۔ ممنون حسین نے کئی تحائف لئے۔
شجاعت عظیم نے بھی 67000میں گھڑی خریدی ۔فواد حسین فواد سابق پرنسپل سیکرٹری نے بھی رولیکس گھڑی 651000میں خریدی ۔نواز شریف نے ایک سنیری بھی لی۔شہباز شریف نے تین ہزار روپے میں ایک تلوار لی۔
2015میں نواز شریف نے 240000میں ایک رولیکس گھڑی خریدی ۔فواد حسن فواد نے 168000میں گھڑی لی ۔
شاہد خاقان عبا سی نے بھی گھڑی خریدی ۔ بیگم نواز شریف نے27ہزار میں نیکلس خریدا۔2016میں ممنون حسین نے کئی تحائف لئے ۔ 2017میں رضا ربانی ووڈن فریم تین ہزار روپے میں لیا۔ شاہد خا قان عبا سی نے 56000میں گھڑی خریدی ۔نوا زشریف نے نیکلس خریدا۔ عبد اللہ خا قان عبا سی نے بھی گھڑی خریدی ۔فواد حسن فواد نے بھی گھڑی خریدی ۔
2018میں شاہد خا قان عباسی نے ڈیکوریشن مفت لیا۔2019میںسابق وزیر اعظم عمران خان نے کئی تحائف لئے ۔مفت لئے گئے تحائف میں ایک ڈیکوریشن ‘ ٹیبل میٹ ‘ مکہ کلاک ٹاور کا ماڈل شامل ہیں۔عمران خان نے کانچ کا ڈیکوریشن مفت لیا۔
وال ہینگنگ پیس لیا۔فواد چوہدری نے 686200روپے میں کئی تحائف لئے ۔ شاہ محمود قریشی نے بھی گھڑی سمیت کئی تحائف خریدے ۔ ایک ڈیکوریشن مفت لیا۔عمران خان نے ٹی سیٹ مفت لیا۔ ڈا کٹر عارف علوی نے کیلیگرافی ‘ ایک کتاب ‘ رومال ‘ سو و ینئر‘ گلدان جیسے تحائف لئے۔
اسد عمر نے کئی تحائف خریدے ۔ عمران خان نے رولیکس گھڑی تین لاکھ 38ہزار روپے میں خریدی ۔ایک رولیکس گھڑی چار لاکھ روپے میں خریدی ۔آئی فون سمیت کئی تحائف خریدے ۔
عمران خان نے ایک مسجد کا ماڈل اسی ہزار میں خریدا۔بیگم علوی نے ایک نیکلس سمیت کئی تحائف خریدے ۔ 2019میں عارف علوی نے چاندی کی کیٹل 47500میں خریدی ۔عمران خان نے ڈیکوریشن پیس مفت لیا۔2020میں عمران خان نے مسجد کا ماڈل مفت لیا۔ پرفیوم سمیت کئی تحائف خریدے ۔
عارف علوی نے کئی تحائف خریدے ۔عمران خان نے 24لاکھ35ہزار میں رولیکس گھڑی خریدی ۔کفلنکس اور رنگ خریدی ۔بیگم عمران خان نے نیکلس ‘ رنگ اور دیگر زیورات نوے لاکھ اکتیس ہزار میں خریدے ۔
2021میں عمران خان نے ایک ہزار روپے میں قالین لیا۔45ہزار میں ڈنر سیٹ لیا۔ ایک لاکھ پنتالیس ہزار میں پستول خریدا۔ایک لاکھ ترانوے ہزار کے تحائف مزید لئے ۔2022میں عمران خا ن نے کئی تحائف مفت لئے دوالکھ اسی ہزار کا سافٹ ڈرنک سیٹ لیا۔ ایک قالین تیرہ ہزار آٹھ سو میں لیا۔
میاں شہبا زشریف نے بطور وزیر اعظم ابراہام اسٹیشن کا ماڈل مفت لیاجس کی قیمت سولہ ہزار روپے تھی ۔ انہوں نے باقی ملنے والے قیمتی تحائف توشہ خانہ میں جمع کرا دیے۔
GIFTS RECORD IN TOSHAKHANA SINCE 2002 2002 S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 1. Two small silver Bowls Mr. Abdul Sattar, Minister for Foreign Affairs 08-01-2002 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 2. One Pilot Pen with ink Mr. Abdul Sattar, Minister for Foreign Affairs 08-01-2002 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 3. One silver vase Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Minister for Finance 09-01-2002 Rs.7,500/- Free of cost Retained 4. One (decoration) folding Screen Mr. Abdul Sattar, Minister for Foreign Affairs 15-01-2002 Rs.2,200/- Free of cost Retained 5. One Decoration Piece Mr. Abdul Sattar, Minister for Foreign Affairs 22-01-2002 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 6. One gown Mr. Ahmed Waqar, Secretary Privatization Commission 26-01-2002 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 7. One Coffee Set (07 pcs) Mr. Abdul Sattar, Minister for Foreign Affairs 28-01-2002 Rs.1,800/- Free of cost Retained 8. Art glass decoration piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Minister for Finance 01-02-2002 Rs.1,200/- Free of cost Retained 9. One leather black colour wallet Dr. Tariq Hassan, Advisor to Finance Minister 04-02-2002 Rs.150/- - Auctioned for Rs.500/- 10. One Pen Stand fitted with clock Mr. Altaf M. Saleem, Minster for Privatization 06-02-2002 Rs.550/- - Auctioned for Rs.305/- 11. One small silver ice cream cup Mr. Abdul Sattar, Minister for Foreign Affairs 08-02-2002 Rs.1,350/- Free of cost Retained 12. One piece red colour Afghani Handmade carpet (small size) Mr. Abdul Sattar, Minister for Foreign Affairs 08-02-2002 Rs.6,500/- Free of cost Retained 13. One Insignia Dr. Atta-ur- Rehman, Minister for Science & Technology 19-02-2002 NCV Free of cost Retained DISCLAIMER: - The uploaded Toshakhana information 2002 onwards till to date is in compliance of the Cabinet approval contained in its decision dated 22-02-2023. This information is based on Toshakhana record as per declaration/deposition by all concerned in accordance with the “Procedure for Acceptance and Disposal of Gifts”. S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 14. One Hand Painting Dr. Atta-ur- Rehman, Minister for Science & Technology 19-02-2002 Rs.600/- Free of cost Retained 15. One Vase China Clay Dr. Atta-ur- Rehman, Minister for Science & Technology 19-02-2002 Rs.500/- Free of cost Retained 16. One Metallic Plate Embossed Scenery Dr. Atta-ur- Rehman, Minister for Science & Technology 19-02-2002 Rs.6,000/- Free of cost Retained 17. a. Two Wall hangings b. One small Piano c. Two small wooden dolls Dr. Atta-ur- Rehman, Minister for Science & Technology 19-02-2002 a. Rs. 250/- each b. Rs. 200/- c. Rs. 100/- Free of cost Retained 18. One Book Masjid-ulHassan Dr. Atta-ur- Rehman, Minister for Science & Technology 19-02-2002 NCV Free of cost Retained 19. One Metallic Bowl with wooden stand Dr. Atta-ur- Rehman, Minister for Science & Technology 19-02-2002 Rs. 4500/- Free of cost Retained 20. One Metallic small plate Dr. Atta-ur- Rehman, Minister for Science & Technology 19-02-2002 Rs. 300/- Free of cost Retained 21. One Tasbih in Wooden Box Dr. Atta-ur- Rehman, Minister for Science & Technology 19-02-2002 Rs. 700/- Free of cost Retained 22. Ornament Necklace Set (03 Pieces) Dr. Atta-ur- Rehman, Minister for Science & Technology 19-02-2002 Rs. 1500/- Free of cost Retained 23. One metallic vase Minister for Petroleum & Natural Resources 19-02-2002 Rs.850/- Free of cost Retained 24. One cufflinks Insignia on it Minister for Petroleum & Natural Resources 19-02-2002 NCV Free of cost Retained 25. One set of Cufflinks Mr. Altaf M. Saleem, Minister for Privatization 20-02-2002 NCV - Auctioned for Rs.150/- 26. a. Statue of Golden Dragon Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Minister for Finance 26-02-2002 Rs.25,000/- Rs.1,200/- - Displayed at S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks b. One Wall Painting Presidency 27. a. Cotton Bed Spread b. One Painting Dr. Atta-ur-Rehman, Minister for Science & Technology 28-02-2002 Rs.600/- Rs.1,200/- Free of cost Retained 28. Electronic Prayer Time Calendar Dr. Atta-ur-Rehman, Minister for Science & Technology 28-02-2002 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained 29. Metallic Plate with Insignia of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Dr. Atta-ur-Rehman, Minister for Science & Technology 28-02-2002 NCV Free of cost Retained 30. One plastic box containing one carpet Mr. Usman Aminuddin, Minister for Petroleum & Natural Resources 02-03-2002 Rs.13,000/- Rs.450/- Amount deposited, gift retained 31. Jewellary box made of silver Justice Sh. Riaz Ahmad, Acting President of Pakistan 06-03-2002 Rs.5,500/- Free of cost Retained 32. Kehwa set (24 pcs) Justice Sh. Riaz Ahmad, Acting President of Pakistan 06-03-2002 Rs.4,500/- Free of cost Retained 33. One leather bag General Parvez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 07-03-2002 Rs.1,800/- Free of cost Retained 34. One Jewellery box Begum General Parvez Musharraf, Chief Executive of Pakistan 07-03-2002 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 35. One shield General Parvez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 07-03-2002 Rs.2000/- Free of cost Retained 36. One revolver clot General Parvez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 07-03-2002 Rs.72,000/- Rs.9,300/- Amount deposited, gift retained 37. One flower vase General Parvez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 07-03-2002 Rs.4,200/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 38. One photo frame General Parvez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 07-03-2002 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 39. One Scenery Mr. Abdul Sattar, Minister for Foreign Affairs 09-03-2002 Rs.1,800/- Free of cost Retained 40. One decoration piece of boat Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Minister for Finance 13-03-2002 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 41. One photo frame (10x10) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Minister for Finance 13-03-2002 Rs.1,200/- Free of cost Retained 42. Cigarettes box Minister for Commerce, Industries and Production 13-03-2002 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 43. One large wooden Jewelry box Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Minister for Finance 16-03-2002 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 44. One medal with emblem Mr. Abdul Sattar, Minister for Foreign Affairs 18-03-2002 NCV Free of cost Retained 45. One table clock Mr. Abdul Sattar, Minister for Foreign Affairs 19-03-2002 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 46. Pair of flower vase Mr. Nawid Ahsan, Secretary, Economic Affairs Division 19-03-2002 Rs. 800/- (each) Free of cost Retained 47. One Wrist Watch Fendi (Swiss) (No.016-4500G992) Mr. Abdul Sattar, Minister for Foreign Affairs 22-03-2002 Rs.16,000/- Rs. 900/- Amount deposited, gift retained 48. One small wooden box with six packets of tea Minister for Information & Media Development 22-03-2002 Rs. 1,500/- Free of cost Retained 49. a. One Wrist Watches FENDI b. One Wrist Watches FENDI Mr. S. Anwar Mahmood, Secretary, Information and Media Development 26-03-2002 a Rs.22,000/- b. Rs.19,000- Rs.4,650/- Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 50. One tea set Foreign Secretary 27-03-2002 Rs.4,000/- Free of cost Retained 51. One Wrist Watch Bvlgari Major General Nadeem Taj, Military Secretary to President. 29-03-2002 Rs.85,000/- Rs.11,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 52. One Wrist Watch Bvlgari Begum of (Major General, Nadeem Taj, Military Secretary to President) 29-03-2002 Rs.45,000/- Rs.5,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 53. One wooden decoration piece General Parvez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 29-03-2002 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 54. One flower vase General Parvez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 29-03-2002 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 55. One tea set (17 pcs) Mr. Abdul Sattar, Minister for Foreign Affairs 30-03-2002 Rs.4,000/- Free of cost Retained 56. One wrist watch Korean Made Mr. Justice Muhammad Bashir Jehangiri, Wafaqi Mohtasib (Ombudsman) 30-03-2002 Rs.4,000/- Free of cost Retained 57. One Korean Traditional wooden Box Mr. Justice Muhammad Bashir Jehangiri, Wafaqi Mohtasib (Ombudsman) 30-03-2002 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 58. One gift of flower vase (white china clay) Mr. Imtiaz Ahmed Sahibzada, Hon’ble Wafaqi Mohtasib 30-03-2002 Rs.800/- Free of cost Retained 59. One Cassette Recorder Minister Petroleum & Natural Resources 01-04-2002 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 60. One pen General Parvez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 03-04-2002 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 61. One Jewellery General Parvez Musharraf, 03-04-2002 Rs.3,000 Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks box (porcelain) President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 62. Decoration piece (Ceramic Horse) General Parvez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 03-04-2002 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 63. Flower vase General Parvez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 03-04-2002 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 64. One Book & Pen tray (Ceramic) General Parvez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 03-04-2002 Rs.450/- Free of cost Retained 65. One tie General Parvez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 03-04-2002 Rs.650/- Free of cost Retained 66. One Decoration piece General Parvez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 03-04-2002 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 67. a. One book b. One Jewellary box c. Insignia House of Councilors General Parvez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 03-04-2002 a. NCV b. Rs.1,500/- c. NCV Free of cost Retained 68. One picture of Budha duly framed General Parvez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 03-04-2002 Rs.1200/- Free of cost Retained 69. One box Cohiba cigars General Parvez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 03-04-2002 Rs.1,250/- Free of cost Retained 70. One wooden ball with hammer Begum General Parvez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 03-04-2002 Rs.100/- Free of cost Retained 71. One book & one Calendar Begum General Pervez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of 03-04-2002 NCV Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Pakistan 72. a. One book b. One handkerchief Begum General Pervez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 03-04-2002 a. NCV b. Rs.70/- Free of cost Retained 73. One glass vase Mr. Abdul Sattar, Minister for Foreign Affairs 08-04-2002 Rs.800/- Free of cost Retained 74. One Cigar Box Mr. Abdul Sattar, Minister for Foreign Affairs 09-04-2002 Rs.400/- Free of cost Retained 75. One shawl Mr. Abdul Sattar, Minister for Foreign Affairs 09-04-2002 Rs.700/- Free of cost Retained 76. Jewellery box Brig. Nadeem Taj, Military Secretary to Chief Executive 09-04-2002 Rs.400/- Free of cost Retained 77. Jewellery box Lt. Col. Mirza Kamran Zia, Deputy Military Secretary to Chief Executive 09-04-2002 Rs.400/- Free of cost Retained 78. Jewellery box Lt. Col. Muhammad Ilyas, Chief Security Officer to Chief Executive 09-04-2002 Rs.400/- Free of cost Retained 79. Jewellery box Major Asad Farooq, Security Officer to Chief Executive 09-04-2002 Rs.400/- Free of cost Retained 80. Jewellery box Hav. M. Makeem, Gunman 09-04-2002 Rs.400/- Free of cost Retained 81. Jewellery box Hav. M. Shaukat, Gunman 09-04-2002 Rs.400/- Free of cost Retained 82. Jewellery box L/NK M. Aslam 09-04-2002 Rs.400/- Free of cost Retained 83. Jewellery box L/NK M. Yousaf 09-04-2002 Rs.400/- Free of cost Retained 84. Jewellery box L/ NK Daud Rehman 09-04-2002 Rs.400/- Free of cost Retained 85. Jewellery box L/NK Muhammad Asghar 09-04-2002 Rs.400/- Free of cost Retained 86. One Shawl Ms. Rabia Shafiq, Section Officer (SARRC) 10-04-2002 Rs.700/- Free of cost Retained 87. One shawl Ms. Saadia Altaf Qazi, Protocol Officer (V-I) Ministry of Foreign Affairs 10-04-2002 Rs. 700/- Free of cost Retained 88. One painting of China Great Wall Mr. Ahmad Waqar, Secretary, Privatization, Privatization Commission 10-04-2002 Rs.650/- Free of cost Retained 89. One digital calendar (pocket size) Director General (B&U), Ministry of Privatization, Privatization Commission 10-04-2002 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 90. One Blue Onyx Bowl Minister for Information & Media Development 10-04-2002 Rs.500/- Free of cost Retained. 91. One Woolen Shawl Minister for Information & Media Development 10-04-2002 Rs. 800/- Free of cost Retained. 92. One handmade carpet General Parvez Musharraf, President / Chief Executive of Pakistan 11-04-2002 Rs.18,000/- Rs.1,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 93. Handmade Embroidery of Bangladesh depicting two women on Cloth Mr. M. Yaqoob Malik, Chief Coordinating Officer, SAARC, Human Resources Development Centre 12-04-2002 Rs. 300/- - Auctioned for Rs.1,150/- 94. One crystal glass vase Mr. Abdul Sattar, Minister for Foreign Affairs 15-04-2002 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 95. Tea set (08 pcs) Mr. Abdul Sattar, Minister for Foreign Affairs 15-04-2002 Rs.650/- Free of cost Retained 96. One time piece Minister for Petroleum & Natural Resources 15-04-2002 Rs.2,200/- Free of cost Retained 97. One Ball Pen (Caran d Ache Mr. Abdul Sattar, Minister for Foreign Affairs 18-04-2002 Rs.1,200/- Free of cost Retained 98. One Bras Plate Mr. Nawid Ahsan, Secretary, Economic Affairs Division 18-04-2002 Rs. 600/- Free of cost Retained 99. One decoration piece of Metallic plate Mr. Abdul Sattar, Minister for Foreign Affairs 19-04-2002 Rs. 500/- Free of cost Retained 100. One crystal bowl Mr. Abdul Sattar, Minister for Foreign Affairs 19-04-2002 Rs.2,800/- Free of cost Retained 101. One Jewellary box (made of Lipazic) Minister for Commerce, Industries and Production 20-04-2002 Rs.400/- Free of cost Retained 102. One cutlery set General Parvez Musharraf, President / Chief Executive of Pakistan 23-04-2002 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 103. One vase Mr. Abdul Sattar, Minister for Foreign Affairs 29-04-2002 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 104. One Short Gun 12-Bore (7 Shot Pump action Daud Sons Armory) Minister for Commerce 30-04-2002 Rs.6,800/- - Auctioned for Rs.14,000/- 105. Two ball pens Mr. Abdul Sattar, Minister for Foreign Affairs 03-05-2002 Rs.1,600/- Free of cost Retained 106. One decoration Piece Mr. Abdul Sattar, Minister for Foreign Affairs 03-05-2002 Rs.1,100/- Free of cost Retained 107. Two large wooden chess Box Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Minister for Finance 06-05-2002 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 108. Wooden Decoration piece Secretary Planning & Development Division 06-05-2002 Rs. 750/- - Auctioned for Rs.1,210/- 109. One Shield Dr. Tariq Hassan, Adviser to Finance Minister 08-05-2002 Rs.800/- - Auctioned for Rs.3,100/- 110. Crystal decoration piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Minister for Finance 13-05-2002 Rs.1,300/- Free of cost Retained 111. One Video Player (Shinko DVD) Mr. Abdul Sattar, Minister for Foreign Affairs 16-05-2002 Rs. 9,500/- Free of cost Retained 112. Bank Souvenir Mr. Nawid Ahsan, Secretary, Economic Affairs Division 17-05-2002 NCV Free of cost Retained 113. One DVD Set with speakers Mr. Inam-ul-Haque, Foreign Secretary, M/o Foreign Affairs 18-05-2002 Rs.11,300/- Rs.195/- Retained 114. One decoration piece Mr. Abdul Sattar, Minister for Foreign Affairs 29-05-2002 Rs.2,300/- Free of cost Retained 115. a. One pocket watch b. One carpet General Parvez Musharraf, President / Chief Executive of Pakistan 31-05-2002 a. Rs.3,500/- b. Rs.7,000/- Rs.75/- Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 116. One coffee machine General Parvez Musharraf, President / Chief Executive of Pakistan 31-05-2002 Rs.11,500/- Rs.225/- Amount deposited, gift retained 117. One mantle (trophy shape) Minister for Petroleum & Natural Resources 01-06-2002 Rs.1,600/- Free of cost Retained 118. One carpet Minister for Petroleum & Natural Resources 04-06-2002 Rs.7,000/- Free of cost Retained 119. One carpet Minister for Petroleum & Natural Resources 04-06-2002 Rs.7,000/- Free of cost Retained 120. One decoration piece Mr. Abdul Sattar, Minister for Foreign Affairs 06-06-2002 Rs.3,200/- Free of cost Retained 121. One Carpet Mr. Abdul Sattar, Minister for Foreign Affairs 06-06-2002 Rs.7,000/- Free of cost Retained 122. One carpet Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Minister for Finance 06-06-2002 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 123. One table set (table watch, key ring, slip pad, cutter and pen etc) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Minister for Finance 06-06-2002 Rs.3,500/- - Auctioned for Rs.2,000/- 124. Desk Set (table watch, key ring, slip pad, cutter and pen etc) Mr. Khalid Siraj, Senior, Adviser to Finance Minister 07-06-2002 Rs.3,500/- - Auctioned for Rs.1,505/- 125. a. One Wrist watch Daewoo gents b. One Wrist watch Daewoo ladies Dr. Waqar Masood Khan, Additional Finance Secretary (EF/Policy) 10-06-2002 Rs.1,500/- Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 126. One flower vase General Parvez Musharraf, President / Chief Executive of Pakistan 10-06-2002 Rs.13,000/- Rs.450/- Amount deposited, gift retained 127. One Holy Quran General Parvez Musharraf, President / Chief Executive of Pakistan 10-06-2002 NCV Free of cost Retained 128. One golden piece of golden horse Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Minister for Finance 13-06-2002 Rs.3,200/- Free of cost Retained 129. a. One brief case having: - b. One wrist watch gents c. One ladies wrist watch d. One pen in white gold e. Pair of ear studs f. One tasbih Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Minister for Finance 13-06-2002 a. Rs.35,000/- b. Rs.35,000/- c. Rs.38,600/- d. Rs.30,250/- e. Rs.27,500/- f. Rs.3,650/- Rs.24,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 130. a. One decoration piece b. One Ladies Suit pieces General Parvez Musharraf, President / Chief Executive of Pakistan 14-06-2002 a. Rs.2,200/- b. Rs.650/- Free of cost Retained 131. One jewellery box General Parvez Musharraf, President / Chief Executive of Pakistan 14-06-2002 Rs.4,300/- Free of cost Retained 132. One revolver colt 44 cal General Parvez Musharraf, President / Chief Executive of Pakistan 14-06-2002 Rs.72,000/- Rs.9,300/- Amount deposited, gift retained 133. One Wrist watch Daewoo gents Mr. M. Mumtaz Malik, Deputy Secretary (EFB) 15-06-2002 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 134. One Wrist watch Daewoo gents Mr. Muhammad Jameel, Section Officer 15-06-2002 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 135. Model of Golden Minister for Kashmir Affairs and 17-06-2002 Rs.5,500/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Horse Northern Areas and States & Frontier Regions 136. Golden Coin Unknown (gifts were lying in the office of Minister for Foreign Affairs since long) 20-06-2002 Rs.9,170/- - Auctioned for Rs.18,312/- 137. Coin (silver) Unknown (gifts were lying in the office of Minister for Foreign Affairs since long) 20-06-2002 Rs.600/- - Auctioned for Rs.1,311/- 138. FAO Souvenir Unknown (gifts were lying in the office of Minister for Foreign Affairs since long) 20-06-2002 Rs.310/- - Auctioned for Rs.333/- 139. Proof Coin Set Unknown (gifts were lying in the office of Minister for Foreign Affairs since long) 20-06-2002 Rs.500/- - Auctioned for Rs.1,701/- 140. Parker Pen Set Unknown (gifts were lying in the office of Minister for Foreign Affairs since long) 20-06-2002 Rs.3,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.4,210/- 141. Dewaruci Indonesia (Sailship Decoration Piece) Unknown (gifts were lying in the office of Minister for Foreign Affairs since long) 20-06-2002 Rs.1,400/- - Displayed at Presidency 142. Plaque Unknown (gifts were lying in the office of Minister for Foreign Affairs since long) 20-06-2002 Rs.1,200/- - Auctioned for Rs.1,820/- 143. Box Unknown (gifts were lying in the office of Minister for Foreign Affairs since long) 20-06-2002 Rs.450/- - Auctioned for Rs.820/- 144. Plaque Unknown (gifts were lying in the office of Minister for Foreign Affairs since long) 20-06-2002 Rs.1,500/- - Auctioned for Rs.411/- 145. Wrist Watch Concord Mr. S. Anwar Mahmood, Secy, Information and Media Development. 21-06-2002 Rs. 75,000/- Rs.9,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 146. One model of Masjid-e- Nabvi General Parvez Musharraf, President / Chief Executive of Pakistan 03-07-2002 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 147. a. One Cigar box b. One ladies purse General Parvez Musharraf, President / Chief Executive of Pakistan 03-07-2002 a. Rs.2,500/- b. Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 148. One bowl (copper) General Parvez Musharraf, President / Chief Executive of Pakistan 03-07-2002 Rs.5,500/- Free of cost Retained 149. One decoration piece General Parvez Musharraf, President / Chief Executive of Pakistan 03-07-2002 Rs.12,000/- Rs.300/- Amount deposited, gift retained 150. Two empty wooden Jewellery boxes Chief of Protocol and Deputy Chief Protocol Ministry of Foreign Affairs 04-07-2002 Rs. 1,500/- Free of Cost Retained 151. a. One statue of soldier b. One leather bag c. One silver coin d. One jewelry box General Parvez Musharraf, President / Chief Executive of Pakistan 05-07-2002 a. Rs.10,000/- b. Rs.2,200/- c. Rs.10,000/- d. Rs.2,925/- Rs.2,269/- Amount deposited, gift retained 152. One hand bag with ball pen General Nadeem Taj, Military Secretary to Chief Executive 05-07-2002 Rs.2,200/- Free of cost Retained 153. One hand bag Lt. Col. Muhammad Arshad, Chief Security Officer to the Chief Executive 05-07-2002 Rs.300/- Free of cost Retained 154. One hand bag Major Syed Tanveer Ali ADC to Chief Executive 05-07-2002 Rs.300/- Free of cost Retained 155. Wrist Watch (Concord) Mr. Javed A. Qureshi, Joint Secretary (B), Chief Executive Secretariat 07-07-2002 Rs.75,000/- Rs.9,750/- Amount deposited, gift S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks retained 156. One Lacqure Art box Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Minister for Finance 15-07-2002 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 157. One tea set (24 pcs) General Parvez Musharraf, President / Chief Executive of Pakistan 22-07-2002 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 158. One wooden box show piece Minister for Petroleum & Natural Resources 22-07-2002 Rs.1,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.1,015/- 159. Wrist Watch (Concord) Brig. (Retd) Mian Khalid Habib, Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 23-07-2002 Rs.75,000/- Rs.9,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 160. One Tea set (14 pcs) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Minister for Finance 25-07-2002 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 161. a. Satellite Phone set with GSM+GPS b. One Souvenir (Eagle) Dr. Atta-ur-Rehman, Minister for Science & Technology 25-07-2002 a. Rs.29,000/- b. Rs. 3,000/- Rs.3,300/- Amount deposited, gift retained 162. a. One Books “Sons and Lovers by D.H. Lawrence b. One Book “Villete” by Charlotte Bronte Mr. Akhtar Said Minister for Education, Government of the Punjab 25-07-2002 a. Rs.1,100/- b. Rs.1,100/- - Displayed at Cabinet Division’s Library 163. One Souvenir (Lacquer ware, double Jewelry Box) Dr. Atta-ur-Rehman, Minister for Science & Technology 26-07-2002 Rs.800/- - Auctioned for Rs.1,659/- 164. Candy Box (green) (Candy Pot) Mr. Khair Mohamed Janejo, Minister Food, Agriculture and Live Stock 27-07-2002 Rs. 500/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 165. Decoration plate Mr. Khair Mohamed Janejo, Minister Food, Agriculture and Live Stock 27-07-2002 Rs. 750/- Free of cost Retained 166. One printed jewelry box Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Minister for Finance 06-08-2002 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 167. Three books General Parvez Musharraf, President / Chief Executive of Pakistan 08-08-2002 Rs.2,400/- Free of cost Retained 168. One painting General Parvez Musharraf, President / Chief Executive of Pakistan 08-08-2002 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 169. One decoration piece General Parvez Musharraf, President / Chief Executive of Pakistan 10-08-2002 Rs.1,800/- Free of cost Retained 170. One box of tea General Parvez Musharraf, President / Chief Executive of Pakistan 10-08-2002 Rs.400/- Free of cost Retained 171. a. One necklace b. One saree Begum General Parvez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 10-08-2002 Rs.7,000/- Free of cost Retained 172. One saree Begum General Parvez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 10-08-2002 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 173. One piece of cloth with dupata Begum General Parvez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 10-08-2002 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 174. One saree Begum General Parvez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 10-08-2002 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 175. One piece of cloth Major General Nadeem Taj, Military Secretary to Chief Executive 10-08-2002 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 176. One Saree Mrs. Nadeem Taj 10-08-2002 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 177. One Shirt Lt. Col. Mirza Kamran Zia, Deputy Military Secretary to Chief Executive 10-08-2002 Rs.350/- Free of cost Retained 178. One Shirt Col. Muhammad Ilyas, Chief Security Officer to the Chief Executive 10-08-2002 Rs.350/- Free of cost Retained 179. One shirt Brig. Tasawar Hussain, Personal physician to CE 10-08-2002 Rs.350/- Free of cost Retained 180. One shirt Mr. Mohsin Hafeez, JS (D) Sect. 10-08-2002 Rs.350/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 181. One model of Omayyad Mosque General Pervez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 17-08-2002 Rs.4,500/- Free of cost Retained 182. Two Box Printed Chinese Silk Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Minister for Finance 20-08-2002 Rs.300/- (each) Free of cost Retained 183. Wrist Watch (Concord) Mr. Imtiaz A. Kazi, Director (Gulf Region), Foreign Affairs 20-08-2002 Rs.75,000/- Rs.9,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 184. One Engraved Bowl Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Minister for Finance 21-08-2002 Rs.2,700/- Free of cost Retained 185. a. One Gent’s Wrist Watch Roberge b. Ladies wrist watch Roberge c. Fountain Pen Roberge d. One Gents Ring with Cufflinks e. Ladies ring with ear studs f. One Tasbih g. One Brief Case Mr. Abdul Sattar, Former Foreign Minister 26-08-2002 a. Rs.80,000/- b. Rs.70,000/- c. Rs.12,625/- d. Rs.17,730/- e. Rs.20,920/- f. Rs.7,575/- g. Rs.8,000/- Rs.31,028/- Amount deposited, gift retained 186. One shirt Col Salik Nawaz (Retd), Deputy Chief Protocol Ministry of Foreign Affairs 28-08-2002 Rs. 300/- Free of cost Retained 187. Cufflinks Set insignia Dr. Atta-ur-Rehman, Minister for Science & Technology 28-08-2002 NCV Free of cost Retained 188. Four Marble decoration pieces Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Minister for Finance 29-08-2002 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 189. Wrist Watch (Concord) Mr. Noorullah Khan, Director General (ME), Foreign Affairs 29-08-2002 Rs.75,000/- Rs.9,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 190. Wrist Watch (Concord) Major General Nadeem Taj, Military Secretary to Chief Executive 30-08-2002 Rs.75,000/- Rs.9,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 191. One Wrist Watch (Audmars Piguet) with pair of ear studs & one ring in white gold & Diamond Mrs. (Major General Nadeem Taj) 30-08-2002 Rs.101,500/- Rs. 13,725/- Amount deposited, gift retained 192. Wrist Watch (Concord) Lt. Col. Ejaz Shahid, APS (C) 30-08-2002 Rs.75,000/- Rs.9,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 193. Wrist Watch (Concord) Major (Dr) Abdul Basit, Medical Officer, Army House. 30-08-2002 Rs.75,000/- Rs.9,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 194. Wrist Watch (Concord) Mr. Saifullah, UDC (BS-07), President Sectt. 31-08-2002 Rs.75,000/- Free of cost Retained 195. One table clock with replica of Horse General Parvez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 31-08-2002 Rs.100,860/- Rs.15,129/- Amount deposited, gift retained 196. One jewelry set consisting of one necklace, one bracelet, one ear ring & one ring General Parvez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 31-08-2002 Rs.304,400/- Rs. 44,160/- Amount deposited, gift retained 197. a. One shield General Pervez Musharraf, 31-08-2002 a. NCV Rs.747/- Amount S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks b. One Bowl c. UAE National Report d. Brochures e. Table Calendar f. Wall Hanging with Belt g. Napkin h. Audio Cassettes i. Video Cassettes j. Three CDs k. Pack of one CD, Audio & video cassettes l. One replica of Falcon President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan b. Rs.3,000/- c. NCV d. NCV e. NCV f. Rs.100/- g. Rs.15/- h. Rs.360/- i. Rs.600/- j. Rs.450/- k. Rs.450/- l. Rs.10,000/- deposited, gift retained 198. One Carpet Mr. Altaf M. Saleem, Minister for Privatization Commission 02-09-2002 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 199. One carpet Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Minister for Finance 04-09-2002 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 200. One kettle alongwith two small cups and saucer Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Minister for Finance 04-09-2002 Rs.1,800/- Free of cost Retained 201. One dinner set (180 pcs) General Parvez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 04-09-2002 Rs.16,000/- Rs.900/- Amount deposited, gift retained 202. One dinner set (46 pcs) General Parvez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 04-09-2002 Rs.7,000/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 203. One dinner set (45 pcs) General Parvez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 04-09-2002 Rs.7,000/- Free of cost Retained 204. One tea set (17 pcs) General Parvez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 04-09-2002 Rs.4,000/- Free of cost Retained 205. One tea set (09 pcs) General Parvez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 04-09-2002 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 206. One necklace Begum General Parvez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 04-09-2002 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 207. One great seal of US General Parvez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 04-09-2002 NCV Free of cost Retained 208. One replica of Horse General Parvez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 04-09-2002 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 209. One decoration piece alongwith stand Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Minister for Finance 06-09-2002 Rs.1,200/- Free of cost Retained 210. One Wrist watch (Tiffany & Co) Maj Sher Ali Baz, Security Officer 14-09-2002 Rs.25,000/- Rs.2,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 211. Wrist Watch (Concord) Hav. Hakim Badshah, Gunman 14-09-2002 Rs.30,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 212. Wrist Watch (Concord) NK Tariq Mahmood, Gunman (BS09) 14-09-2002 Rs.30,000/- Free of cost Retained 213. Wrist Watch (Concord) L/NK Daud-ur-Rehman, Gunman (BS-07) 14-09-2002 Rs.30,000/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 214. Wrist Watch (Concord) Sep. Arshad Alam, Gunman (BS-05) 14-09-2002 Rs.30,000/- Free of cost Retained 215. Wrist Watch (Concord) Mr. Zahoor Ahmed, Gunman, (BS05) 14-09-2002 Rs.30,000/- Free of cost Retained 216. Wrist Watch (Concord) Mr. Muhammad Kamil, Controller Engineering (PTV) 17-09-2002 Rs.30,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 217. One Wrist Watch (Concord) Mr. S. Iqtidar Hussain Kausar, Chief Cameraman, PTV 21-09-2002 Rs.30,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 218. Wrist Watch (Concord) Mr. Muhammad Tariq, Photographer, PID 26-09-2002 Rs.30,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 219. a. One tray (Tiffany) b. One crystal Insignia General Parvez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 01-10-2002 a. Rs.2,000/- b. NCV Free of cost Retained 220. One Seal of the State of Illinois General Pervez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 01-10-2002 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 221. One wooden box General Pervez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 01-10-2002 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 222. One model General Pervez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 01-10-2002 NCV Free of cost Retained 223. One bowl General Pervez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 01-10-2002 Rs.1,800/- Free of cost Retained 224. One battery powered light General Pervez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 01-10-2002 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 225. One silk scarf General Pervez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 01-10-2002 Rs.60/- Free of cost Retained 226. One wooden shield General Pervez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 01-10-2002 NCV Free of cost Retained 227. Six mates and one tray, General Pervez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 01-10-2002 Rs.1,200/- Free of cost Retained 228. One Pen with stand General Pervez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 01-10-2002 Rs.600/- Free of cost Retained 229. One crystal Seal of the state of Illinois Begum General Parvez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 01-10-2002 NCV Free of cost Retained 230. One Pictorial Book Mr. Altaf M. Saleem, Minister for Privatization Commission 05-10-2002 NCV Free of cost Retained 231. One Mirror Mr. Altaf M. Saleem, Minister for Privatization Commission 05-10-2002 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 232. Olive oil (two tin) (one kg each) Mr. Altaf M. Saleem, Minister for Privatization Commission 16-10-2002 Rs.300 (each) Free of cost Retained 233. One Tea Sets (21 Pieces) Mr. Abdul Razak Dawood, Minister for Commerce, Industries and Production 19-10-2002 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 234. One Tea Set (21 Pieces) (each) Mr. Abdul Razak Dawood, Minister for Commerce, Industries and Production 19-10-2002 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 235. One wrist watch (Longines) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Minister for Finance 22-10-2002 Rs.20,000/- Rs.1,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 236. One single Bracelet (Bangle) (Gold Mrs. Shaukat Aziz wife of Finance Minister 22-10-2002 Rs.26,000/- Rs. 2,400/- Amount deposited, gift S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks made) retained 237. One Ladies Shirt Mrs. Shaukat Aziz wife of Finance Minister 22-10-2002 Rs.400/- Free of cost Retained 238. Wrist Watch (Concord) Mr. Anwar Saeed, Controller, (News) CNO, PBC, Islamabad 29-10-2002 Rs.30,000/- Rs. 3000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 239. One Printed Table Cloth Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Minister for Finance 30-10-2002 Rs.400/- Free of cost Retained 240. One Wrist Watch Bvlgari (BB 33 SGL/L172880) Mr. Riaz Khokhar, Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 01-11-2002 Rs. 40,000/- Rs.4,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 241. One Wrist Watch Bvlgari (BB 33 SL Auto – L 8290) Mr. Sher Afgan Khan, Additional Secretary (ME&A), Ministry of Foreign Affairs 01-11-2002 RS. 32,000/- Rs.3,300/- Amount deposited, gift retained 242. Wrist watch JAEGER-LE COULTRF 5 ATM) Dr. Muhammad Tariq Hassan, Advisor to Finance Minister 04-11-2002 Rs.44,550/- Rs.5,183/- Amount deposited, gift retained 243. Metallic Horse Minister for Information & Media Development 05-11-2002 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 244. One Steel Box Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Minister for Finance 25-11-2002 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 245. One flower Vase Secretary, Economic Affairs Division 03-12-2002 Rs.400/- Free of cost Retained 246. One (white) gold set (three piece) Mr. Shaukat Aziz Advisor to PM on Finance & Economic Affairs 10-12-2002 Rs.178,760/- Rs.25,314/- Amount deposited, gift retained 247. a. One Wrist watch (Piaget) Mr. Shaukat Aziz Advisor to PM on Finance & Economic Affairs 10-12-2002 a. Rs.65,000/- b. Rs.3,000/- Rs.14,460/- Amount deposited, S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks b. One decoration piece c. One ball point d. One Tasbih c. Rs.6,000/- d. Rs.32,400/- gift retained 248. One visiting card Holder Advisor to the Prime Minister on Finance & Economic Affairs 14-12-2002 Rs.300/- Free of cost Retained 249. One jewellery box General Pervez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 02-10-2002 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 250. a. One silver bowl with lid b. One set of books General Pervez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 29-10-2002 a. Rs.3,500/- b. NCV Free of cost Retained 251. a. One Marble Table writing set b. Two piece of cloth c. One clay plate d. One stone necklace e. Two painting books f. One packet having ladies velvet coat General Pervez Musharraf, President/ Chief Executive of Pakistan 29-10-2002 a. Rs.2,200/- b. Rs.600/- c. Rs.1,200/- d. Rs.1,500/- e. NCV f. Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 252. a. One piece of cloth b. One Stone Necklace c. One ladies velvet coat d. One packet containing book Major General Nadeem Taj, Military Secretary to Chief Executive 29-10-2002 Rs.300/- Rs.1,500/- Rs.2,000/- NCV Free of cost Retained 253. Pen set Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Advisor to the Prime Minister on Finance and 12-12-2002 Rs.1,500/- (each) - Auctioned for S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Economic Affairs Rs.3,300/- 254. One wooden box Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Advisor to the Prime Minister on Finance and Economic Affairs 20-12-2002 Rs.1,200/- Free of cost Retained 255. Flower vase Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Advisor to the Prime Minister on Finance and Economic Affairs 27-12-2002 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 256. One handmade Irani Carpet and a pack of Pistachio General Parvez Musharraf, President of Pakistan 30-12-2002 Rs.30,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 257. a. One carpet b. One pen set Cross Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 31-12-2002 Rs.8,000/- Rs.3,000/- Rs.150/- Amount deposited, gift retained MONETARY LIMITS AS PER PROCEDURE FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS AND THEIR DISPOSAL (21ST AUGUST, 2001): - The monetary limits upto which the gifts can be retained by the recipient are as follows: - (i) Gifts upto a value of Rs.10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) may be retained (free of cost) by the recipient. In case of low paid Government employees (BPS 1-BPS 10) the gift may be retained by the recipient irrespective of the value assessed. (ii) Gifts valued above Rs.10,000/- may be allowed to be retained by the recipient on payment of 15% of the value exceeding Rs.10,000/-. (iii) Gifts valued at Rs.400,000/- or more shall not be retained by the recipients, except President and the Head of the Government. This exemption shall however, not be available in case of antiques and gifts of intrinsic historical value. DISCLAIMER: - This data/list is provided on Federal Government directions as per the record available, and is based on the information/gifts declared or deposited by the persons and departments responsible for it, under the policy prevalent at that time. Cabinet Division is not responsible for any error or omissions made by those individuals/departments. TOSHAKHANA GIFT RECORD 2003 S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 1. Ice cream Bowl Set Mr. Waqar Masood Khan, Secretary, Economic Affairs 02-01-2003 Rs.500/- - Auctioned for Rs.1,111/- 2. One decoration piece of horse Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Advisor to the Prime Minister on Finance and Economic Affairs 07-01-2003 Rs.1,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.1,615/- 3. One carpet Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 09-01-2003 Rs.30,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 4. One decoration plate Brig. Imran Malik, Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 09-01-2003 Rs.350/- Free of cost Retained 5. One wall clock Cdr. Ejaz Shah, OSD Admin, PM Secretariat 09-01-2003 Rs.400/- Free of cost Retained 6. One wall clock Sqdn Ldr Waqar Ahmed, ADC to the Prime Minister 09-01-2003 Rs.400/- Free of cost Retained 7. Decoration piece Mr. Aurangzeb Khan, Comptroller Household, Prime Minister, Secretariat 09-01-2003 Rs.4,500/- Free of cost Retained 8. One decoration plate Capt. Shah Nawaz Jamali, ADC to the Prime Minister 09-01-2003 Rs.350/- Free of cost Retained 9. Pair of candle stand Capt (R) Abdul Saeed, SP Security Prime Minister Secretariat 09-01-2003 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 10. One Flower vase Malik Nisar Ahmed, Suptt Prime Minister Secretariat 09-01-2003 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 11. One flower vase Mr. Mushtaq Ahmed, Assistant Prime Minister Secretariat 09-01-2003 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 12. Pair of Candle Stand Mr. Khadim Hussain, Assistant, Prime Minister Secretariat 09-01-2003 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 13. Pair of Candle Stand Mr. Zahid Sarfraz, UDC Prime Minister Secretariat 09-01-2003 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 14. Pair of candle stand Mr. Talat Mehmood, UDC Prime Minister Secretariat 09-01-2003 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 15. Flower vase Mr. Zafar Iqbal, UDC, Prime Minister Secretariat 09-01-2003 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 16. Flower vase Mr. M. Adnan Jamil, LDC Prime Minister Secretariat 09-01-2003 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 17. Pair of candle stand Foreign Secretary 11-01-2003 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 18. Model of Khana Kaaba Zafarullah khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 15-01-2003 Rs.50,000/- - Displayed at PM House 19. Piece of Ghilaf e Kaaba Zafarullah khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 15-01-2003 NCV Free of cost Retained 20. One wrist watch, Bulgari (No.RT 45 S L-9366) Brig Imran Malik, Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 15-01-2003 Rs.72,000/- Rs.9,300/- Amount deposited, gift retained 21. One wrist watch, Bulgari (No.BB 33 SS L-9366) Brig (R) Mansoor Hamid, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister 15-01-2003 Rs.62,000/- Rs.7,800/- Amount deposited, gift retained 22. One wrist watch, Bulgari Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Advisor to the Prime Minister on Finance and Economic Affairs 16-01-2003 Rs.62,000/- Rs.7,800/- Amount deposited, gift retained 23. One carpet Mr. Aftab Ahmed Khan Sherpao, Minister for Water & Power 20-01-2003 Rs.4,500/- Free of cost Retained 24. One tea set 20 pieces Mr. Aftab Ahmed Khan Sherpao, Minister for Water & Power 20-01-2003 Rs.2,200/- - Auctioned for Rs.1,500/- 25. One wrist watch Tissot (1853) Foreign Minister 20-01-2003 Rs.5,200/- - Auctioned for Rs.4,000/- 26. a. One wrist watch b. One medal c. One calendar Mr. Awais Ahmed Khan Leghari, Minister for IT & Telecommunications 21-01-2003 a. Rs. 700/- b. Rs. 415/- c. NCV - Auctioned a. for Rs.1,001/- b. for Rs.1,180/- 27. One decoration piece of Horse Ch. Amir Hussain, Speaker National Assembly 21-01-2003 Rs.1,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.3,500/- 28. One decoration frame Ch. Amir Hussain, Speaker National Assembly 21-01-2003 Rs.4,500/- - Displayed at Prime Ministers House 29. Wrist watch, Chopard Mr. Khushnood Ali Khan 31-01-2003 Rs.85,000/- Rs.11,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 30. a. One Gold bangle and a Gold Ring b. One Mobile set Nokia Mr. Khushnood Ali Khan 31-01-2003 a. Rs.23,500/- b. Rs.9,500/- Rs.3,450/- Amount deposited, gift retained 31. One wrist watch Rolex Mr. Nawaz Raza 31-01-2003 Rs.115,000/- Rs.15,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 32. One Wrist watch RADO Mr. Nawaz Raza 31-01-2003 Rs.18,000/- Rs.1,275/- Amount deposited, gift retained 33. One wrist watch Chopard Mr. Saleem Bokhari 31-01-2003 Rs.80,000/- Rs.10,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 34. One wrist watch RADO Mr. Saleem Bokhari 31-01-2003 Rs.18,000/- Rs.1,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 35. One wrist watch Chopard Mr. Aamir Ilyas Rana 31-01-2003 Rs.85,000/- Rs. 11,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 36. One wrist watch RADO Mr. Aamir Ilyas Rana 31-01-2003 Rs.18,500/- Rs. 1,275/- Amount deposited, gift retained 37. One wrist watch Chopard Mr. Tariq Mahmood 31-01-2003 Rs.80,000/- Rs. 10,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 38. One wrist watch RADO Mr. Tariq Mahmood 31-01-2003 Rs.18,500/- Rs. 1,275/- Amount deposited, gift retained 39. One wrist watch Rolex Mr. Shakoor Tahir 31-01-2003 Rs.335,000/- Rs. 48,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 40. a. One Gold Bangle and ring b. Mobile set Nokia Mr. Shakoor Tahir 31-01-2003 Rs.35,200/- Rs. 3,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 41. One wrist watch Chopard Mr. Abdul Hamid 31-01-2003 Rs.85,000/- Rs.11,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 42. One wrist watch RADO Mr. Abdul Hamid 31-01-2003 Rs.18,000/- Rs.1,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 43. One wrist watch Chopard Mr. Qamarullah Ch. 31-01-2003 Rs.80,000/- Rs.10,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 44. One wrist watch RADO Mr. Qamarullah Ch. 31-01-2003 Rs.18,500/- Rs.1,275/- Amount deposited, gift retained 45. One wrist watch Chopard Mr. Tariq Saleem 31-01-2003 Rs.80,000/- Rs.10,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 46. One wrist watch RADO Mr. Tariq Saleem 31-01-2003 Rs.18,000/- Rs.1,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 47. One wrist watch Chopard Mr. Muhammad Younis Khan 31-01-2003 Rs.85,000/- Rs.11,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 48. One wrist watch RADO Mr. Muhammad Younis 31-01-2003 Rs.18,500/- Rs.1,275/- Amount deposited, gift retained 49. One wrist watch Chopard Syed Javid Hasnain Kazmi, cameraman PTV news 31-01-2003 Rs.85,000/- Rs.11,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 50. One wrist watch RADO Syed Javid Hussain Kazmi, cameraman PTV news 31-01-2003 Rs.18,500/- Rs.1,275/- Amount deposited, gift retained 51. One wrist watch Chopard Mr. Mohsin Ali 31-01-2003 Rs. 85000/- Rs.11,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 52. One wrist watch RADO Mr. Mohsin Ali 31-01-2003 Rs. 19000/- Rs.1,350/- Amount deposited, gift retained 53. a. One laptop Acer b. Jewelry Set c. Wrist watch Danniel Roth Mr. Abdus Sattar Laleka, Labour Minister 01-02-2003 a. Rs.95,000/- b. Rs.59,500/- c. Rs.60,000/- Rs.30,675/- Amount deposited, gift retained 54. Two golden coins Mr. Abdus Sattar Laleka, Labour Minister 01-02-2003 Rs.32,800/- Rs.3,420/- Amount deposited, gift retained 55. Wrist watch Concord Mr. Abdus Sattar Laleka, Labour Minister 01-02-2003 Rs.55,000/- Rs.6,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 56. Flower vase Mr. Abdus Sattar Laleka, Labour Minister 01-02-2003 Rs.4,000/- Free of cost Retained 57. One table clock Mr. Abdus Sattar Laleka, Labour Minister 01-02-2003 Rs.25,000/- Rs.2,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 58. Wrist watch Rolex Syed Afzal Hussain Shah, protocol Officer, Foreign Affairs 01-02-2003 Rs.270,000/- Rs.39,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 59. a. Two gold items and b. one mobile set Nokia Syed Afzal Hussain Shah, Protocol Officer, Foreign Affairs 01-02-2003 a. Rs.18,000/- b. Rs.9,500/- Rs.2,625/- Amount deposited, gift retained 60. One wrist watch Chaumet Syed Afzal Hussain Shah, Protocol Officer, Foreign Affairs 01-02-2003 Rs.45,000/- Rs.5,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 61. Wrist watch Rolex Col. Salik Nawaz, Deputy Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 01-02-2003 Rs.335,000/- Rs.48,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 62. a. Two gold items b. one mobile set Nokia Col. Salik Nawaz, Deputy Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 01-02-2003 a. Rs.32,000/- b. Rs.9,500 Rs.4,725/- Amount deposited, gift retained 63. One wrist watch Chaumet Col. Salik Nawaz, Deputy Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 01-02-2003 Rs. 45,000/- Rs.5,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 64. One gift pack containing four cups with saucers and tea pot General Parvez Musharraf, President of Pakistan 03-02-2003 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 65. One wrist watch, Bulgari (BB 33 SS AUTO J 286595) Mr. Riaz H. Khokhar, Foreign Secretary 03-02-2003 Rs.62,000/- Rs.7,800/- Amount deposited, gift retained 66. Wrist watch Rolex Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, Minister for Information and Media Development 03-02-2003 Rs. 375,000/- Rs.54,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 67. a. Laptop Acer b. Brief Case c. Jewelry Set Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, Minister for Information and Media Development 03-02-2003 a. Rs.95,000/- b. Rs.3,500/- c. Rs.61,438/- Rs.22,491/- Amount deposited, gift retained 68. One wrist watch Concord Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, Minister for Information and Media Development 03-02-2003 Rs.55,000/- Rs.6,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 69. Two gold Coins Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, Minister for Information and Media Development 03-02-2003 Rs.32,800/- Rs.3,420/- Amount deposited, gift retained 70. One table cloth with napkin Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 06-02-2003 Rs.1,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.671/- 71. One pen, Mont Blank Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 06-02-2003 Rs.27,000/- Rs.2,550/- Amount deposited, gift retained 72. Pair of candle stand Col. Salik Nawaz (Retd), Deputy Chief of Protocol 07-02-2003 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 73. Wrist watch Rolex Brig. Imran Malik, Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 07-02-2003 Rs.335,000/- Rs.48,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 74. a. One mobile set Nokia b. One Jewelry set Brig. Imran Malik, Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 07-02-2003 a. Rs.22,000/- b. Rs.43,000/- Rs.8,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 75. One wrist watch Chaumet Brig. Imran Malik, Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 07-02-2003 Rs.45,000/- Rs.5,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 76. Wrist watch Rolex Sqn. Ldr. Waqar Ahmed, ADC to the Prime Minister 07-02-2003 Rs.250,000/- Rs.36,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 77. a. One mobile set Nokia b. One Jewelry set Sqn. Ldr. Waqar Ahmed, ADC to the Prime Minister 07-02-2003 a. Rs.8,500/- b. Rs.29,885/- Rs.4,258/- Amount deposited, gift retained 78. One wrist watch Chaumet Sqn. Ldr. Waqar Ahmed, ADC to the Prime Minister 07-02-2003 Rs.45,000/- Rs.5,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 79. Wrist watch Rolex Lt. Cdr. Ahmed Farooq Butt, ADC to the Prime Minister 07-02-2003 Rs.250,000/- Rs.36,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 80. a. One mobile set Nokia b. One Jewelry set Lt. Cdr. Ahmed Farooq Butt, ADC to the Prime Minister 07-02-2003 a. Rs.8,500/- b. Rs.17,020/- Rs.2,328/- Amount deposited, gift retained 81. One wrist watch Chaumet Lt. Cdr. Ahmed Farooq Butt, ADC to the Prime Minister 07-02-2003 Rs.45,000/- Rs.5,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 82. Wrist watch Rochas Mr. Sher Afgan Khan, Additional Secretary, Foreign Affairs 08-02-2003 Rs.25,000/- Rs.2,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 83. One jewelry set made of Gold Mr. Sher Afgan Khan, Additional Secretary, Foreign Affairs 08-02-2003 Rs.38,225/- Rs.4,234/- Amount deposited, gift retained 84. One wrist watch Chaumet Mr. Sher Afgan Khan, Additional Secretary, Foreign Affairs 08-02-2003 Rs.45,000/- Rs.5,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 85. Wrist watch Rolex Dr. H. M. Zafar Awan, Personal Consultant to the Prime Minister 13-02-2003 Rs.335,000/- Rs.48,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 86. a. One mobile set Nokia b. One Jewelry set Dr. H. M. Zafar Awan, Personal Consultant to the Prime Minister 13-02-2003 a. Rs.22,000/- b. Rs.43,717/- Rs.8,358/- Amount deposited, gift retained 87. One wrist watch Chaumet Dr. H. M. Zafar Awan, Personal Consultant to the Prime Minister 13-02-2003 Rs.45,000/- Rs.5,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 88. Wrist watch Rolex Malik Asif Hayat, Additional Secretary, Prime Minister Secretariat 14-02-2003 Rs.335,000/- Rs.48,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 89. a. One mobile set Nokia b. One Jewelry set Malik Asif Hayat, Additional Secretary, Prime Minister Secretariat 14-02-2003 a. Rs.22,000/- b. Rs.38,216/- Rs.7,533/- Amount deposited, gift retained 90. One wrist watch Chaumet Malik Asif Hayat, Additional Secretary, Prime Minister Secretariat 14-02-2003 Rs.45,000/- Rs.5,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 91. Wrist watch Rolex Syed Yahya Manawar, Political Secretary to the Prime Minister 14-2-2003 Rs.115,000/- Rs.15,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 92. a. One mobile set Nokia b. One Jewelry set Syed Yahya Manawar, Political Secretary to the Prime Minister 14-2-2003 a. Rs.22,000/- b. Rs.41,602/- Rs.8,041/- Amount deposited, gift retained 93. One wrist watch Chaumet Syed Yahya Manawar, Political Secretary to the Prime Minister 14-2-2003 Rs.45,000/- Rs.5,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 94. Wrist watch Rolex Brig. Azhar Mahmood Kayani, Personal Physician to the Prime Minister 14-2-2003 Rs.335,000/- Rs.48,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 95. a. One mobile set Nokia b. One Jewelry set Brig. Azhar Mahmood Kayani, Personal Physician to the Prime Minister 14-2-2003 a. Rs.22,000/- b. Rs.43,404/- Rs.8,311/- Amount deposited, gift retained 96. One wrist watch Chaumet Brig. Azhar Mahmood Kayani, Personal Physician to the Prime Minister 14-02-2003 Rs.45,000/- Rs.5,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 97. Wrist watch Rolex Rai Riaz Hussain, Press Secretary to the Prime Minister 14-02-2003 Rs.335,000/- Rs.48,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 98. a. One mobile set Nokia b. One Jewelry set Rai Riaz Hussain, Press Secretary to the Prime Minister 14-02-2003 a. Rs.8,500/- b. Rs.32,300/- Rs.4,620/- Amount deposited, gift retained 99. One wrist watch Chaumet Rai Riaz Hussain, Press Secretary to the Prime Minister 14-02-2003 Rs.45,000/- Rs.5,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 100. Wrist watch Rolex Mr. Pervez Zahoor, CSO to the Prime Minister 14-02-2003 Rs.240,000/- Rs.34,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 101. a. One mobile set Nokia b. One Jewelry set Mr. Pervez Zahoor, CSO to the Prime Minister 14-02-2003 a. Rs.8,500/- b. Rs.28,356/- Rs.4,029/- Amount deposited, gift retained 102. One wrist watch Chaumet Mr. Pervez Zahoor, CSO to the Prime Minister 14-02-2003 Rs.45,000/- Rs.5,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 103. Wrist watch Rolex Mr. Talat Mahmood UDC, Prime Minister Secretariat 14-02-2003 Rs.240,000/- Free of cost Retained 104. a. One mobile set Nokia b. One Jewelry set Mr. Talat Mahmood UDC, Prime Minister Secretariat 14-02-2003 a. Rs.8,500/- b. Rs.16,728/- Free of cost Retained 105. One wrist watch Chaumet Mr. Talat Mahmood UDC, Prime Minister Secretariat 14-02-2003 Rs.45,000/- Free of cost Retained 106. Wrist watch Corum Haji Tora Khan, Valet, Prime Minister Secretariat 14-02-2003 Rs.50,000/- Free of cost Retained 107. One Jewelry set Haji Tora Khan, Valet, Prime Minister Secretariat 14-02-2003 Rs.16,797/- Free of cost Retained 108. Wrist watch Rolex Mr. Nawazish Ali, ASI, Gunman 14-02-2003 Rs.115,000/- Free of cost Retained 109. Mobile set Nokia Mr. Nawazish Ali, ASI, Gunman 14-02-2003 Rs.6,500/- Free of cost Retained 110. Wrist watch Omega NK Ghulam Akbar, SSG Gunman 14-02-2003 Rs.60,000/- Free of cost Retained 111. Mobile set Nokia NK Ghulam Akbar, SSG Gunman 14-02-2003 Rs.6,500/- Free of cost Retained 112. Wrist watch Rolex L NK Zafar Iqbal, Gunman 14-02-2003 Rs.265,000/- Free of cost Retained 113. Mobile set Nokia L NK Zafar Iqbal, Gunman 14-02-2003 Rs.6,500/- Free of cost Retained 114. a. One Wrist Watch Omega b. One Mobile Phone Nokia 2100 Mr. Karamat Hussain Niazi, Additional Secretary, National Assembly Sectt. 17-02-2003 a. Rs.25,000/- b. Rs.6,000/- Rs.3,150/- Amount deposited, gift retained 115. Wrist watch Bvlgari Mr. Bahrullah Hazarvi, Deputy Director, Arabic Interpreter 22-02-2003 Rs. 62,000/- Rs.7,800/- Amount deposited, gift retained 116. One wrist watch Rolex Mr. Bahrullah Hazarvi, Deputy Director, Arabic Interpreter 22-02-2003 Rs.270,000/- Rs.39,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 117. One wrist watch Chaumet Mr. Bahrullah Hazarvi, Deputy Director, Arabic Interpreter 22-02-2003 Rs.45,000/- Rs.5,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 118. a. One mobile set Nokia b. One Jewelry set Mr. Bahrullah Hazarvi, Deputy Director, Arabic Interpreter 22-02-2003 a. Rs.8,500/- b. Rs.31,000/- Rs.4,425/- Amount deposited, gift retained 119. One carpet Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Advisor to the Prime Minister on Finance and Economic Affairs 26-02-2003 Rs.5,500/- Free of cost Retained 120. a. One mobile set Nokia b. One Jewelry set Brig. (r) Mian Khalid Habib, Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 01-03-2003 a. Rs.22,000/- b. Rs.40,500/- Rs.7,875/- Amount deposited, gift retained 121. One wrist watch Chaumet Brig. (r) Mian Khalid Habib, Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 01-03-2003 Rs.45,000/- Rs.5,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 122. One wrist watch Rolex Brig. (r) Mian Khalid Habib, Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 01-03-2003 Rs.335,000/- Rs.48,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 123. Flower vase Mr. S.S. Pirzada, Advisor to the Prime Minister 01-03-2003 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 124. a. One silver lotus b. shield Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 03-03-2003 a. Rs.4,000/- b. Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 125. One pen Waterman Dr. Tariq Hassan, Advisor to the Prime Minister on Finance and Economic Affairs 04-03-2003 Rs.1,200/- - Auctioned for Rs.1,550/- 126. One w/watch Chaumet Aijaz Ahmed Chaudhary, MNA 07-03-2003 Rs.45,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.11,000/- 127. One w/watch Rado Ehtisham-ul-Haq Dawn 07-03-2003 Rs.15,200/- - Auctioned for Rs.12,000/- 128. One w/watch Chaumet Arif Mehmood Dir General M/o Foreign Affairs 07-03-2003 Rs.45,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.10,700/- 129. a. Gold bangle with ring b. Mobile set Nokia 6310 Arif Mehmood Dir General M/o Foreign Affairs 07-03-2003 a. Rs.21,000/- b. Rs.8,500/- - Auctioned a. for Rs.48,200/- b. for Rs.3,100/- 130. a. One Wrist Watch Roberge Gents b. One Wrist Watch Roberge Ladies c. One Jewellery Set consisting of one Ring, pair of Ear studs, one Tie Pin & one Bracelet. Mr. Asad Durrani, Ex-Ambassador of Saudi Arabia. 07-03-2003 a. Rs.85,000/- b. Rs.90,000/- c. Rs.75,000/- Rs.36,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 131. a. One shield b. table clock Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-03-2003 a. NCV b. Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 132. One metallic Shield Dr. Waqar Masood Khan, Secretary, EAD 15-03-2003 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 133. One wrist watch Rolex Brig (r) Mansoor Hamid, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister 17-03-2003 Rs.335,000/- Rs.48,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 134. a. One Laptop P-IV b. One Jewelry set c. Brief case Brig (r) Mansoor Hamid, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister 17-03-2003 a. Rs.95,000/- b. Rs.57,228/- c. Rs.3,500/- Rs.21,860/- Amount deposited, gift retained 135. One wrist watch Concord Brig (r) Mansoor Hamid, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister 17-03-2003 Rs.70,000/- Rs.9,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 136. Two Gold coins Brig (r) Mansoor Hamid, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister 17-03-2003 Rs.32,800/- Rs.3,420/- Amount deposited, gift retained 137. One carpet Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 21-03-2003 Rs.7,500/- Free of cost Retained 138. One carpet Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 21-03-2003 Rs.6,500/- Free of cost Retained 139. One wrist watch Attesa Citizen Co. Minister for Railways 22-03-2003 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 140. One tie Minister for Railways 22-03-2003 Rs. 150/- Free of cost Retained 141. One Wrist Watch Cloude Bernard Governor Punjab 24-03-2003 Rs.20,000/- Rs.1,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 142. Tea pot (Silver) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 25-03-2003 Rs.7,180/- Free of cost Retained 143. Decoration piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 27-03-2003 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 144. Decoration piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 27-03-2003 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 145. a. Artificial pearl necklace b. one decoration piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 27-03-2003 a. Rs.500/- b. Rs.200- Free of cost Retained 146. One cassette recorder Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 31-03-2003 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 147. One wrist watch, Bvlgari Mr. Nouraiz Shakoor, Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources 01-04-2003 Rs.85,000/- Rs.11,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 148. One carpet Dr. Waqar Masood Khan, Secretary, EAD 04-04-2003 Rs.6,500/- Free of cost Retained 149. One cassette recorder Dr. Waqar Masood Khan, Secretary, EAD 04-04-2003 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 150. One decoration piece (wooden) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 08-04-2003 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 151. Two Carpet Cushions General Parvez Musharraf, President of Pakistan 09-04-2003 Rs.5,000/- (each) Free of cost Retained 152. One pen Mont blanc Dr. Tariq Hassan, Advisor to the Finance Minister 16-04-2003 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 153. One table clock (Pewter) Mian Abdus Sattar Laleka, Minister for Labour, Manpower & Overseas Pakistanis 16-04-2003 Rs.7,000/- Free of cost Retained 154. a. One glass shape decoration piece Mian Abdus Sattar Laleka, Minister for Labour, Manpower & Overseas Pakistanis 16-04-2003 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 155. One photo frame Mian Abdus Sattar Laleka, Minister for Labour, Manpower & Overseas Pakistanis 16-04-2003 Rs.2,200/- Free of cost Retained 156. One plate shape decoration piece Mian Abdus Sattar Laleka, Minister for Labour, Manpower & Overseas Pakistanis 16-04-2003 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 157. One mobile set Nokia 7210 Seema Ilahi Baloch, Deputy Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 19-04-2003 Rs.14,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.4,601/- 158. One stereo cassette recorder AM/FM Foreign Secretary 23-04-2003 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 159. One carpet Foreign Secretary 23-04-2003 Rs.7,500/- Free of cost Retained 160. One Afghan made Carpet Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 24-04-2003 Rs.6,500/- Free of cost Retained 161. One Jewelry Box Mr. Afzal Shah, Protocol Officer, Foreign Affairs 25-04-2003 Rs. 750/- Free of cost Retained 162. One carpet General Parvez Musharraf, President of Pakistan 26-04-2003 Rs.18,500/- Rs.1,275/- Amount deposited, gift retained 163. a. One dagger b. One chimney Mian Abdus Sattar Laleka, Minister for Labour, Manpower & Overseas Pakistanis 26-04-2003 a. Rs.5,000/- b. Rs.16,000/- Rs.1,650/- Amount deposited, gift retained 164. a. Qur’an Pak, b. Piece of Ghilaf e Kaaba c. Chimney set (3pcs) Mian Abdus Sattar Laleka, Minister for Labour, Manpower & Overseas Pakistanis 26-04-2003 a. NCV b. NCV c. Rs.7,500/- Free of cost Retained 165. a. Model of Office of Amir of Kuwait b. Brief case c. One perfume d. One wrist watch (Christian Bernard, Paris) e. Ball pen (Christian Bernard, Paris) f. Pair of cufflinks g. Digital personal assistant Mian Abdus Sattar Laleka, Minister for Labour, Manpower & Overseas Pakistanis 26-04-2003 a. Rs.5,500/- b. Rs.6,300/- c. Rs.2,000/- d. Rs.25,000/- e. Rs.6,500/- f. Rs.6,00/- g. Rs.6,000/- Rs.6,285/- Amount deposited, gift retained 166. Qur’an Pak Mohib Ali Phulpoto, PS to Minister for Labour Manpower & Overseas Pakistanis 27-04-2003 NCV Free of cost Retained 167. a. Brief case b. Perfume c. Wrist watch Continental d. Ball point e. Electronic Dictionary Mohib Ali Phulpoto, PS to Minister for Labour Manpower & Overseas Pakistanis 27-04-2003 a. Rs.3,000/- b. Rs.950/- c. Rs.8,000/- d. Rs.3,500/- e. Rs.3,100/- Rs.1,283/- Amount deposited, gift retained 168. One Jewelry Box Syed Abrar Hussain, Director Afghanistan, Foreign Affairs 28-04-2003 Rs.750/- Free of cost Retained 169. One carpet Foreign Minister 29-04-2003 Rs.7,500/- Free of cost Retained 170. One cassette recorder Dr. Abdul Hafeez Shaikh, Minister for Privatization 30-04-2003 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 171. One ball pen Cross with knife Syed Afzal Hussain Shah, Protocol Officer (V-I) 12-05-2003 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 172. a. Model of ship b. wooden box containing world map c. wrist watch Roger Dubuis d. Wrist watch Bertulucci Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-05-2003 a. Rs.22,000/- b. Rs.80,000/- c. Rs.350,000/ - d. Rs.300,000/ - Rs. 111,300/- Amount deposited, gift retained 173. a. One laptop Acer, b. Jewelry set c. Four gold coins d. One box containing CDVCD e. One shield Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-05-2003 a. Rs. 95,000/- b. Rs.121,680/ - c. Rs.44,265/- d. Rs.1,500/- e. NCV Rs.37,867/- Amount deposited, gift retained 174. a. Model of ship b. Book and diary set c. Wrist watch, Korloff d. One necklace pearl, e. Two bangles pearl f. One decoration piece with diamonds g. Wooden model of ship Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-05-2003 a. Rs.7,000/- b. NCV c. Rs.20,000/- d. Rs.2,200/- e. Rs.52,390/- f. Rs.185,000/ - g. Rs.5,800/- Rs.39,359/- Amount deposited, gift retained 175. a. Decoration (table clock) b. Leather bag Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-05-2003 a. Rs.40,000/- b. Rs.16,500/- Rs.6,975/- Amount deposited, gift retained 176. One flower vase Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-05-2003 Rs.4,500/- Free of cost Retained 177. One decoration plate Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-05-2003 Rs.5,500/- Free of cost Retained 178. Replica of camel Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-05-2003 Rs.9,000/- Free of cost Retained 179. One carpet Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-05-2003 Rs.18,500/- Rs.1,275/- Amount deposited, gift retained 180. One pen with knife Mr. Saqlain Javed, Protocol Officer (VI) 17-05-2003 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 181. One pen and Two Ball Point Finance Minister 26-05-2003 Rs.8,500/- Free of cost Retained 182. Crystal Vase Saqlain Javed, Protocol Officer (VI) 26-05-2003 Rs.550/- Free of cost Retained 183. One table clock Dr. Tariq Hassan, Advisor to the Finance Minister 10-06-2003 Rs.1,200/- - Auctioned for Rs.777/- 184. One decoration piece (hanging) Mr. Nawid Ahsan Secretary, Finance 12-06-2003 Rs.850/- Free of cost Retained 185. Leather brief case Auditor General of Pakistan 14-06-2003 Rs.5,500/- Free of cost Retained 186. Wooden Tray Auditor General of Pakistan 14-06-2003 Rs.800/- Free of cost Retained 187. Wooden Carving piece Mohammad Mohsin Khan, Deputy Auditor General of Pakistan 14-06-2003 Rs.150/- Free of cost Retained 188. Ka. Key Chain Holder b. Leather Belt c. One Wallet Mohammad Mohsin Khan, Deputy Auditor General of Pakistan 14-06-2003 a. Rs.250/- b. Rs.100/- c. Rs.350/- Free of cost Retained 189. Metallic ceramic plate Chairman, CDA 24-06-2003 Rs.9,000/- - Displayed at Chairman CDA Office 190. One decoration silver jug with plate Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 05-07-2003 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 191. a. One table clock b. One ball point Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 05-07-2003 a. Rs.1,200/- b. Rs.150/- Free of cost Retained 192. One carpet Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 07-07-2003 Rs.4,500/- Free of cost Retained 193. One decoration piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 07-07-2003 Rs.600/- Free of cost Retained 194. One scenery Dr. Waqar Masood Khan, Secretary, Economic Affairs Division 14-07-2003 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 195. Metal decoration piece Dr. Abdul Hafeez, Minister for Privatization 14-07-2003 Rs.800/- Free of cost Retained 196. One fountain pen (Pelikan) with Inkpot Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 16-07-2003 Rs.9,500/- Free of cost Retained 197. Wrist Watch PAL Sqn. Ldr. Amjad Khalil Faizi, Deputy Director (I&I), (NAB), Karachi 16-07-2003 Rs.300/- - Auctioned for Rs.1,000/- 198. One decoration plate (porcelain) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 18-07-2003 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 199. One decoration plate Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 18-07-2003 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 200. a. One packet of Rugs b. One packet of plates Col. Salik Nawaz (Retd), Deputy Chief of Protocol (VII) 22-07-2003 a. Rs.1,000/- b. Rs.4,300/- Free of cost Retained 201. One large and twelve medium size rice plates M. Yousaf Ali, Director General (Africa) 23-07-2003 Rs.4,300/- Free of cost Retained 202. One rug Director General (Africa) 23-07-2003 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 203. a. One shawl b. Two caps, c. Pair of metallic flowers d. Model of tree e. Framed clay painting General Parvez Musharraf, President of Pakistan 28-07-2003 a. Rs.2,000/- b. Rs.2,000/- (each) c. Rs.600/- d. Rs.8,000/- e. Rs.1,500/- Rs.915/- Amount deposited, gift retained 204. a. Pair of studs b. One framed model of sword c. Wooden box containing saddle, d. One carpet e. One carpet General Parvez Musharraf, President of Pakistan 28-07-2003 a. Rs.500/- b. Rs.3,000/- c. Rs.9,000/- d. Rs. 5,000/- e. Rs. 15,000/- Rs.3,375/- Amount deposited, gift retained 205. a. One shield b. One golden and diamond necklace c. One ladies purse gold and diamond made d. Pair of ear rings gold and diamond made General Parvez Musharraf, President of Pakistan 28-07-2003 a. NCV b. Rs.115,000/- c. Rs.2,75,000/ - d. Rs.125,500/- Rs.75,825/- Amount deposited, gift retained 206. One Souvenir Mr. Ahmed Waqar, Secretary, Privatization Commission 28-07-2003 Rs.4,000/- Free of cost Retained 207. One packet of plates Shahbaz M. Malik, Protocol officer (VII) 29-07-2003 Rs.4,300/- Free of cost Retained 208. One tiles painting Chief of Protocol, M/o Foreign Affairs 01-08-2003 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 209. Wrist Watch (Concord) Mr. Hasnain Jaffar Bilgrami, Controller News, PTC 04-08-2003 Rs.30,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 210. One Sony Camera (Cyber-shot UModel DSC-U20) with accessories Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 12-08-2003 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 211. One mobile set Samsung with accessories Mr. Nawid Ahsan Secretary, Finance 22-08-2003 Rs.13,900/- Rs.585/- Amount deposited, gift retained 212. One packet of metallic tea set General Parvez Musharraf, President of Pakistan 23-08-2003 Rs.4,000/- Free of cost Retained 213. One ladies suit piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 01-09-2003 Rs.450/- Free of cost Retained 214. One piece Ghilaf e Kaaba Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 02-09-2003 NCV Free of cost Retained 215. One piece Ghilaf e Kaaba Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 02-09-2003 NCV Free of cost Retained 216. One Holy Qur’an Brig. Tahir Mahmud Malik, Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 02-09-2003 NCV Free of cost Retained 217. One shield Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 05-09-2003 NCV Free of cost Retained 218. One chess Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 05-09-2003 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 219. One statue Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-09-2003 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 220. Wrist Watch (Concord) Brig. Asif Akhtar, Ex-Defence Attache, Embassy of Pakistan in Saudi Arabia 15-09-2003 Rs.75,000/- Rs.9,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 221. One cigarette box Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-09-2003 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 222. One dagger Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 22-09-2003 Rs.5,600/- Free of cost Retained 223. One laptop (Samsung Sens X10) Dr. Waqar Masood Khan, Secretary, Economic Affairs Division 24-09-2003 Rs.115,000/- Rs.15,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 224. a. One photo frame of wall of China b. One VCD Player Mr. Khalid Saeed, Secretary IT 24-09-2003 a. Rs.1,500/- b. Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 225. One decoration piece (Scenery) Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-09-2003 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 226. One cigar box (decoration piece) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 27-09-2003 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 227. One decoration piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 27-09-2003 Rs.1,800/- Free of cost Retained 228. Wrist Watch (Concord) Mr. Rashid Ali Khan, Chief Reporter, APP, Karachi 30-09-2003 Rs.30,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 229. One flower vase (silver) Col. Salik Nawaz (Retd), Deputy Chief of Protocol 02-10-2003 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 230. a. 3 coins b. One wooden frame c. A model of boat Mr. Nawid Ahsan Secretary, Finance 09-10-2003 a. Rs.1,300/- b. Rs.1,500/- c. Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 231. One crystal decoration piece Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-10-2003 Rs.22,000/- Rs.1,800/- Amount deposited, gift retained 232. Crystal Globe (The Spirit of Enterprises) Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-10-2003 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 233. Ceramic bowl (Chicago Skyline) Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-10-2003 Rs.8,500/- Free of cost Retained 234. One table lamp Dr. Waqar Masood Khan, Secretary, EAD 13-10-2003 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 235. One wooden decoration piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 14-10-2003 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 236. Betel Nut container General Parvez Musharraf, President of Pakistan 20-10-2003 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 237. Two small boxes General Parvez Musharraf, President of Pakistan 20-10-2003 Rs.1,600/- Free of cost Retained 238. One Carpet General Parvez Musharraf, President of Pakistan 20-10-2003 Rs.21,000/- Rs.1,650/- Amount deposited, gift retained 239. a. Wrist Watch Bvlgari (Gents) b. Wrist Watch Bvlgari (Lady’s) Col. Salik Nawaz, Deputy Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 20-10-2003 a. Rs.85,000/- b. Rs.35,000/- Rs.16,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 240. Dinner set (48 pcs) General Parvez Musharraf, President of Pakistan 20-10-2003 Rs.4,500/- Free of cost Retained 241. One wall hanging Carpet Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 23-10-2003 Rs.15,000/- Rs. 750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 242. One shield Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 23-10-2003 NCV Free of cost Retained 243. a. Wrist Watch Roberge Gent’s, b. Wrist Watch Roberge Ladies Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Minister for Finance 23-10-2003 a. Rs. 135,000/- b. Rs. 125,000/- - Auctioned a. for Rs.61,500/- b. for Rs.48,000/- 244. a. Two Pen b. Pair of Cufflinks c. Gent’s ring d. One bracelet e. One lady’s ring f. Pair of ear stud g. One Calculator h. One magnifying glass i. One Tasbih j. One brief case Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Minister for Finance 23-10-2003 a. Rs.31,420/- b. Rs.77,706/- c. Rs.19,560/- d. Rs.23,026/- e. Rs.5,689/- f. Rs.2,160/- g. Rs.1,038/- h. Rs.755/- i. Rs.21,400/- j. Rs.8,000/- Rs.19,034/- Amount deposited, gift retained 245. a. 30 audio cassettes+ Holy Quran b. Ghilaf e Kaaba c. Jewelry set d. Model of Holy Stone of Kaaba Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 24-10-2003 a. NCV b. NCV c. Rs. 1,299,507/- d. Rs.17,000/- Rs. 195,976/- Amount deposited, gift retained 246. Wrist Watch Concord Syed Afzal Hussain Shah, Protocol Officer, Foreign Affairs 24-10-2003 Rs. 45,000/- Rs.5,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 247. Decoration Piece (Falcon) (Golden Color) Mr. Khurshid Mahmood Kasuri, Foreign Minister 24-10-2003 Rs.22,000/- Rs.1,800/- Amount deposited, gift retained 248. a. One wrist watch Lady b. Gent’s Ring c. Lady’s Ring d. Pair of Cufflinks e. Pair of Ear Rings f. Pen in 18kt g. String of Beads h. Magnifying Glass i. Calculator j. Brief Case Brig.(R) Mian Khalid Habib, Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 24-10-2003 a. Rs.85,000/- b. Rs.5,320/- c. Rs.20,062/- d. Rs.9,140/- e. Rs.28,684/- f. Rs.8,100/- g. Rs.17,600/- h. Rs.755/- i. Rs.1,038/- j. Rs.8,000/- Rs.26,055/- Amount deposited, gift retained 249. One decoration piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 25-10-2003 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 250. a. Wrist Watch Bvgari (Gents|) b. Wrist Watch Bvlgari Lady’s Sheikh Rasheed Ahmed, Minister for Information 25-10-2003 a. Rs. 45,000/- b. Rs.35,000/- Rs.10,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 251. Leather Folio Col. Salik Nawaz (Retd), Deputy Chief of Protocol 27-10-2003 Rs.1,400/- Free of cost Retained 252. One ceramic tray Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-10-2003 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 253. One decoration piece (Bowl) Dr. Waqar Masood Khan, Secretary, Economic Affairs Division 30-10-2003 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 254. Wrist Watch Concord Ms. Seema Elahi Baloch, Deputy Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 01-11-2003 Rs.55,000/- Rs.6,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 255. One wall hanging Foreign Secretary 06-11-2003 Rs.1,200/- Free of cost Retained 256. a. One wall hanging b. One carpet c. Four rings Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-11-2003 a. Rs.16,000/- b. Rs.11,000/- c. Rs.1,600/- Rs.2,790/- Amount deposited, gift retained 257. Barghai-e-Zarrin (Quranic Verses) Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-11-2003 NCV Free of cost Retained 258. One bottle of Saffron Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-11-2003 NCV Free of cost Retained 259. Four cottons of Zaitoon Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-11-2003 NCV Free of cost Retained 260. One album of religious and historical places Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-11-2003 NCV Free of cost Retained 261. Five packets of Tabaruk Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-11-2003 NCV Free of cost Retained 262. Packet of pistachio Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-11-2003 NCV Free of cost Retained 263. One Wrist Watch (Samsung) Syed Afzal Hussain Shah, Protocol Officer (V-II), Foreign Affairs 11-11-2003 Rs.1,200/- Free of Cost Retained 264. One Wrist Watch (Samsung) Mr. Salman Bashir, Additional Secretary (AP), Foreign Affairs 11-11-2003 Rs.1,200/- Free of Cost Retained 265. VCD Player Dr. Abdul Hafeez Shaikh, Minister for Privatization 13-11-2003 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 266. One Wrist Watch (Samsung) Dr. Abdul Hafeez, Shaikh, Minister for Privatisation 13-11-2003 Rs.1,200/- Free of Cost Retained 267. One VCD MP3 CD No. 03151898 Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 14-11-2003 Rs.2,500/- Free of Cost Retained 268. One Wrist Watch (Samsung) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 14-11-2003 Rs.1,200/- Free of Cost Retained 269. One Ball Point Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 14-11-2003 Rs.1,000/- Free of Cost Retained 270. One jewelry box containing Jewellery First lady, wife of General Parvez Musharraf, President of Pakistan 18-11-2003 Rs. 2,634,387/- Rs. 393,658/- Amount deposited, gift retained 271. Decoration piece General Parvez Musharraf, President of Pakistan 18-11-2003 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 272. One Wrist Watch (Samsung) Foreign Secretary 18-11-2003 Rs.1,200/- Free of Cost Retained 273. One VCD Player (Portable) Foreign Secretary 18-11-2003 Rs.2,500/- Free of Cost Retained 274. One Laptop Mr. Zia-ul-Islam, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Interior 21-11-2003 Rs.100,000/- Rs.13,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 275. One souvenir Chairman National Tariff Commission 22-11-2003 NCV - Displayed at Chairman National Tariff Commission office 276. One incense bowl General Parvez Musharraf, President of Pakistan 02-12-2003 Rs. 4,000/- Free of cost Retained 277. One decoration piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 03-12-2003 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 278. One Wrist Watch (Samsung) Major General Nadeem Taj, Military Secretary to President 05-12-2003 Rs.1,200/- Free of Cost Retained 279. One Wrist Watch (Samsung) Mrs. Major General, Nadeem Taj, Military Secretary to President 05-12-2003 Rs.1,200/- Free of Cost Retained 280. One Wrist Watch (Samsung) Lt. Col. Asim Saleem, Deputy Military Secretary to President 05-12-2003 Rs.1,200/- Free of Cost Retained 281. One scenery Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 06-12-2003 Rs.8,500/- Free of cost Retained 282. Wall mirror Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 06-12-2003 Rs.7,000/- Free of cost Retained 283. Three cups with saucer Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 15-12-2003 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 284. One insignia Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 15-12-2003 NCV Free of cost Retained MONETARY LIMIT AS PER PROCEDURE FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS AND THEIR DISPOSAL (21ST AUGUST, 2001): - The monetary limits upto which the gifts can be retained by the recipient are as follows: - (i) Gifts upto a value of Rs.10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) may be retained (free of cost) by the recipient. In case of low paid Government employees (BPS 1-BPS 10) the gift may be retained by the recipient irrespective of the value assessed. (ii) Gifts valued above Rs.10,000/- may be allowed to be retained by the recipient on payment of 15% of the value exceeding Rs.10,000/-. (iii) Gifts valued at Rs.400,000/- or more shall not be retained by the recipients, except President and the Head of the Government. This exemption shall however, not be available in case of antiques and gifts of intrinsic historical value. DISCLAIMER: - This data/list is provided on Federal Government directions as per the record available, and is based on the information/gifts declared or deposited by the persons and departments responsible for it, under the policy prevalent at that time. Cabinet Division is not responsible for any error or omissions made by those individuals/departments. 285. One book Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 15-12-2003 NCV Free of cost Retained 286. One decoration piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 16-12-2003 Rs.600/- Free of cost Retained 287. One painting and Chadar Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 19-12-2003 Rs.9,650/- Free of cost Retained 288. One flower vase Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 19-12-2003 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 289. One decoration piece (Wooden wall hanging) Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 19-12-2003 Rs.6,500/- Free of cost Retained 290. Cigarette case Mr. Waqar Masood Khan, Secretary, Economic Affairs 23-12-2003 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained TOSHAKHANA GIFT RECORD 2004 S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 1. One Porcelain decoration piece (Flower Vase) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 07-01-2004 Rs.1,000/- Free of Cost Retained 2. Silver decoration piece (Room) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 07-01-2004 Rs.6,500/- Free of Cost Retained 3. Ladies Banarsi (Silk) Sari Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 07-01-2004 Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained 4. One Small Dagger Syed Afzal Hussain Shah, Protocol Officer (V-II), Foreign Affairs 12-01-2004 Rs.500/- Free of Cost Retained 5. a. One Shirt b. One Tie Syed Afzal Hussain Shah, Protocol Officer (V-II), Foreign Affairs 12-01-2004 a. Rs.350/- b. Rs.300/- Free of Cost Retained 6. One Shirt Col. Salik Nawaz (Retd), Deputy Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 12-01-2004 Rs.500/- Free of Cost Retained 7. a. One necklace b. One decoration piece Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-01-2004 a. Rs.8,000/- b. Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 8. a. One tin of tea b. One carpet Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-01-2004 a. Rs.2,000/- b. Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 9. a. One mat b. Tuna Fish c. One diary+ book Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-01-2004 a. Rs.4,000/- b. Rs.3,600/- c. NCV Free of cost Retained 10. a. One Saree Silk b. One silver box Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-01-2004 a. Rs.8,500/- b. Rs.16,000/- Rs.2,175/- Amount deposited, gift retained 11. One wooden decoration piece Brig. Tahir Mahmud Malik, Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 13-01-2004 Rs.450/- Free of cost Retained 12. One Rug General Parvez Musharraf, President of 15-01-2004 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks Pakistan 13. Table set (marble) Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 15-01-2004 Rs.22,000/- Rs.1,800/- Amount deposited, gift retained 14. One small carpet Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 15-01-2004 Rs.12,000/- Rs.300/- Amount deposited, gift retained 15. One Carpet Brig. Tahir Mahmud Malik, Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 20-01-2004 Rs.4,000/- Free of Cost Retained 16. One Flower Vase Lt. Cdr. Ahmad Farooq Butt, ADC to the Prime Minister 20-01-2004 Rs.1,200/- Free of Cost Retained 17. One Carpet Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 21-01-2004 Rs.5,000/- Free of Cost Retained 18. One pot (decoration piece) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 21-01-2004 Rs.1,500/- Free of Cost Retained 19. Rolex Wrist watch Aijaz Ahmed Chaudhary, MNA 26-01-2004 Rs.335,000/- Rs.48,750 Amount deposited, gift retained 20. a. Gold set consisting of one gold necklace, one gold ring, pair of ear ring b. Nokia Mobile set Aijaz Ahmed Chaudhary, MNA 26-01-2004 a. Rs.60,469/- b. Rs.22,000/- Rs.10,870/- Amount deposited, gift retained 21. a. One metal decoration piece b. One saree General Parvez Musharraf, President of Pakistan 27-01-2004 a. Rs.1,650/- b. Rs.1,200/- Free of cost Retained 22. One carpet General Parvez Musharraf, President of Pakistan 27-01-2004 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 23. One wooden Flower vase General Parvez Musharraf, President of Pakistan 27-01-2004 Rs.8,500/- Free of cost Retained 24. a. One metal vase b. Two silk Saree General Parvez Musharraf, President of 27-01-2004 a. Rs.84,700/- b. Rs.7,000/- Rs.12,255/- Amount deposited, gift S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks Pakistan retained 25. a. One Gem Studded Elephant b. One Saree General Parvez Musharraf, President of Pakistan 27-01-2004 a. Rs.3,500/- b. Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 26. Three packet set (Leather) General Parvez Musharraf, President of Pakistan 27-01-2004 NCV Free of cost Retained 27. One decoration box Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 29-01-2004 Rs.550/- Free of Cost Retained 28. One looking glass with silver Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 29-01-2004 Rs.800/- Free of Cost Retained 29. Large box containing a picture in a glass frame General Parvez Musharraf, President of Pakistan 31-01-2004 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 30. a. Two pens b. One wrist watch c. One Ebel ladies wrist watch d. One decoration piece e. One Tasbeeh General Parvez Musharraf, President of Pakistan 31-01-2004 a. Rs.12,000/- b. Rs.385,000/- c. Rs.350,000/- d. Rs.6,500/- e. Rs.29,750/- Rs.115,988/- Amount deposited, gift retained 31. One silver decoration piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 31-01-2004 Rs.2,163/- Free of Cost Retained 32. One concord wrist watch Mr. M. Arshad Saleem, News Reporter PTV 17-02-2004 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 33. One concord wrist watch Faqir Ahmed Controller news PBC 21-02-2004 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 34. One Metallic/Ceramic Plate Col. Salik Nawaz, Deputy Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs. 23-02-2004 Rs.1,500/- Free of Cost Retained 35. One gents shirt Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 24-2-2004 Rs.450/- Free of Cost Retained 36. One decoration piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance 24-02-2004 Rs.4,500/- Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks Minister 37. One Wrist Watch Concord Mr. Arif Mahmud, Director (Gulf Region), Foreign Affairs 25-02-2004 Rs.45,000/- Rs.5,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 38. One Metallic/Ceramic Plate Brig. ®Mian Khalid Habib, Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 28-02-2004 Rs.1,500/- Free of Cost Retained 39. Wrist Watch (Concord) Mr. Masood Akhtar, Deputy Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 03-03-2004 Rs.75,000/- Rs.9,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 40. One decoration bowl Mr. Nawid Ahsan, Finance Secretary 04-03-2004 Rs.1,800/- Free of Cost Retained 41. One Ash Tray Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 05-03-2004 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 42. Fruit Bowl Waqar Mehsood Khan, Secretary, Economic Affairs Division 08-03-2004 Rs.2,200/- Free of cost Retained 43. One Flower Vase Col. Salik Nawaz, Deputy Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs. 09-03-2004 Rs.1,200/- Free of Cost Retained 44. One Jewellery box containing: - a. One necklace b. One bracelet c. One pair of ear ring d. One ring e. One model of Hajr-e-Aswad General Parvez Musharraf, President of Pakistan 10-03-2004 a. Rs.2,916,900/- b. Rs.1,409,600/- c. Rs.277,080/- d. Rs.119,500/- e. Rs.17,000/- Rs.709,512/- Amount deposited, gift retained 45. One Dagger Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-03-2004 Rs.18,875/- Rs.1,331/- Amount deposited, gift retained 46. Two bookplate, one book and Insignia Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-03-2004 NCV Free of cost Retained 47. One dinner Set 45 Mir Zafarullah Khan 10-03-2004 Rs.5,500/- Free of cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks pieces Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 48. a. One Flower vase b. One ladies suit Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-03-2004 a. Rs.6,000/- b. Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 49. Replica of Boat Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-03-2004 Rs.9,000/- Free of cost Retained 50. One Flower Vase Brig. ®Mian Khalid Habib, Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 10-03-2004 Rs.1,200/- Free of Cost Retained 51. a. One wrist watch Bvlgari b. One wrist watch Bvlgari Brig. Mian Khalid Habib, Chief Protocol 10-03-2004 a. Rs.40,000/- b. Rs.35,000/- Rs.9,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 52. One concord wrist watch Bvlgari Syed Afzal Shah, Protocol Officer, Foreign Affairs 10-03-2004 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 53. One concord wrist watch Bvlgari Mr. Abdul Shaifq, Director General (Imp), President Sectt. 10-03-2004 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 54. a. One wrist watch, Bvlgari b. One wrist watch, Bvlgari Mr. Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri, Foreign Minister 11-03-2004 a. Rs.30,000/- b. Rs.25,000/- Rs.6,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 55. a. One wrist watch Bvlgari b. One wrist watch Bvlgari Shaikh Rashid Ahmed, Minister for Information & Broadcasting 11-03-2004 a. Rs.45,000/- b. Rs.40,000/- Rs.11,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 56. One wrist watch Christian Dior Mr. Shafkat Saeed, Additional Secretary (Foreign Affairs) 11-03-2004 Rs.20,000/- Rs.1,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 57. One Water Man (Pen) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 16-03-2004 Rs.1,400/- Free of Cost Retained 58. One decoration piece (flower vase) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 16-03-2004 Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 59. One stone sculpture Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 16-03-2004 NCV Free of Cost Retained 60. One Calligraphy duly framed Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 21-03-2004 Rs.5,500/- Free of cost Retained 61. One Replica of Horse Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 21-03-2004 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 62. Crystal decoration piece General Parvez Musharraf, President of Pakistan 24-03-2004 Rs.4,500/- Free of cost Retained 63. One flower vase Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 24-03-2004 Rs.4,000/- Free of cost Retained 64. One Ceramic plate Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 24-03-2004 NCV Free of cost Retained 65. One Copper Plate Secretary, Petroleum & Natural Resources 30-03-2004 Rs.450/- - Displayed at Prime Minister House 66. One pocket pen Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 02-04-2004 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 67. One framed picture Brig. ®Mian Khalid Habib, Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 03-04-2004 Rs.3,500/- Free of Cost Retained 68. Two flower vases General Parvez Musharraf, President of Pakistan 05-04-2004 Rs.4,500/-(each) Free of cost Retained 69. One Ewer (Yellow & Brown glaze) Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 12-04-2004 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 70. Four Bed Sheets Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 12-4-2004 Rs.2,200/- (each) Free of Cost Retained 71. One Mobile Set (Pocket PC) (with accessories) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 12-04-2004 Rs.44,000/- Rs.5,100/- Amount deposited, gift retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 72. Crystal Cigarette Box Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-04-2004 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 73. Crystal Fruit Bowl Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-04-2004 Rs.9,000/- Free of cost Retained 74. One Scenery duly framed Mr. Faridullah Khan Jamali 16-04-2004 Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained 75. Shanghai Shawl Waqar Mehsood Khan, Secretary, Economic Affairs Division 16-04-2004 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 76. One wrist watch concord Mr. Ehsanullah, LDC President Sectt. 20-04-2004 Rs.15,000/- Free of cost Retained 77. One Carpet Mr. Muhammad Azam Rathore, Additional Secretary (IPC), Cabinet Division. 24-04-2004 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 78. One Flower Vase (Silver) Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 04-05-2004 Rs.5,500/- Free of Cost Retained 79. One decoration piece Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 04-05-2004 Rs.1,500/- Free of Cost Retained 80. One Pen Set Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 04-05-2004 Rs.600/- Free of Cost Retained 81. Model of Ship Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 04-05-2004 Rs.9,500/- Free of Cost Retained 82. One Silver decoration piece Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 04-05-2004 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 83. One decoration piece Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 04-05-2004 Rs.1,000/- Free of Cost Retained 84. A Photograph duly framed Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of 04-05-2004 NCV Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks Pakistan 85. One decoration piece Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 04-05-2004 Rs.2,500/- Free of Cost Retained 86. One wall hanging Brig. Tahir Mahmud Malik, Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 04-05-2004 Rs.1,200/- Free of Cost Retained 87. One Carpet Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 05-05-2004 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 88. Pair of Glass Flower Vase Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 05-05-2004 Rs.500/- each Free of Cost Retained 89. Pair of Flower Vases Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 05-05-2004 Rs.500/- each Free of Cost Retained 90. Pair of flower Vases Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 05-05-2004 Rs. 500/- each Free of Cost Retained 91. Packet of gift (small) (wall hanging plate) (silver) Mr. Wali Mohammad Badini Senator 06-05-2004 Rs.1,200/- - Gift auctioned for Rs.1,310/- 92. A wall Hanging (Metal plate) Dr. Abdul Hafeez Sheikh, Minister for Privatization 10-05-2004 Rs.1,200/- Free of Cost Retained 93. Laptop Acer Mir Faridullah Khan Jamali 10-05-2004 Rs.95,000/- Rs.12,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 94. One wrist watch Bvlgari Mir Faridullah Khan Jamali 10-05-2004 Rs.62,000/- Rs.7,800/- Amount deposited, gift retained 95. One wrist watch Concord Mir Faridullah Khan Jamali 10-05-2004 Rs.45,000/- Rs.5,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 96. One wrist watch Omega Mir Faridullah Khan Jamali 10-05-2004 Rs.315,000/- Rs.45,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 97. One wrist watch concord Lt. Col. Asim Saleem Bajwa, Deputy Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 11-05-2004 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 98. One wrist watch concord Mr. Sanaullah, Cameraman 11-05-2004 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 99. One wrist watch concord Mr. Afzal Tanveer, Engineer 11-05-2004 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 100. One Silk Carpet Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 12-05-2004 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 101. Pair of Cufflinks with Tie Pin Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 12-05-2004 Rs.1,500/- Free of Cost Retained 102. Onyx flower Vase Col. Salik Nawaz, Deputy Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 18-05-2004 Rs.800/- Free of Cost Retained 103. Gift Pack (Massager) Mr. J. Bashar, Secretary, Board of Investment 18-05-2004 Rs.3,500/- Free of Cost Retained 104. One Small Empty Box Dr. Tariq Hassan, Chairman Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan 18-05-2004 Rs.400/- - Retained 105. One Dagger Waqar Mehsood Khan, Secretary, Economic Affairs Division 20-05-2004 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 106. A pair of vases Dr. Tariq Hassan, Advisor to Finance Minister 21-05-2004 Rs.500/- (each) Free of Cost Retained 107. One Chess Set Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-05-2004 Rs.3,200/- Free of Cost Retained 108. One decoration piece (silver) Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-05-2004 Rs.10,000/- Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 109. One Silver Picture Frame Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 25-05-2004 Rs.800/- Free of Cost Retained 110. One Tea Set Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 25-05-2004 Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained 111. One Gown (embroidered) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 25-05-2004 Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained 112. a. One Cloth (table Mat) b. One Pair of Stud Dr. Abdul Hafeez Sheikh, Minister for Privatization 27-05-2004 a. Rs.800/- b. Rs.16,240/- Rs.1,056/- Amount deposited, gift retained 113. One wrist watch Officina Del Tempo Syed Afzal Hussain Shah, Protocol Officer, Foreign Affairs 29-05-2004 Rs.18,000/- Rs.1,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 114. One decoration piece (Tankard) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 31-05-2004 Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained 115. One Golden Shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 31-05-2004 NCV Free of Cost Retained 116. One woolen carpet Waqar Mehsood Khan, Secretary, Economic Affairs Division 31-05-2004 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained 117. One wrist watch Rama (Swiss) Mr. Shafkat Saeed, Additional Secretary, M/o Foreign Affairs 31-05-2004 Rs.45,000/- Rs.5,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 118. a. Gents wrist watch (Frank Muller) b. Ladies wrist watch (Frank Muller) c. Leather hand bag Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 01-06-2004 a. Rs.75,000/- b. Rs.225,000/- c. Rs.2,500/- Rs.43,875/- Amount deposited, gift retained 119. One Model of Khana Ka’bah Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 02-06-2004 Rs.50,000/- Rs.6,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 120. a. One wrist watch Bvlgari (gents) b. One wrist watch Bvlgari (ladies) Mir Abdul Rahman Jamali, Minister of S&GAD, Government of Balochistan 02-06-2004 a. Rs.62,000/- b. Rs.45,000/- Rs.14,550/- Amount deposited, gift retained 121. One concord wrist watch Mr. Abdul Wahid, photographer, President 03-06-2004 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks Sectt. retained 122. a. Small flower basket b. One tie c. Agar Batti Waqar Mehsood Khan, Secretary, Economic Affairs Division 03-06-2004 a. Rs.500/- b. Rs.400/- c. Rs.150/- Free of cost Retained 123. a. One wrist watch Bvlgari (gents) b. One wrist watch Bvlgari (ladies) Wg. Cdr. Waqar Ahmed, Deputy Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 03-06-2004 a. Rs.62,000/- b. Rs.45,000/- Rs.14,550/- Amount deposited, gift retained 124. One wrist watch Officina Del Tempo Major Gul Muhammad Saqib, OSD (Admn), Prime Minister Sectt. 03-06-2004 Rs.18,000/- Rs.1,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 125. One wrist watch Officina Del Tempo Sqd. Ld. Anwar Karim, ADC to the Prime Minister 03-06-2004 Rs.18,000/- Rs.1,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 126. One wrist watch Officina Del Tempo Dr. Asif Irfan, Medical Officer, Prime Minister Sectt. 03-06-2004 Rs.18,000/- Rs.1,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 127. One wrist watch Officina Del Tempo Mr. Aurangzeb Khan, Comptroller Household Prime Minister Sectt. 03-06-2004 Rs.18,000/- Rs.1,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 128. One wrist watch Officina Del Tempo Nazir Ahmed Saeed, Protocol Assistant Prime Minister Sectt. 03-06-2004 Rs.18,000/- Rs.1,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 129. One wrist watch Officina Del Tempo Inspector, Khalid Nadeem Khan, Gunman 03-06-2004 Rs.18,000/- Rs.1,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 130. One wrist watch Officina Del Tempo Mr. Malik Arshad Mahmood, sub. Inspector, Gunman, Prime Minister’s Secretariat 03-06-2004 Rs.18,000/- Rs.1,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 131. One wrist watch Officina Del Tempo Mr. Zafar Iqbal, SSG Gunman Prime Ministers Secretariat 03-06-2004 Rs.18,000/- Free of Cost Retained 132. One wrist watch Officina Del Tempo Mr. M. Riaz, Constable 03-06-2004 Rs.18,000/- Free of cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 133. One wrist watch Officina Del Tempo Munir Ahmed Caretaker, Prime Minister Sectt. 03-06-2004 Rs.18,000/- Free of Cost Retained 134. One wrist watch Officina Del Tempo Haji Tora Khan, Valet Prime Minister Sectt. 03-06-2004 Rs.18,000/- Free of cost Retained 135. One Wooden Flower Vase Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 05-06-2004 Rs.1,800/- Free of Cost Retained 136. a. One wrist watch Bvlgari b. One wrist watch Bvlgari Mr. Awais Ahmed Khan, Leghari, Minister of IT &Telecom 08-06-2004 a. Rs.45,000/- b. Rs.40,000/- Rs.11,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 137. Two decoration piece of vases Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 09-06-2004 Rs.1,000/- (each) Free of Cost Retained 138. One decoration piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 09-06-2004 Rs.500/- Free of Cost Retained 139. One decoration piece (silver) Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-06-2004 Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained 140. One Shield Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-06-2004 NCV. Free of Cost Retained 141. a. One wrist watch Bvlgari gents b. One wrist watch Bvlgari ladies Brig Retd. Mian Khalid Habib, Chief protocol, Foreign Affairs 11-06-2004 a. Rs.62,000/- b. Rs.45,000/- Rs.14,550/- Amount deposited, gift retained 142. a. One wrist watch Bvlgari (gents) b. One wrist watch Bvlgari (ladies) Mian Waheeduddin, PSO to the Prime Minister 14-06-2004 a. Rs.62,000/- b. Rs.45,000/- Rs.14,550/- Amount deposited, gift retained 143. A Waterman Paris Pen Brig. ®Mian Khalid Habib, Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 15-06-2004 Rs.3,200/- Free of Cost Retained 144. One woolen carpet Brig. ®Mian Khalid Habib, Chief of Protocol, Foreign 15-06-2004 Rs.5,000/- Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks Affairs 145. One concord wrist watch Admiral (Retd.) Abdul Aziz Mirza, Ambassador of Pakistan 21-6-2004 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 146. One wrist watch concord Lt. Col. M. Samrez Salik, APS(C) 23-06-2004 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 147. One wrist watch concord Maj. Sher Ali Baz, Security Officer 23-06-2004 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 148. One wrist watch concord Maj. Abdul Basit, Staff Surgeon to Chief of Army Staff 24-6-2004 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 149. a. A table set (maroon color) b. A tie c. A ball point (Mont Blanc) Mr. Jahangir Khan, Minister for Industries & Production 29-06-2004 a. Rs.3,500/- b. RS.3,000/- c. Rs.16,000/- - Auctioned a. For Rs.1,500/- b. For Rs.1,770/ c. For Rs.11,000/- 150. Water Container (decoration piece) Col. Salik Nawaz, Deputy Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 02-07-2004 Rs.1,800/- Free of Cost Retained 151. One wrist watch Officina Del Tempo Mr. Abdul Hameed. Controller News reporter, PBC 06-07-2004 Rs.18,000/- Rs.1,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 152. A Waterman Paris Pen Col. Salik Nawaz, Deputy Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 12-07-2004 Rs.3,200/- Free of Cost Retained 153. One woolen carpet Foreign Secretary 14-07-2004 Rs.5,000/- Free of Cost Retained 154. A Waterman Paris Pen Foreign Secretary 14-07-2004 Rs.3,200/- Free of Cost Retained 155. a. One carpet b. One picture frame c. One brass vas General Parvez Musharraf, President of Pakistan 22-07-2004 a. Rs.14,000/- b. Rs.7,500/- c. Rs.3,200/- d. Rs.18,000/- Rs.7,365/- Amount deposited, gift retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks d. One carpet e. One sword f. One small carpet g. One carpet purse h. Coffee set e. Rs.10,000/- f. Rs.3,500/- g. Rs.500/- h. Rs.2,400/- 156. a. One broach b. One plate c. One crystal decoration block d. One bowl General Parvez Musharraf, President of Pakistan 22-07-2004 a. Rs.2,000/- b. Rs.500/- c. Rs.2,000/- d. Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 157. a. One decoration piece b. One bowl crystal c. One bowl blue d. One (printed cloth) Crystal bowl General Parvez Musharraf, President of Pakistan 22-07-2004 a. Rs.2,000/- b. Rs.1,200/- c. Rs.100/- d. Rs.4,000/- Free of cost Retained 158. Wrist Watch Roberge Admiral ® Abdul Aziz Mirza, Ambassador of Pakistan in Saudi Arabia 25-07-2004 Rs.25,000/- Rs.2,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 159. a. Model of Masjide-Nabvi b. Holy Quran + 32 audio c. Piece of Ghulaf-eKabah d. MP-5 Gun Ch. Shujat Hussain, Prime Minister of Pakistan 26-07-2004 a. Rs.65,000/- b. NCV c. NCV d. Rs.135,000/- Rs.28,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 160. a. One Carpet b. One Saree Ch. Shujat Hussain, Prime Minister of Pakistan 26-07-2004 a. Rs.7,000/- b. Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 161. Book Ch. Shujat Hussain, Prime Minister of Pakistan 26-07-2004 NCV Free of cost Retained 162. Decoration piece Ch. Shujat Hussain, Prime Minister of Pakistan 26-07-2004 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained 163. a. Set of cufflinks b. One tie Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 27-07-2004 a. Rs.1,500/- b. Rs.1,500/- Free of Cost Retained 164. Wrist Watch Roberge Brig. Tahir Mahmud Malik, Military Secretary 27-07-2004 Rs.25,000/- Rs.2,250/- Amount deposited, gift S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks to the Prime Minister retained 165. One Painting duly framed Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, Ex-Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-07-2004 Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained 166. Wrist Watch Roberge Muhammad Saeed Khan, Deputy Chief of Protocol (V-I), Foreign Affairs 28-07-2004 Rs.25,000/- Rs.2,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 167. Six Packet of Herbal Tea and a CD Syed Abrar Hussain, Director (SAARC), Foreign Affairs 31-07-2004 Rs.900/- Free of Cost Retained 168. A wall hanging plate Syed Abrar Hussain, Director (SAARC), Foreign Affairs 31-07-2004 Rs.4,000/- Free of Cost Retained 169. Small brass water container Syed Abrar Hussain, Director (SAARC), Foreign Affairs 31-07-2004 Rs.1,800/- Free of Cost Retained 170. Wrist Watch Roberge in steel 18kt Gold Mr. Shuja Shah, Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister 03-08-2004 Rs.35,000/- Rs.3,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 171. One sword Syed Anwar Mahmood, Secretary Information & Broadcasting 03-08-2004 Rs.4,000/- Free of Cost Retained 172. One small carpet Miss. Rabbani Khar, Parliamentary Secretary, Economic Affairs Division 10-08-2004 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 173. Book on Azerbaijan Cookery Miss. Rabbani Khar, Parliamentary Secretary, Economic Affairs Division 10-08-2004 NCV Free of cost Retained 174. Ceramic plate Miss. Rabbani Khar, Parliamentary Secretary, Economic Affairs Division 10-08-2004 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 175. Mobile Phone NOKIA 6220 R/Admiral Asaf Humanyun SI (M) 11-08-2004 Rs. 13,500/- Rs.525/- Amount deposited, gift retained 176. Mobile Phone NOKIA 3100 Cdr M. Qasim Janjua, SI (M) 11-08-2004 Rs.7,500/- Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 177. Mobile Phone NOKIA 3100 Captain Khalid Mahmood 11-08-2004 Rs.7,500/- Free of Cost Retained 178. a. One Mobile Phone Motorola V291 b. One MP-3 Player Lt. Cdr M. Jahanzeb Ahsan PN 11-08-2004 a. Rs.5,200/- b. Rs.4,500/- Free of Cost Retained 179. Mobile Phone (Motorola V290) Mr. Kazim Altaf AM (Tech) 11-08-2004 Rs.5,000/- Free of Cost Retained 180. Mobile Phone (Motorola V290) Mr. Zahid Rizwan (Tech) 11-08-2004 Rs.5,000/- Free of Cost Retained 181. Mobile Phone (Motorola V290) Mr. Muazam Hayat AM (Tech) 11-08-2004 Rs.5,000/- Free of Cost Retained 182. Mobile Phone (Motorola V290) Mr. Hasnain Ali, PN AM (Tech) 11-8-2004 Rs.5,000/- Free of Cost Retained 183. Mobile Phone (Motorola V290) Mr. Aqeel Rashad AM (Tech) 11-08-2004 Rs.5,000/- Free of Cost Retained 184. Mobile Phone (Motorola V290) Mr. Saqib Mahmood AM (Tech) 11-08-2004 Rs.5,000/- Free of Cost Retained 185. Three Piece Tea Set Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 12-08-2004 Rs.4,000/- Free of Cost Retained 186. One Woolen Carpet (6x4) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 12-08-2004 Rs.7,000/- Free of Cost Retained 187. One Radio and Recorder Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 12-08-2004 Rs.1,800/- Free of Cost Retained 188. One Scenery Painting Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 12-08-2004 Rs.5,000/- Free of Cost Retained 189. One decoration plate Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Finance Minister 12-08-2004 Rs.2,000/- Free of Cost Retained 190. One wooden box Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Minister Finance and Economic Affairs 12-08-2004 Rs.500/- Free of Cost Retained 191. One Jewellery box having one necklace and a ring General Parvez Musharraf, President of Pakistan 16-08-2004 Rs.195,000/- Rs.27,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 192. a. One wrist watch Bvlgari b. One wrist watch Bvlgari Maj General Shafatullah Shah, Military Secretary to President 25-08-2004 a. Rs.45,000/- b. Rs.40,000/- Rs.11,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 193. a. One wrist watch Bvlgari (gents) b. One Wrist Watch Bvlgari (ladies) Mohammad Ijaz-ul-Haq, Federal Minister for Religious Affairs 26-08-2004 a. Rs.45,000/- b. Rs.40,000/- Rs.11,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 194. One Jewellary box Brig. ®Mian Khalid Habib, Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 27-08-2004 Rs.1,000/- Free of Cost Retained 195. One Metallic box Col. Salik Nawaz ®, Deputy Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 30-08-2004 Rs.800/- Free of Cost Retained 196. One souvenir Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 2-09-2004 NCV Free of cost Retained 197. A wrist watch Concord Col. Salik Nawaz, DCVP, Foreign Affairs 11-09-2004 Rs.30,000/- Rs.3000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 198. One Wrist Watch Chaumat Muhammad Saeed Khan, Deputy Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 13-09-2004 Rs.30,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 199. One Ball Pen Mr. Tanweer Khalique, Protocol Officer (Admn & Accounts) 14-09-2004 Rs.1,200/- Free of Cost Retained 200. One Ball Pen Mohammad Kurshid, P.A to Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 14-09-2004 Rs.1,200/- Free of Cost Retained 201. One wrist watch Concord Brig. Tahir Mahmud Malik, Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 14-09-2004 Rs.30,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 202. One wrist watch Paul Picot Wife of Brig. Tahir Mahmud Malik 14-09-2004 Rs.50,000/- Rs.6,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 203. One wrist watch Concord Brig. Azhar Mahmood, Personal Physician to the Prime Minister 14-09-2004 Rs.30,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 204. One wrist watch Tissot Mr. Pervaiz Zahoor, Chief Security Officer to the Prime Minister 14-09-2004 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 205. One wrist watch Sqn. Ldr. Anwar Karim, 14-09-2004 Rs.30,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks Concord ADC to the Prime Minister deposited, gift retained 206. One wrist watch Tissot Major Arif Aziz Khan, Security officer 14-09-2004 Rs.14,000/- Rs.600/- Amount deposited, gift retained 207. A wrist watch Tissot Capt. (Retd.) Abdul Majeed Niazi, PRO to the Prime Minister 14-09-2004 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 208. A wrist watch Tissot Mr. M. Hassan, PS to the Prime Minister 14-09-2004 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 209. A wrist watch Tissot Mr. Shahzad Hussain LDC, Prime Minister Sectt. 14-09-2004 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 210. A wrist watch Tissot Mr. Khalid Nadeem, Inspector, Gunman 14-09-2004 Rs.14,000/- Rs.600/- Amount deposited, gift retained 211. A wrist watch Tissot Hav. Abdul Ghaffar, SSG Gunman 14-09-2004 Rs.14,000/- Rs.600/- Amount deposited, gift retained 212. A wrist watch Tissot NK, Sahib Khan, SSG Gunman 14-09-2004 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 213. A wrist watch Tissot H/C Muhammad Bashir, Gunman 14-09-2004 Rs.5,500/- Free of cost Retained 214. A wrist watch Tissot H/C Gulfraz Ali, Gunman 14-09-2004 Rs.14,000/- Free of cost Retained 215. A wrist watch Tissot Constable Rab Nawaz, Gunman 14-09-2004 Rs.5,500/- Free of cost Retained 216. A wrist watch Tissot Constable Siraj Khan, Gunman 14-09-2004 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 217. A wrist watch Tissot Sep. Irfan ul Haq, SSG, Gunman 14-09-2004 Rs.5,500/- Free of cost Retained 218. A wrist watch Trebor Constable Miss. Kalsoom Khan, Lady Gunman 14-09-2004 Rs.45,000/- Free of cost Retained 219. A wrist watch Trebor Constable Miss. Shahzad Begum, Lady Gunman 14-09-2004 Rs.45,000/- Free of cost Retained 220. A wrist watch Tissot Mr. M. Akram, Nursing Assistant 14-09-2004 Rs.14,000/- Free of cost Retained 221. A wrist watch Tissot Mr. M. Pervez Valet 14-09-2004 Rs.14,000/- Free of cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 222. a. A gent’s wrist watch Bvlgari b. A ladies wrist watch Bvlgari Mr. Sheikh Rasheed Ahmed, Minister for Information and Broadcasting 14-09-2004 a. Rs.45,000/- b. Rs.40,000/- Rs.11,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 223. a. A wrist watch gent’s Bvlgari b. a ladies wrist watch Bvlgari Mr. Aftab Ahmed Khan Sherpao, Minister of Interior 15-09-2004 a. Rs.45,000/- b. Rs.40,000/- Rs.11,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 224. Wrist Watch (Rado Florence, Golden Chain) Shahid Ali Seehar, Protocol Officer (V-I), Foreign Affairs 17-09-2004 Rs.20,000/- Rs.1,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 225. A wrist Watch Epos Brig. Tahir Mahmud Malik, Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 20-09-2004 Rs.55,000/- Rs.6,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 226. a. One book b. One coin (silver) Brig. Tahir Mahmud Malik, Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 20-09-2004 a. NCV b. Rs. 303/- Free of Cost Retained 227. One Tea Set (ceramics) Mr. Jahangir Khan, Tareen, Minister for Industries, Production and Special Initiatives 20-09-2004 Rs.1,500/- - Gift auctioned for Rs.3,911/- 228. One wall hanging (decoration piece) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-09-2004 Rs.7,500/- Free of cost Retained 229. One Jewellery Set Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-09-2004 Rs.227,505/- Rs.32,626/- Amount deposited, gift retained 230. One wrist watch Concord Mr. Javed Hafiz, Additional Secretary, M/o Foreign Affairs 20-09-2004 Rs.30,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 231. Wrist watch roles (DAYTONA) General Parvez Musharraf, President of Pakistan 21-09-2004 Rs.725,000/- Rs.107,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 232. A Flower Vase in a Wooden Case Mr. Muhammad Ilyas Dar, Joint Secretary M/o Religious Affairs 22-09-2004 Rs.4,000/- Free of Cost Retained 233. Souvenir in a frame Mr. Salim Iqbal, Sr. Joint 22-09-2004 Rs.1,800/- Free of Cost Gift auctioned S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks Secretary, M/o Religious Affairs for Rs.2,000/- 234. a. One wrist watch Bvlgari b. One wrist watch Bvlgari Mr. Habibullah Waraich, Minister for defence 27-09-2004 a. Rs.45,000/- b. Rs.40,000/- Rs.11,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 235. One wrist watch Officina Del Tempo Mr. Mohsin Ali, photographer, PID 29-09-2004 Rs.18,000/- Rs.1,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 236. a. One wrist watch Bvlgari (gents) b. One wrist watch Bvlgari (ladies) Mr. Babar Khan Gauri, Federal Minister for Ports and Shipping 29-09-2004 a. Rs.45,000/- b. Rs.40,000/- Rs.11,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 237. Model of Khana Kabah Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-09-2004 Rs.37,000/- Rs.5,550/- Amount deposited, gift retained 238. One bag with folder Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-09-2004 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 239. Box containing, wrist watch, ball ponts box of gold green pen, perfume Deep, Tashbih, Key Chain, telephone index, higher energy perfume Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-09-2004 Rs.201,700/- Rs.28,755/- Amount deposited, gift retained 240. Sword Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-09-2004 Rs.19,760/- Rs.1,464/- Amount deposited, gift retained 241. One wrist watch Tissot Mr. Mohsin Ali, Photographer, PID 29-09-2004 Rs.14,000/- Rs.600/- Amount deposited, gift retained 242. One wrist watch Officina Del Tempo Mr. Rafaqat Hussain, Engineer PTV 30-09-2004 Rs.18,000/- Rs.1,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 243. One wrist watch Mr. Rafaqat Hussain, 30-09-2004 Rs.14,000/- Rs.600/- Amount S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks Tissot Engineer PTV deposited, gift retained 244. One wrist watch Officina Del Tempo Ali Imran, Reporter, APP 06-10-2004 Rs.18,000/- Rs.1,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 245. One wrist of Officina Del temp Mr. Muzammil Ahmed Khan, Controller PTV News, Islamabad 06-10-2004 Rs. 18,000/- Rs.1,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 246. Two cigarettes cases General Parvez Musharraf, President of Pakistan 07-10-2004 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 247. One decoration piece General Parvez Musharraf, President of Pakistan 07-10-2004 Rs.6,500/- Free of cost Retained 248. One clay bowl General Parvez Musharraf, President of Pakistan 07-10-2004 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 249. a. One DVD-917V b. One book c. Two cds d. One cup e. One chadar Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 09-10-2004 a. Rs.3,200/- b. NCV c. NCV d. Rs.400/- e. Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 250. One wrist watch Tissot Mr. Saeed Akhtar, Protocol Assistant, M/o Foreign Affairs 12-10-2004 Rs.5,500/- Free of cost Retained 251. a. One Music CD b. One Ball Point (Mont Blanc) with scarf c. One Crystal Decoration Piece Mr. Jahangir Khan, Tareen, Minister for Industries, Production and Special Initiatives 13-10-2004 a. Rs.60/- b. Rs.5,000/- c. Rs.3,000/- - Gift auctioned a. for Rs.60/- b. for Rs.7,110/- c. for Rs.3,611/- 252. Ball Pen Col. Salik Nawaz®, Deputy Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 14-10-2004 Rs.1,500/- Free of Cost Retained 253. One wrist watch Concord Mr. Riaz H. Khokhar, Foreign Secretary 15-10-2004 Rs.30,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks retained 254. Model of ship “SAINT GERAN” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-10-2004 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained 255. Pair of Horses Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-10-2004 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 256. a. Wrist watch Piaget b. Wrist watch Chopard c. Four bottles of scent Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 19-10-2004 a. Rs.375,000/- b. Rs.120,000/- c. Rs.8,000/- Rs.73,950/- Amount deposited, gift retained 257. Ceramic flower vase Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 19-10-2004 Rs.650/- Free of cost Retained 258. One wrist watch Tissot Mr. M. Fayyaz Chaudhry, Foreign Editor, APP, Islamabad 20-10-2004 Rs.14,000/- Rs.600/- Amount deposited, gift retained 259. One wooden box (small) Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan Bosan, Minister Food, Agriculture & Livestock 21-10-2004 Rs.300/- Free of Cost Gift auctioned for Rs.652/- 260. One concord wrist watch Mr. Ali Imran Reporter APP 21-10-2004 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 261. Table clock Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 21-10-2004 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 262. Decoration piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 21-10-2004 Rs.5,500/- Free of cost Retained 263. a. One Wrist watch Bvlgari b. One Wrist watch Bvlgari Mr. Hamid Yar Hiraj, Minister for State for Commerce 21-10-2004 a. Rs.45,000/- b. Rs.40,000/- Rs.11,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 264. Mobile set Nokia (7260) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 22-10-2004 Rs.23,000/- Rs.1,950/- Amount deposited, gift retained 265. One wrist watch Officina Del Tempo Mr. Muhammad Younas Khan, Chief Cameraman, PTV 23-10-2004 Rs.18,000/- Rs.1,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 266. Wrist Watch Tissot Mr. Muhammad Younas Khan Chief Cameraman PTV 23-10-2004 Rs.5,500/- Free of cost Retained 267. One wrist watch (Audmars Piguet No.C-7467) Brig.(R) Mian Khalid Habib, Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 24-10-2004 Rs.375,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.161,000/- 268. One wrist watch Tissot Mr. Hassan Syed, Reporter PTV 25-10-2004 Rs.14,000/- Rs.600/- Amount deposited, gift retained 269. A Ball Point Mr. Munir Ahmed, Director (P&C), M/o Privatization 26-10-2004 Rs.200/- Free of Cost Retained 270. One wrist watch Officina Del Tempo Mr. Javed Iqbal Qureshi, Chief News Editor, Urdu Service, APPC, Islamabad 26-10-2004 Rs.18,000/- Rs.1,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 271. One wrist watch Officina Del Tempo Mr. Sohail Nasir, PhotoEditor, APPC, Islamabad 26-10-2004 Rs.18,000/- Rs.1,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 272. Insignia of Commonwealth Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 26-10-2004 NCV Free of cost Retained 273. A book Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 26-10-2004 NCV Free of cost Retained 274. a. One wrist watch Bvlgari (gents) b. One wrist watch Bvlgari (ladies) Mr. Muhammad Nasir Khan, Federal Minister for Health 27-10-2004 a. Rs.45,000/- b. Rs.40,000/- Rs.11,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 275. a. One Wrist watch Bvlgari b. One Wrist watch Bvlgari Ch. Shabaz Hussain, Minister for Population Welfare 28-10-2004 a. Rs.45,000/- b. Rs.40,000/- Rs.11,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 276. One concord wrist watch Col. Baber Mumtaz, Additional Security Officer to President 2-11-2004 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 277. a. One wrist watch Bvlgari (gents) b. One wrist watch Bvlgari (ladies) Minister for Housing & Works 04-11-2004 a. Rs.45,000/- b. Rs.40,000/- Rs.11,250/- Gift auctioned a. for Rs.28,110/- b. for S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks Rs.28,110- 278. a. sOne wrist watch Bvlgari b. One wrist watch Bvlgari Senator Tariq Azim Khan, Minister of State for Overseas Pakistanis 05-11-2004 a. Rs.45,000/- b. Rs.40,000/- Rs.11,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 279. Stamp Album Brig. Tahir Mahmud Malik, Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 06-11-2004 NCV Free of Cost Retained 280. A scenery duly framed Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-11-2004 Rs.4,000/- Free of cost Retained 281. Two dinner sets (48 pcs) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-11-2004 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 282. a. A dinner set b. A necklace Pearl c. A saree Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-11-2004 a. Rs.5,000/- b. Rs.10,000/- c. Rs.1,500/- Rs.975/- Amount deposited, gift retained 283. A Jewellery box Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-11-2004 Rs.3,200/- Free of cost Retained 284. Two caps & two bags Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-11-2004 Rs.1,200/- Free of cost Retained 285. A saree, a book, a hair brush and two combs Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-11-2004 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 286. Tea set 17 Pcs Miss. Hina Rabbani Khar, Minister of State for Economic Affairs 11-11-2004 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 287. A pullover & cap Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-11-2004 Rs.6,000/- Free of cost Retained 288. One Mini DVD Mr. Mumtaz Malik, Joint Secretary, (EF-C&B), Finance Division 12-11-2004 Rs.4,200/- Free of Cost Retained 289. Woolen Rug and a wooden marque Foreign Secretary 12-11-2004 Rs.2,500- Rs.800/- Free of Cost Retained 290. a. A carpet b. A shawl Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-11-2004 a. Rs.3,800/- b. Rs.1,800/- Free of cost Retained 291. Carpet General Parvez Musharraf, President of Pakistan 22-11-2004 Rs.22,000/- Rs.1,800/- Amount deposited, gift retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 292. a. One wrist watch Bvlgari (gents) b. One wrist watch Bvlgari (ladies) Mr. Rais Munir Ahmed, Ex-Minister for sports Culture & Youth 22-11-2004 a. Rs.45,000/- b. Rs.40,000/- Rs.11,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 293. Three sceneries Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 22-11-2004 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 294. Metallic Ash Tray decoration piece Mr. Abdul Ghafoor A. Memon, Director, Public Relation, PID, Karachi 25-11-2004 Within limit of Rs. 10,000/- Free of Cost Retained but the gift was not deposited as per Procedure 295. a. A Saree b. A dinner set Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 26-11-2004 a. Rs.1,600/- b. Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 296. A perfume & Shampoo Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 26-11-2004 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 297. One scenery Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-11-2004 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 298. A decoration piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-11-2004 Rs.1,800/- Free of cost Retained 299. a. Two chaddars b. Four turbans c. Gents suit d. Ladies suit e. Three swords Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-11-2004 a. Rs.2,000/- b. Rs.800/- c. Rs.1,500/- d. Rs.700/- e. Rs.9,000/- Rs.600/- Amount deposited, gift retained 300. a. Stamps Album b. A Chaddar Lt. Cdr. Waseem Abbas Naqvi, ADC to the Prime Minister 30-11-2004 a. NCV b. Rs.1,800/- Free of Cost Retained 301. a. One rug b. One shawl Miss. Hina Rabbani Khar, Minister of State for Economic Affairs 01-12-2004 a. Rs.3800/- b. Rs.1800/- Free of cost Retained 302. Woolen Rug Foreign Secretary 02-12-2004 Rs.3,800/- Free of Cost Retained 303. Metallic box Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan Bosan, Minister Food, Agriculture & Livestock 03-12-2004 Rs.200/- - Gift auctioned for Rs.411/- 304. One wrist watch Tissot Mr. Javed Khan Jadoon, Deputy, Controller News, PBC, Islamabad 04-12-2004 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 305. a. One wrist watch Bvlgari (gents) b. One wrist watch Bvlgari (ladies) Mr. Ashfaq Ahmed Gondal, Press Secretary to the Prime Minister 06-12-2004 a. Rs.62,000/- b. Rs.45,000/- Rs.14,550/- Amount deposited, gift retained 306. One table clock Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 06-12-2004 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 307. a. A dagger in gold b. A shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 06-12-2004 a. Rs.129,200/- b. Rs.1,500/- Rs.18,105/- Amount deposited, gift retained 308. Pair of flower vase Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 06-12-2004 Rs.10,800/- Rs.120/- Amount deposited, gift retained 309. A shirt and Saree Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 06-12-2004 a. Rs.350/- b. Rs.1,800/- Free of cost Retained 310. A sword Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 06-12-2004 Rs.4,000/- Free of cost Retained 311. a. A necklace b. A shawl c. A decoration piece d. Wall hanging picture Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 06-12-2004 a. Rs.400/- b. Rs.3,000/- c. Rs.2,500/- d. Rs.7,500/- Rs.510/- Amount deposited, gift retained 312. One Wooden Jharoka Brig. Tahir Mahmud Malik, Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 08-12-2004 Rs.1,500/- Free of Cost Retained 313. One Dagger Brig. Tahir Mahmud Malik, Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 08-12-2004 Rs.2,000/- Free of Cost Retained 314. One Shawl Brig. Tahir Mahmud Malik, Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 08-12-2004 Rs.1,800/- Free of Cost Retained 315. A Jewelry box Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-12-2004 Rs.3,750/- Free of cost Retained 316. A wall hanging ceramic plate Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-12-2004 Rs.500/- Free of cost Retained 317. Three Daggers Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-12-2004 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 318. Two scarfs Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-12-2004 Rs.50/- Free of cost Retained 319. Wooden Jharoka, Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-12-2004 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 320. Replica of parliament House Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-12-2004 NCV Free of cost Retained 321. a. sA tea set b. A necklace set Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-12-2004 a. Rs.5,000/- b. Rs.510/- Free of cost Retained 322. A glass decoration piece Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan Bosan, Minister Food, Agriculture & Livestock 10-12-2004 Rs.4,500/- Free of cost Retained 323. A scenery Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-12-2004 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained 324. a. A wall Clock b. Tasbih Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan Bosan, Minister Food, Agriculture & Livestock 13-12-2004 a. Rs.1,400/- b. Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 325. A wall Clock Mr. M. Ali Malkani, Minster of State for Food, Agriculture & Livestock 13-12-2004 Rs.1,400/- Free of cost Retained 326. a. An Umbrella b. Pair of decoration piece c. Small screen Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-12-2004 a. Rs.200/- b. Rs.300/- c. Rs.500/- Free of cost Retained 327. A shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-12-2004 NCV Free of cost Retained 328. One decoration piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-12-2004 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 329. Wall clock Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-12-2004 Rs.6,500/- Free of cost Retained 330. Two souvenirs Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan Bosan, Federal Minister Food, Agriculture & Livestock 21-12-2004 Rs.1,200/- Free of cost Retained 331. One small ceramic jar Mr. Ashraf Qureshi, Additional Secretary (FSA), Prime Minister’s Secretariat. 22-12-2004 Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 332. One Mont Blanc ball point Mr. Jahangir Khan, Tareen, Minister for Industries, Production and Special Initiatives 23-12-2004 Rs.4,500/- - Gift auctioned for Rs.4,410/- 333. a. One wrist watch Bvlgari b. One wrist watch Bvlgari Mr. Muhammad Naseer Mengal, Minister for Petroleum & Natural Resources 24-12-2004 a. Rs.45,000/- b. Rs.40,000/- Rs.11,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 334. A small folding screen Senator Tariq Azim Khan, Minister of State Overseas Pakistanis 27-12-2004 Rs.3,200/- Free of cost Retained 335. Two wrist watches Mr. Mahmood Salim Mahmood, Secretary, National Assembly Sectt 28-12-2004 Rs.350/- (each) Free of cost Retained 336. Two lockets in gold Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-12-2004 Rs.14,700/- Rs.705/- Amount deposited, gift retained 337. A shawl Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-12-2004 Rs.5,500/- Free of cost Retained 338. A scenery duly framed Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-12-2004 Rs.7,000/- Free of cost Retained 339. a. A ceramic flower vase b. One decoration piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-12-2004 a. Rs.2,200/- b. Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 340. A decoration piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-12-2004 Rs.500/- Free of cost Retained 341. a. Two marble decoration pieces b. A decoration piece (3 pcs) c. A Ceramic decoration piece d. Replica of Horse e. Seven pieces decoration set Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-12-2004 a. Rs.10,000/- b. Rs.1,800/- c. Rs.300/- d. Rs.1,800/- e. Rs.3,500/- f. Rs.3,500/- Rs.1,635/- Amount deposited, gift retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks f. A box containing two wall hangings 342. a. Four books b. A decoration piece c. Sunzi the art of war d. A book e. A crystal decoration piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-12-2004 a. NCV b. Rs.3,500/- c. Rs.2,000/- d. NCV e. Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 343. Brochures Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-12-2004 NCV Free of cost Retained 344. A model of Tower Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-12-2004 NCV Free of cost Retained 345. A shield and book Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-12-2004 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 346. One paper hand fan Hina Rabbani Khar, Minister of State Economic Affairs Division 29-12-2004 Rs.75/- Free of cost Retained 347. a. One carpet b. One polyester quilt c. One quilt with pillow d. One set cook wear e. One brief case leather Mr. Jahangir Khan, Tareen, Minister for Industries, Production and Special Initiatives 29-12-2004 a. Rs.3,000/- b. Rs.1,500/- c. Rs.600/- d. Rs.450/- e. Rs.3,500/- - Gift auctioned a. for Rs.2,500/- b. for Rs.3,311/- c. for Rs.1,372/- d. for Rs.771/- e. for Rs.3,199/- 348. One tie with batch Mr. Jahangir Khan, Tareen, Minister for Industries, Production and Special Initiatives 29-12-2004 Rs.100/- - Gift auctioned for Rs.189/- 349. One concord wrist watch Hav. Tariq Mehmood 31-12-2004 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 350. One concord wrist watch Hav. Hakim Badshah 31-12-2004 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained MONETARY LIMIT AS PER PROCEDURE FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS AND THEIR DISPOSAL (21ST AUGUST, 2001): - The monetary limits upto which the gifts can be retained by the recipient are as follows: - (i) Gifts upto a value of Rs.10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) may be retained (free of cost) by the recipient. In case of low paid Government employees (BPS 1-BPS 10) the gift may be retained by the recipient irrespective of the value assessed. (ii) Gifts valued above Rs.10,000/- may be allowed to be retained by the recipient on payment of 15% of the value exceeding Rs.10,000/- (iii) Gifts valued at Rs.400,000/- or more shall not be retained by the recipients, except President and the Head of the Government. This exemption shall however, not be available in case of antiques and gifts of intrinsic historical value. MONETARY LIMIT AS PER PROCEDURE FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS AND THEIR DISPOSAL (6TH OCTOBER, 2004): - The monetary limits upto which the gifts can be retained by the recipient are as follows: - (i) Gifts upto a value of Rs.10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) may be retained (free of cost) by the recipient. (ii) Gifts valued above Rs.10,000/- may be allowed to be retained by the recipient on payment of 15% of the value exceeding basic exemption of Rs.10,000/- (iii) Gifts valued at Rs.400,000/- or more shall not be retained by the recipient, except the President and the Head of the Government. However, the recipient of gift comprising distinct articles but gifted in a single transaction having collective value of Rs.4 lac or more shall have an option to retain any article(s) upto the collective value of less than Rs.4 lac only subject to the condition that part of an article will not be allowed to be taken. This exemption shall however not be available in case of antiques and gifts of intrinsic historical value. (iv) Different gift articles given by a single dignitary to a functionary at one occasion will be treated as single gift for the purpose of valuation. (v) The maximum monetary limit to be allowed for retention of gifts in one calendar year for any functionary other than the President or the Prime Minister should not exceed Rupees one million. However, the gifts having value in excess of the limit of Rupees one million can be retained by the recipient on payment of 65% of the assessed value of the gifts. DISCLAIMER: - This data/list is provided on Federal Government directions as per the record available, and is based on the information/gifts declared or deposited by the persons and departments responsible for it, under the policy prevalent at that time. Cabinet Division is not responsible for any error or omissions made by those individuals/departments. TOSHAKHANA GIFT RECORD 2005 S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 1. One Wrist watch concord Mr. Ehsanullah, Special Envoy to President 01-12-2005 Rs.40,000/- Rs.4,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 2. One Wrist watch Hublot Mr. Ehsanullah, Special Envoy to President 01-12-2005 Rs.58,000/- Rs.7,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 3. A decoration Piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 03-09-2005 Rs.2,500/- Free of Cost Retained 4. A Wooden Statue Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 03-09-2005 Rs.2,000/- Free of Cost Retained 5. A Tasbeeh Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 03-09-2005 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 6. a. A shield b. Two books Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 03-09-2005 a. NCV b. NCV Free of cost Retained 7. A shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 03-09-2005 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 8. Five decoration pieces Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 03-09-2005 Rs.25,000/- Rs.2,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 9. A Kehwa Kettle Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 03-09-2005 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 10. a. A flower vase b. A wall hanging c. A calligraphy Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 03-09-2005 a. Rs.1,500/- b. Rs.2,200/- c. NCV Free of Cost Retained 11. A shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 03-09-2005 Rs.2,800/- Free of Cost Retained 12. a. A Clay Mug b. One decoration Piece c. Object decorative Mr. Khalid Saeed, Secretary, Economic Affairs Division (EAD) 04-10-2005 a. Rs.100/- b. NCV c. Rs.150/- Free of cost Retained 13. One Table Clock Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime 02-07-2005 Rs.38,000/- Rs.4,200/- Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Minister of Pakistan 14. a. One Wrist Watch concord (No.1046967) b. One volet (S.T Dupont) c. 05 Bottles of Perfume d. One Book + CD United Arab Emirates (UAE)-2005) e. One Ball Point S.T. Dupont f. One celluar phone (imate) with accessories g. Three Neck ties (S.T. dupont) h. One axe i. One brief case Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 03-08-2005 a. Rs.45,000/- b. Rs.3,500/- c. Rs.8,450/- d. Rs.150/- e. Rs.11,000/- f. Rs.40,000/- g. Rs.9,000/- h. NCV i. Rs.8,000/- Rs.17,265/- Amount deposited, gift retained 15. a. One Wrist Watch EBEL b. One Wrist Watch Candino Swiss General Saleem Hayat, NI (M) Vice Chief of Army Staff 02-06-2005 a. Rs.30,000/- b. Rs.16,000/- Rs.5,400/- Amount deposited, gift retained 16. One carpet red, blue, and Brown Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Affairs Minister 04-08-2005 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 17. One Pen Montegrappa Mr. Javed Sadiq Malik PS to Prime Minister 04-07-2005 Rs.22,000/- --- Auctioned for Rs.16,600/- 18. A wooden decoration piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-11-2005 Rs.2000/- Free of cost Retained 19. a. A scarf and three ties b. Seven pieces Ceramic egg pot Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-11-2005 a. Rs.5,000/- b. Rs.1,800/- Free of cost Retained 20. A table set Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-11-2005 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 21. A carpet Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-11-2005 Rs.18,000/- Rs.1,200/- Amount deposited, gift S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks retained 22. A wall hanging Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-11-2005 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 23. Four coins Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-11-2005 NCV Free of cost Retained 24. A decoration piece with wooden stand Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-09-2005 Rs.3,200/- Free of Cost Retained 25. A Book “Palestine the Holy Land” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-09-2005 NCV Free of cost Retained 26. One shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-09-2005 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 27. A large Bowl Brig. Irfan Azam Military Secretary to Prime Minister 05-06-2005 Rs.4,500/- Free of cost Retained 28. A large Bowl Brig. Azhar Mehmood Personal Physician to Prime Minister 05-06-2005 Rs.4,500/- Free of cost Retained 29. A large Bowl Wg. Cdr. Waqar Ahmed, Deputy Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 05-06-2005 Rs.4,500/- Free of cost Retained 30. A large Bowl Mr. Muhammad Hassan, PS to Prime Minister 05-06-2005 Rs.4,500/- Free of cost Retained 31. A small Bowl Mr. Mohsin Hassan Butt, Chief Security to the Prime Minister 05-06-2005 Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained 32. A small Bowl Waseem Abbas ADC to Prime Minister 05-06-2005 Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained 33. A small Bowl Major Shahid Ajmal Raja Assistant Security Officer to Prime Minister 05-06-2005 Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained 34. A small Bowl Muhammad Akram Nursing Assistant to Prime Minister 05-06-2005 Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained 35. A carpet Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Affairs Minister 05-06-2005 Rs.7,200/- Free of Cost Retained 36. A picture Frame Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, 05-06-2005 Rs.2,500/- Free of Cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Foreign Affairs Minister 37. A small Tray (oval) (gold plated) Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Affairs Minister 05-06-2005 Rs.600/- Free of Cost Retained 38. One wrist watch Tag Heuer Mr. Abdul Waheed Photographer, President Secretariat 06-07-2005 Rs.70,000/- Rs.9,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 39. A wrist watch concord Col. Muhammad Ilyas, Chief Security Officer to President 08-09-2005 Rs.40,000/- Rs.4,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 40. A wrist watch Ventura Col. Muhammad Ilyas, Chief Security Officer to President 08-09-2005 Rs.14,000/- Rs.600/- Amount deposited, gift retained 41. A wrist watch concord Lt Col. Babar Mumtaz, additional Chief Security Officer President 08-09-2005 Rs.40,000/- Rs.4,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 42. A wrist watch Ventura Lt Col. Babar Mumtaz, Additional, Chief Security Officer to the President 08-09-2005 Rs.14,000/- Rs.600/- Amount deposited, gift retained 43. A cup & a Saucer Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-11-2005 Rs.2,400/- Free of cost Retained 44. A turban & a Crown Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-11-2005 Rs.124,720/- Rs.17,208/- Amount deposited, gift retained 45. Coffee Set (08 pcs) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 03-03-2005 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 46. Four bottles of perfumes in a wooden box Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 04-04-2005 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 47. Two Shawls Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 04-04-2005 Rs.16,000/- Rs.900/- Amount deposited, gift retained 48. A carpet Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 04-04-2005 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained 49. A carpet (Large) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 04-04-2005 Rs.30,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 50. A ceramic plate Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 05-05-2005 Rs.350/- Free of Cost Retained 51. a. A neck tie b. Pair of Cufflinks (Dunhill) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 05-05-2005 a. Rs.400/- b. Rs.12,000/- Rs.360/- Amount deposited, gift retained 52. Two Books Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 05-05-2005 NCV Free of Cost Retained 53. a. A sword b. A gents Shawl c. A Ladies Shawl Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 05-05-2005 a. Rs.3,500/- b. Rs.2,500/- c. Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 54. A Medallion Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 05-05-2005 NCV Free of Cost Retained 55. Pair of Cufflinks (Mont Blanc) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 05-05-2005 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 56. One carpet General Pervez Musharaf, President of Pakistan 05-05-2005 Rs.20,000/- Rs.1,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 57. A camera Olympus (170S) Miss Hina Rabbani Khar, Minister of State for Economic Affairs 06-06-2005 Rs.10,900/- Rs.135/- Amount deposited, gift retained 58. One Wrist watch Christian Dior wrist watch with Pen Mr. Ehsanulllah khan, Ambassador / Special envoy to President 12-12-2005 Rs.65,000/- Rs.8,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 59. One Tag Heuer wrist watch Mr. Faqir Ahmad, Controller News PBC, Islamabad 09-08-2005 Rs.70,000/- Rs.9,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 60. One Tag Heuer wrist watch Syed Iqtidar Huyssain Kousar, Chief Cameraman, PTV Centre, Lahore, 09-08-2005 Rs.70,000/- Rs.9,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 61. One Wrist watch rolex (No.16233) Maj. General and Begum Shafaat Ullah Shah, MS 10-09-2005 Rs.390,000/- Rs.57,000/- Amount deposited, gift S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks to President retained 62. A Wrist watch (Concord) A Wrist Watch (Brietling) Maj. General and Begum Shafaat Ullah Shah, MS to President 10-09-2005 a. Rs.40,000/- b. Rs.80,000/- Rs.16,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 63. A Decoration Piece (Ceramic) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 Rs.2,000/- Free of Cost Retained 64. a. A perfume Box b. A wall Hanging Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 Rs.62,000/- Rs.7,800/- Amount deposited, gift retained 65. a. A Kehwa Set (Ceramic) six pieces b. A pen Stand (Ceramic) c. A Book Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 a. Rs.7,500/- b. NCV c. NCV Free of cost Retained 66. a. A model of three antelopes b. A wrist watch Cartier c. Two lady purses d. Three decoration pieces e. A compass cartier f. A suit case g. A dagger h. A 12 Bore gun (Repeater) No.659507 (FINAL412) i. A dagger Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 a. Rs.48,000/- b. Rs.135,000/- c. Rs.25,000/- d. Rs.35,000/- e. Rs.20,000/- f. Rs.6,000/- g. Rs.14,500/- h. Rs.125,000/- i. Rs.10,000/- Rs.61,275/- Amount deposited, gift retained 67. A wrist Watch Eloga Swiss Leather Strap 18kt Gold Silver Color with Diamonds Sapphire Crystal 3ATM No.REF EL/EY W039 Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 Rs.435,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.93,400/- S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 68. A decoration piece Ceramic Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 69. a. A flower vase b. A Jewellery Box Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 a. Rs.22,000/- b. Rs.2,500/- Rs.2,175/- Amount deposited, gift retained 70. Two decoration pieces Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 Rs.7,000/- Free of Cost Retained 71. A crystal Shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 Rs.1,800/- Free of Cost Retained 72. a. Korean Red Ginseng Extract Powder Tea (Three pieces) b. A model of 7.500 teu class container carrier Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 a. Rs.900/- b. Rs.2,000/- Free of Cost Retained 73. A flower vase Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 Rs.9,500/- Free of Cost Retained 74. A Model of War Ship Silver Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 Rs.7,000/- Free of cost Retained 75. A Bowl (Ceramic) Begum sahiba, Wife of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 76. A shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 77. A Crown (gold plated) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 Rs.5,000/- Free of Cost Retained 78. A flower vase ceramic Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 Rs.3,800/- Free of cost Retained 79. Two Mobile Phone sets Samsung SGH-D600 Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 80. A Silk Dupatta Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 Rs.2,000/- Free of Cost Retained 81. An iron shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 NCV Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 82. A decoration piece (Ceramic) containing plate flower, vase & two models of ducks Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 83. A book, “Canida Hofer time spaces” Begum Sahiba, Wife of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 NCV Free of cost Retained 84. a. Two hand painted men’s fabric (3 meter) b. A hand painted lady fabric & Matching shawl Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 a. Rs.1,600/- b. Rs.1,400/- Free of cost Retained 85. A Golden Bowl Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 Rs.500/- Free of cost Retained 86. A book, “Globalization and the New Realities” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 NCV Free of cost Retained 87. a. A silver shield b. Eight Books c. A photo Album Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 a. Rs.4,500/- b. NCV c. Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 88. a. A wooden Collector’s Box b. A wooden Photo frame Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 a. Rs.9,500/- b. Rs.3,500/- Rs.450/- Retained 89. a. A shield b. A wall hanging (Kalima Sharif) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 a. NCV b. Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 90. Two Necks-ties Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 Rs.6,000/ Free of cost Retained 91. a. A shield b. A book Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 a. Rs.500/- b. NCV Free of cost Retained 92. a. A model of Twin Tower b. Five Books Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 a. Rs.3,500/- b. NCV Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 93. A Bowl with sweet (Pizza, Chocolate & Dates & Table Cloth Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 94. A decorated wooden bowl Begum Sahiba, Wife of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 95. A model of Dynasore Begum Sahiba, Wife of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 96. A decoration piece (Gold) Begum Sahiba, Wife of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 97. Two books Begum Sahiba, Wife of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 NCV Free of cost Retained 98. a. Two candle stands b. Two books c. A Saree Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 a. Rs.32,000/- b. NCV c. Rs3,200/- Rs.3,780/- Amount deposited, gift retained 99. a. A lady suit b. A silk shawl Begum Sahiba, Wife of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 a. Rs.4,000/- b. Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 100. A leather belt Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 Rs.2,200/- Free of cost Retained 101. A decoration piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 102. One gown & pair of sleepers Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-10-2005 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 103. a. Two books b. One shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-12-2005 a. NCV b. Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 104. A decoration piece (Glass) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-12-2005 Rs.1,800/- Free of cost Retained 105. One flower vase (Glass) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-12-2005 Rs.5,500/- Free of cost Retained 106. A book Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-12-2005 NCV Free of cost Retained 107. A CD & a Shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime 13-12-2005 NCV Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Minister of Pakistan 108. A glass Jar Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-12-2005 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 109. A fountain pen Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-12-2005 Rs.17,000/- Rs.1050/- Amount deposited, gift retained 110. A Shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-12-2005 NCV Free of cost Retained 111. A decoration piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-12-2005 Rs.6,000/- Free of cost Retained 112. An Insignia of OPCW Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-12-2005 NCV Free of cost Retained 113. A coin Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-12-2005 Rs.49,100/- Rs.5,865/- Amount deposited, gift retained 114. Five pen stands Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-12-2005 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 115. A jewelry box Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-12-2005 Rs.500/- Free of cost Retained 116. a. A century cooking vessel b. One Replica of Dragon (duly framed) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-12-2005 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 117. One appreciation plaque (duly framed) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-12-2005 NCV Free of cost Retained 118. One glass bottle Dr. Abdul Hafeez Shaikh, Minister for privatization 03-01-2005 Rs.250/- Free of Cost Retained 119. One MP-5 gun (No. A01262) along with two magazine belt and accessories Box Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 05-03-2005 Rs.59,250/- Rs.7,387/- Amount deposited, gift retained 120. A book “Beirut the War of Destruction and the Perspectives of Reconstruction” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-06-2005 NCV Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 121. a. Hand wash Basin b. Wall hanging (Mirror) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-06-2005 a. Rs.7,500/- b. Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 122. a. A bowl b. A CD c. A Book d. A Scarf Begum Sahiba, Wife of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-06-2005 a. Rs.1,000/- b. Rs.150/- c. NCV d. Rs.300/- Free of cost Retained 123. Gulabdan Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-06-2005 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 124. a. A Bowl b. A Decorative plate Begum Sahiba, Wife of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-06-2005 a. Rs.5,200/- b. Rs.12,500/- Rs.1,150/- Amount deposited, gift retained 125. One shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-06-2005 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 126. A wall hanging (Mirror) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-06-2005 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 127. a. Ceramic plate b. A wall hanging Mirror c. A book Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-06-2005 a. Rs.4,500/- b. Rs.3,500/- c. NCV Free of cost Retained 128. a. A ceramic plate b. A book Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-06-2005 a. Rs.4,500/- b. NCV Free of cost Retained 129. Photographs duly framed Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-06-2005 NCV Free of cost Retained 130. a. Hand wash bin b. A table cloth Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-06-2005 a. Rs.9,000/- b. Rs.700/- Free of cost Retained 131. A Ceramic plate Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-06-2005 Rs.1,800/- Free of cost Retained 132. A tea set (03) Pcs i.e. (Tea Pot, Milk Pot and Sugar Pot) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-06-2005 Rs.6,500/- Free of Cost Retained 133. Achievement award 2005 Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-06-2005 Rs.1,200/- Free of Cost Retained 134. A Wrist watch MDM Geneva Depone- WAT RES 5ATM Col. ® Salik Nawaz, Deputy Chief of Protocol, Ministry of foreign Affairs 08-06-2005 Rs.58,000/- Rs.7,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 135. A wrist Watch Concord 14CZ1894 Col. ® Salik Nawaz, Deputy Chief Protocol, 08-06-2005 Rs.40,000/- Rs.4,500/- Amount deposited, gift S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Ministry of Foreign Affairs retained 136. A silver pot Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan Bosan, Minister for Food and Agriculture 12-09-2005 Rs.7,000/- Free of cost Retained 137. One White Porcelain Tea set Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan Bosan, Minister for Food and Agriculture 12-09-2005 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 138. One Clay Jar Porcelain General Pervez Musharaf, President of Pakistan 14-11-2005 Rs.5,500/- Free of cost Retained 139. a. Fourteen CDs b. One book Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 15-12-2005 a. Rs.2,500/- b. NCV Free of cost Retained 140. a. A wall hanging b. A shawl (Pashmina) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 15-12-2005 a. Rs.10,000/- b. Rs.5,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 141. a. A scenery b. A bowl c. A lady suit Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 15-12-2005 a. Rs.6,000/- b. Rs.1,200/- c. Rs.2,800/- Free of cost Retained 142. a. Two CDs b. Four books Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 15-12-2005 a. Rs.400/- b. NCV Free of cost Retained 143. a. A decoration piece (two parts) b. A wall hanging Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 15-12-2005 a. Rs.4,000/- b. Rs.5,500/- Free of cost Retained 144. a. A shield b. Two books c. One Cd Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 15-12-2005 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 145. A cigarette box Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 15-12-2005 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 146. A shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 15-12-2005 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 147. A book & four CDs Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 15-12-2005 NCV Free of cost Retained 148. a. Landscape of Tent village near Balakot (duly framed) b. One Landscape of Commencement of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 15-12-2005 a. NCV b. NCV c. Rs.2,500/- Free of Cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks New Tent Village in “JARED” c. One ceramic plate with stand 149. A Ship Handle Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 15-12-2005 NCV Free of Cost Retained 150. a. A lady suit b. Tea set (11 pcs) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 15-12-2005 a. Rs.1,200/- b. Rs.5,000/- Free of Cost Retained 151. A decoration Piece (Crystal) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 15-12-2005 Rs.1,200/- Free of Cost Retained 152. A plate Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 15-12-2005 Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained 153. A cloth wall Hanging Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 15-12-2005 Rs.1,500/- Free of Cost Retained 154. One Wrist watch Piaget Sr.No.50930/879074 Sheikh Rasheed Ahmed Minster for information & Broadcasting 15-12-2005 Rs.185,000/- Rs.26,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 155. One Wrist watch Victoria Geneve S.No.0116 Sheikh Rasheed Ahmed Minster for information & Broadcasting 15-12-2005 Rs.18,000/- Rs.1,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 156. a. A wrist watch Raymond Weil – Geneve” (No.7241 V141990) b. One mirror c. A Wooden Box containing Cigars Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-04-2005 a. Rs.70,000/- b. Rs.2,000/- c. Rs.20,000/- Rs.12,300/- Amount deposited., gift retained 157. A Wall hanging Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-04-2005 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 158. A wall Hanging Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-04-2005 Rs.1,800/- Free of cost Retained 159. A kehwa set (08 Pcs) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-04-2005 Rs.4,000/- Free of cost Retained 160. Three packets of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime 10-06-2005 Rs.5,500/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Saffron in a Wooden Carved Box, Minister of Pakistan 161. One Flower pot “Silver” Mir. Ahmed Waqar, Secretary Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources 10-06-2005 Rs.5,000/- Free of Cost Retained 162. A wrist watch Rolex (No.116523) Mr. Muhammad Nasser Khan Mengal, Minister of State for petroleum & Natural Resources 10-06-2005 Rs.550,000/- Rs.81,000/- Retained 163. a. A brief case (Delsey) b. A decoration piece c. A wrist watch European Mr. Muhammad Nasser Khan Mengal, Minister of State for petroleum & Natural Resources 10-06-2005 a. Rs.9,000/- b. Rs.1,600/- c. Rs.16,000/- Rs.2,490/- Amount deposited, gift retained 164. One Wrist Watch Rolex (14000M) Oyster Air King (packed in a box) Mr. Munir Khan Orakzai, Parliamentary leader FATA 17-12-2005 Rs. 180,000/- Rs.25,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 165. A wrist Watch Concord (1273144) (14cz1894) (Steel) Mr. Munir Khan Orakzai, Parliamentary leader, FATA 17-12-2005 Rs.40,000/- Rs.4,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 166. A silver dish Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 06-01-2005 Rs.3,500/- Free of Cost Retained 167. A crystal decoration piece Minister for Food and Agriculture, Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan Bosan 14-09-2005 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 168. One wrist watch Tag Heuer Major General Shaukat Sulman Khan, D.G ISPR 17-12-2005 Rs.70,000/- Rs.9,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 169. a. Two cane of Honey b. Two Boxes of Coffee (Food Items) Secretary Ministry of petroleum & Natural Resources 17-12-2005 a. NCV b. NCV Free of Cost Retained 170. a. One coin b. wrist watch longiness Secretary Ministry of petroleum & Natural Resources 17-12-2005 a. Rs.2,000/- b. Rs.55,000/- Rs.7,050/- Amount deposited, gift retained 171. Wrist Watch Victoria Secretary Ministry of 17-12-2005 Rs.18,000/- Rs.1,200/- Amount S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks petroleum & Natural Resources deposited, gift retained 172. Wooden Box Col. ® Salik Nawaz DCP to Prime Minister 09-03-2005 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 173. One Silver Decoration piece Col. ® Salik Nawaz DCP to Prime Minister 09-03-2005 Rs.1,600/- Free of cost Retained 174. One Camera (Olympus) Model Accura Zoom 130S (Quartz Date) Dr. Waqar Masood Khan, Prime Minister Secretariat 11-05-2005 Rs.4,000/- Free of cost Retained 175. A copy of Holy Quran in a small box Mr. Jehangir Bashar, Secretary, Board of Investment 17-11-2005 --- --- Retained 176. Gift box containing two bowls in a brown box Engr. Dr. M. Akram Sheikh, Deputy Chairman Planning Commission 08-01-2005 Rs.350/- Free of cost Retained 177. A carpet Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-01-2005 Rs.14,000/- Rs.600/- Amount deposited, gift retained 178. a. A pistol (32 Bore) with Telescope and Stand No.MR.32 “MATCH” N32644 b. A wrist Watch Corum (No.1710796 – 137.520.47) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 09-02-2005 a. Rs.50,000/- b. Rs.225,000/- Rs.39,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 179. One MP-5 Gun Mr. Shaukat Aziz Prime Minister, of Pakistan 09-02-2005 Rs.59,554/- Rs.7,433/- Amount deposited, gift retained 180. One Creative DC-CAM 4200ZS (Camera) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-04-2005 Rs.9,000/- Free of Cost Retained 181. One Wrist Watch “Cartier” alongwith a Ball Pen + a pair of Cufflinks General Pervez Musharaf, President of Pakistan 14-07-2005 Rs.500,000/- Rs.73,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 182. One Wrist watch Omega Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan Bosan, Federal Minister for Food Agriculture & Livestock 14-07-2005 Rs.85,000/- Rs.11,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 183. One wrist watch Tag Heuer Mr. Shahid Mehmood senior Television Engineer, PTV Headquarters 15-08-2005 Rs.70,000/- Rs.9,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 184. One Wrist Watch Hublot Mr. Muhammad Saleem, Information Officer President Sectt. 15-08-2005 Rs.58,000/- Rs.7,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 185. One Wrist Watch Tag Heuer Mr. Masood Alam, Engineer PTV 15-08-2005 Rs.70,000/- Rs.9,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 186. One Wrist Watch Tag Heuer Mr. Ali Imran, Senior Reporter APP 15-08-2005 Rs.70,000/- Rs.9,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 187. One Jewellery set (Set of bracelet, necklace and earrings) (silver) Auditor General of Pakistan 16-09-2005 Rs.1,800/- Free of cost Retained 188. One wooden Vase china (broken) Mr. Jehangir Bashar, Secretary, Board of Investment 19-12-2005 Rs.1,200/- Free of cost Retained 189. One Bowl Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-02-2005 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 190. a. Model of Masjid AlSultan Muhammed Thakurufan AlAzamad the Islamic Centre b. Three Books Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-02-2005 a. Rs.4,000/- b. NCV Free of Cost Retained 191. One Scarf Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-02-2005 Rs.100/- Free of Cost Retained 192. One Wall hanging Begum Sahiba, wife of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-02-2005 Rs.550/- Free of Cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 193. One Pen set (Waterman) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-02-2005 Rs.2,500/- Free of Cost Retained 194. a. Two Marble Sheet b. A Book Portrait of Brussels Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-02-2005 a. Rs.250/- b. NCV Free of Cost Retained 195. Four Books Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-02-2005 NCV Free of Cost Retained 196. Ball Pen “Mont Blanc” Rollerball Refill (Germany) Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan Bosan, Minister for Food, Agriculture & Livestock 13-05-2005 Rs.20,000/- Rs.1,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 197. One Wrist Watch TAG HEUER Mr. Safdar Ali, Protocol Assistant President Secretariat 14-06-2005 Rs.70,000/- Rs.9,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 198. One Wrist Watch TAG EDOX Mr. Safdar Ali, Protocol Assistant President Secretariat 14-06-2005 Rs.5,500/- Free of cost Amount deposited, gift retained 199. a. An index b. One CD player Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-08-2005 a. NCV b. Rs.7,000/- Free of cost Retained 200. Three neckties Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-08-2005 Rs.3,600/- Free of cost Retained 201. One book Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-08-2005 NCV Free of cost Retained 202. Two books Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-08-2005 NCV Free of cost Retained 203. a. One pen set i.e. (One Pen & one Ball Point) b. One Decoration piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-08-2005 a. Rs.28,500/- b. Rs.15,500/- c. Rs.2,500/- Rs.5,475/- Amount deposited, gift retained 204. a. Two books b. Soup set (6 pcs) c. Two boxes Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-08-2005 a. NCV b. Rs.900/- c. Rs.6,000/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks containing 12 NeckTies 205. One flower vase (Ceramic) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-08-2005 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 206. One decoration piece (03 pcs) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-08-2005 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 207. a. One decoration piece (Ceramic) b. One Pair of flower vase (small) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-08-2005 Rs.600/- Rs.1,400/- Free of cost Retained 208. a. Two Sceneries b. One jewelry box c. Hand fan with Stand Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-08-2005 a. Rs.1,200/- b. Rs.1,800/- c. Rs.200/- Free of cost Retained 209. a. One jewellery box (Large) b. One Wooden Board c. One Digital Camera Canon Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-08-2005 a. Rs.6,000/- b. NCV c. Rs.25,000/- Rs.3,150/- Amount deposited, gift retained 210. One Golf Kit Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-08-2005 Rs.1,000/- Free of Cost Retained 211. a. One Scarf b. Three Books Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-08-2005 a. Rs.500/- b. NCV Free of Cost Retained 212. One table clock Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-08-2005 Rs.800/- Free of cost Retained 213. One jewelry box (Leather) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-08-2005 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 214. a. One take akari Bamboo Lamp Shade b. One pen tray Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-08-2005 a. Rs.1,600/- b. NCV Free of cost Retained 215. One bowl (Glass) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-08-2005 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 216. One prestige Annual stamp Album, Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-08-2005 NCV Free of cost Retained 217. One decoration piece (Onyx) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-08-2005 Rs.1,200/- Free of cost Retained 218. One book (Treasures of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime 16-08-2005 NCV Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Asia Art) Minister of Pakistan 219. One decoration piece One scenery Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-08-2005 a. Rs.2,000/- b. Rs.7,000/- Free of cost Retained 220. One pen stand Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-08-2005 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 221. One table set Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-08-2005 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained 222. One bowl with cover Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-08-2005 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 223. One silver candy bowl General Pervez Musharaf, President of Pakistan 16-08-2005 Rs.20,000/- Rs.1,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 224. A Bowl Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-09-2005 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 225. Two ladies’ suit Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-09-2005 Rs. 1,200/- (Each) Free of cost Retained 226. A wall Hanging Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-09-2005 Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained 227. A decoration piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-09-2005 NCV Free of cost Retained 228. Camera Olympus (C480 Zoom) Col. ® Salik Nawaz, Deputy Chief of Protocol foreign Affairs 14-05-2005 Rs.4,000/- Free of Cost Retained 229. a. A silver Tea set (two tea pots, one sugar pot & one milk pot) b. One Wrist watch Gautier c. One Wrist Watch Elaga d. One Necklace e. One Pair of Earrings Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-01-2005 a. Rs.15,000/- b. Rs.16,500/- c. Rs.735,000/- d. Rs.18,900/- e. Rs.197,000/- Rs.145,860/- Amount deposited, gift retained 230. One Wrist watch Corum (18kt, Pink gold) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-01-2005 Rs.850,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.355,000/- S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks automatic No.1700954 231. a. Wooden Decoration piece b. One Pair of decoration piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-01-2005 a. Rs.2,000/- b. Rs.800/- Free of cost Retained 232. A Bowl Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-01-2005 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 233. A Wrist Watch Rolex DAYTONA Dr. Abdul Hafeez Sheikh, Minister for privatization 18-08-2005 Rs.550,000/ - Auctioned for Rs.331,011/- 234. a. A brief case (Delsey) (Club) b. A decoration piece c. A wrist watch European Dr. Abdul Hafeez Sheikh, Minister for privatization 18-08-2005 a. Rs.9,000/- b. Rs.1,600/- c. Rs.16,000/- Rs.2,490/- Amount deposited, gift retained 235. A Cigarette Box Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-05-2005 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 236. One shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-05-2005 NCV Free of cost Retained 237. One ceramic plate Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-05-2005 Rs.450/- Free of cost Retained 238. A Book Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-05-2005 NCV Free of cost Retained 239. Five book Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-05-2005 NCV Free of cost Retained 240. A shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-05-2005 NCV Free of cost Retained 241. A Cigar Box Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-05-2005 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 242. A Kehwa Set Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-05-2005 Rs.600/- Free of cost Retained 243. Replica of Elephant Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-05-2005 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 244. A table set consisting four pieces including one ball pen silver Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan Bosan, Federal Minister for Food Agriculture & Livestock 17-06-2005 Rs.3,500/- Free of Cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 245. Sony Cyber – Shot DSC-P93 Digital Camera Admiral Asaf Humayun SI(M) DG MTC 18-07-2005 Rs.16,000/- Rs.900/- Amount deposited, gift retained 246. a. A wrist watch Gautier b. One Mobile Set Sony Ericson No.K750i Brig. Irfan Azam Military Secretary to Prime Minister 18-07-2005 a. Rs.25,000/- b. Rs.22,000/- Rs.5,550/- Amount deposited, gift retained 247. one Afghan Carpet Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Affairs Minister 15-03-2005 Rs.7,000/- Free of Cost Retained 248. A long vase Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Affairs Minister 15-03-2005 Rs.1,500/- Free of Cost Retained 249. MP3 Music player Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Affairs Minister 15-03-2005 Rs.12,500/- Rs. 375/- Amount deposited, gift retained 250. A Camera PC-Cam 920 slim Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Affairs Minister 15-03-2005 Rs.4,500/- Free of cost Retained 251. a. Pashmina Shawl b. A Scenery of Metal Work Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Affairs Minister 15-03-2005 a. Rs.7,000/- b. Rs.2,500/- Free of Cost Retained 252. A framed secenery duly framed Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Affairs Minister 15-03-2005 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 253. A crystal Glass vase Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Affairs Minister 15-03-2005 Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained 254. A Book title Gross National Happiness & Development Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Affairs Minister 15-03-2005 NCV Free of cost Retained 255. Two Books Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Affairs Minister 15-03-2005 NCV Free of Cost Retained 256. A Cigarette Box Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Affairs Minister 15-03-2005 Rs.1,500/- Free of Cost Retained 257. One Wooden Jewellery Box Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Affairs Minister 15-03-2005 Rs.1,000/- Free of Cost Retained 258. a. A mosaic Jewellery Box b. One Metallic Picture Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Affairs Minister 15-03-2005 a. Rs.1,000/- b. Rs.400/- Free of Cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks frame 259. Embroidered cut work table cloth Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Affairs Minister 15-03-2005 Rs.1,300/- Free of Cost Retained 260. Wooden Box containing leather whip Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Affairs Minister 15-03-2005 Rs.1,200/- Free of Cost Retained 261. A Flower vase Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-05-2005 Rs.9,500/- Free of cost Retained 262. A Dupatta Begum Sahiba, Wife of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-05-2005 Rs.250/- Free of cost Retained 263. A ladies suit Begum Sahiba, Wife of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-05-2005 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 264. Model of Nagore Mosque Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-05-2005 Rs.1,800/- Free of cost Retained 265. One painting Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-05-2005 Rs.6,000/- Free of cost Retained 266. A shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-05-2005 Rs.400/- Free of cost Retained 267. Model of Putra Mosque (duly framed) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-05-2005 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 268. a. A wall hanging Caping (Modesty Disc) b. Pending (Belt Buckle) c. Kepela bantal (Pillow end) (duly framed) d. 09 Books Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-05-2005 a. Rs.1,200/- b. Rs.10,000/- c. NCV Rs.180/- Amount deposited, gift retained 269. A shield (Electric) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-05-2005 Rs.6,000/- Free of cost Retained 270. One Decoration piece (crystal) Begum Sahiba, Wife of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-05-2005 Rs.7,000/- Free of cost Retained 271. a. Cultural picture of the Royal Regalia Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-05-2005 a. Rs.600/- b. Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Buidling (duly framed) b. A Cloth (duly framed) 272. a. A wrist watch (Asprey No.663189) b. A Necklace c. Small bowl d. A model of cannon e. A coin f. A book “Curahan Kasih” g. Suiting cloth (06 pcs) h. Four books Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-05-2005 a. Rs.350,000/- b. Rs.155,000/- c. Rs.29,500/- d. Rs.2,500/- e. NCV f. NCV g. Rs.6,000/- h. NCV Rs.79,950/- Retained 273. A picture of the Empire Hotel & Country Club (duly framed) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-05-2005 Rs.800/- Free of cost Retained 274. A dagger Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-05-2005 Rs.5,500/- Free of cost Retained 275. a. A lady purse b. A tea set (18 pcs) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-05-2005 a. Rs.800/- b. RS.3,600/- Free of cost Retained 276. a. A shawl b. Four cup with saucers. Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-05-2005 a. Rs.450/- b. Rs.1,200/- Free of cost Retained 277. a. A saree b. A volet set c. Two chaugas (Abaas) d. A Neck tie e. Five menu stands f. Two Menu cards g. A soup set (46 pcs) h. Four books Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-05-2005 a. Rs.3,500/- b. Rs.150/- c. Rs.1,500/- d. Rs.1,500/- e. NCV f. NCV g. Rs.15,000/- h. NCV Rs.1,748/- Amount deposited, gift retained 278. A decoration piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-05-2005 Rs.750/- Free of cost Retained 279. A shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime 17-05-2005 Rs.500/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Minister of Pakistan 280. A lady suit Begum Sahiba, Wife of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-05-2005 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 281. a. A group photo (duly framed) b. A gents shirt Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-05-2005 a. NCV b. Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 282. A shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-05-2005 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 283. a. A brooch b. A scenery c. A shawl (lady) d. A suit (lady) e. A book “the Istana” f. Two gowns g. Jewellery box h. Pictorial History book i. One book j. One Painting k. One Pair of lions l. A tasbeeh Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-05-2005 a. Rs.8,000/- b. Rs.650/- c. Rs.2,000/- d. RS.650/- e. NCV f. Rs.2,400/- g. Rs.2,000/- h. NCV i. NCV j. Rs.500/- k. Rs.2,000/- l. Rs.200/- Rs.1,260/- Amount deposited, gift retained 284. A flower vase Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan Bosan, Federal Minister for Food Agriculture & Livestock 18-06-2005 Rs.1,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.1,431/- 285. One Mont Blanc Ball pen Miss Hina Rabbani Khar, Minister of State Economic Affairs Division 20-08-2005 Rs.5,900/- Free of cost Retained 286. A wrist watch Tag Heuer Lt. Col. Asim Saleem Bajwa, Deputy Military Secretary to the President 21-09-2005 Rs.70,000/- Rs.9,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 287. A wrist watch Edox Lt. Col. Asim Saleem Bajwa, Deputy Military Secretary to the President 21-09-2005 Rs. 5500/- Free of Cost Retained 288. A wrist watch Tag Heuer Lt. Cdr Amir Saeed ADC to the President 21-09-2005 Rs.70,000/- Rs.9,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 289. A wrist watch Edox Lt. Cdr Amir Saeed ADC to the President 21-09-2005 Rs.5,500/- Free of Cost Retained 290. a. One Pair of Coin b. A Decoration Piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 15-02-2005 a. Rs.250/- b. Rs.750/- Free of cost Retained 291. A Ball Point Mont Blanc Ch. Nouraiz Shakoor Khan, Minister for Science & Technology 18-05-2005 Rs.20,000/- Rs.1,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 292. One silver pot Mr. Ahmed Waqar, Secretary, Petroleum 20-07-2005 Rs.7,000/- Free of cost Retained 293. a. Two Neckties b. A shawl Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 22-09-2005 a. Rs.2,000/- b. Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 294. A Model of Elephant Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 22-09-2005 Rs.9,000/- Free of cost Retained 295. A Dinner Set (68 pcs) Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Affairs Minister 24-11-2005 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 296. A decorative Pot Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Affairs Minister 24-11-2005 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 297. A Round Silver plate Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Affairs Minister 24-11-2005 Rs.1,400/- Free of cost Retained 298. A Wooden vase Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Affairs Minister 24-11-2005 Rs.350/- Free of Cost Retained 299. A single Bed Sheet Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Affairs Minister 24-11-2005 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 300. a. A wooden decoration Window b. A floor mat Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Affairs Minister 24-11-2005 a. Rs.6,500/- b. Rs.1,800/- Free of cost Retained 301. A Wooden Decoration Piece Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Affairs Minister 24-11-2005 Rs.7,000/- Free of Cost Retained 302. One marble decoration plate Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Affairs Minister 24-11-2005 Rs.3,500/- Free of Cost Retained 303. One Decoration shield Mr. Nawid Ahsan, Finance Secretary 17-03-2005 NCV Free of Cost Retained 304. a. One Flower vase b. One decoration shield (Plate) Secretary, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources 17-03-2005 a. Rs.700/- b. Rs.1,000/- Free of Cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 305. A camera Olympus (170S) Brig. Irfan Azam MS to Prime Minister 19-05-2005 Rs.10,900/- Rs.135/- Amount deposited, gift retained 306. A camera Olympus (170S) Brig. Azhar Mehmood Kiani, PP to Prime Minister 19-05-2005 Rs.10,900/- Rs.135/- Amount deposited, gift retained 307. A camera Olympus (170S) Wg Cdr Waqar Ahmed, Deputy Military Secretary to Prime Minister 19-05-2005 Rs.10,900/- Rs.135/- Amount deposited, gift retained 308. A camera Olympus (170S) Mohsin Hassan Butt, Chief Security Officer to Prime Minister 19-05-2005 Rs.10,900/- Rs.135/- Amount deposited, gift retained 309. A camera Olympus (480S) Mr. Muhammad Ali Babakhel, Security Officer to Prime Minister 19-05-2005 Rs.12,900/- Rs.435/- Amount deposited, gift retained 310. A camera Olympus (170S) Maj. Sajjad Hussain, ADC to Prime Minister 19-05-2005 Rs.10,900/- Rs.135/- Amount deposited, gift retained 311. A camera Olympus (480S) Mr. Muhammad Hassan, PS to Prime Minister 19-05-2005 Rs.12,900/- Rs.435/- Amount deposited, gift retained 312. A camera Olympus Mr. Zamir Akram Additional Secretary Prime Minister Sectt. 19-05-2005 Rs.10,900/- Rs.135/- Amount deposited, gift retained 313. A Ball Point Mont Blanc Mont Blanc NO.312 Roler Ball refill made in Germany Mr. Babar Khan Ghauri, Federal Minister for Ports and Shipping 19-05-2005 Rs.20,000/- Rs.1,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 314. a. Black Jewellery Box containing one Necklace + one bracelet + one ring and one Pair of earrings b. One Blue Box containing one wrist General Pervez Musharaf, President of Pakistan 26-12-2005 a. Rs.269,725/ b. Rs.115,000/- c. Rs.59,970/ d. Rs.290,958/- Rs.108,848/- Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks watch Chopard (Gents) c. one Ring and one pair of Cufflinks d. One Brown Jewellery Box Containing necklace, bracelet, one ring and pair of earrings 315. One Ladies dupatta Mr. Jahangir Khan, Tareen, Minister for Industries, Production and special Initiatives, 26-12-2005 Rs.50/- - Auctioned for Rs.211/- 316. a. Paper weight b. Paper cutter c. Four books Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 18-03-2005 a. Rs.1200/- b. Rs.500/- c. NCV Free of cost Retained 317. A crystal Bowl Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 18-03-2005 Rs.2,800/- Free of cost Retained 318. A ball point (S. T. Dupont) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 18-03-2005 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 319. a. One Ajrak b. A Cricket Bat c. One CD d. Album of photographs Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 18-03-2005 a. Rs.450/- b. Rs.200/- c. NCV d. NCV Free of cost Retained 320. A Book, “Mauritius Light & Space” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 18-03-2005 NCV Free of cost Retained 321. A Trowel Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 18-03-2005 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 322. a. An Enamei Box Silver (6x8) (with inscription) b. A Book “Maharajas Jewels” c. Four Packet of Wallnuts d. A Kashmiri Shawl Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 18-03-2005 a. Rs.18,000/- b. NCV c. NCV d. Rs.12,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 323. a. One Metalic Model of Great seal of US (in dull silver color) b. One Ball pen Cross Foreign Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri 18-03-2005 a. NCV b. Rs.2,500/- Free of Cost Retained 324. A camera Olympus Syed Muhammad Ilyas information officer to the prime minister 20-05-2005 Rs.12,900/- Rs.435/- Amount deposited, gift retained 325. A camera Olympus C170 (Digital Compact Camera) Ms. Mahreen Aziz Khan Media Advisor to Prime Minister 20-05-2005 Rs.10,900/- Rs.135/- Amount deposited, gift retained 326. One Decoration Bowl (German) (Silver) (KARIYER GUMUS) Sheikh Rasheed Ahmed Minister for Information & Broadcasting 21-06-2005 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 327. One Tractor Ch. Pervez Elahi, Chief Minister Punjab 22-07-2005 - - Gift declared but not deposited 328. One Jewelry Box containing a ring + a pair of earrings in palladium and diamonds General Pervez Musharaf, President of Pakistan 24-09-2005 Rs.59,850/- Rs.7,478/- Amount deposited, gift retained 329. One Jewelry Box containing one Necklace + one Ring + one Bracelet & pair of earrings in gold and diamonds General Pervez Musharaf, President of Pakistan 24-09-2005 Rs.506,460/- Rs.74,469/- Amount deposited, gift retained 330. Two decoration pieces in silver General Pervez Musharaf, President of Pakistan 24-09-2005 Rs.26,160/- Rs.2,424/- Amount deposited, gift retained 331. Wooden Box containing a Silver Decoration Bowl General Pervez Musharaf, President of Pakistan 25-10-2005 Rs.9,000/- Free of cost Retained 332. One Dagger Lt. Gen. Hamid Nawaz Khan, former Secretary Defence 19-04-2005 Rs.66,880/- Rs.8,532/- Amount deposited, gift retained 333. One Marble decoration piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-01-2005 Rs.6,500/- Free of Cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 334. a. A Dagger b. A Silver Decoration piece c. Gent’s wrist watch (Balmain) No.322- 6311-33-84 d. Ladies wrist watch (Balmain) No.322- 6311-33-84 Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 19-03-2005 a. Rs.40,000/- b. Rs.40,000/- c. Rs.120,000/- d. Rs.90,000/- Rs.42,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 335. a. A Dagger b. A shied Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 19-03-2005 a. Rs.44,000/- b. Rs.2,000/- Rs.5,400/- Amount deposited, gift retained 336. a. A wrist watch Olysse Nardin automatic white gold and diamond b. One Jewelry set i.e. Pair of earnings + Cufflinks in gold & Diamonds General Pervez Musharaf, President of Pakistan 22-06-2005 a. Rs.750,000/- b. Rs.157,200/- Rs.134,580/- Amount deposited, gift retained 337. One Wrist Watch EDOX Hav. M. Anwar, SSG President Secretariat 22-06-2005 Rs.5,500/- Free of cost Retained 338. A Wrist Watch Ventura Hav. M. Anwar, SSG President Secretariat 22-06-2005 Rs.14,000/- Rs.600/- Amount deposited, gift retained 339. One Wrist Watch EDOX Hav. Hakim Badshah, SSG President Secretariat 22-06-2005 Rs.5,500/- Free of cost Retained 340. A Wrist Watch Ventura Hav. Hakim Badshah, SSG President Secretariat 22-06-2005 Rs.14,000/- Rs.600/- Amount deposited, gift retained 341. A Wrist Watch Ventura Nk. Tariq Mehmood SSG President 22-06-2005 Rs.14,000/- Rs.600/- Amount deposited, gift retained 342. A Wrist Watch EDOX Nk. Tariq Mehmood SSG President 22-06-2005 Rs.5,500/- Free of cost Retained 343. One Wrist Watch EDOX Sep. Ajmal Khan SSG 22-06-2005 Rs.5,500/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks President Secretariat 344. A Wrist Watch Ventura Sep. Ajmal Khan SSG President Secretariat 22-06-2005 Rs.14,000/- Rs.600/- Amount deposited, gift retained 345. One Wrist Watch EDOX Sep. Irshad Khan SSG President Secretariat 22-06-2005 Rs.5,500/- Free of cost Retained 346. A Wrist Watch Ventura Sep. Irshad Khan SSG President Secretariat 22-06-2005 Rs.14,000/- Rs.600/- Amount deposited, gift retained 347. A wrist watch Rolex DAYTONA (116523) Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Minister for Foreign Affairs 22-06-2005 Rs.550,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.361,000/- 348. a. A brief Case (Delsey) (Club) b. A decoration piece (camel over a round small plate) c. A wrist watch European Qtz Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Minister for Foreign Affairs 22-06-2005 a. Rs.9,000/- b. Rs.600/- c. Rs.16,000/- Rs.2,490/- Amount deposited, gift retained 349. One Pair of Candle Stand (silver) Mr. Khurshid M. Kasur, Minister for Foreign Affairs 22-06-2005 Rs.5,000/- Free of Cost Retained 350. A copy of the Al-Masjid Al-Nabvi Tile in brown wooden frame Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Minister for Foreign Affairs 22-06-2005 NCV Free of Cost Retained 351. A Wrist Watch Rolex DAYTONA (116523) Mr. Ghulam Sarwar, Minister for Labour & Manpower 24-08-2005 Rs.55,0000/ Rs.81,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 352. a. A brief case b. A decoration piece c. A wrist watch European Mr. Ghulam Sarwar, Minister for Labour & Manpower 24-08-2005 a. Rs.9,000/- b. Rs.1,600/- c. Rs.16,000/- Rs.2,490/- Amount deposited, gift retained 353. A wrist watch Tag Heuer Mr. Sanaullah Ch, Chief Cameraman PTV 24-08-2005 Rs.70,000/- Rs.9,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 354. Replica of four Minar Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime 18-01-2005 Rs.2,200/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Minister of Pakistan 355. One Shawl Begum Sahiba, Wife of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 18-01-2005 Rs.1,600/- Free of Cost Retained 356. A flower Vase Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 21-04-2005 Rs.25,000/- - Gift displayed at PM House 357. A carpet Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 21-04-2005 Rs.7,000/- Free of Cost Retained 358. A Silver Bowl Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 21-04-2005 Rs.1,800/- Free of Cost Retained 359. A Chess Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 21-04-2005 Rs. 5000/- Free of Cost Retained 360. Walkman “SONY” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 21-04-2005 Rs. 8000/- Free of Cost Retained 361. a. A shield b. Three pieces of Ghilaf-e-Kaba Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 26-09-2005 NCV Free of cost Retained 362. A Kehwa set (seven pieces) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 26-09-2005 Rs.2,000/- Free of Cost Retained 363. a. A Book b. A table set (containing ashtray, pencil stand, table clock, note pad & card holder) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 26-09-2005 a. NCV b. Rs.16,000/- Rs.900/- Amount deposited, gift retained 364. a. One Shield b. One book Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-12-2005 NCV Free of Cost Retained 365. One Chitrali Chugha and Cap Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-12-2005 Rs.8,500/- Free of Cost Retained 366. a. One Diary b. One Table Calendar Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-12-2005 NCV Free of Cost Retained 367. One Ceramic Plate with Stand Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-12-2005 Rs.3,500/- Free of Cost Retained 368. Two Mobile sets (Motorola, CE 0168) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-12-2005 Rs.28,000/- Rs.2,700/- Amount deposited, gift S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks retained 369. One Pen Stand Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-12-2005 Rs.45,000/- --- Gift auctioned for Rs.46,100 /- 370. a. One Shield b. One decoration piece c. Pair of Cup with Saucer Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-12-2005 a. NCV b. Rs.7,500/- c. Rs.1,600/- Free of cost Retained 371. Small bras box Mr. Jehangir Bashar Secretary, Board of Investment (B.O.I) 29-12-2005 Rs.1,200/- Free of cost Retained 372. One vase Mr. Ahmed Waqar, Secretary Petroleum 29-12-2005 Rs.3,600/- Free of cost Retained 373. Small model of Taj Mahal Mr. Ahmed Waqar, Secretary Petroleum 29-12-2005 RS.4,000/- Free of cost Retained 374. A Ball point (Cross) with Stand Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 21-03-2005 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 375. A ceramic Tray Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 21-03-2005 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 376. a. A souvenir duly framed b. Box of safferanieh c. Plate of Quranic verses duly framed Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 21-03-2005 a. Rs.4,000/- b. Rs.1,000/- c. Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 377. Model of Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 21-03-2005 NCV Free of cost Retained 378. A Dagger Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 21-03-2005 Rs.14,000/- Rs.600/- Amount deposited, gift retained 379. a. A decoration piece b. Five books Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 21-03-2005 a. Rs.1,200/- b. NCV Free of cost Retained 380. Ding (Food Vessel) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 21-03-2005 Rs.500/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 381. a. One Replica of Ghanta Ghar b. One (duly framed) Wooden Frame (Insignia of Pakistani Flag) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 22-04-2005 a. Rs.3,500/- b. Rs.2,000/- - All gifts displayed at PM House 382. A Crown in 21 kt Gold Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 22-04-2005 Rs.29,260/- Rs.2,889/- Amount deposited, gift retained 383. a. One shield b. One neck tie c. One T- Shirt Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 24-06-2005 a. NCV b. Rs.800/- c. Rs.400/- Free of cost Retained 384. A Model of Elephant Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 24-06-2005 Rs.7,500/- Free of Cost Retained 385. A table lamp Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 24-06-2005 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 386. a. Two Books b. A Diary, 2005 c. A crystal Model of Horse Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 24-06-2005 a. NCV b. NCV c. Rs.9,000/- Free of cost Retained 387. One Bowl Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 24-06-2005 Rs.400/- Free of Cost Retained 388. One Tea set (16 pieces) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 24-06-2005 Rs.3,200/- Free of Cost Retained 389. One pair of Cufflinks Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 24-06-2005 Rs.8,800/- Free of Cost Retained 390. One Coffee Set (12 Pieces) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 24-06-2005 Rs.2,400/- Free of Cost Retained 391. One replica of bear Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-07-2005 Rs.2,200/- Free of Cost Retained 392. Flame of the Forest (Wall Hanging) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-07-2005 Rs.600/- Free of Cost Retained 393. Pair of flower vase Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-07-2005 Rs.1,600/- Free of Cost Retained 394. a. One candle stand b. One Cigar Box Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-07-2005 a. Rs.2,000/- b. Rs.800/- Free of Cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks c. One plate (decoration pieces) c. Rs.1,800/- 395. A book (a look at lake Constance) presented Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-07-2005 NCV Free of Cost Retained 396. A book (Bodence) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-07-2005 NCV Free of cost Retained 397. Two Books i.e. Grosser Atlas Der Welt and Berinini and the Rome of Alexander VII Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-07-2005 NCV Free of cost Retained 398. Two decorate piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-07-2005 Rs.8,500/- Free of cost Retained 399. One Metal Tray Dr. Abdul Hafeez Shaikh, Minister for Privatization 27-09-2005 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 400. A wrist Watch Concord Maj. General Tasawar Hussain, Personal physician to the President 29-11-2005 Rs.40,000/- Rs.4,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 401. One Wrist Watch Hublot Maj. General Tasawar Hussain, Personal physician to the President 29-11-2005 Rs. 58,000/- Rs.7,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 402. A cigar Box Brig. Irfan Azam MS to Prime Minister 26-07-2005 Rs.600/- Free of cost Retained 403. A cigar Box Brig. Azhar Mehmood PP to Prime Minister 26-07-2005 Rs.600/- Free of cost Retained 404. A cigar Box Mohsin Hassan Butt, Chief security Officer to Prime Minister 26-07-2005 Rs.800/- Free of cost Retained 405. A cigar Box Lt Col. Iftakhar Ghani Director Security to Prime Minister 26-07-2005 Rs.800/- Free of cost Retained 406. A cigar Box Maj Sajjad Hussain, ADC to Prime Minister 26-07-2005 Rs.800/- Free of cost Retained 407. A cigar Box Muhammad Hassan Private Secretary to 26-07-2005 Rs.800/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Prime Minister 408. A cigar Box Karamat Ali, Protocol Assistant to Prime Minister 26-07-2005 Rs.800/- Free of cost Retained 409. One Carpet General Pervez Musharaf, President of Pakistan 30-11-2005 Rs.18,000/- Rs.1,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 410. A ball pen (Mont blanc) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-10-2005 Rs.6,500/- Free of cost Retained 411. A mobile set, Samsung SGH-D500 Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-10-2005 Rs.20,000/- Rs.1500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 412. A cigar box Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-10-2005 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 413. Coffee cup (Four pieces) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-10-2005 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 414. Glass decoration piece (Glass) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-10-2005 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 415. a. A carpet b. A wall hanging (looking mirror) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-10-2005 a. Rs.20,000/- b. Rs.1,200/- Rs.1,680/- Amount deposited, gift retained 416. One concord wrist watch L/NK Zahoor Ahmed valet 23-02-2005 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 417. One concord wrist watch L/NK Daudur Rehman Security guard 23-02-2005 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 418. One concord wrist watch Sep. Asif Riaz Security Guard 23-02-2005 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 419. One concord wrist watch Sep. Imran Mushtaq, Security Guard 23-02-2005 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 420. a. A tie Secretary, Ministry of 24-03-2005 a. Rs.100/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks b. A Folding Screen Science & Technology b. Rs.450/- 421. One Pair of Candle Stand Mr. Ahmad Waqar, Secretary Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources 25-04-2005 Rs.800/ Free of cost Retained 422. One flower vase Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-07-2005 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 423. Two wall hanging (99 Name of Allah and Bismillah) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-07-2005 Rs.600/- Free of cost Retained 424. One portable DVD Player Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-07-2005 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 425. One Wall Hanging Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-07-2005 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 426. Wrist watch Bvlgari Mr. Arbab Ghulam Rahim, Chief Minister of Sindh 28-7-2005 a. Rs.45,000/- b. Rs.40,000/- Rs.11,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 427. A wrist watch DAYTONA Engr. Amir Mauqam Minister of State for Water and Power 29-08-2005 Rs.550,000/- Rs.81,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 428. a. A brief case b. A Decoration Piece c. A wrist watch European Engr. Amir Mauqam Minister of State for Water and Power 29-08-2005 a. Rs.9,000/- b. Rs.1,600/- c. Rs.16,000/- Rs.2,490/- Amount deposited, gift retained 429. A ladies purse Begum Sahiba, Wife of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-05-2005 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 430. a. Three musical CD’s b. One Jar (Small) c. Four Wall hangings (small) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-05-2005 Rs.1,300/- Free of cost Retained 431. A ceramic plate Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-05-2005 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 432. One Wall Clock Hina Rabbai Khar, Minister of State for 27-04-2005 Rs.600/- Free of Cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Economic Affairs 433. a. One Wrist watch Bvlgari No.ST 35 8 M 82073 b. One Wrist watch Bvlgari (ladies) No.ST 29 8 D81885 Admiral Abdul Aziz Mirza (Retd) Ambassador of Pakistan in Saudi Arabia 29-06-2005 a. Rs.50,000/- b. Rs.45,000/- Rs.12,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 434. An Oxidized Silver photo frame Mr. Ajaz Mohiuddin, Joint Secretary, Petroleum 30-07-2005 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 435. a. One Wrist watch b. One pen Mr. Ajaz Mohiuddin, Joint Secretary, Petroleum 30-07-2005 Rs.4,300/- Free of cost Retained 436. A decoration box (Blue Marble Cover) Mr. Khalid Saeed, Secretary, Economic Affairs Division 30-07-2005 Rs.800/- Free of cost Retained 437. A pen Mont Blanc Mr. Ghulam Sarwar, Minister for Labour & Manpower 31-08-2005 Rs.20,000/- Rs.1,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 438. One Pen set i.e. (Pen + ball Point, Mont Blanc) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-01-2005 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 439. A wall Hanging Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-01-2005 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 440. a. Two neckties b. A silver tray Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-01-2005 a. Rs.700/- b. Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 441. a. A wrist watch Rolex (Gent’s) No.116523 b. A shield c. A wrist watch (gents) Corum with pen (No.1680741/97320 1-20) d. Pair of Cufflinks e. A Necklace f. Two Wrist watches Cartier Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-06-2005 a. Rs.550,000/- b. NCV c. Rs.75,000/- d. Rs.6,620/- e. Rs.105,200/- f. Rs.120,000/- Rs.127,023/- Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 442. One Bowl Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-06-2005 Rs.6,000/- Free of cost Retained 443. A wrist watch (REPOSSI) No.1721 Mr. Muhammad OSD to Prime Minister 30-06-2005 Rs.35,000/- Rs.4,989/- Amount deposited, gift retained 444. Pair of cufflinks in 18kt Mr. Muhammad, OSD to Prime Minister 30-06-2005 Rs.8,260/- Free of Cost Retained 445. One Wrist Watch Concord Major Asad, Security Officer to President 30-06-2005 Rs.40,000/- Rs.4,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 446. One Wrist Watch Ventura Major Asad, Security Officer to President 30-06-2005 Rs.14,000/- Rs.600/- Amount deposited, gift retained 447. a. One Tractor b. One Motor cycle c. One Buffalo alongwith Calf Ch. Pervez Elahi, Chief Minister Punjab 28-03-2005 - - Gifts declared but not deposited. 448. a. A carpet b. A carpet in Maroon box c. One Quranic verses (duly framed) d. A Khais e. A silver Tray in Maroon Box Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-02-2005 a. Rs.10,000/- b. Rs.18,000/- c. Rs.6,000/- d. Rs.350/- e. Rs.9,800/- Rs.5,123/- Amount deposited, gift retained 449. A flower vase Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-02-2005 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 450. A Jewelry box Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-02-2005 Rs.8,500/- Free of cost Retained 451. Dinner Set (95 pcs) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-02-2005 Rs.17,000/- Rs.1,050/- Amount deposited, gift retained 452. A book “Isfahan” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-02-2005 NCV Free of cost Retained 453. a. One wrist watch Eloga Swiss-Ref No. Principle Secretary to the Prime Minister 28-02-2005 a. Rs.40,000/- b. Rs.22,000/- Rs.7,800/- Amount deposited, gift S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Elepni -0047b b. One Wrist Watch Tabbah Designer Line Swiss No.600665 retained 454. a. One Book b. One Sweet c. One Packet Pistachio Brig Tahir Mahmud Malik, Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 28-02-2005 a. NCV b. NCV c. NCV Free of Cost Retained 455. a. One Packet Pistachio, b. One Flower Vase Mrs. Munira Tahir, Wife of Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 28-02-2005 a. NCV b. Rs.2,000/- Free of Cost Retained 456. a. One Book b. One Sweet c. One Packet Pistachio d. One Flower Vase Brig. Azhar Mahmood Kayani, Personal Physician to Prime Minister 28-02-2005 a. NCV b. NCV c. NCV d. Rs.2,000/- Free of Cost Retained 457. a. One Book b. One Packet Pistachio Mr. Javed Akthtar, Press Secretary to Prime Minister 28-02-2005 a. NCV b. NCV Free of Cost Retained 458. a. One Sweet b. One Packet Pistachio c. One Flower Vase Lt. Cdr. Waseem Abbas Naqvi, ADC to Prime Minister 28-02-2005 a. NCV b. NCV c. Rs.2,000/- Free of Cost Retained 459. a. One Packet Pistachio b. One Sweet c. One Flower Vase Mr. Muhammad Hassan, PS to Prime Minister 28-02-2005 a. NCV b. NCV c. Rs.700/- Free of Cost Retained 460. a. One Packet Pistachio b. One Sweet c. One decoration piece (wall hanging plate) Mr. Mohsin Ali Mehmood, LDC, Prime Minister Sectt. 28-02-2005 a. NCV b. NCV c. Rs.1,000/- Free of Cost Retained 461. Two Packet Sweets Mr. Muhammad Riaz, Nursing Assistant 28-02-2005 NCV Free of Cost Retained 462. a. One Packet Pistachio b. One Sweet c. One decoration piece Lt. Col. Iftikhar Ghani, Director Security, Prime Minister Sectt. 28-02-2005 a. NCV b. NCV c. Rs.,1200/- Free of Cost Retained 463. a. One Packet Pistachio b. One Sweet c. One Bowl and Plate (decoration piece) Mr. Mohsin Hassan Butt, Chief Security Officer to the Prime Minister 28-02-2005 a. NCV b. NCV c. Rs.1,500/- Free of Cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 464. a. One Basket Pistachio b. One Sweet Capt. (R) Abdul Saeed Naveed, Addl Security Officer, Prime Minister Sectt. 28-02-2005 a. NCV b. NCV Free of Cost Retained 465. a. One Packet Pistachio b. One Sweet c. One Leather Set Mr. Muhammad Ali Baba, Superintendent of Police 28-02-2005 a. NCV b. NCV c. Rs.500/- Free of Cost Retained 466. a. One Packet Pistachio b. One Sweet c. One decoration piece (wall hanging plate) Sub. Inspector Arshad Mahmood, Police Gunman 28-02-2005 a. NCV b. NCV c. Rs.1,000/- Free of Cost Retained 467. a. One Packet Pistachio b. One Sweet c. One Leather Set Constable Muhammad Yameen, Police Gunman 28-02-2005 a. NCV b. NCV c. Rs.500/- Free of Cost Retained 468. a. One Packet Pistachio b. One Sweet c. One Leather Set Constable Siraj Khan, Police Gunman 28-02-2005 a. NCV b. NCV c. Rs.500/- Free of Cost Retained 469. Two Packet Sweets Nk Ghulam Akbar, SSG Gunman 28-02-2005 NCV Free of Cost Retained 470. Two Packet Sweets Sep. Shahid Ibrar, SSG Gunman 28-02-2005 NCV Free of Cost Retained 471. Two Packet Sweets Sep. Irfan ul Haq, SSG Gunman 28-02-2005 NCV Free of Cost Retained 472. Two Packet Sweets H/Constable Muhammad Riaz, Police Gunman 28-02-2005 NCV Free of Cost Retained 473. Two Packet Sweets Hav. Muhammad Shaukat, SSG Gunman 28-02-2005 NCV Free of Cost Retained 474. a. A flower vase b. A pen (Mont Blank) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-03-2005 a. Rs.15,000/- b. Rs.27,000/- Rs.4,800/- Amount deposited, gift retained 475. One Vase Mr. Ahmed Waqar, Secretary Petroleum & Natural Resources 2005 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained MONETARY LIMIT AS PER PROCEDURE FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS AND THEIR DISPOSAL (6TH OCTOBER, 2004): - The monetary limits upto which the gifts can be retained by the recipient are as follows: - (i) Gifts upto a value of Rs.10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) y be retained (free of cost) by the recipient. (ii) Gifts valued above Rs.10,000/- may be allowed to be retained by the recipient on payment of 15% of the value exceeding basic exemption of Rs.10,000/- (iii) Gifts valued at Rs.400,000/- or more shall not be retained by the recipient, except the President and the Head of the Government. However, the recipient of gift comprising distinct articles but gifted in a single transaction having collective value of Rs.4 lac or more shall have an option to retain any article(s) upto the collective value of less than Rs.4 lac only subject to the condition that part of an article will not be allowed to be taken. This exemption shall however not be available in case of antiques and gifts of intrinsic historical value. (iv) Different gift articles given by a single dignitary to a functionary at one occasion will be treated as single gift for the purpose of valuation. (v) The maximum monetary limit to be allowed for retention of gifts in one calendar year for any functionary other than the President or the Prime Minister should not exceed Rupees one million. However, the gifts having value in excess of the limit of Rupees one million can be retained by the recipient on payment of 65% of the assessed value of the gifts. DISCLAIMER: - This data/list is provided on Federal Government directions as per the record available, and is based on the information/gifts declared or deposited by the persons and departments responsible for it, under the policy prevalent at that time. Cabinet Division is not responsible for any error or omissions made by those individuals/departments. TOSHAKHANA GIFT RECORD 2006 S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 1. One decoration piece (02 pieces) Brig. Irfan Azam, Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 02-01-2006 Rs.6,000/- Free of cost Retained 2. One decoration piece (2 pieces) Wg. Cdr. Waqar Ahmed, Deputy Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 02-01-2006 Rs.4,500/- Free of cost Retained 3. One table clock Maj. Sajjad Hussain, ADC to the Prime Minister 02-01-2006 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 4. a. 12 (broken) Jewelry items i.e. Three Bangles (broken), One ring, Ear ring one piece, One Bracelet, One Locket with Chain, 3 Lockets without chain, Two Ear tops, One Ear ring) b. One (Old) wrist watch omega Donation for Earthquake Relief 03-01-2006 a. Rs.18,500/- b. Rs.700/- - Auctioned a. For Rs.18,600/- b. For Rs.990/- 5. a. One wrist watch Rolex (No.118208) b. One Table Clock c. One Wrist Watch Rolex (No.179138) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-01-2006 a. Rs.928,000/- b. Rs.40,000/- c. Rs.885,000/- Rs.276,450/- Amount deposited, gift retained 6. One model of Bear (Ceramic) (broken) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-01-2006 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 7. One pen Mont Blank with Ink + Bottle of Ink Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-01-2006 Rs.30,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 8. One neck-tie Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-01-2006 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 9. a. One cloth wall hanging b. One necklace (pearl) c. One accessory box Begum Sahiba, wife of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-01-2006 a. Rs.1,500/ b. Rs.50,500/ c. Rs.1,500/- Rs.6,525/- Amount deposited, gift retained 10. a. One shield b. One carpet Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-01-2006 a. NCV b. Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 11. a. Six ajraks b. One Shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-01-2006 Rs.1,800/- NCV Free of cost Retained 12. One crown (Gold Plated) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-01-2006 Rs.9,000/- Free of cost Retained 13. a. One carpet b. One statue c. One jar with Holy Verses Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-01-2006 a. Rs.14,000/- b. Rs.10,000/- c. NCV Rs.2,100/- Amount deposited, gift retained 14. One Wall hanging Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-01-2006 Rs.1,800/- Free of cost Retained 15. One decoration plate with stand Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-01-2006 Rs.6,500/- Free of cost Retained 16. One plate Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-01-2006 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 17. One (Glass) Bowl Begum Sahiba, wife of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-01-2006 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 18. Two Carpets Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-01-2006 Rs.26,500/- Rs.2,475/- Amount deposited, gift retained 19. One Pen Set (One Ball Point & One Pen) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-01-2006 Rs.7,500/- Free of cost Retained 20. Crystal show piece Minister for Food, Agri. & Livestock 17-01-2006 Rs. 15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 21. a. One jewelry set (i.e. one Versailles) one Necklace, bracelet, ring and Gen Parvez Musharaf, President of Pakistan 20-01-2006 a. Rs.594,200/- b. Rs.750,000/- Rs.245,682/- Amount deposited, gift retained Pair of Ear rings) b. One Black box (de GRISOGONO, Geneve containing one gent’s wrist watch) c. One jewelry set (i.e. (red) (Tiara) containing Necklace, bracelet, ring and Pair of Ear rings) c. Rs.303,680/- 22. One pocket watch Mr. Mohsin Hafeez, Secretary to President 25-01-2006 Rs.6,000/- Free of cost Retained 23. a. One Golf Stick + Four Golf Balls b. One Book, “Golf Courses of the PGA Tours” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-01-2006 a. Rs.15,000/ b. NCV Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift Retained 24. One Silver Plate Begum Sahiba, Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-01-2006 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 25. Two Caps Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-01-2006 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 26. One Scarf Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-01-2006 Rs.100/- Free of cost Retained 27. Five T-Shirts Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-01-2006 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 28. One Khais Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-01-2006 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 29. One Shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-01-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 30. Statue of Bull & Bear Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-01-2006 Rs.4,000/- Free of cost Retained 31. One Cigarette Box Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-01-2006 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 32. One Pewter Bowl Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-01-2006 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 33. One Book, “The United States Capital” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-01-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 34. One Portrait of Capital of the United State Washington duly framed Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-01-2006 Rs.1,800/- Free of cost Retained 35. One Book, “Mysteries of the Desert” A view of Saudi Arabia Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-01-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 36. a. Two decoration cups b. One sugar pot Dr Abdul Hafeez Sheikh, Minister for Privatization 30-01-2006 Rs.1,200/- Free of cost Retained 37. a. Two shirts of Thomas Pink b. Two neckties of Thomas Pink c. Two pair of cufflinks of Thomas Pink Mr. Altaf Hussain, Chairman, MQM 01-02-2006 a. Rs.2,000/- b. Rs.2,400/- c. Rs.4,000/- Free of cost Retained 38. a. Paper Weight (Plastic) b. A Pair of Copper Replica of Santa Maria Culture Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 05-02-2006 NCV NCV Free of cost Retained 39. a. One Blanket b. One Wall Hanging c. One Packet of Coffee & one Coffee Pan with pair of cup & Saucer Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 05-02-2006 a. Rs.2,000/- b. Rs.5,000/- c. Rs.2,500/- Total: - Rs.9,500/- Free of cost Retained 40. One Jewellery Set in 18kt White Gold, Diamonds and Rubies containing: - a. One Necklace b. One Bracelet c. One Pair of Ear Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 05-02-2006 a. Rs.1,040,870/ - b. Rs.264,730/- c. Rs.254,750/- d. Rs.73,650/- Rs.243,600/- Amount deposited, gift retained Rings d. One Finger Ring Total: - Rs.1,634,000/- 41. One Model of Aero plane Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 05-02-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 42. One Decoration Piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 05-02-2006 Rs.800/- Free of cost Retained 43. One Silver Bowl Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 05-02-2006 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 44. One Table Clock Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 05-02-2006 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 45. One Book Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 05-02-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 46. One Bottle of Perfume (Amouage) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 14-02-2006 Rs.9,500/- Free of cost Retained 47. One Flower Vase (Glass) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 14-02-2006 Rs.7,500/- Free of cost Retained 48. One Scenery (duly framed) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 14-02-2006 Rs.4,000/- Free of cost Retained 49. One Necklace & One Pair of Tops Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 14-02-2006 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 50. One Shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 14-02-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 51. One Marble plate (with Afghanistan Map) (stand broken) Mr. Ahmad Waqar, Secretary, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources 14-02-2006 Rs.1,200/- Free of cost Retained 52. One Silver Pot Mr. Ahmad Waqar, Secretary, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources 14-02-2006 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 53. Poncho (Woolen Shawl) Mr. Jehangir Bashar, Secy, M/o Privatization and Investment 15-02-2006 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 54. New Man F20B MP3 Player (Made in China) Rear Admiral Naveed Ahmad SIM Director General, MTC 20-02-2006 Rs.1,250/- Free of cost Retained 55. a. One painting, b. One saree, Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 21-02-2006 a. Rs.4,000/- b. Rs.2,000/- Rs.1,350/- Amount deposited, gift retained c. One Dinner set c. Rs.13,000/- 56. One decoration piece (A model of Camel & a Plant of Date) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 21-02-2006 Rs.40,000/- Rs.4,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 57. a. One Ceramic plate b. One Book “My Life Bill Clinton” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 21-02-2006 a. NCV b. NCV Free of cost Retained 58. One Bengal (18.300 grams net weight gold approx.) Donation for Earthquake Relief 22-02-2006 Rs.19,700/- - Auctioned for Rs.20,110/- 59. One necklace (27 grams et weight of gold approx.) Donation for Earthquake Relief 22-02-2006 Rs.29,052/- - Auctioned for Rs.35,000/- 60. 06 small items in gold (15 grams of gold approx) (broken) Donation for Earthquake Relief 22-02-2006 Rs.16,150/- - Auctioned for Rs.31,420/- 61. 08 medal (broaches) (13.600 grams of gold approx.) Donation for Earthquake Relief 22-02-2006 Rs.14,600/- - Auctioned for Rs.17,712/- 62. a. One saree (Jamdani) b. One painting Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 26-02-2006 a. Rs.1,200/- b. Rs.6,500/- Free of cost Retained 63. One carpet (red, blue and brown designed) Mr. Khurshid M, Kasuri, Foreign Minister 26-02-2006 Rs.12,000/- Rs.300/- Amount deposited, gift retained 64. Brief Case (Marcobolo) Mr. Ahmad Waqar, Secretary Petroleum and Natural Resources 27-02-2006 Rs.7,000/- Free of cost Retained 65. a. One tea set (24 pieces) b. One Shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 01-03-2006 a. Rs.4,500/- b. NCV Free of cost Retained 66. One Wooden mask Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 01-03-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 67. One carpet Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 01-03-2006 Rs.14,000/- Rs.600/- Amount deposited, gift retained 68. One compass Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 04-03-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 69. One book, “To Build Science and Technology for Civilization and National Prosperity” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 04-03-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 70. One decoration piece (Peacock) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 04-03-2006 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 71. Model of Yak and Book Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 04-03-2006 Rs.7,000/- Free of cost Retained 72. One wall hanging Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 04-03-2006 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 73. one Brick Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 04-03-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 74. a. One Model of Boeing, b. One shield (Boeing) c. One ball pen d. One Key chai e. Two broachers Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 04-03-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 75. a. One dinner set (68 pcs) b. One Lady’s suit Gen Parvez Musharaf, President of Pakistan 07-03-2006 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 76. Model of Horse (Crystal) Gen Parvez Musharaf, President of Pakistan 07-03-2006 Rs.9,000/- Free of cost Retained 77. a. Digital Still camera (S800), b. One Wrist watch (Fiyta), c. One Large TV (LT 4219-China), d. One Vase Gen Parvez Musharaf, President of Pakistan 07-03-2006 a. Rs.8,000/- b. Rs.3,500/- c. Rs.28,000/- d. Rs.7,000/- Rs.5,475/- Amount deposited, gift retained 78. Pair of wrist watches (Titan) (Brand) Auditor General of Pakistan 07-03-2006 Rs.4,000/- Free of cost Retained 79. a. One tiny jewel box b. One small beauty box Wife of Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 08-03-2006 a. Rs.2,000/- b. Rs.500/- Free of cost Retained 80. One small silver (rectangular) plate Mr. Khurshid M, Kasuri, Foreign Minister 08-03-2006 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 81. One Wrist watch Tag Mr. Ghulam Ali Valet, President sect. 09-03-2006 Rs.70,000/- Rs.9,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 82. One Wrist watch Edox Mr. Ghulam Ali Valet, President sect. 09-03-2006 Rs.5,500/- Free of cost Retained 83. One TV Philips (No.29PT3323) Dr Abdul Hafeez Sheikh, Minister for privatization 11-03-2006 Rs.24,500/- - Auctioned for Rs.14,205/- 84. One fountain pen “DURO” Sterling Silver 378/029 Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 12-03-2006 Rs.25,000/- Rs.2,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 85. Two Neck-ties Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 12-03-2006 Rs.6,000/- Free of cost Retained 86. One Wall hanging Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 12-03-2006 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 87. One sword Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 12-03-2006 Rs.4,000/- Free of cost Retained 88. One shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 12-03-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 89. Two cups Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 12-03-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 90. One book and one small silver box Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 12-03-2006 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 91. One Table stand (duly framed with Quranic Verses) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 12-03-2006 Rs.7,000/- Free of cost Retained 92. One dagger Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 12-03-2006 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 93. a. Two books b. A game board Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 12-03-2006 a. NCV b. Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 94. a. One Book “Jane Taylor” (Jordan Images from the Air) b. One Gold coin Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 12-03-2006 a. NCV b. Rs.18,185/- Rs.1,228/- Amount deposited, gift retained 95. Ceramic flower vase Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 12-03-2006 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 96. One wrist watch Navy Diving Watch (Made in China) Rear Admiral Naveed Ahmed SIM, Director General, MTC 13-03-2006 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 97. One pen Chairman ERRA 14-03-2006 Rs.650/- Free of cost Retained 98. One Clay Bowl Chairman ERRA 14-03-2006 Rs.1,200/- Free of cost Retained 99. One Tea set (with Golden Carving) Chairman ERRA 14-03-2006 Rs.1,800/- Free of cost Retained 100. a. One blanket (print of Turkish and Pakistan Flag) b. One Steel Bowl Chairman ERRA 14-03-2006 a. Rs.3,000/- b. Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 101. One ceramic decoration piece (Ceramic Hand Painted Carved Ostrich Egg with Stand) Ms. Hina Rabbani Khar, Minister of State for Economic Affairs 15-03-2006 Rs.600/- Free of cost Retained 102. a. A mobile set ZTEe3 (with its accessories) b. One Glass Jar Jehangir Secretary, Secretary, Board of Investment 18-03-2006 a. Rs.4,000/- b. Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 103. One Wrist watch Tag Heuer Mr. Arshad Saleem News Editor, PTV 21-03-2006 Rs.70,000/- Rs.9,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 104. One Pair of cufflinks (in Silver) Ch Shahbaz Hussain, Minister for Population Welfare 22-03-2006 Rs. 650/- Free of cost Retained 105. One Gold Ring (Gold+Diamonds) Ms. Shabana Rehman Deputy Director (Projects), PakistanBaitul-Maal, Head Office, Islamabad 24-03-2006 Rs.9,868/- Free of cost Retained 106. One Table clock Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-03-2006 Rs.6,000/- Free of cost Retained 107. One Soccer ball Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-03-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 108. One silver bowl Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-03-2006 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 109. One Shirt (Gents) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-03-2006 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 110. Pair of Flower vase Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-03-2006 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 111. One Wrist watch Tag Heuer Mr. Usman Ghani Memon, senior News Editor, PTV 29-03-2006 Rs.70,000/- Rs.9,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 112. One monogram of Saudi Arabia in Gold Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 04-04-2006 Rs.25,200/- - Auctioned for Rs.62,000/- 113. One tree with 99 names of Allah Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 04-04-2006 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained 114. One Pair of Peacock (Replica made of Brass) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 04-04-2006 Rs.9,000/- Free of cost Retained 115. a. One wrist watch Rolex (small red box) b. One wrist watch Rolex (Blue box) c. One Jewelry box containing necklace) First lady, wife of Gen Parvez Musharaf, President of Pakistan 06-04-2006 a. Rs. 9,00,000/- b. Rs.700,000/- c. Rs.54,800/- Rs.246,720/- Amount deposited, gift retained 116. A paper weight Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan Bosan, Federal Minister for Food Agriculture & Livestock 10-04-2006 Rs.500/- Free of cost Retained 117. a. A steel Plate b. A tea set (two cups and one tea Pot) Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan Bosan, Federal Minister for Food Agriculture & Livestock 10-04-2006 a. Rs.1,200/- b. Rs.650/- Free of cost Retained 118. One Sword (Golden color) Mr. Jahangir Khan Tareen, Minister for Industries, Production and Special Initiatives 10-04-2006 Rs.3,500/- - Auctioned for Rs.6,100/- 119. a. One T-Shirt b. One Shield c. Two School Badges d. Photographs of Essex (duly framed) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-04-2006 Rs.400/- Free of cost Retained 120. One Decoration piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-04-2006 Rs.4,500/- Free of cost Retained 121. One Model of ship La Santa Maria Maria1492 Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-04-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 122. One Book Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-04-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 123. One Shield Chairman ERRA 18-04-2006 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 124. One Pair of Cufflinks (Gold) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 21-04-2006 Rs.10,170/- Rs.26/- Amount deposited, gift retained 125. a. One Jewelry set (silver) containing (one Necklace, one Finger Ring, one Pair of Earrings & one Bracelet) b. One dagger (silver) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 21-04-2006 a. Rs.5,000/- b. Rs.10,000/- Total: - Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 126. One Hand Bag (Black) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 21-04-2006 Rs.300/- Free of cost Retained 127. One Decoration piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 21-04-2006 Rs.23,000/- Rs.1,950/- Amount deposited, gift retained 128. a. One model of Elephant (silver) b. One Tray c. One Dinner Set d. One book “Twentieth Century Impression of Ceylon” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 21-04-2006 a. Rs.5,000/- b. Rs.4,500/- c. Rs.17,000/- d. NCV Total: - Rs.26,500/- Rs.2,475/- Amount deposited, gift retained 129. One Ceramic bowl Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 21-04-2006 Rs.1,800/- Free of cost Retained 130. One Car Toyota Lexus 470 (Color White) (Model 2006) General Pervez Musharaf, President of Pakistan 22-04-2006 - - Gifts declared but not deposited 131. One Car Toyota Lexus 470 (Color White) (Model 2006) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 22-04-2006 - - Gifts declared but not deposited 132. One Car Toyota VXR (Color White) (Model 2006) Chief Minister of Balochistan, Mr. Jam Mohammad Yousaf 22-04-2006 - - Gifts declared but not deposited 133. One Pendulum Alarm Clock (grey color) Director General National Housing Authority, Islamabad 26-04-2006 Rs.300/- - Auctioned for Rs.353/- 134. One Tray with two cups (Marble) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 03-05-2006 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 135. One bowl Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 03-05-2006 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 136. The Art of War with Wooden Stand Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 03-05-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 137. One shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 03-05-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 138. One book, “FALIZE A dynasty of Jewelers” by Katherine Purcell Begum Sahiba, Wife of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 03-05-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 139. One (silver) coin Wg. Cdr. Waqar Ahmed, Deputy Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 06-05-2006 Rs.500/- Free of cost Retained 140. One leather hand bag containing: - a. one ball point (Mont blank) b. one Note Book c. one Booklet on Baku d. one Logo of ECO Summit Baku e. one Video Cassette f. Four books Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 09-05-2006 a. Rs.25,000/ b. Rs.18,750/ c. NCV d. NCV e. NCV f. NCV g. Rs.9,000/- Total: - Rs.52,750/- Rs.6,413/- Amount deposited, gift retained g. Five bottles of Caspian Caviar with spoon, h. One carpet 141. One ceramic plate Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-05-2006 Rs.1,200/- Free of cost Retained 142. a. Nine neck Shirts b. Ten T-Shirts c. Three Knickers Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-05-2006 a. Rs.2,700/- b. Rs.4,000/- c. Rs.900/- Total: - Rs.7,600/- Free of cost Retained 143. Two paintings (duly framed) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-05-2006 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 144. a. One Gown b. One scarf c. One cap d. One cutlery set (24 Pcs) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-05-2006 a. Rs.5,000/- b. Rs.200 c. NCV d. Rs.35,000/- Total: - Rs.40,200/- Rs.4,530/- Amount deposited, gift retained 145. Six books Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-05-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 146. a. One shield b. Two books Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-05-2006 a. NCV b. NCV Free of cost Retained 147. One shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-05-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 148. a. One locket set (African Puzzle, Five Pieces) b. One shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 15-05-2006 a. Rs.1,500/- b. NCV Free of cost Retained 149. One cutlery set Gen Parvez Musharaf, President of Pakistan 18-05-2006 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 150. One dinner set Gen Parvez Musharaf, President of Pakistan 18-05-2006 Rs.25,000/- Rs.2,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 151. 5 books Mr. Omar Ayub Khan, Minister of State for Finance 19-05-2006 Rs.660/- Free of cost Retained 152. One White color porcelain Noritake Tea set signature platinum 4277 made in Sri Lanka (48 pcs) Mr. Khurshid M, Kasuri, Foreign Minister 23-05-2006 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 153. One small Elephant decoration piece (silver) Wife of Mr. Khurshid M, Kasuri, Foreign Minister 23-05-2006 Rs.7,100/- Free of cost Retained 154. One guest book with wood cover Mr. Khurshid M, Kasuri, Foreign Minister 23-05-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 155. One Spear Dagger (medium size) (with silver cover) Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 23-05-2006 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 156. One Spear Dagger (large size with silver cover) Mr. Khurshid M, Kasuri, Foreign Minister 23-05-2006 Rs.19,600/- Rs.1,440/- Amount deposited Gift retained 157. One leather bag containing: - a. one Notepad b. one booklet of the Summit c. One Ball Point (Dupont) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-05-2006 Rs.20,000/- Rs.1,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 158. Piece of cloth in a Wooden Fancy Box Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-05-2006 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 159. One flower vase (Ceramic) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-05-2006 Rs.4,000/- Free of cost Retained 160. a. One ceramic Bowl b. One Packet of Clone Tea Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-05-2006 Rs.1,500/- Rs.500/- Free of cost Retained 161. One decoration piece (small fixed on a wooden piece) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-05-2006 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 162. a. A pair of Ducks (Decoration piece, Sterling Silver) b. Two books Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-05-2006 a. Rs.5,000/- b. NCV Free of cost Retained 163. One Pewter plate Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-05-2006 Rs.3,800/- Free of cost Retained 164. One Replica of Sailing Ship Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-05-2006 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 165. One Book “HELLAS Through the Ages, by Annita P. Panarteou Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-05-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 166. One book “La Mosque Hassan II” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-05-2006 NCV - Gift transferred to National Library 167. One scenery (duly framed) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-05-2006 Rs.45,000/- Rs.5,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 168. Two books “History and Culture” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-05-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 169. One fruit bowl (made of Glass) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-05-2006 Rs.22,000/- - Auctioned for for Rs.13,500/- 170. One wall hanging (duly framed) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-05-2006 Rs.55,000/- Rs.6,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 171. Four CDs Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-05-2006 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 172. Official Report of the XXVIII Olympiad (The Games) Two books & three CDs Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-05-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 173. One Marble Head of Alexander the Great Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-05-2006 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 174. a. One Lady’s Suit with Dupatta b. One Lady’s Lehnga set c. One Gents Celebratory Suit set (Two waste coats, two kurtas and two shalwars) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-05-2006 a. Rs.8,000/- b. Rs.25,000/- c. Rs.18,000/- Rs.6,150/- Amount deposited, gift retained 175. One wall hanging (duly framed) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-05-2006 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 176. a. One cigarette box b. One Kehwa pot Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-05-2006 a. Rs.1,500/- b. Rs.18,000/- Rs.3,450/- Amount deposited, gift retained 177. One Brooch and pair of ear rings (Made of gold & Pearls) Begum Sahiba, Wife of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-05-2006 Rs.36,215/- Rs.3,933/- Amount deposited, gift retained 178. a. Four books b. One book “Engravings Alexander” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-05-2006 a. NCV b. NCV Free of cost Retained 179. a. One Brooch (Made of Gold) b. One Jewelry box c. Greeting Cards with Children Begum Sahiba, Wife of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-05-2006 a. Rs.25,800/ b. Rs.5,000/ c. NCV Rs.3,120/- Amount deposited, gift retained 180. Brooch Made of (Gold & Pearls) Begum Sahiba, Wife of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-05-2006 Rs.12,765/- Rs.415/- Amount deposited, gift retained 181. a. Two packets of Beauty items b. One Necklace Begum Sahiba, Wife of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-05-2006 a. Rs.25,000/ b. Rs.2,345/- Rs.2,602/- Amount deposited, gift retained 182. One Jewelry set containing: - (One Necklace, One Pair of Ear Rings, One Finger Ring & one Bracelet) Begum Sahiba, Wife of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-05-2006 Rs.207,790/- Rs.29,669/- Amount deposited, gift retained 183. One shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-05-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 184. One shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-05-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 185. Twenty-six books, “THE GREEN BOOK” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-05-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 186. One ceramic plate Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-05-2006 Rs.2,200/- Free of cost Retained 187. one Perfume Sprinkler Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-05-2006 Rs.19,925/- Rs.1,489/- Amount deposited, gift retained 188. a. Wrist watch OMEGA b. Silver Tea pot Mr. Omar Ayub Khan, Minister of State for Finance 25-05-2006 a. Rs.450,000/- b. Rs.8,000/- - Auctioned for: - (a)For Rs.305,000/- (b)For Rs.9,110/- (Silver made) 189. One silver Dagger Mr. Omar Ayub Khan, Minister of State for Finance 25-05-2006 Rs.15,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.22,700/- 190. One calligraphy Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 02-06-2006 Rs.25,000/- Rs.2,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 191. One painting, “Quaide-Azam” (duly framed) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 02-06-2006 Rs.35,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.17,200/- 192. Five books Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 02-06-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 193. Five books and CD Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 02-06-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 194. Five calligraphies (duly framed) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 02-06-2006 Rs.125,000/- Each - Auctioned for Rs.35,500/- (each) 195. One wrist watch Rolex (No.118338-83208) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 02-06-2006 Rs.1,350,000/- Rs.201,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 196. One model of boat Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 02-06-2006 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 197. a. One ball point (Waterman, Paris) b. One Notebook Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 02-06-2006 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 198. One flower vase Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 02-06-2006 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 199. a. One carpet b. One jewelry box Begum Sahiba, Wife of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 02-06-2006 Rs.23,000/- Rs.1,950/- Amount deposited, gift retained 200. One Wrist Watch Baume & Mercier Geneve Automatic Mr. Tariq Azizuddin, Former Chief of Protocol, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 05-06-2006 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 201. One Wrist Watch Armand Nicolet Tramelan Mr. Tariq Azizuddin, Former Chief of Protocol, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 05-06-2006 Rs.35,000/- Rs.3,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 202. Two Decoration Pieces (printed plates) Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan, Minister for Food Agriculture & Livestock 06-06-2006 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 203. a. One plate b. One Vase Ms. Hina Rabbani Khar, Minister of State for Economic Affairs 07-06-2006 a. Rs.1,200/- b. Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 204. One decoration piece (silver) Mr. Khurshid M, Kasuri, Foreign Minister 08-06-2006 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 205. One Vase (Porcelain) (handmade enamel work) Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 08-06-2006 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 206. Emblem of 5th Ministerial Meeting of ACD Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 08-06-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 207. Model of wooden ship (Al-Sonbook) (Doha) (in glass case) Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 08-06-2006 Rs.7,000/- Free of cost Retained 208. Emblem of 15th Asia Games (Doha) ORRY Official Mascot of 15th Asia Games (Doha) Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 08-06-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 209. Emblem of African Union African Day Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 08-06-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 210. One Scenery of Azerbaijan Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 08-06-2006 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 211. One Wooden decoration piece in glass case Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 08-06-2006 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 212. One Framed picture of ASEAN flowers Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 08-06-2006 Rs.1,600/- Free of cost Retained 213. One carpet 6’x4’ Gen Parvez Musharaf, President of Pakistan 09-06-2006 Rs.18,000/- Rs.1,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 214. One decoration plate Gen Parvez Musharaf, President of Pakistan 09-06-2006 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 215. One flower vase Sardar Yar Muhammad Rind, Minister for 20-06-2006 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained SAFRON 216. a. One jewelry set, b. One sword (made of silver) First lady and Gen Parvez Musharaf, President of Pakistan 24-06-2006 a. Rs.9,000/- b. Rs.15,000/- Rs.2,100/- Amount deposited, gift retained 217. One carpet Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 26-06-2006 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 218. One book “British Muslims” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 26-06-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 219. One Kehwa pot and six cups Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 26-06-2006 Rs.12,000/- Rs.300/- Amount deposited, gift retained 220. a. One book “Big Sur to Big Basin – California’s Dramatic Central Coast” b. Two ball Points Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 26-06-2006 a. NCV b. Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 221. One wrist watch Franck Muller (No.981300) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 26-06-2006 Rs.345,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.211,000/- 222. One Crystal Square Ashtray Embossed with logo of Department of Defence, USA Chairman ERRA 28-06-2006 Rs.2,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.1,200/- 223. One Round Seal of Department of Defence Chairman ERRA 28-06-2006 NCV - Auctioned for Rs.280/- 224. One carpet (red with blue flowers) Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 30-06-2006 Rs.20,000/- Rs.1,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 225. One ceramic plate with Quranic verses Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 01-07-2006 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 226. a. One shield b. Wooden model of dagger Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 01-07-2006 a. NCV b. Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 227. One Kehwa pot Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 01-07-2006 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 228. One lady’s wrist watch, Concord (No.1209097- 61.EI.1855) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 01-07-2006 Rs.360,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.235,000/- 229. One wrist watch omega Mr. khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 01-07-2006 Rs.300,000/- Rs.43,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 230. One shirt (Gents) (Kenypool Classic) Mr. Azmat Hussain Khan, Section Officer, Cabinet Division 03-07-2006 Rs.1,200/- Free of cost Retained 231. One shirt (Gents) (Kenypool Classic) Mr. Ashraf Ali Assistant, Cabinet Division 03-07-2006 Rs.1,200/- Free of cost Retained 232. One shirt (Gents) (Kenypool Classic) Mr. Nadeem, Staff Car Driver Cabinet Division 03-07-2006 Rs.1,200/- Free of cost Retained 233. One shirt (Gents) (Kenypool Classic) Mr. Arshad Ali, Staff Car Driver, Cabinet Division 03-07-2006 Rs.1,200/- Free of cost Retained 234. One shirt (Gents) (Kenypool Classic) Mr. Rafiqullah, Staff Car Driver, Cabinet Division 03-07-2006 Rs.1,200/- Free of cost Retained 235. One shirt (Gents) (Kenypool Classic) Mr. Abdul Ghani, Cleaner, Cabinet Division 03-07-2006 Rs.1,200/- Free of cost Retained 236. a. A shield depicting mainstream’s sculpture b. Stamp Album comprising Chinese Postal Stamps and photographs of the philatelic exhibition Chairman, National Commission for Human Development (NCHD) 05-07-2006 a. Rs.1,500/- b. NCV Free of cost Retained 237. One wrist watch Concord (No.15-C2- 230 1155768) Mr. Shaukat Abbas, Assistant Protocol Officer to the Prime Minister 05-07-2006 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 238. Blue box containing Artificial jewelry set (medium silver stone necklace) Mr. Muhammad Ali Durrani, Minister for Information & Broadcasting 08-07-2006 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 239. Small box (red) containing artificial jewelry (small silver stone necklace) Mr. Muhammad Ali Durrani, Minister for Information & Broadcasting 08-07-2006 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 240. One ceramic Bowl, and plate One silver Bowl Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-07-2006 Rs.3,000/- Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 241. One gift Pack containing Small Holy Qur’an, Alarm Clock And a CD Chairman ERRA 11-07-2006 Rs. 4,500/- - Auctioned for Rs.5,000/- 242. One wrist watch Rolex (No. D040307 114270) Waqar Ahmad, Deputy Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 11-07-2006 Rs.210,000/- Rs.30,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 243. One sword Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 14-07-2006 Rs.6,000/- Free of cost Retained 244. One shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 14-07-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 245. Five books Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 14-07-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 246. a. One table clock “Chelsea” b. One model of boat c. One leather bag d. Six neck ties e. One wrist watch Piaget No. P10300- 933105 Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 15-07-2006 a. Rs.18,000/- b. Rs.10,500/- c. Rs.45,000/- d. Rs.18,000/- e. Rs.950,000/- Rs.154,725/- Amount deposited, gift retained 247. One wrist watch Alain Phillippe No.10088- 72-058 Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 15-07-2006 Rs.700,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.271,000/- 248. One carpet/Rug (5.10x4’ approx) Mr. Mahmood Saleem Mahmood Secretary, M/o Youth Affairs 25-07-2006 Rs.5,500/- Free of cost Retained 249. a. One tie b. One brocher Mr. Syed Jamal Khushnood, Dy Director 25-07-2006 Rs.500/- Free of cost Retained ERRA, DG (Admn/COS), ERRA 250. One embroidery duly framed Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 31-07-2006 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 251. One Wrist Watch Rado No.129.0531.3 Lt. General Ashfaq Pervez Kiani 07-08-2006 Rs.27,000/- Rs.2,550/- Amount deposited, gift retained 252. One Wrist Watch Concord No.1178431 Lt. General Ashfaq Pervez Kiani 07-08-2006 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 253. Four paintings Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-08-2006 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 254. a. One desk set b. One lady’s purse (silver) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-08-2006 a. Rs.6,000/- b. Rs.15,000/- Rs.1,650/- Amount deposited, gift retained 255. One Model of Twin Towers Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-08-2006 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 256. a. One carpet b. One leather bag Secretary Interior 12-08-2006 a. Rs.1,000/- b. Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 257. One Vase Mr. Jahangir Khan Tareen, Minister for Industries, Production and Special Initiatives 16-08-2006 Rs.1,500/- - Auctioned for Rs.1,960/- 258. One souvenir Box Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 19-08-2006 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 259. One piece of Ashtray white with Golden Borders Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 19-08-2006 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 260. One Latique Decoration piece in shape of horse (black color) Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 19-08-2006 Rs.7,500/- Free of cost Retained 261. One plate (Golden) of the National Assemble of France Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 19-08-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 262. One Silver glass decoration piece (broken) Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 19-08-2006 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 263. One wrist watch Raymond Weil Mr. Jalees Ahmed Siddiqui, Managing 21-08-2006 Rs.35,000/- Rs.3,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained Director & CEO, PSO 264. One wrist watch Raymond Weil Mr. Kalim A Siddiqui, Executive Director (Customer Services), PSO 21-08-2006 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 265. One wrist watch Raymond Weil Col. (R) Syed Anwar Saeed, General Manager, (Supply). PSO 21-08-2006 Rs.40,000/- Rs.4,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 266. One wrist watch (Horoswiss) Lt. Gen. Hamid Javed, Chief of Staff to the President, 26-08-2006 Rs.21,000/- Rs.1,650/- Amount deposited, gift retained 267. One Wooden hand fan Mr. Muhammad Ali Durrani, Minister for Information & Broadcasting 02-09-2006 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 268. a. One bowl, b. Two candle stands, c. One iterdan Gen Parvez Musharaf, President of Pakistan 08-09-2006 Rs.9,500/- Free of cost Retained 269. One Jewelry box Minister of State for Finance, Mr. Omar Ayub Khan 22-09-2006 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 270. Pair of wrist watches Auditor General for Pakistan 22-09-2006 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 271. One wrist watch, Marco Valentino Swiss and a pair of Pen Auditor General for Pakistan 22-09-2006 Rs.70,000/- Rs.9,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 272. One book and three coins Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-09-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 273. a. One marble painting (duly framed) b. One painting (wall hanging) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-09-2006 a. Rs.5,500/- b. Rs.3,500/- Total: Rs.9,000/- Free of cost Retained 274. One official photograph Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-09-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 275. One painting on marble (wall hanging) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-09-2006 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 276. One DVD set (1080i/720P) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-09-2006 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 277. One bowl Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-09-2006 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 278. One book with one CD and one icon of Kazakhstan (duly framed) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-09-2006 NCV NCV Free of cost Retained 279. One Flower vase (Marble) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-09-2006 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 280. Two CDs Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-09-2006 Rs.400/- Free of cost Retained 281. One book Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-09-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 282. One CD on Book Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-09-2006 Rs.200/- Free of cost Retained 283. One necktie Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-09-2006 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 284. One crystal decoration piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-09-2006 Rs.40,000/- Rs.4,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 285. One decoration piece and one book Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-09-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 286. One decoration piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-09-2006 Rs.7,500/- Free of cost Retained 287. One flower vase and book Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-09-2006 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 288. One cutlery set Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-09-2006 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 289. One cigar box Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-09-2006 Rs.8,500/- Free of cost Retained 290. One decoration piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-09-2006 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 291. One shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-09-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 292. One Origaku Woven Fabric (duly framed) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-09-2006 Rs.6,000/- Free of cost Retained 293. One plate with insignia of Royal College of Defence Studies UK Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-09-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 294. a. One tray (small) b. One Replica of elephant c. One plate Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-09-2006 a. Rs.1,200/- b. Rs.5,000/- c. Rs.1,200/- Free of cost Retained 295. One Model of railway engine Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-09-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 296. Model of Bulldozer Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-09-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 297. One shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-09-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 298. One Model of crystal Head of Horse with Stand Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-09-2006 Rs.8,500/- Free of cost Retained 299. Two books Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-09-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 300. One tray Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-09-2006 Rs.5,500/- Free of cost Retained 301. One mobile Set (Sony Ericsson –P990i) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-09-2006 Rs.40,000/- Rs.4,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 302. One wooden Jhroka Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-09-2006 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained 303. One pen (Mont Blanc) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-09-2006 Rs.20,000/- Rs.1,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 304. a. One crystal bowl b. One crystal flower vase Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-09-2006 a. Rs.10,000/- b. Rs.10,000/- Total:- Rs.20,000/- Rs.1,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 305. One trophy Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-09-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 306. a) Two ladies’ suits, b) One carpet, c) Four Cloth wall Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-09-2006 a. Rs.5,000/- b. Rs.1,500/- c. Rs.4,500/- Rs.1,125/- Amount deposited, gift retained hanging, d) One bed spread Cover, e) Two table mats f) One Rally, g) One Chaddar d. Rs.1,500/- e. Rs.500/- f. Rs.2,500/- g. Rs.2,000/- 307. a. One T Shirt b. One Shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-09-2006 a. NCV b. NCV Free of cost Retained 308. a. One carpet b. One carpet c. One candle stand Gen Parvez Musharaf, President of Pakistan 06-10-2006 Rs.42,000/- Rs.4,800/- Amount deposited, gift retained 309. a) One fountain pen with ink b) One paper cutter Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-10-2006 a. Rs.50,000/- b. Rs.3,500/- - Auctioned (a)For Rs.21,000/- (b)For Rs.2,500/- 310. One flower vase Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-10-2006 Rs.6,000/- Free of cost Retained 311. Two mobile set Nokia “6233” Mr. Javed Sadiq Malik, Principal Secretary to the Prime Minster 30-10-2006 Rs.15,000/- (each) Total :- Rs.30,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 312. a. One shield b. One wrist watch Tissot Etacnhe 30 M No.L164/264 Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-11-2006 a. NCV b. Rs.16,500/- Rs.975/- Amount deposited, gift retained 313. a. One ladies’ purse b. One book “ZEN and Japanese Culture ” c. One table clock d. One Painting(wall hanging) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-11-2006 a. Rs.1,000/- b. Rs.1,500 c. Rs.1,000/- Total:- Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 314. One ball pen (Mont Blank) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-11-2006 Rs.16,000/- Rs.900/- Amount deposited, gift retained 315. One book “HOTSPOTS Revised” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-11-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 316. a. one Shield b. One Chitrali cap Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-11-2006 a. NCV b. Rs.700/- Free of cost Retained 317. a. One wall hanging (Chinese) b. One tie c. One ball pen Mont Blanc d. One Round Decoration piece Mr. Nawid Ahsan, Secretary General, Finance 11-11-2006 a. Rs.1,000/- b. Rs.400/- c. Rs.19,000/- d. Rs.1,000/- Rs.1,710/- Amount deposited, gift retained 318. a. One bowl b. One Commemorative gold coin Malaysia Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-11-2006 Rs.34,275/- Rs.3,642/- Amount deposited, gift retained 319. One Crystal Candle stand Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-11-2006 Rs.35,000/- Rs.3,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 320. One powder pot Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-11-2006 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 321. One crystal shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-11-2006 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 322. Two mobile sets, “Motorola K1 GSM” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-11-2006 Rs.46,000/- Rs.5,400/- Amount deposited, gift retained 323. One book, “Bright and Splendid HUNGARY” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-11-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 324. a. One book “25 Years in Health Care 1981-2006” b. one shield with Wooden Stand Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-11-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 325. a. One Autographed photograph (duly framed) b. One Silvery Jewelry box Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-11-2006 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 326. One Table mat (Five pieces) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-11-2006 Rs.500/- Free of cost Retained 327. One scenery Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 21-11-2006 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 328. One table set (containing Chit Pad, ball Point & Pencil tray) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 21-11-2006 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 329. One crystal bowl Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 21-11-2006 Rs.7,000/- Free of cost Retained 330. One Wooden flower vase Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 23-11-2006 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 331. One model of boat Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 23-11-2006 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 332. One paper cutter Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 23-11-2006 Rs.1,200/- Free of cost Retained 333. One shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 23-11-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 334. One shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 23-11-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 335. One gold coin and CD Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 23-11-2006 Rs.38,657/- Rs.4,299/- Amount deposited, gift retained 336. One mobile set (Nokia 8800 SE) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 23-11-2006 Rs.50,000/- Rs.6,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 337. One portrait (Duly Framed) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 23-11-2006 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 338. One shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 23-11-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 339. a. One shield (Wooden) b. One tea set (eleven pieces) c. A model of Crystal Butterfly Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-11-2006 Rs.24,500/- Rs.2,175/- Amount deposited, gift retained 340. One dagger Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-11-2006 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 341. One mirror (made of 900 Carat Silver leaf) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-11-2006 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 342. a. One 12 bore gun b. One wooden shield c. One brass shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-11-2006 Rs.25,000/- Rs.2,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 343. One shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-11-2006 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 344. One shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-11-2006 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 345. One box (containing one golf stick with two balls) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-11-2006 Rs.7,000/- Free of cost Retained 346. One tray Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-11-2006 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 347. One Silver Scribe’s pen case with Inkwell (Dawat) Ottoman Turkey, 19th Century Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-11-2006 Rs.9,000/- Free of cost Retained 348. One bowl (silver) Gen Parvez Musharaf, President of Pakistan 01-12-2006 Rs.8,500/- Free of cost Retained 349. One carpet Gen Parvez Musharaf, President of Pakistan 01-12-2006 Rs.35,000/- Rs.3,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 350. One wrist watch Bvlgari Ch. Shahbaz Hussain, Minister for Population Welfare 01-12-2006 Rs.100,000/- Rs.13,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 351. a. One dagger with silver cover b. One shield Ch. Shahbaz Hussain, Minister for Population Welfare 01-12-2006 a. Rs.10,000/- b. NCV Free of cost Retained 352. One shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-12-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 353. one book Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-12-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 354. One decoration piece & Ladies suit Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 7-12-2006 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 355. One Tumbler (Glass) Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 15-12-2006 Rs.250/- Free of cost Retained 356. One silver coin Large Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 15-12-2006 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 357. Master Pieces of Russian Folk-Art Red and Golden Painted with Red book Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 15-12-2006 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 358. One coin (silver) Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 15-12-2006 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 359. One decoration piece (Golden) Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 15-12-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 360. One wall hanging decoration piece (Red color) Mr. Khurshid M, Kasuri, Foreign Minister 15-12-2006 Rs.500/- Free of cost Retained 361. One wooden stand with large porcelain plate Mr. Khurshid M, Kasuri, Foreign Minister 15-12-2006 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 362. a. One model of key of old City of Sana’s b. One book “Yemen Jewel of Arabia” c. One Tradition Dagger of Yemen Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-12-2006 a. NCV b. Rs.500/- c. Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 363. a. One coin with Stand b. Four books Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-12-2006 NCV NCV Free of cost Retained 364. one shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-12-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 365. a. One dagger b. One Wrist watch Delma (Gents) (No.467.312.1) c. One wrist watch Delma Lady’s (No.667281) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-12-2006 a. Rs.10,000/- b. Rs.50,000/- c. Rs.50,000/- Total :- Rs.110,000/- Rs.15,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 366. a. One silver jewelry set (containing Necklace, bracelet, Tops and Finger Ring) b. One Dagger Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-12-2006 a. Rs.3,000/- b. Rs.8,000/- Total :- Rs.11,000/- Rs.150/- Amount deposited, gift retained 367. The Insignia of Shoora Council Building Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-12-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 368. a. One sword, b. One Tasbeeh c. Box of Atter d. One book “Sana” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-12-2006 a. Rs.10,000/- b. Rs.22,300/- c. Rs.80,000/- d. NCV Total :- Rs.112,300/- Rs.15,345/- Amount deposited, gift retained 369. (a) One Jewelry set (in Gold, with Precious stones) containing: - i. One Neckalce ii. One Bracelet iii. One Pair of Tops iv. One Finger Ring (b) Replica of Bab e Kaaba (For Info) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-12-2006 (a) i. Rs.2,183,700/- ii. Rs.1,097,005/- iii. Rs.340,425/- iv. Rs.143,425/- Total: - Rs.3,764,555/- Rs.563,184/- Amount deposited, gift retained 370. One shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-12-2006 NCV Free of cost Retained 371. One Crystal Shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-12-2006 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 372. One carpet Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 21-12-2006 Rs.35,000/- Rs.3,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 373. One mobile set “Huawei (U636) One Model of Horse (Onyx) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 21-12-2006 a. Rs.9,000/- b. Rs.7,500/- Total :- Rs.16,500/- Rs.975/- Amount deposited, gift retained 374. One wrist watch (Van Der Bauwede Geneve) Mr. Zamir Akram, Additional Secretary (FSA), Prime Minister Sectt. 21-12-2006 Rs.30,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 375. One wrist watch (Van Der Bauwede) (No.261 001 1525) Brig. Irfan Azam, Military Secretary to the Prime Minister MS to the Prime Minister 22-12-2006 Rs.30,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained MONETARY LIMIT AS PER PROCEDURE FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS AND THEIR DISPOSAL (06th OCTOBER, 2004): - The monetary limits upto which the gifts can be retained by the recipient are as follows: - (i) Gifts upto a value of Rs.10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) may be retained (free of cost) by the recipient. (ii) Gifts valued above Rs.10,000/- may be allowed to be retained by the recipient on payment of 15% of the value exceeding basic exemption of Rs.10,000/- (iii) Gifts valued at Rs.400,000/- or more shall not be retained by the recipient, except the President and the Head of the Government. However, the recipient of gift comprising distinct articles but gifted in a single transaction having collective value of Rs.4 lac or more shall have an option to retain any article(s) upto the collective value of less than Rs.4 lac only subject to the condition that part of an article will not be allowed to be taken. This exemption shall however not be available in case of antiques and gifts of intrinsic historical value. (iv) Different gift articles given by a single dignitary to a functionary at one occasion will be treated as single gift for the purpose of valuation. (v) The maximum monetary limit to be allowed for retention of gifts in one calendar year for any functionary other than the President or the Prime Minister should not exceed Rupees one million. However, the gifts having value in excess of the limit of Rupees one million can be retained by the recipient on payment of 65% of the assessed value of the gifts. DISCLAIMER: - This data/list is provided on Federal Government directions as per the record available, and is based on the information/gifts declared or deposited by the persons and departments responsible for it, under the policy prevalent at that time. Cabinet Division is not responsible for any error or omissions made by those individuals/departments. 376. One box containing (commemorative sterling) silver coin set (08 Nos.) Wing Commander Waqar Ahmad, Deputy Military Secretary to the Prime Minister, DMS to the Prime Minister 23-12-2006 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 377. One Pearl Necklace President of Pakistan, General Pervaiz Musharraf 23-12-2006 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 378. One Silver Bowl (Small) Syed Safwanullah, Federal Minister for Housing & Works 27-12-2006 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 379. One Tea Set President of Pakistan, General Pervaiz Musharraf 28-12-2006 Rs.4,000/- Free of Cost Retained 380. a. One Sword b.One Necklace (Pearl) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-12-2006 a. Rs.9,000/- b. Rs.15,000/- Rs.2,100/- Amount deposited, gift retained 381. One Calligraphy duly Framed Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-12-2006 Rs.10,000/- Free of Cost Retained TOSHAKHANA GIFT RECORD 2007 S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 1. a. One Table Set (consisting One Pen Stand, One Ball Point, One Pen, One Box of chit pad. b. Two Cups with Saucers Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 09-01-2007 a. Rs.2,500/- b. Rs.400/- Free of Cost Retained 2. Two Ceramic Decoration Plates Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 09-01-2007 Rs.1,000/- Free of Cost Retained 3. a. One Decoration Piece+ one CD b. Two Badges Azerbaijan +two CD’s Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 09-01-2007 a. Rs.1,000/- b. NCV Free of Cost Retained 4. One Carpet Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 09-01-2007 RS. 20,000/- Rs.1,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 5. a. Box Containing body Spray, Body lotion and Bath Shower Gel b. One Neck Tie Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 09-01-2007 a. Rs.3,200/- b. Rs.2,000/- Free of Cost Retained 6. Three Models of Handcrafted Cricket Articles (Wickets, Bat, Ball and Pitch) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 09-01-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 7. One Table Clock Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime 09-01-2007 Rs.1,000/- Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks (Horloge Westminister HL 100 MM) Minister of Pakistan 8. One wrist watch (Vander Bauwede) Dr. Aamer Liaqat Hussain, Minister for Religious Affairs 09-01-2007 Rs.30,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 9. a. One Dagger (Yemeni) b. One Shield c. Two packets d. one tea & Honey (for info) Dr. Aamer Liaqat Hussain, Minister for Religious Affairs 09-01-2007 a. Rs.10,000/- b. NCV Free of cost Retained 10. One Decoration Piece (silver embroidery) Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister of Pakistan 10-01-2007 Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained 11. One Golden and Red Decoration Piece Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister of Pakistan 10-01-2007 Rs.1,500/- Free of Cost Retained 12. a. One wrist watch (Van Der Bauwede) b. One packet coffee (for info) Mr. Jawed Akhtar, Additional Secretary to, Prime Minister. 10-01-2007 a. Rs.30,000/- b. NCV Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 13. One wrist watch Syed Sharif uddin Pirzada, Advisor to the Prime Minister 10-01-2007 Rs.100,000/- Rs.13,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 14. a. One Dagger (yemeni) b. One shield c. Two packet d. One tea & honey (For info) Syed Sharif uddin Pirzada, Senior Advisor to the Prime Minister 10-01-2007 a. Rs.10,000/- b. NCV Free of cost Retained 15. One Carpet President of Pakistan, General Pervaiz Musharraf 15-01-2007 Rs.5,500/- Free of Cost Retained 16. One Wooden Decoration Piece Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister of Pakistan 18-01-2007 Rs.4,000/- Free of Cost Retained 17. One Golden Decoration Piece Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister of Pakistan 18-01-2007 Rs.2,500/- Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 18. One Emblem of University of Hungary Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister of Pakistan 18-01-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 19. One Hand Fan Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 18-01-2007 Rs.500/- Free of Cost Retained 20. a. One Ball Point b. Two Spoon (Decoration Piece) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 18-01-2007 a. Rs.500/- b. Rs.2,000/- Free of Cost Retained 21. Four Decoration Plates (Wall Hanging) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 18-01-2007 Rs.6,000/- Free of Cost Retained 22. a. One Gents Wrist Watch Rolex (No. K605695 116519) b. One Wrist Watch Ladies Brequet (No.44563) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 18-01-2007 a. Rs.500,000/- b. Rs.800,000/- - Auctioned (a) For Rs.510,000/- (b) For Rs.936,500/- 23.q One Glass Decoration Piece Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister of Pakistan 18-01-2007 Rs.5,500/- Free of Cost Retained 24. One Paper Weight Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 22-01-2007 Rs.2,500/- Free of Cost Retained 25. One Mirror with stand Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 22-01-2007 Rs.2,000/- Free of Cost Retained 26. One Flower Vase Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 22-01-2007 Rs.3,500/- Free of Cost Retained 27. One wrist watch Rai Aziz Ullah Khan, MNA 24-01-2007 Rs.100,000/- Rs.13,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 28. a. One dagger (Yemeni) b. One shield (Suiun Palace) c. One tea & honey (For info) Rai Aziz Ullah Khan, MNA 24-01-2007 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 29. Wrist watch (BVLGARI) BB42 SS Mr. Aftab Ahmed Khan Sherpao, Minister for 25-01-2007 Rs.100,000/- Rs.13,500/- Amount deposited, gift S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks auto o 1023 Interior retained 30. One Jewellary Set in 18Kt gold Diamond and Ruby i.e. a. One Necklace b. One Bracelet c. One Pair of Ear Rings d. One Ring) e. One Rifle with accessories President of Pakistan, General Pervaiz Musharraf 31-01-2007 a. Rs.717,600/- b. Rs.301,100/- c. Rs.208,400/- d. Rs.53,240/- e. Rs.200,000/- Rs.220,551/ Amount deposited, gift retained 31. a. One Beads (Tasbih) in 18Kt Gold b. One Decoration Piece President of Pakistan, General Pervaiz Musharraf 31-01-2007 a. Rs.15,000/- b. Rs.3,000/- Rs.1,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 32. One Silver Box President of Pakistan, General Pervaiz Musharraf 31-01-2007 Rs.10,000/- Free of Cost Retained 33. One Wrist Watch Rolex No. 114270 Mr. Zamir Akram, Additional Secretary (FSA) 06-02-2007 Rs.250,000/- Rs.36,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 34. One Model of Horse President of Pakistan, General Pervaiz Musharraf 07-02-2007 Rs.30,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 35. One Wrist Watch Ebel (No.1955K41) Lt. Col. Syed Muhammad Adnan, DMS to President (Deputy Military Secretary to the President) 07-02-2007 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 36. One Wrist Watch Ebel (No.1955K41) Lt. Col. Qazi Muhammad Ikram, APS (C) 07-02-2007 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 37. One Wrist Watch Ebel (No.1955K41) Maj. Shaheryar Eqbal Saeed, ADC to President, ADC (P) 07-02-2007 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 38. One Wrist Watch Techno marine (Black Strap) Mr. Tariq Aslam, Protocol Officer (Gift) 07-02-2007 Rs.35,000/- Rs.3,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 39. One Wrist Watch Techno marine (White Strap) Mr. Mirza Muazzam Ali, Protocol Assistant 07-02-2007 Rs.35,000/- Rs.3,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 40. One Decorative Plate Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 09-02-2007 Rs.2,800/- Free of Cost Retained 41. Flower Vase Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 09-02-2007 Rs.1,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.1,401/- 42. Flower Vase Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 09-02-2007 Rs.4,000/- Free of Cost Retained 43. a. One wrist watch Eloga b. One Packet of Coffee Mr. Nadeem Dar, DG, National Security Council, NSC 09-02-2007 a. Rs.30,000/- b. NCV Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 44. One Box Containing Eight Coins (Gold) Mr. Muhammad Ali Durrani, Minister Information & Broadcasting 13-02-2007 Rs.7,600/- Free of Cost Retained 45. One Wooden engraved hanging Window Mr. Muhammad Ali Durrani, Minister Information & Broadcasting 13-02-2007 Rs.8,500/- Free of Cost Retained 46. One Wrist Watch (Ebel) with Diamonds Mr. Muhammad Ali Durrani, Minister Information & Broadcasting 13-02-2007 Rs.100,000/- Rs.13,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 47. One wrist watch (BVLGARI) Makhdum Khusro Bakhtyar, Minister of State Foreign Affairs 14-02-2007 Rs.100,000/- Rs.13,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 48. One dagger (yemeni) Makhdum Khusro Bakhtyar, Minister of State Foreign Affairs 14-02-2007 a. Rs.10,000/- b. NCV Free of cost Retained 49. One Decoration Box President of Pakistan, General Pervaiz Musharraf 15-02-2007 Rs.7,000/- Free of Cost Retained 50. One Digital Wrist Chairman, ERRA 15-02-2007 Rs.1,200/- Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks Watch (Model TRIAX SWIFT DIGITAL LX) 51. One Honey Pot Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-02-2007 Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained 52. One Shield (Membrini Crystal) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-02-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 53. One Book “Saood” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-02-2007 Rs.500/- Free of Cost Retained 54. One Book “Food & Fun in Davos” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-02-2007 Rs.1,200/- Free of Cost Retained 55. One silver Tray Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-02-2007 Rs.6,000/- Free of Cost Retained 56. One Book “Europe giving shape to an Idea” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-02-2007 Rs.1,000/- Free of Cost Retained 57. One Table Clock Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-02-2007 Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained 58. Two Neck Ties Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-02-2007 Rs.6,000/- Free of Cost Retained 59. One Shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-02-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 60. One Shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-02-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 61. Quranic Verses Engraved on Walnut Wood Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-02-2007 Rs.18,000/- Rs.1,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 62. One Photograph of Singapore Port duly framed Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-02-2007 Rs.500/- Free of Cost Retained 63. One Sword Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-02-2007 Rs.10,000/- Free of Cost Retained 64. One Wooden Screen Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-02-2007 Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained 65. One Wrist Watch Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, 19-02-2007 Rs.70,000/- Rs.9,000/- Amount S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks Concord (Swiss Made 40/100) Foreign Minister deposited, gift retained 66. One Box of Eight Coins (i.e. Three silver coins, Four Copper Coins and One Gold Coin) Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 19-02-2007 Rs.7,600/- Free of Cost Retained 67. One decorated Wooden Window with Mirror and steel border Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 19-02-2007 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 68. One Table Clock Brig. Irfan Azam, MS to the Prime Minister (Military Secretary to the Prime Minister) 20-02-2007 Rs.3,500/- Free of Cost Retained 69. One Table Clock Wing Commander Waqar Ahmad, DMS to the Prime Minister (Deputy Military Secretary to the Prime Minister) 20-02-2007 Rs.3,500/- Free of Cost Retained 70. One Small Flower Vase (decorated with Enamel Work) Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan Bosan, Minister Food, Agriculture & Livestock. 24-02-2007 Rs.350/- - Auctioned for 71. One Shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-02-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 72. One Carpet Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-02-2007 Rs.40,000/- Rs.4,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 73. One Flower Vase Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-02-2007 Rs.1,000/- Free of Cost Retained 74. One Bowl Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-02-2007 Rs.10,000/- Free of Cost Retained 75. One Shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-02-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 76. One Shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-02-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 77. a. One Japanese Folding Fan b. One Tie c. One flash Drive +Cd Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-02-2007 a. Rs.300/- b. Rs.1,500/- c. Rs.3,500/- Free of Cost Retained 78. a. One Table Clock b. One Box (consisting pair of Ball points, Key chain, Chit Box and One Paper Clip) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-02-2007 a. Rs.1,500/- b. Rs.2,500/- Free of Cost Retained 79. One Shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-02-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 80. One Gold Commemorative Coin Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-02-2007 Rs.52,800/- Rs.6,420/- Amount deposited, gift retained 81. One Photo Frame Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-02-2007 Rs.1,000/- Free of Cost Retained 82. One Tray with Stand Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-02-2007 Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained 83. a. One Table Clock b. One Shawl Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-02-2007 a. Rs.6,500/- b. Rs.2,500/- Free of Cost Retained 84. a. One Book “Tall Trees Grand, The Final Conclusion” b. One Book “Parliament in Picture” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-02-2007 a. Rs.1,000/- (each) b. NCV Free of Cost Retained 85. a. One dagger Senator Tariq Azim Khan, 03-03-2007 a. Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks b. Two packets of honey c. One shield (Suiun Palace) Minister of State for Information & Broadcasting b. NCV 86. One wrist watch (Bvlgari) Senator Tariq Azim Khan, Minister of State for Information & Broadcasting 03-03-2007 Rs.100,000/- Rs.13,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 87. One Model of Camel Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-03-2007 Rs.4,000/- Free of Cost Retained 88. a. One Model of Rikshaw b. Leather Visiting Card Pouch Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-03-2007 a. NCV b. Rs.300/- Free of Cost Retained 89. One Executive Pen Drive Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-03-2007 Rs.4,000/- Free of Cost Retained 90. One Replica of Deer (Crystal) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-03-2007 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 91. One Currency Note +ten Coins of UK in a frame Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-03-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 92. One CD+Twenty Books Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-03-2007 Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained 93. One Bowl Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-03-2007 Rs.2,200/- Free of Cost Retained 94. Two Anniversary Table Cloths Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-03-2007 Rs.10,000/- Free of Cost Retained 95. One Wrist Watch ROMEO (Swiss made) (3ATM Water Resistant 01457- 8326-001) District Nazim Bahawalpur 09-03-2007 Rs.30,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 96. One Wrist Watch ROMEO (Swiss made) (3ATM Water District Coordination Officer, Bahawalpur 09-03-2007 Rs.30,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks Resistant 01357- 8326-001) 97. a. One Sitar b. One Khais c. Two Sindhi Caps d. Three Ajraks e. Eight Books Three Magazines Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-03-2007 a. Rs.5,500/- b. Rs.600/- c. Rs.1,200/- d. Rs.750/- e. NCV f. NCV Free of Cost Retained 98. One Shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-03-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 99. One Book “Ganj Shah Jo Risalo” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-03-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 100. One Decoration Piece (Wall Hanging duly framed) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-03-2007 Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained 101. a. One Flower Vase b. One Book ‘the Reluctant Politician” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-03-2007 a. Rs.13,000/- b. NCV Rs.450/- Amount deposited, gift retained 102. One Book “Thailand Reflected in a River” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-03-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 103. One Letter of Appreciation (duly framed) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-03-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 104. One Book “Australia A Complete Guide” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-03-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 105. Five Mint Coins of Khans of the Mongol Empire 1206-1368 Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-03-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 106. One Bowl with lid Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-03-2007 Rs.4,000/- Free of Cost Retained 107. One Embroidered Wall Hanging Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-03-2007 Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained 108. One Bottle of Perfume Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime 10-03-2007 Rs.1,200/- Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks “Fahrenheit Dio” Minister of Pakistan 109. One wrist watch (Van Der Bauwede) Mr. Javed Akhtar, Press Secretary to the Prime Minister 13-03-2007 Rs.30,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 110. a. One wrist watch (Van Der Bauwede) b. One packet of coffee Mr. Sami Saeed, Press Secretary to the Prime Minister 15-03-2007 a. Rs.30,000/- b. NCV Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 111. One Packet of Coffee Brig Azhar Mahmood Kiyani, PP to the Prime Minister 17-03-2007 NCV Free of cost Retained 112. One Packet of Coffee Lt Col Iftikhar Ghani, Director Security 17-03-2007 NCV Free of cost Retained 113. One Packet of Coffee SSP Mohsin Hassan Butt, CSO to the Prime Minister 17-03-2007 NCV Free of cost Retained 114. One Packet of Coffee SP Muhammad Ali, ASO to the Prime Minister 17-03-2007 NCV Free of cost Retained 115. One Packet of Coffee Maj Amir Munshi, ADC to the Prime Minister 17-03-2007 NCV Free of cost Retained 116. One Packet of Coffee Mr. Muhammad Hassan, PS to the Prime Minister 17-03-2007 NCV Free of cost Retained 117. One Packet of Coffee Mr. Muhammad Waqas, Protocol Assistant, Prime Minister Sectt. 17-03-2007 NCV Free of cost Retained 118. One Packet of Coffee Inspector Arshad Mahmood, Gunman, Prime Minister Sectt. 17-03-2007 NCV Free of cost Retained 119. One Packet of Coffee H/Constable Muhammad Riaz, Gunman, Prime Minister Sectt. 17-03-2007 NCV Free of cost Retained 120. One Packet of Coffee H/Constable Pervez Khan, Gunman, Prime Minister Sectt. 17-03-2007 NCV Free of cost Retained 121. One Packet of Coffee Nk. Ghulam Akbar, SSG 17-03-2007 NCV Free of cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks Gunman, Prime Minister Sectt. 122. One Packet of Coffee Sep. Irfan-ul-Haq, SSG Gunman, Prime Minister Sectt. 17-03-2007 NCV Free of cost Retained 123. One Packet of Coffee Mr. Naveed-us-Siyam, Nursing Assistant, Prime Minister Sectt. 17-03-2007 NCV Free of cost Retained 124. a. A Glimpse of Interior Lahore (Wooden Wall Hanging) b. Bed Sheet with Two Pillow & Two Cushion Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan Begum Prime Minister 20-03-2007 a. Rs.10,000/- b. Rs.5,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 125. a. One Embroidered white Gown b. One Cap c. One Scarf d. Set of Jug, two glasses & Three Trays Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-03-2007 a. Rs.2000/- b. NCV c. NCV d. Rs.25,000/- Rs.2,550/- Amount deposited, gift retained 126. a. One Cutlery Set (24 Pieces) b. One Carpet Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-03-2007 a. Rs.35,000/- b. Rs.20,000/- Rs.6,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 127. One Carpet Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-03-2007 Rs.10,000/- Free of Cost Retained 128. a. One Cap b. Four Decoration Pieces c. Pair of lady’s Shoes d. One Lady’s Jacket (Embroidered) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-03-2007 a. NCV b. NCV c. Rs.2,000/- d. Rs.1,500/- e. NCV f. Rs.3,000/- g. NCV Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks e. One Book “Bukhara” f. One Tray g. Packet of Green Tea 129. One Green Chaddar Embroidered with Quranic verses Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-03-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 130. a. One Embroidered blue gown b. One wooden Quranic Rehel Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-03-2007 a. Rs.2,500/- b. NCV Free of Cost Retained 131. a. One Carpet b. Three Decoration Pieces (Wall Hanging) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 21-03-2007 a. Rs.3,000/- b. Rs.2,000/- Free of Cost Retained 132. One Roof Prism Binocular (Black rubber Armoured) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 21-03-2007 Rs.4,000/- Free of Cost Retained 133. One Wrist Watch “CHOPARD “alongwith Ball Point (Geneve Brand) Mr. Aman Ullah Khan Jadoon, Minister for Petroleum & Natural Resources 27-03-2007 Rs.90,000/- Rs.12,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 134. One Decoration Piece (decoration plate) Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan Bosan, Minister Food, Agriculture & Livestock 30-03-2007 Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained 135. One Jewellary Set in 18Kt Gold & diamond i.e. a. One Necklace b. One Bracelet c. Pair of Ear Rings d. One Ring First Lady of Pakistan, wife of President Pervaiz Musharraf 03-04-2007 a. Rs.10,153,800/- b. Rs.2,470,500/- c. Rs.1,773,900/- d. Rs.484,200/- Rs. 2,230,860/- Amount deposited, gift retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 136. One Wrist Watch (Officina Del Tempo) Lt. Col. Syed Muhammad Adnan, DMS to the President 03-04-2007 Rs.20,000/- Rs.1,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 137. One Wrist Watch (Officina Del Tempo) Cdr. Amir Saeed, ADC to President 03-04-2007 Rs.20,000/- Rs.1,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 138. A Pair of Cufflinks Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 03-04-2007 Rs.1,200/- Free of Cost Retained 139. One Book “Canvas” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 03-04-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 140. a. One Book “Magnificent Pakistan” b. One Decoration Piece with stand Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 03-04-2007 a. NCV b. Rs.6,500/- Free of Cost Retained 141. a. Fifty-Six Badges b. One Wooden Scenery with Stand Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 03-04-2007 a. NCV b. Rs.2,500/- Free of Cost Retained 142. One Shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 03-04-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 143. a. One Model of Castle Fort Plant b. One Model of Key c. One Book Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 03-04-2007 Rs.4,000/- Free of Cost Retained 144. One Decoration Piece with Stand Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 03-04-2007 Rs.2,500/- Free of Cost Retained 145. One Ship Anchor Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 03-04-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 146. One Shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 03-04-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 147. One Shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 03-04-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 148. One Shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime 03-04-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks Minister of Pakistan 149. One Ceramic Plate with Stand (Reflection Government House) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 03-04-2007 Rs.1,200/- Free of Cost Retained 150. a. One Flower Vase with Base b. Five Photo Frames c. Three Books “A tradition to Innovate” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 03-04-2007 a. Rs.1,000/- b. Rs.5,000/- c. NCV Free of Cost Retained 151. One Glass Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 03-04-2007 Rs.350/- Free of Cost Retained 152. One Pearl Necklace (MALA) Chairman ERRA 05-04-2007 Rs.3,500/- Free of Cost Retained 153. a. Two daggers b. ‘One shield Pir M. Shah Khagga, MNA 05-04-2007 a. Rs.5,000/-(each) b. NCV Total: - Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 154. One wrist watch (Bvlgari) (No.AC 44TA/L1577) Pir M. Shah Khagga, MNA 05-04-2007 Rs.100,000/- Rs.13,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 155. a. Wrist Watch Titan (Indian Made) b. One Decoration Frame c. One Plate/Souvenir Auditor General of Pakistan 07-04-2007 a. Rs.2,000/- b. Rs.5,000/- c. Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained 156. a. One Portrait of the Prime Minister duly Framed b. One Book Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-04-2007 Rs.6,000/- Free of Cost Retained 157. One Portrait duly framed Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-04-2007 Rs.5,000/- Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 158. One Book “The Book of Iran” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-04-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 159. One small Flower vase (Crystal) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-04-2007 Rs.4,000/- Free of Cost Retained 160. One Table Clock Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-04-2007 Rs.650/- Free of Cost Retained 161. Two Photographs “Trevor Griffiths” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-04-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 162. One Gun Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-04-2007 Rs.2,500/- Free of Cost Retained 163. a. One Book “Gross National Happiness and Development b. One Book “Bhutan A kingdom in the Sky” c. One Table Cloth Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-04-2007 a. NCV b. NCV c. Rs.1,200/- Free of Cost Retained 164. One Tray Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-04-2007 Rs.1,200/- Free of Cost Retained 165. One tea Set (15 Pieces) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-04-2007 Rs.4,500/- Free of Cost Retained 166. Seven Books Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-04-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 167. a. One Model of Peacok with Silver filigree Work b. One Lady’s suit (Begum Sahiba) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-04-2007 a. Rs.5,000/- b. Rs.1,500/- Free of Cost Retained 168. a. One Chardar with Quranic Verses b. One Packet of Sweet Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-04-2007 a. Rs.1,000/- b. NCV Free of Cost Retained 169. One Book “India from Curzone to Nehru and Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-04-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks after” 170. One Flower Vase Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-04-2007 Rs.2,500/- Free of Cost Retained 171. a. One Maldives Diary b. One Round Plate with insignia of a Boat “Klhu-ohFummi” c. Twelve Tins of Oil of Tuna Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-04-2007 Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained 172. a. One Dagger b. One Photo frame Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-04-2007 a. Rs.15,000/- b. Rs.3,000/- Rs.1,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 173. One Silver Bowl with stand Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 12-04-2007 Rs.3,500/- Free of Cost Retained 174. A Vase with engraved Calligraphy Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 12-04-2007 Rs.4,000/- Free of Cost Retained 175. Gobek, a Malaysian Traditional tool Box for crushing betel Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 12-04-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 176. Small Decoration Plate “English Bone China” Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 12-04-2007 Rs.250/- Free of Cost Retained 177. Cloisonné, a Chinese Handicraft Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 12-04-2007 Rs.250/- Free of Cost Retained 178. (Swarovski) a small Crystal Elephant Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 12-04-2007 Rs.45,000/- Rs.5,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 179. Ravissant Silver, Small Silver Box Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 12-04-2007 Rs.2,000/- Free of Cost Retained 180. Ravissant Silver, Small Silver Box Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 12-04-2007 Rs.2,000/- Free of Cost Retained 181. One Brief Case Containing: - Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 12-04-2007 a. Rs.250,000/- b. Rs.46,840/- Rs.52,575/- Amount deposited, gift S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks a. One wrist watch (Ladies) Meyers b. Pair of Ear Rings in Gold & Diamond c. One Necklace in Gold & Diamond d. Pair of Cufflinks in silver e. One Ball Pen in silver & Diamond c. Rs.43,160/- d. Rs.2,000/- e. Rs.18,500/- retained 182. a. One Gents Wrist Watch Gio Monaco b. One Bracelet in Gold in Diamond Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 12-04-2007 a. Rs.170,000/- b. Rs.252,700/- - Auctioned (a)For Rs.100,600/- (b)For Rs.386,500/- 183. Sea Shell Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 12-04-2007 Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained 184. Wooden engraved Elephant with its Mahout Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 12-04-2007 Rs.3,500/- Free of Cost Retained 185. Framed Philippines ` Shells Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 12-04-2007 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 186. One Wrist Watch Titan (Sr.No.389 YAE) Mr. Zamir Akram, Additional Secretary (FSA) 19-04-2007 Rs.2,000/- Free of Cost Retained 187. One Coffee Set (consisting six cup, six spoons & one Plate) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-04-2007 Rs.10,000/- Free of Cost Retained 188. One Shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-04-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 189. One White Chaddar Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-04-2007 Rs.350/- Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 190. One Decoration Piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-04-2007 Rs.3,500/- Free of Cost Retained 191. One Flower Vase Mr. Altaf M. Saleem, Chairman ERRA 25-04-2007 Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained 192. One Scenery duly framed Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-04-2007 Rs.6,500/- Free of Cost Retained 193. One Shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-04-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 194. One Shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-04-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 195. a. One Album of Stamp + Currency Note b. One Album “In Commemoration of the Mascot Sport Poses of the Games of the 29th Olympaid” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-04-2007 a. NCV b. NCV Free of Cost Retained 196. One Ceramic Plate Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-04-2007 Rs.2,500/- Free of Cost Retained 197. One Coffee Set Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-04-2007 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 198. One Wooden (Jaffary) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-04-2007 Rs.60,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.66,111/- 199. One Book Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-04-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 200. a. One Book b. One Model of DFH4 Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-04-2007 a. NCV b. NCV Free of Cost Retained 201. One Mobile Set Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-04-2007 Rs.6,500/- Free of Cost Retained 202. Horoscope with Magnifying Glass Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-04-2007 Rs.1,500/- Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 203. One Scenery duly framed Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-04-2007 Rs.6,500/- Free of Cost Retained 204. One Photo Album of PM’s Visit to Chengdu+CD Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-04-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 205. One Scenery duly framed Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-04-2007 Rs.7,000/- Free of Cost Retained 206. One Scenery duly framed Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-04-2007 Rs.25,000/- Rs. 2250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 207. One embroidery duly framed Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-04-2007 Rs.5,000/- Free of Cost Retained 208. One Ball Pen Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-04-2007 Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained 209. a. One Shield b. One Book c. One Flower vase For Begum sahiba of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-04-2007 a. NCV b. NCV c. Rs.6,000/- Free of Cost Retained 210. One Flower Vase For Begum sahiba of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-04-2007 Rs.15,000/- Rs. 750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 211. a. One Necklace (Pearl) b. One Silk Suit For Begum sahiba of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-04-2007 a. Rs.6,000/- b. Rs.3,500/- Free of Cost Retained 212. One Bowl with Lid For Begum sahiba of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-04-2007 Rs.4,000/- Free of Cost Retained 213. One Album For Begum sahiba of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-04-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 214. One Scarf For Begum sahiba of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime 25-04-2007 Rs.700/- Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks Minister of Pakistan 215. One Miniature of Chinese Traditional Girl For Begum sahiba of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-04-2007 Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained 216. One Miniature Picture of Panda with Magnifying Glass For Begum sahiba of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-04-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 217. One Jewellary Box (Wooden) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-04-2007 Rs.2,000/- Free of Cost Retained 218. One Digital Camera ‘Cannon” with accessories Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-04-2007 Rs.21,000/- Rs.1,650/- Amount deposited, gift retained 219. a. Two Cups with Saucers b. Two Spoons Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan Begum Sahiba 27-04-2007 Rs.5,000/- Free of Cost Retained 220. a. One Jewelry Box “Najeonchilgi” (Lacquer-ware inlaid with Mother of Pearl) b. One Scarf Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-04-2007 a. Rs.6,500/- b. Rs.100/- Free of Cost Retained 221. One scenery with stand Begum Sahiba of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-04-2007 Rs.3,800/- Free of Cost Retained 222. One Panda Begum Sahiba of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-04-2007 Rs.1,500/- Free of Cost Retained 223. One Pen Brig. Tahir Mahmud Malik, Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 27-04-2007 Rs.3,200/- Free of Cost Retained 224. Wrist Watch Roberge in steel 18kt Gold Lt Cdr. Ahmed Farooq Butt, ADC to the Prime Minister 27-04-2007 Rs.35,000/- Rs.3,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 225. One Wrist Watch Mr. Muhammad Saeed 30-04-2007 Rs.7,500/- Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks Treasury Swiss Khan, Protocol Officer 226. One Wrist Watch (Officina Del Tempo) Mr. Muhammad Junaid Khan, UDC, President Sectt. 30-04-2007 Rs.20,000/- Rs.1,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 227. One Book “Twentieth Century Impressions of Ceylon” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 12-05-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 228. One Tea Set (17 Pcs) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 12-05-2007 Rs.7,000/- Free of Cost Retained 229. a. One Fountain Pen “Waterman Paris” b. One Neck Tie Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 12-05-2007 a. Rs.3,000/- b. Rs.1,500/- Free of Cost Retained 230. a. One Juice Set b. One Broach Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan Begum Sahiba 12-05-2007 a. Rs.15,000/- b. Rs.5,000/- Rs.1,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 231. Model of a Wooden Boat Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 24-05-2007 Rs.1,000/- Free of Cost Retained 232. A Flower Vase (blue) Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 24-05-2007 Rs.1,200/- Free of Cost Retained 233. Model of Elephant decorated with engraved silver and gems Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 24-05-2007 Rs.5,000/- Free of Cost Retained 234. Cigarette box with golden color outing Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 24-05-2007 Rs.2,500/- Free of Cost Retained 235. Decorative Piece “Fish Hook” in a wooden frame Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 24-05-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 236. Wooden decoration piece with image of Santa Cruz Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 24-05-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 237. A silver Plate with engraved signatures Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 24-05-2007 Rs. 5000/- Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 238. Framed Scenery thread work Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 24-05-2007 Rs.1,500/- - Auctioned for Rs.4,100/- 239. A Souvenir Bosnia Herzegovina Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 24-05-2007 NCV) Free of Cost Retained 240. One Table Set containing (One paper tray, One pen tray, One paper holder, Two boxes) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 24-05-2007 Rs.3000/- Free of Cost Retained 241. a. One Wooden Box (empty) b. One Book “Essaouira” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 24-05-2007 a. Rs.2,500/- b. NCV Free of Cost Retained 242. One book “The Work of the University” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 24-05-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 243. One Neck-Tie Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 24-05-2007 Rs.1,500/- Free of Cost Retained 244. One Embroidery duly framed Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 24-05-2007 Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained 245. One Wall Hanging Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 24-05-2007 Rs.2,500/- Free of Cost Retained 246. One Silver Tray Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-05-2007 Rs.5,500/- Free of Cost Retained 247. One small tray (sterling) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-05-2007 Rs. 2500/- Free of Cost Retained 248. One Book “Human Development in South Asia 2006” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-05-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 249. Two Sets of Books *Annual Report 2004- 05 *Annual Report 2005- 06 *Islam and Terrorism Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-05-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks *Hadood Ordinance 1979 “A Critical Report” one Braocher 250. One wrist watch (Van Der Bauwede) Mr. Riaz H. Khokhar, Prime Minister’s Special Envoy for Inter-Civilizational Relations during Prime Minister visit to Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia & Yemen 04-06-2007 Rs.30,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 251. a. One Holy Quran b. Three Coins (i.e. One Gold Coin, One Silver Coin & One Copper Coin) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-06-2007 a. For Info only b. Rs.40,000/- Rs.4,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 252. One Painting Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-06-2007 Rs.10,000/- Free of Cost Retained 253. One Bowl Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-06-2007 Rs.5,000/- Free of Cost Retained 254. One Coin (Holey Dollar) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-06-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 255. Jaeger Lecoultre Wrist Watch Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 16-06-2007 Rs. 175,000/- Rs.24,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 256. Piece of Thai Silk Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 16-06-2007 Rs.1,000/- Free of Cost Retained 257. Small Coffee Set (a plate, a Coffee pot and five cups) Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 16-06-2007 Rs.2,500/- Free of Cost Retained 258. Small Silver Jug Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 16-06-2007 Rs.3,500/- Free of Cost Retained 259. Tile Fixed in Masjid-eNabvi Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 16-06-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 260. Piece of Table Cloth Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, 16-06-2007 Rs.1,500/- Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks Foreign Minister 261. a. Framed Painting with the word of ALLAH b. One Framed Painting of Art Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 16-06-2007 a. Rs.5,000/- b. Rs.5,000/- Free of Cost Retained 262. Set of Three Bowls q - decorative Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 16-06-2007 Rs.4,500/- Free of Cost Retained 263. One Wrist Watch Ebel (No.1955K41) Maj. Gen. Akhtar Iqbal, DCOS 21-06-2007 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 264. One Wrist Watch Ebel (No.1955K41) Brig. Muhammad Iftikhar Mansoor, DG (S) 21-06-2007 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 265. One Wrist Watch Ebel (No.1955K41) Col. Muhammad Ilyas, CSO to President 21-06-2007 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 266. One Wrist Watch Ebel (No.1955K41) Lt. Col. Baber Mumtaz, Addl. CSO to President. 21-06-2007 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 267. One Wrist Watch Techno marine Mr. Mansoor Ahmed Khan, Comptroller 21-06-2007 Rs.35,000/- Rs.3,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 268. One Wrist Watch Techno marine Maj. Zafar Iqbal, MTO 21-06-2007 Rs.35,000/- Rs.3,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 269. One Wrist Watch Ebel (No.1955K41) Maj. Mobeen Umer Farooqi, Security Officer 21-06-2007 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 270. One Wrist Watch VIP Time Hav. Tariq Mahmood, Gunman SSG 21-06-2007 Rs.10,000/- Free of Cost Retained 271. One Wrist Watch VIP Time Hav. Muhammad Anwar Gunman, SSG 21-06-2007 Rs.10,000/- Free of Cost Retained 272. One Wrist Watch VIP L/NK Naeem Ishaq, 21-06-2007 Rs.10,000/- Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks Time Gunman, SSG 273. One Wrist Watch VIP Time Sep. Asif Riaz, Gunman, SSG 21-06-2007 Rs.10,000/- Free of Cost Retained 274. One Wrist Watch VIP Time Sep. Gul Zameen Khan, Gunman, SSG 21-06-2007 Rs.10,000/- Free of Cost Retained 275. One Wrist Watch VIP Time Mr. Ghulam Ali, Valet 21-06-2007 Rs.10,000/- Free of Cost Retained 276. One Kehwa Set Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 23-06-2007 Rs.2,500/- Free of Cost Retained 277. One Ceramic Plate Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 23-06-2007 Rs.2,000/- Free of Cost Retained 278. One Painting Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 23-06-2007 Rs.10,000/- Free of Cost Retained 279. One Replica of Diesel Engine Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 23-06-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 280. a. Indian Postage Stamp b. Two Shields Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 23-06-2007 a. NCV b. NCV Free of Cost Retained 281. One Shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 23-06-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 282. One Shield Dr. Ashafaque Hasan Khan, DG (Debt) M/o Finance 27-06-2007 NCV Free of cost Retained 283. One wrist watch (Bvlgari) Dr. Ashafaque Hasan Khan, DG (Debt) M/o Finance 27-06-2007 Rs.100,000/- Rs.13,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 284. One Wooden Carved Box containing dead Sea products including some liquids Mr. Sikandar Hayat Khan Bosan, Minister Food, Agriculture and Livestock 06-07-2007 Rs.7,500/- Free of Cost Retained 285. Souvenir Mr. Salim Gul Shaikh, Secretary M/o Culture 10-07-2007 Rs.2,000/- Free of Cost Retained 286. a. One ladies bag b. Jewlery Set c. Tasbih Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-07-2007 a. Rs.4,000/- b. Rs.3,500/- c. Rs.1,000/- Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks d. Ladies shoes e. Shield d. Rs.2,000/- e. NCV 287. One Shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-07-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 288. One Shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-07-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 289. One Book “SINGAPORE A Pictorial History 1819- 2000” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-07-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 290. One Shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-07-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 291. One wall hanging Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-07-2007 Rs.7,500/- Free of Cost Retained 292. One Bowl Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-07-2007 Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained 293. Emblem of Seal of the Speaker (US House of Representative) Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 18-07-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 294. Peggy Karr Glass (Scenery Glass) Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 18-07-2007 Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained 295. Empire of Blue Water (5 Compact Discs) Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 18-07-2007 Rs.1,000/- Free of Cost Retained 296. Presidential courage (5 CDs) Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 18-07-2007 Rs.1,800/- Free of Cost Retained 297. A Replica ‘Chicago Board of Trade Building’ Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 18-07-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 298. Pair of Hand Painted Enamel Cufflinks Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 18-07-2007 Rs.600/- Free of Cost Retained 299. Power Faith and Fantasy (22 CDs) Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 18-07-2007 Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained 300. The Rise and Fall of Alexandria (birth Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 18-07-2007 Rs.2,200/- Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks Place of the Modern Mind (10 CDs) 301. Four Queens the Provencal sisters who ruled Europe (9 CDs) Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 18-07-2007 Rs.2,100/- Free of Cost Retained 302. A photo Tour of Chicago (A Book) Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 18-07-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 303. Chicago then and Now (a book) Mr. Khurshid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister 18-07-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained 304. One Ceramic Vase Dr. Waqar Masood Khan, Special Secretary to the Prime Minister 25-07-2007 Rs.1,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.1,632/- 305. One Camera Sony Cyber-Shot Digital Still Camera (DSCS650, two leads, two Sony Battery Cells, One CD. Brochure and Dori) Mr. M. Akram Malik, Secretary, Economic Affairs Division 25-07-2007 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 306. One Wrist Watch (Montega) (EC-52) Lt. Col. Syed M. Adnan, DMS to President 31-07-2007 Rs.9,500/- Free of Cost Retained 307. Wrist Watch (Royal Diamond No.23) Col. M. Ilyas, CSO to President. 31-07-2007 Rs.9,500/- Free of Cost Retained 308. Wrist Watch (Bvlgari) (L58843) Maj. Shaheryar Eqbal Saeed, ADC to President 31-07-2007 Rs.75,000/- Rs.9,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 309. One Wrist Watch (Axlent) Maj. Asad Farooq, SO to President 31-07-2007 Rs.4,000/- Free of Cost Retained 310. Wrist Watch (Axlent) (X13002) Maj. Tahir Mahmood, SO to President. 31-07-2007 Rs.4,000/- Free of Cost Retained 311. Wrist Watch (Axlent) (Haparanda) (X13031) Maj. Israr Ahmed Khan, Protocol Assistant. 31-07-2007 Rs.4,000/- Free of Cost Retained 312. Wrist Watch (Axlent) Hav. Tariq Mahmood, 31-07-2007 Rs.4,000/- Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks (Haparanda) (X13031) Gunman 313. Wrist Watch (Axlent) (Haparanda) (X13031) L/NK Naeem Ishaq, Gunman 31-07-2007 Rs.4,000/- Free of Cost Retained 314. Wrist Watch (Axlent) (X1300) L/NK Rana Ijaz Ahmed, Gunman 31-07-2007 Rs.4,000/- Free of Cost Retained 315. Wrist Watch (Axlent) (X3312) Sep. Asif Riaz, Gunman 31-07-2007 Rs.4,000/- Free of Cost Retained 316. Wrist Watch (Axlent) (Haparanda) (X13031) Sep. M. Imran Mushtaq, Gunman 31-07-2007 Rs.4,000/- Free of Cost Retained 317. Wrist Watch (Axlent) (X1300) Sep. Gul Zamin, Gunman 31-07-2007 Rs.4,000/- Free of Cost Retained 318. Wrist Watch (Axlent) (Haparanda) (X13031) Mr. Muslim Dad, Valet 31-07-2007 Rs.4,000/- Free of Cost Retained 319. One Jewellary Set in 18Kt Gold diamond & Blue Saphire i.e. a. One Necklace b. One Bracelet c. Pair of Ear Rings d. One Ring First Lady of Pakistan, wife of President Pervaiz Musharraf 01-08-2007 a. Rs.2,440,000/- b. Rs.819,500/- c. Rs.356,500/- d. Rs.127,500/- Rs.560,025/- Amount deposited, gift retained 320. a. One Wrist Watch Gio Monaco b. One Wrist Watch Tiffany Maj. Gen. Shafqaat Ahmed, Military Secretary to the President and his wife. 01-08-2007 a. Rs.90,000/- b. Rs.70,000/- Rs.22,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 321. Two Bags of Yemeni Coffee Beans Ms. Humaira Hasan, Additional Secretary, M/o Foreign Affairs 03-08-2007 - - Gifts declared but not deposited 322. One wrist watch (Bvlgari) (No.AC Ms. Humaira Hasan, Additional Secretary, M/o 03-08-2007 - - Gifts declared but not deposited S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 44TA/L1577) Foreign Affairs 323. One Wall Hanging Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 05-08-2007 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 324. Fifty Purses Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 05-08-2007 NCV Free of cost Retained 325. Two cups with Saucers Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 05-08-2007 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 326. One flower vase Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 05-08-2007 Rs.6,000/- Free of cost Retained 327. One pewter/Resin Round Box Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 05-08-2007 NCV Free of cost Retained 328. One neck tie Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 18-08-2007 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 329. Three marble table tops Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 18-08-2007 Rs.25,000/- Rs.2,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 330. Wooden Pot (Decoration Piece) Chairman ERRA 22-08-2007 Rs.3,500/- Free of Cost Retained 331. Decoration Piece (Paper Weight) Chairman ERRA 22-08-2007 NCV Free of cost Retained 332. One Carpet Mr. Muhammad Ali Durrani, Minister for Information and Broadcasting. 24-08-2007 Rs.7,000/- Free of Cost Retained 333. One painting Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 01-09-2007 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 334. One draft book “Technology-Based Industrial Vision and Strategy for Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 01-09-2007 NCV Free of cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks Pakistan’s SocioEconomic Department” 335. One decoration piece Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 01-09-2007 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 336. One fountain pen with 10 ink Cartridges (Blue) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 01-09-2007 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained 337. One wrist watch “LONGINES No. L4 709 4 33491024” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 01-09-2007 Rs.25,000/- Rs.2250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 338. a. One shield with Stand b. One silk scarf c. One flag d. One badge Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 01-09-2007 NCV Free of cost Retained 339. One shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 01-09-2007 NCV Free of cost Retained 340. One ball point (Montblanc) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 01-09-2007 Rs.45,000/- Rs.5,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 341. a. One stick gun alongwith (four Cartridges) b. One shield c. One shield (air Weapon Complex) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-09-2007 a. Rs.10,000/- b. NCV c. NCV Free of cost Retained 342. One shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-09-2007 NCV Free of cost Retained 343. Three T-Shirts Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-09-2007 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 344. One Shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime 10-09-2007 NCV Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks Minister of Pakistan 345. One Decoration piece (Wall Hanging) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-09-2007 Rs.5,500/- Free of Cost Retained 346. a. One carpet b. One book “Iran” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-09-2007 a. Rs.7,000/- b. NCV Free of cost Retained 347. One shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-09-2007 NCV Free of cost Retained 348. One ball point “Cross” Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-09-2007 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 349. a. One book “Schones Koln” b. One Medallion Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-09-2007 a. NCV b. NCV Free of cost Retained 350. One Shield Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-09-2007 NCV Free of cost Retained 351. A gift box containing set of belt Buckles (Four Pieces) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-09-2007 NCV Free of cost Retained 352. One painting Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 21-09-2007 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 353. Old Japanese Warrior’s Helmet (KABUTO) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 21-09-2007 NCV Free of cost Retained 354. One ceramic Bowl Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 21-09-2007 Rs.3000/- Free of cost Retained 355. One Wrist Watch ByBlos Auditor General of Pakistan 25-09-2007 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 356. One wrist watch Rolex (No.118239) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-09-2007 Rs.1,350,000/- Rs.201,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 357. a. Box containing Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime 27-09-2007 a. Rs.4,600/- Free of cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks Two bottle of perfume” Vera Wang” b. One Pouch containing (one bottle of Shampoo, One Bottle of Shower Gel, One Safty with 08 Fresh Blade “Gillete Mach3, One Bottle of Shave Foam & One bottle of “Old Spice” after Shave Lotion) Minister of Pakistan b. Rs.3,500/- 358. One Wrist Watch “Valentina Orlandi” Shahid Ali Baig, Additional Accountant General of Pakistan 02-10-2007 Rs.10,000/- Free of Cost Retained 359. a. One Wrist Watch Raymond Weil (Gents) b. One Wrist Watch Nina Ricci (Lady’s) Auditor General of Pakistan 03-10-2007 a. Rs.75,000/- b. Rs.8,500/- Rs.11,025/- Amount deposited, gift retained 360. One Flower Vase Mr. Atta Mohammad Raja, Additional Secretary, Planning & Development Division 03-10-2007 Rs.2,200/- Free of Cost Retained 361. One Table clock Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 03-10-2007 Rs.90,000/- Rs.12,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 362. One Packet of Coffee beans Mr. Nazir Hussain, Chief of Protocol, M/o Foreign Affairs 05-10-2007 NCV Free of cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 363. Pair of Decoration Glasses Mr. Mohsin Khan, Controller General of Accounts 08-10-2007 Rs.4,500/- Free of Cost Retained 364. One Statue Controller General of Accounts 08-10-2007 NCV - Auctioned for Rs.650/- 365. a. One lady’s suit b. One necklace (Pearl) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-10-2007 a. Rs.2,500/- b. Rs.6,500/- Free of cost Retained 366. One Metallic Wall hanging duly framed Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan 27-10-2007 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 367. Mont Blanc Pen Set Mr. Nazir Hussain, Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 10-11-2007 Rs.45,000/- Rs.5,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 368. Wrist Watch (Tissot) T472S/QKo-JA-18299 Mr. M. Iftikhar Anjum, DCP, Foreign Affairs 10-11-2007 Rs.22,500/- Rs.1,875/- Amount deposited, gift retained 369. Wrist Watch (Swiss Military) 20021-ST-IM Syed Abbas Ahsan, Superintendent Police, SP, Islamabad Police 10-11-2007 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 370. One Wrist Watch (Swiss Military) (20021) Mr. Qasim Khan, Protocol Officer, Foreign Affairs 10-11-2007 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 371. One Wrist Watch (Tissot) (S762N862NQKCBB89 052) Mr. Muhammad Tufail Qazi, Protocol Officer, Foreign Affairs 10-11-2007 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 372. One Wrist Watch (Tissot) (S762N862NQKOBB8 9252) Mr. Salim Ibrahim, Assistant Protocol Officer, Foreign Affairs 10-11-2007 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 373. One Afghan Carpet Mian Mohammad Soomro, Caretaker Prime Minister of Pakistan 23-11-2007 Rs.25,000/- Rs.2,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 374. Decoration Piece (03 Mian Mohammad Soomro, 10-12-2007 Rs.10,000/- Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks pcs) with golden work (made of glass) Caretaker Prime Minister of Pakistan 375. One Crystal Box Mr. Nazir Hussain, Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 10-12-2007 Rs.1,250/- Free of Cost Retained 376. One Onyx Vase Mr. Iftikhar Anjum, Deputy Chief of Protocol, DCP, Foreign Affairs 10-12-2007 Rs.1,000/- Free of Cost Retained 377. One Vase Mr. Ejaz Rahim, Minister for Health 11-12-2007 Rs.4,500/- Free of Cost Retained 378. One Bowl (Mashallah) Mr. Inam ul Haque, Foreign Minister of Pakistan 12-12-2007 Rs.7,500/- Free of Cost Retained 379. Tea Set (17 Pieces) Mian Mohammad Soomro, Caretaker Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-12-2007 Rs.5,500/- Free of Cost Retained 380. One Decoration Piece Mian Mohammad Soomro, Caretaker Prime Minister of Pakistan 15-12-2007 Rs.2,500/- Free of Cost Retained 381. One Vase Mr. Inam ul Haque, Foreign Minister of Pakistan 15-12-2007 Rs.1,500/- Free of Cost Retained MONETARY LIMIT AS PER PROCEDURE FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS AND THEIR DISPOSAL (6TH OCTOBER, 2004): - The monetary limits upto which the gifts can be retained by the recipient are as follows: - (i) Gifts upto a value of Rs.10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) may be retained (free of cost) by the recipient. (ii) Gifts valued above Rs.10,000/- may be allowed to be retained by the recipient on payment of 15% of the value exceeding basic exemption of Rs.10,000/- (iii) Gifts valued at Rs.400,000/- or more shall not be retained by the recipient, except the President and the Head of the Government. However, the recipient of gift comprising distinct articles but gifted in a single transaction having collective value of Rs.4 lac or more shall have an option to retain any article(s) upto the collective value of less than Rs.4 lac only subject to the condition that part of an article will not be allowed to be taken. This exemption shall however not be available in case of antiques and gifts of intrinsic historical value. (iv) Different gift articles given by a single dignitary to a functionary at one occasion will be treated as single gift for the purpose of valuation. (v) The maximum monetary limit to be allowed for retention of gifts in one calendar year for any functionary other than the President or the Prime Minister should not exceed Rupees one million. However, the gifts having value in excess of the limit of Rupees one million can be retained by the recipient on payment of 65% of the assessed value of the gifts. MONETARY LIMIT AS PER PROCEDURE FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS AND THEIR DISPOSAL (25th OCTOBER, 2007): - The monetary limits upto which the gifts can be retained by the recipients are as follows: - (i) Gifts upto a value of Rs. 10,000/-(Rupees ten thousand only) may be retained free of cost by the recipient subject to the provision of these rules. (ii) Gifts valued above Rs. 10,000/- may be allowed to be retained by the recipient on payment of 15% of the value exceeding the basic exemption of Rs.10,000/-. (iii) Gifts valued at Rs.400,000/- or more shall not be retained by the recipient, except the President and the Head of the Government. However, the recipient of gift comprising distinct articles but gifted in a single transaction having collective value of Rs. 4 lac or more shall have an option to retain any article(s) upto the collective value of less than Rs. 4 lac only subject to the condition that part of an article will not be allowed to be taken. This exemption shall however not be available in case of antiques and gifts of intrinsic historical value. (iv) Different gift articles given by a single dignitary to a functionary at one occasion will be treated as single gift for the purpose of valuation. (v) The maximum monetary limit to be allowed for retention of gifts in one calendar year for any functionary other than the President or the Prime Minister should not exceed Rupees one million. However, the gifts having value in excess of the limit of Rupees one million can be retained by the recipient on payment of 65% of the assessed value of the gifts. DISCLAIMER: - This data/list is provided on Federal Government directions as per the record available, and is based on the information/gifts declared or deposited by the persons and departments responsible for it, under the policy prevalent at that time. Cabinet Division is not responsible for any error or omissions made by those individuals/departments. TOSHAKHANA GIFT RECORD 2008 S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 1. One carpet (small) Mr. Inam ul Haque, Foreign Minister 02-01-2008 Rs.25,000/- Rs.2,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 2. Small silver bowl Minister Kashmir Affairs 02-01-2008 Rs.3,500/- Free of Cost Retained 3. One Onyx Bowl Mian Mohammad Soomro, Caretaker Prime Minister of Pakistan 02-01-2008 Rs.9,500/- Free of Cost Retained 4. One Bowl Mr. Hamid Nawaz Khan, Minister of Interior & Narcotics Control 03-01-2008 Rs.4,500/- Free of Cost Retained 5. One Jewelry Box Chief of Protocol Ministry of Foreign Affairs 04-01-2008 Rs.3,500/- Free of Cost Retained 6. One Jewelry Box Deputy Chief of protocol Ministry of Foreign Affairs 04-01-2008 Rs.3,500/- Free of Cost Retained 7. One Jewelry Box Protocol Officer Ministry of Foreign Affairs 04-01-2008 Rs.3,500/- Free of Cost Retained 8. One Jewelry Box Protocol Officer (Additional) Ministry of Foreign Affairs 04-01-2008 Rs.3,500/- Free of Cost Retained 9. One Jewelry Box Mr. Iqbal, APO Ministry of Foreign Affairs 04-01-2008 Rs.3500/- Free of Cost Retained 10. One jewelry Box Mr. Saleem, APO Ministry of Foreign Affairs 04-01-2008 Rs.3,500/- Free of Cost Retained 11. Small silver Bowl Foreign Minister of Pakistan 01-02-2008 Rs.4,000/- Free of Cost Retained 12. One Candy Bowl Gen Pervaiz Musharraf, President of Pakistan 02-02-2008 Rs.3,200/- Free of Cost Retained 13. One sterling Silver Pot Mian Mohammad Soomro, Caretaker Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-02-2008 Rs.4,500/- Free of Cost Retained 14. One Shield Mian Mohammad Soomro, Caretaker Prime Minister 08-02-2008 NCV Free of Cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks of Pakistan 15. Model of Tree with ninety-nine names of Allah Mian Mohammad Soomro, Caretaker Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-02-2008 Rs.10,000/- Free of Cost Retained 16. a. One Dagger (Large) b. Silver Necklace Mian Mohammad Soomro, Caretaker Prime Minister of Pakistan and Begum Sahiba 08-02-2008 a. Rs.12,500/- b. Rs.8,500/- Rs.1,650/- Amount deposited, gift retained 17. a. One Book “SANA” b. One Dagger (small) c. One Key of SANA’A City Mian Mohammad Soomro, Caretaker Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-02-2008 a. NCV b. Rs.6,000/- c. (NCV) Free of Cost Retained 18. a. One Book “Le Yemen vers la Republic” b. One Dagger (small) Mian Mohammad Soomro, Caretaker Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-02-2008 a. NCV b. Rs.6,000/- Free of Cost Retained 19. One Jewelry Box Mian Mohammad Soomro, Caretaker Prime Minister of Pakistan 12-02-2008 Rs.4,500/- Free of Cost Retained 20. One Cigarette Case Mian Mohammad Soomro, Caretaker Prime Minister of Pakistan 12-02-2008 Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained 21. One carpet Gen Pervaiz Musharraf, President of Pakistan 13-02-2008 Rs.25,000/- Rs.2,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 22. One w/watch gents (TAG Heuer) Syed Masood Alam Rizvi, Cabinet Secretary, 20-02-2008 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 23. One w/watch lady’s (TAG Heuer) Spouse of Cabinet Secretary 20-02-2008 Rs.25,000/- Rs.2,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 24. a. One Ceramic Plate b. One Frame Mian Mohammad Soomro, Caretaker Prime Minister of Pakistan 21-02-2008 a. Rs.1,500/- b. Rs.1,500/- Free of Cost Retained 25. One w/watch gents (Tag Heuer) Mr. Jehangir Bashar, Secretary Education 26-02-2008 Rs.55,000/- Rs.6,750/- Amount deposited, gift S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks retained 26. One w/watch lady’s (Tag Heuer) Spouse of Secretary Education, Mr. Jehangir Bashar 26-02-2008 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 27. One w/watch (Tag Heuer) Daughter of Secretary Education, Mr. Jehangir Bashar 26-02-2008 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 28. One Wooden Frame Foreign Minister of Pakistan 27-02-2008 Rs.500/- - Auctioned for Rs.1,517/- 29. Onyx plate (Kutahya Porselen Plate) Mr. Khalid Aziz Babar Additional Secretary (UN & EC) Foreign Affairs 28-02-2008 Rs.1,000/- Free of Cost Retained 30. One packet of pistachio one kg approx. Addl. Secretary (Admn), Planning & Development 04-03-2008 Rs.800/- Free of cost Retained 31. One Souvenir (Paper Cutter) Mr. Sohail Ahmad Mian, DFA Finance), Establishment Division 07-03-2008 NCV - Auctioned for Rs.313/- 32. a. One carpet (IAACA) b. Pair of pens c. One Pen (Protege) Diamant d’ Argent Chairman NAB 07-04-2008 a. Rs.2,500/- b. Rs.1,500/- c. Rs.1,500/- d. Total: - e. Rs.5,500/- Free of Cost Retained 33. a. One small Packet b. One large packet Member Finance, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Railways 08-04-2008 a. Rs.1,500/- b. Rs.2,500/- c. Total: - d. Rs.4,000/- Free of Cost Retained 34. Mercedes Benz Car Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-04-2008 Rs.4,255,919/- Rs.636,888/- Amount deposited, gift retained 35. One Rifle (P. BERKETTA, BRESCIAITALIA, 8 M 59-7.62 NATO 006502 Defense Minister 05-05-2008 Rs.80,000/- Rs.10,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 36. a. One MP 5 Rifle b. One 9 MM Pistol Federal Minister for Labour Manpower and 15-05-2008 a. Rs.100,000/- b. Rs.50,000/- Rs.21,000/- Amount deposited, gift S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks overseas Pakistanis retained 37. One Silver Cup Mr. Pervaiz Musharraf President of Pakistan 20-05-2008 Rs.25,000/- Rs.2,250/- Challan not found 38. a. One Wrist Watch b. One Wrist Watch c. One pen d. Pair of Ear Rings e. Pair of Cufflinks f. One Ring g. One Bracelet Senator M. Talha Mehmood, Chairman, Senate Standing Committee on Interior 12-06-2008 a. Rs.24,000/- b. Rs.40,000/- c. Rs.1,500/- d. Rs.41,100/- e. Rs.1,000/- f. Rs.20,200/- g. Rs.31,250/- - Auctioned (a)For Rs.21,100 /- (b)For Rs.21,100 /- (c) For Rs.1,710/- (d)For Rs.57,120/- (e)For Rs.2,200/- (f) For Rs.41,170/- (g)For Rs.51,123/- 39. One Wrist Watch (Precious) (No.F.56055) Inspector Shujjat Ali Babar Gunman, P.M. Sectt. 13-06-2008 Rs.20,000/- Rs.1,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 40. One Watch (LOCMAN) Mr. M. Aqeel Ashraf Rana, LDC P.M Sectt. 13-06-2008 Rs.22,000/- Rs.1,800/- Amount deposited, gift retained 41. One Wrist Watch (Gio Monaco) NK Ghulam Akbar, SSG Gunman, P.M. Sectt. 13-06-2008 Rs.30,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 42. One Wrist Watch Faconnable H/constable Pervaiz Khan, P.M Sectt. 13-06-2008 Rs.24,000/- Rs.2,100/- Amount deposited, gift retained 43. One Wrist Watch (LOCMAN) Constable M. Amir Khan, Gunman, Prime Minister 13-06-2008 Rs.22,000/- Rs.1,800/- Amount deposited, gift S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Sectt. retained 44. One Wrist Watch (Hamilton) Sep. Shahid Ibrar SSG Gunaman, Prime Minister Sectt. 13-06-2008 Rs.30,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 45. One wrist watch (Precious) Mr. Rafaqat Hussain TV Engineer, PTV World 17-06-2008 Rs.20,000/- Rs.1,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 46. One Wrist Watch (Hamilton) Mr. Haroon Rashid, Cameraman APP 19-06-2008 Rs.30,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 47. a. Plastic Glass Shield b. Key Chain c. Small Badge Mr. Atta Muhammad Raja, Additional Secretary (CS&M), officer of ERC Cabinet Division 23-06-2008 a. NCV b. NCV c. NCV Free of cost Retained 48. a. Plastic Glass Shield b. Key Chain c. Small Badge Ms. Sohaila Mushtaq, Director General ERC, Cabinet Division 23-06-2008 a. NCV b. NCV c. NCV Free of cost Retained 49. a. Plastic Glass Shield b. Key Chain c. Small Badge Mr Saleem Khan, Deputy Secretary (ERC), Cabinet Division 23-06-2008 a. NCV b. NCV c. NCV Free of cost Retained 50. a. Plastic Glass Shield b. Key Chain c. Small Badge Eng. Zulfiqar Ali Bhatti, Section Officer (R&S), Cabinet Division 23-06-2008 a. NCV b. NCV c. NCV Free of cost Retained 51. One Dagger (Kukri) Mr. Munir Ahmed, JS Establishment Division 07-07-2008 Rs.5,000/- Free of Cost Retained 52. One Badge Mr. Munir Ahmed, JS Establishment Division 07-07-2008 NCV Free of cost Retained 53. One Tie Pin with case Mr. Munir Ahmed, JS Establishment Division 07-07-2008 Rs.250/- Free of Cost Retained 54. One Wrist Watch (Precious) Syed Ali Adnan Rizvi Photographer PID 08-07-2008 Rs.20,000/- Rs.1,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 55. Propitiousness and Happiness Commemorative Medallion set Chairman NAB 14-07-2008 Rs.2,800/- Free of Cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks (5-Pieces in a red box) 56. A set of walls hanging (5-Pieces in a black box) Chairman NAB 14-07-2008 Rs.1,000/- Free of Cost Retained 57. Office Table Set (3 pieces in maroon box) Chairman NAB 14-07-2008 Rs.1,200/- Free of Cost Retained 58. One Wrist watch Locman Wing Cdr. Waqar Ahmed, DMS to Prime Minister 18-07-2008 Rs.22,000/- Rs.1,800/- Amount deposited, gift retained 59. One Wrist watch Locman Mr. Faisal Nisar Liaison Officer to Prime Minister 18-07-2008 Rs.22,000/- Rs.1,800/- Amount deposited, gift retained 60. One Wrist watch LOCMAN Sqn Ldr Shahzad Fatah, ADC to Prime Minister 18-07-2008 Rs.22,000/- Rs.1,800/- Amount deposited, gift retained 61. One Wrist watch LOCMAN Capt. Tahira Mubarik, Lady Nursing Assistant Prime Minister Sectt. 22-07-2008 Rs.22,000/- Rs.1,800/- Amount deposited, gift retained 62. Camera Samsung KENOX S830, SNB2512B KIT and 2 GB SD Card Mr. Khalid Aziz Babar, Acting Secretary Foreign Affairs 25-08-2008 Rs.18,000/- Rs.1,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 63. One Wrist Watch (Michael Mondo) Mr. Nazir Hussain, Chief of Protocol, Prime Minister Sectt. 25-08-2008 Rs.18,000/- Rs.1,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 64. One Wrist watch Faconable (FGPT 002296) Syed Ahsan Raza, Deputy Chief of Protocol, Prime Minister Sectt. 04-09-2008 Rs.24,000/- Rs.2100/- Amount deposited, gift retained 65. One Wrist watch Faconnable Syed Kaleem Imam CSO to Prime Minister, Chief Security Officer to Prime Minister 24-09-2008 Rs.24,000/- Rs.2,100/- Amount deposited, gift retained 66. One Ceramic Vase Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 23-10-2008 Rs.5,500/- Free of Cost Retained 67. One box containing Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, 23-10-2008 Rs.6,000/- Free of Cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Picture President of Pakistan 68. Box containing twosided picture with Wooden Stand Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 23-10-2008 Rs.7,000/- Free of Cost Retained 69. One box containing shield Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 23-10-2008 NCV Free of cost Retained 70. Red box containing Ceramic vase Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 23-10-2008 Rs.4,500/- Free of cost Retained 71. Box containing crystal Shield Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 23-10-2008 NCV Free of cost Retained 72. Box containing 02 x ceramic vases Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 23-10-2008 Rs.6,000/- Free of Cost Retained 73. Box containing model “Beijing Review” Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 23-10-2008 NCV Free of Cost Retained 74. Box containing Vase with dragon on it Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 23-10-2008 Rs.5,000/- Free of Cost Retained 75. Box containing ceramic vase in mahroon Color Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 23-10-2008 Rs.3,500/- Free of Cost Retained 76. One box containing Gray Onyx Stamp Model Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 23-10-2008 NCV Free of Cost Retained 77. a. Box containing gold coin & Silver coin b. One book titled Treasure houses Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 23-10-2008 a. Rs.16,000/- b. Rs.1,200/- c. NCV d. Total: - e. Rs.17,200/- Rs.1,080/- Amount deposited, gift retained 78. Two books (Annual Report 2007) Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 23-10-2008 NCV Free of cost Retained 79. Box containing twosided picture in thread work with stand Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 23-10-2008 Rs.5,500/- Free of cost Retained 80. One box containing Ceramics vase Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 23-10-2008 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 81. Small wooden box containing book titled “The Art of War” with etching on wooden sticks Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 23 -10 -2008 NCV Free of cost Retained 82. Box containing marble stamp Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 23 -10 -2008 NCV Free of cost Retained 83. Box containing music player Brig. Mian Mohammad Halal Hussain, MS to President, MS (P) 23 -10 -2008 Rs.3,000/ - Free of cost Retained 84. Box containing music Player Mr. Farhatullah Babar, Media Advisor to President 23 -10 -2008 Rs.3,000/ - Free of cost Retained 85. Large box containing vase Brig. Mian Muhammad Halal Hussain, MS to President, MS (P) 23 -10 -2008 Rs.2,500/ - Free of cost Retained 86. Large box containing vase Lt. Col. Syed Muhammad Adnan, DMS (P) 23 -10 -2008 Rs.2,500/ - Free of cost Retained 87. Large box containing vase Cdr. Amir Saeed, ADC to President, ADC (P) 23 -10 -2008 Rs.2,500/ - Free of cost Retained 88. Large Box containing vase Lt. Col. Babar Mumtaz, CSO (P) 23 -10 -2008 Rs.2,500/ - Free of cost Retained 89. Large box containing vase Maj Muhammad Nadeem Butt, SO (P) 23 -10 -2008 Rs.2,500/ - Free of cost Retained 90. Small Box containing vase Mr. Fayyaz Muhammad, Protocol Assistant to President 23 -10 -2008 Rs.2,000/ - Free of cost Retained 91. Small box containing vase Mr. Muhammad Uzair Shafiq, Protocol Assistant 23 -10 -2008 Rs.2,000/ Free of cost Retained 92. Small box containing vase Sub. Muhammad Saleem, Security Officer, 23 -10 -2008 Rs.2,000/ Free of cost Retained 93. Small box containing vase Hav. Walayat Shah, Security Official 23 -10 -2008 Rs.2,000/ Free of cost Retained 94. Small box containing vase Sep Muhammad Habib Sultan, 23 -10 -2008 Rs.2,000/ - Free of cost Retained 95. One still camera “AIGO” Model No. DC Mr. Shaukat Fayaz Ahmed Tarin, Advisor to Prime 29 -10 -2008 Rs.9,000/ - Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks V 880 with accessories Minister on Finance, Revenue Economic Affairs and Statistics 96. One Motorcycle (Modenas Elegen) Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Former Prime Minister of Pakistan 06-11-2008 Rs.65,000/- - Gift placed at the disposal of Central Pool of Cars 97. Silver vase Mr. Ghalib Iqbal, Chief Protocol, M/o Foreign Affairs 06-11-2008 Rs.7,000/- Free of cost Retained 98. Two Cups Syed Ahsan Raza Shah, Deputy Chief of Protocol, M/o Foreign Affairs 06-11-2008 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 99. Model of Bab-eRahmat Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 02-12-2008 Rs.25,000/- Rs.2,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 100. One wrist watch, Hamilton Military Secretary to the President of Pakistan 02-12-2008 Rs.65,000/- Rs.8,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 101. a. One model of Horse b. One wrist watch, (Giovanni Ferraris) Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 02-12-2008 a. Rs.40,000/- b. Rs.500,000/- Rs.79,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 102. One wrist watch (Baume & Mercier) Maj. Gen. Tassawar Hussain, PP (P) 02-12-2008 Rs.130,000/- Rs.18,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 103. One wrist watch (Baume & Mercier) Brig. Mian Muhammad Hilal Hussain, Military Secretary to the President, MS (P) 02-12-2008 Rs.130,000/- Rs.18,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 104. One wrist watch (Tag Heuer) Lt. Col. Syed M. Adnan, DMS (P), President Sectt. 02-12-2008 Rs.90,000/- Rs.12,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 105. One box containing wrist watch, pair of Lt. Col. Baber Mumtaz CSO to President 02-12-2008 Rs.25,000/- Rs.2,250/- Amount deposited, gift S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks cufflinks pen & tie (Ven Der Bauwede) retained 106. One wrist watch (Tag Heuer) Sqn Ldr. Malik Jalal Farooq, ADC to President 02 -12 -2008 Rs.90,000/ - Rs.12,000/ - Amount deposited, gift retained 107. One box containing wrist watch, pair of cufflinks pen & tie (Ven Der Bauwede) Mr. Sohail Ali Khan, DPR 02 -12 -2008 Rs.25,000/ - Rs.2,250/ - Amount deposited, gift retained 108. One wrist watch (Tag Heuer) M r. Amjad Mehmood, Protocol Assistant, President Sectt. 02 -12 -2008 Rs.90,000/ - Rs.12,000/ - Amount deposited, gift retained 109. One box containing wrist watch, pair of cufflinks pen & tie (Ven Der Bauwede) Hav. Muhammad Jamil, Gunman 02 -12 -2008 Rs.25,000/ - Rs.2,250/ - Amount deposited, gift retained 110. One box containing wrist watch, pair of cufflinks pen & tie (Ven Der Bauwede) Hav. Sabz Ali Khan 02 -12 -2008 Rs.25,000/ - Rs.2,250/ - Amount deposited, gift retained 111. One box containing wrist watch, pair of cufflinks pen & tie (Ven Der Bauwede) Sep. M. Habib Sultan, Gunman 02 -12 -2008 Rs.25,000/ - Rs.2,250/ - Amount deposited, gift retained 112. One box containing wrist watch, pair of cufflinks pen & tie (Ven Der Bauwede) Sep. Sajid Hussain, Gunman 02 -12 -2008 Rs.25,000/ - Rs.2,250/ - Amount deposited, gift retained 113. One box containing wrist watch, pair of cufflinks pen & tie (Ven Der Bauwede) Sep. Farmanullah, Gunman 02 -12 -2008 Rs.25,000/ - Rs.2,250/ - Amount deposited, gift retained 114. One box containing wrist watch, pair of cufflinks pen & tie (Ven Der Bauwede) Mr. Mushtaq Ahmed, Valet 02 -12 -2008 Rs.25,000/ - Rs.2,250/ - Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 115. Wrist watch Armand Nicolet, Model:8684- A-P914, Serial No.40027, Case Material: Stainless Steel-Gold-4N, Bracelet Material: Genuine Alligator, Buckle Material: Stainless Steel along with Instruction Manual Mr. Shoukat Fayaz Ahmed Tarin, Advisor to Prime Minister on Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs and Statistics 02-12-2008 Rs.85,000/- Rs 11,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained MONETARY LIMIT AS PER PROCEDURE FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS AND THEIR DISPOSAL (25th JUNE, 2007): - The monetary limits upto which the gifts can be retained by the recipients are as follows: - (i) Gifts upto a value of Rs. 10,000/-(Rupees ten thousand only) may be retained free of cost by the recipient subject to the provision of these rules. (ii) Gifts valued above Rs. 10,000/- may be allowed to be retained by the recipient on payment of 15% of the value exceeding the basic exemption of Rs.10,000/-. (iii) Gifts valued at Rs.400,000/- or more shall not be retained by the recipient, except the President and the Head of the Government. However, the recipient of gift comprising distinct articles but gifted in a single transaction having collective value of Rs. 4 lac or more shall have an option to retain any article(s) upto the collective value of less than Rs. 4 lac only subject to the condition that part of an article will not be allowed to be taken. This exemption shall however not be available in case of antiques and gifts of intrinsic historical value. (iv) Different gift articles given by a single dignitary to a functionary at one occasion will be treated as single gift for the purpose of valuation. (v) The maximum monetary limit to be allowed for retention of gifts in one calendar year for any functionary other than the President or the Prime Minister should not exceed Rupees one million. However, the gifts having value in excess of the limit of Rupees one million can be retained by the recipient on payment of 65% of the assessed value of the gifts. DISCLAIMER: - This data/list is provided on Federal Government directions as per the record available, and is based on the information/gifts declared or deposited by the persons and departments responsible for it, under the policy prevalent at that time. Cabinet Division is not responsible for any error or omissions made by those individuals/departments. TOSHAKHANA GIFT RECORD 2009 S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 1. a. One Model of Horse Neck (Decoration piece) b. One pistol with accessories Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 15-01-2009 a. Rs.25,000/- b. Rs.50,000/- Total:- Rs.75,000/- Rs.9,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 2. a. One wrist watch, gent’s, b. One wrist watch ladies. c. One pen d. Pair of ear rings e. Pair of cufflinks f. One ring g. One bracelet Ms. Nuzhat Sadiq, MNA 21-01-2009 a. Rs.25,000/- b. Rs.85,000/- c. Rs.1,800/- d. Rs.22,800/- e. Rs.600/- f. Rs.28,700/- g. Rs.47,400/- Rs.30,195/- Amount deposited, gift retained 3. One wrist watch Gents POG Mr. Zafar Mehmood, Secretary Petroleum 23-01-2009 Rs.25,000/- Rs.2,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 4. a. One BMW 760 Li (Security version) (model No.2008) b. One Toyota Lexus LX 470 (Security version Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 26-01-2009 a. Rs.57,828,705 /- b. Rs.50,000,000/- Rs.16,172,806/- Amount deposited, gift retained 5. One BMW 760 Li white (Security version) (Model No.2004) Mr Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 26-01-2009 Rs.27,339,370/- Rs.4,099,406/- Amount deposited, Gift retained 6. One wrist watch Gio Monoco Dr. Asim Hussain, Chairman NRB, Advisor to Prime Minister on Petroleum and Natural Resources 27-01-2009 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 7.a. One wrist watch, gent’s, b. One wrist watch ladies. c. One pen d. Pair of ear rings e. Pair of cufflinks f. One ring g. One bracelet Mr. Munir Khan Orakzai, MNA 28-01-2009 a. Rs.25,000/- b. Rs.85,000/- c. Rs.1,800/- d. Rs.22,800/- e. Rs.600/- f. Rs.28,700/- g. Rs.47,400/- Rs.30,195/- Amount deposited, gift retained 8. a. One wrist watch, b. One dagger. c. One pen d. Pair of cufflinks e. One Tasbih Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, Co-Chairman of PPPP 02-02-2009 a. Rs.310,000/- b. Rs.20,000/- c. Rs.1,500/- d. Rs.17,000/- e. Rs.35,000/- Rs.56,025/- Amount deposited, gift retained 9. a. One wrist watch, gent’s, b. One wrist watch ladies. c. One pen d. Pair of ear rings e. Pair of cufflinks f. One ring g. One bracelet Mrs. Samina Khalid Ghurki, MNA 02-02-2009 a. Rs.25,000/- b. Rs.85,000/- c. Rs.1,800/- d. Rs.22,800/- e. Rs.600/- f. Rs.28,700/- g. Rs.47,400/- Rs.30,195/- Amount deposited, gift retained 10. a. One wrist watch, gent’s, b. One wrist watch ladies. c. One pen d. Pair of ear rings Mrs. Belum Hasnain, MNA 02-02-2009 a. Rs.25,000/- b. Rs.85,000/- c. Rs.1,800/- d. Rs.22,800/- e. Rs.600/- f. Rs.28,700/- Rs.30,195/- Amount deposited, gift retained e. Pair of cufflinks f. One ring g. One bracelet g. Rs.47,400/ - 11. a. One wrist watch, gent’s, b. One wrist watch ladies. c. One pen d. Pair of ear rings e. Pair of cufflinks f. One ring g. One bracelet Ms. Shagufta Jumani, MNA, Minister of State, M/o Religious Affairs 02 -02 -2009 a. Rs.25,000/ - b. Rs.85,000/ - c. Rs.1,800/ - d. Rs.22,800/ - e. Rs.600/ - f. Rs.28,700/ - g. Rs.47,400/ - Rs.30,195/ - Amount deposited, gift retained 12. a. One wrist watch, gent’s, b. One wrist watch ladies. c. One pen d. Pair of ear rings e. Pair of cufflinks f. One ring g. One bracelet Mrs. Khushbakht Shujat, MNA 02 -02 -2009 a. Rs.25,000/ - b. Rs.85,000/ - c. Rs.1,800/ - d. Rs.22,800/ - e. Rs.600/ - f. Rs.28,700/ - g. Rs.47,400/ - Rs.30,195/ - Amount deposited, gift retained 13. a. One wrist watch, gent’s b. One wrist watch ladies. c. One pen d. Pair of ear rings e. Pair of cufflinks f. One ring g. One bracelet Mrs. Khursheed Begum, MNA 02 -02 -2009 a. Rs.25,000/ - b. Rs.85,000/ - c. Rs.1,800/ - d. Rs.22,800/ - e. Rs.600/ - f. Rs.28,700/ - g. Rs.47,400/ - Rs.30,195/ - Amount deposited, gift retained 14. a. One wrist watch, gent’s, b. One wrist watch ladies. c. One pen Mrs. Tahira Aurangzeb, MNA 02 -02 -2009 a. Rs.25,000/ - b. Rs.85,000/ - c. Rs.1,800/ - d. Rs.22,800/ - e. Rs.600/ - Rs.30,195/ - Amount deposited, gift retained d. Pair of ear rings e. Pair of cufflinks f. One ring g. One bracelet f. Rs.28,700/- g. Rs.47,400/- 15. a. One wrist watch, gent’s, b. One wrist watch ladies. c. One pen d. Pair of ear rings e. Pair of cufflinks f. One ring g. One bracelet Ms. Mehreen Razzaque Bhutto, MNA 02-02-2009 a. Rs.25,000/- b. Rs.85,000/- c. Rs.1,800/- d. Rs.22,800/- e. Rs.600/- f. Rs.28,700/- g. Rs.47,400/- Rs.30,195/- Amount deposited, gift retained 16. a. One wrist watch, gent’s, b. One wrist watch ladies. c. One pen d. Pair of ear rings e. Pair of cufflinks f. One ring g. One bracelet Dr. Zil-E-Huma, MNA 02-02-2009 a. Rs.25,000/- b. Rs.85,000/- c. Rs.1,800/- d. Rs.22,800/- e. Rs.600/- f. Rs.28,700/- g. Rs.47,400/- Rs.30,195/- Amount deposited, gift retained 17. One Wrist watch (POG) Mr. M. Younas Khan, Cameraman, PTV 10-02-2009 Rs.25,000/- Rs.2,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 18. a. One gun (Winchester 30-30) b. One pistol (Czech 6.35) Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 14-02-2009 a. Rs.90,000/- b. Rs.10,000/ Total:- Rs.100,000/- Rs.13,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 19. a. One Photograph of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Depicting on Glass Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 14-02-2009 a. NCV b. Rs.28,000/- Rs.2,700/- Amount deposited, gift retained b. One Carpet 20. One Carpet Brig. Mian Muhammad Hilal Hussain, Military Secretary to the President, MS (P) 14 -02 -2009 Rs.10,000/ - Free of cost Retained 21. One Carpet Lt. Col Syed Muhammad Adnan, DMS to the President 14 -02 -2009 Rs.10,000/ - Free of cost Retained 22. One Carpet Sqn. Ldr. Malik Jalal Farooq, ADC (Air) to the President 14 -02 -2009 Rs.10,000/ - Free of cost Retained 23. One Carpet Maj. Imran Haider, ADC (Army) to the President 14 -02 -2009 Rs.10,000/ - Free of cost Retained 24. One Carpet Maj. Gen. Tassawar Hussain, PP(P) to the President 14 -02 -2009 Rs.10,000/ - Free of cost Retained 25. One Carpet Lt. Col. Babar Mumtaz, CSO to the President 14 -02 -2009 Rs.10,000/ - Free of cost Retained 26. One Carpet Lt. Col. Adil Rehmani, SO (P) to the President 14 -02 -2009 Rs.10,000/ - Free of cost Retained 27. One Jewellary Box Mr. Mushir Ali Shahid, Information Officer, President Sectt. 14 -02 -2009 Rs.2,500/ - Free of cost Retained 28. One Jewellary Box Mr. M. Uzair Shafique, Protocol Assistant, President Sectt. 14 -02 -2009 Rs.2,500/ - Free of cost Retained 29. One Jewellary Box Hav. Muhammad Jamil, Gunman, 14 -02 -2009 Rs.2,500/ - Free of cost Retained President Sectt. 30. One Jewellary Box Nk. Sabz Ali Khan, Gunman, President Sectt. 14-02-2009 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 31. One Jewellary Box Sep. Rana Ijaz Ahmed, Gunman, President Sectt. 14-02-2009 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 32. One Jewellary Box Sep. Farmanullah, Gunman, President Sectt. 14-02-2009 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 33. One Jewellary Box Mr. Muhammad Sohail, Gunman, President Sectt. 14-02-2009 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 34. One Jewellary Box Mr. Sabir Hussain, Special Branch, President Sectt. 14-02-2009 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 35. One Jewellary Box Mr. Mushtaq Ahmed Valet, President Secretariat 14-02-2009 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 36. One Carpet Mr. Ghalib Iqbal, Chief of Protocol Foreign Affairs 04-03-2009 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 37. One Carpet Mr. Amjad Aziz Qazi, Dy Chief of Protocol Foreign Affairs 04-03-2009 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 38. One Carpet Mr. Adeel Ahmad Khan, Protocol Officer, Foreign Affairs 04-03-2009 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 39. Wrist watch, Faconable Mr. Qasim Raza Muttaqi, Director General (NASA), M/o Foreign Affairs 04-03-2009 Rs.24,000/- Rs.2,100/- Amount deposited, gift retained 40. One Leather File Folder small Syed Sumsam Ali S. Bokhari, Minister of 16-03-2009 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained State for Information & Broadcasting 41. One Leather Briefcase Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 26 -03 -2009 Rs.6,000/ - Free of cost Retained 42. One Leather File Case Brig. Mian Muhammad Hilal Hussain, MS to the President, MS(P) 26 -03 -2009 Rs.3,500/ - Free of cost Retained 43. One Leather File Case Lt. Col Babar Mumtaz, CSO to the President, CSO (P) 26 -03 -2009 Rs.3,500/ - Free of cost Retained 44. One Leather File Case Ms. Farhanaz Isfahani, MNA 26 -03 -2009 Rs.3,500/ - Free of cost Retained 45. One Glass kettle (Decorated) Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 13 -04 -2009 Rs.18,000/ - Rs.1,200/ - Amount deposited, gift retained 46. One Silver Bowl (Decorated) Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 13 -04 -2009 Rs.22,500/ - Rs.1,875/ - Amount deposited, gift retained 47. One Steel Paper Cutter Maj. Gen. Tassawar, PP (P) 13 -04 -2009 Rs.2,500/ - Free of cost Retained 48. One Glass Decoration Bowl (L) Brig. Mian Muhammad Hilal Hussain, MS to the President, MS (P) 13 -04 -2009 Rs.5,000/ - Free of cost Retained 49. One Glass Cup (Decorated) Cdr. Amir Saeed, ADC to the President, ADC(N) 13 -04 -2009 Rs.2,000/ - Free of cost Retaine d 50. One Glass Bowl (Decorated) (S) Maj. Imran Haider, ADC to the President, ADC (Army) 13 -04 -2009 Rs.4,000/ - Free of cost Retained 51. One Steel Paper Cutter Mr. Tariq Aslam, Protocol Officer, 13 -04 -2009 Rs.2,500/ - Free of cost Retained President Sectt. 52. One Steel Paper Cutter Mr. Muhammad Junaid Khan, Protocol Assistant, President Sectt. 13-04-2009 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 53. One Decoration piece Mr Ghalib Iqbal, Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 21-04-2009 Rs.4,500/- Free of cost Retained 54. One Decoration piece Mr. M. Amjad Aziz Qazi, Deputy Chief Protocol, Foreign Affairs 21-04-2009 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 55. One Souvenir Mr. Adeel Ahmed Khan, Protocol Officer, Foreign Affairs 21-04-2009 Rs.650/- Free of cost Retained 56. Wrist watch gents, Micheal Mondo Mr. Adnan A. Khawaja, Chairman, NAVTEC 21-04-2009 Rs.18,000/- Rs.1,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 57. Wrist watch ladies, Technomarine Mrs. Adnan A. Khawaja, 21-04-2009 Rs.35,000/- Rs.3,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 58. a. One wrist watch, gent’s, b. One wrist watch ladies. c. One pen d. Pair of ear rings e. Pair of cufflinks f. One ring g. One bracelet Syed Hamid Kazmi, Federal Minister for Religious Affairs 16-05-2009 a. Rs.25,000/- b. Rs.85,000/- c. Rs.1,800/- d. Rs.22,800/- e. Rs.600/- f. Rs.28,700/- g. Rs.47,400/- Rs.30,195/- Amount deposited, gift retained 59. One Vase Mr. Khalid Aziz Babar, Special Foreign Secretary 18-05-2009 Rs. 3,000/- Free of cost Retained 60. One Tea Set Mr. Khalid Aziz Babar, Special 18-05-2009 Rs. 4,000/- Free of cost Retained Foreign Secretary 61. One Carpet Rug Mr. Ghalib Iqbal, Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 25-05-2009 Rs. 5,000/- Free of cost Retained 62. a. One Saddle b. One Choga Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 02-06-2009 a. Rs.6,000/- b. Rs.3,500/- Total:- Rs.9,500/- Free of cost Retained 63. One Glass decorated box Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 02-06-2009 Rs.7,500/- Free of cost Retained 64. One Metal Tray Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 02-06-2009 Rs.7,500/- Free of cost Retained 65. One Carpet/Rug Military Secretary to the President, MS (P) 02-06-2009 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 66. a. One wrist watch gents b. One wrist watch ladies c. Pair of ear ring d. One bracelet Defence Minister 09-06-2009 a. Rs.25,000/- b. Rs.85,000/- c. Rs.22,800/- d. Rs.47,400/- Rs.25,530/- Amount deposited, gift retained 67. a. One wrist watch Gio Monoco b. One wrist watch Eloga c. One pen Tiffany Mr. Ghous Bux Khan Mahar, Chairman, Standing Committee on Industries & Production 11-06-2009 a. Rs.45,000/- b. Rs.30,000/- c. Rs.1,800/- - Auctioned (a) For Rs.33,000/- (b) For Rs.40,100/- (c) For Rs.2,100/- 68. a. Pair of ear ring b. Pair of cufflinks c. One bracelet d. One ring Mr. Ghous Bux Khan Mahar, Chairman, Standing Committee on Industries & Production 11-06-2009 a. Rs.22800/- b. Rs.600/- c. Rs28700/- d. Rs.47400/- Rs.13,425/- Amount deposited, gift retained 69. One Square Mirror Syed Ahsan Raza Shah, DCP Foreign Affairs 24-06-2009 Rs. 1,500/- Free of cost Retained 70. One Square Mirror Mr. Naeem Iqbal Cheema, Protocol Officer, Foreign Affairs 24-06-2009 Rs. 1,500/- Free of cost Retained 71. One Model of Animal Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 29-06-2009 Rs.20,000/- Rs.1,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 72. One Model of Crystal Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 29-06-2009 Rs.7,000/- Free of cost Retained 73. One Book (Brussels) Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 29-06-2009 NCV Free of cost Retained 74. One Box containing Three Ceramic Plates Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 29-06-2009 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 75. One Box containing Two Pens Brig. Mian Muhammad Hilal Hussain, MS to the President, MS (P) 29-06-2009 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 76. One wrist watch Hamilton Pir Syed Fazal Ali Shah, Chairman, Federal Land Commission 02-07-2009 Rs.30,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 77. One wrist watch Gio Monoco Pir Syed Fazal Ali Shah, Chairman, Federal Land Commission 02-07-2009 Rs.30,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 78. Wrist watch (Tag Heuer) Malik Asif Hayat, Secretary Labour and Manpower 08-07-2009 Rs.90,000/- Rs.12,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 79. a. Book from Tehran to Tehran Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, 15-07-2009 a. NCV b. Rs. 7,500/- --- a. Book b. One Kettle c. One Darri Small Chief Minister, Punjab c. Rs. 2,500/ - transferred to National Library b. Auctioned for Rs.5,100/ - c. Auctioned for Rs.2,600/ - 80. Carpet in Shopping Bag Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Chief Minister, Punjab 15 -07 -2009 Rs.13,000/ - --- Auctioned for Rs.20,000/ - 81. 6 frames of different kinds Chief Minister, Punjab, Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif 15 -07 -2009 Rs.100,000/ - --- Auctioned a. For Rs.31,100/ b. For Rs.31,100/ - c. For Rs.31,100/ - d. For Rs.13,100/ e. For Rs.13,100/ f. For Rs.11,200/ - 82. a. Frame box Shield (Large) b. Frame box shield (small) c. Three shields (small) Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Chief Minister, Punjab 15 -07 -2009 a. Rs.6,000/ - b. NCV c. NCV --- Auctioned a. For Rs.9,100/ b. For Rs.1,800/ c. For Rs.750/ 83. One Ceramic Plate (Large) Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Chief Minister, Punjab 15 -07 -2009 Rs.4,000/ - --- Gift auctioned for Rs.7,300/ - 84. a. Book Shahnama - e -Firdous b. 2 Gift Pack in Boxes Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Chief Minister, Punjab 15 -07 -2009 a. NCV b. Rs.4,500/ - --- a. Book transferred to Cabinet Division Library b. Rest of the gifts auctioned for Rs.1,100/ - 85. One Tower Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Chief Minister, Punjab 15-07-2009 NCV --- Auctioned for Rs.1,120/- 86. One Ceramic Plate (Small) Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Chief Minister, Punjab 15-07-2009 Rs.2,500/- --- Auctioned for Rs.4,300/- 87. a. Kitab-e-Hafiz (Book) b. 2 Frames c. 3 Albums Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Chief Minister, Punjab 15-07-2009 a. NCV b. Rs.4,000/ c. NCV --- (a) Book Transferred to Cabinet Division Library (b) Two frames auctioned for Rs.6,100/- (c) Three Albums Returned 88. a. Large carpet b. 30 small carpets c. 26 lady’s watch Citizen Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Chief Minister, Punjab 15-07-2009 a. Rs.42,000/- b. Rs.18,000/- c.Rs.104,000/- Total. Rs.164,000 --- Auctioneda. For Rs. 60,000/- b. For Rs. 15,870/ c. For Rs.17,555/- 89. Gift pack plastic bag Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Chief Minister, Punjab 15-07-2009 Rs.7,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 90. Wrist watch, Hamilton Dr. Asim Hussain, Chairman, NRB/ Advisor to Prime Minister 16-07-2009 Rs.30,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 91. One Ceramic Plate Dr. Babar Awan, Federal Minister for 18-07-2009 Rs. 300/- --- Auctioned for Rs.789/- Parliamentary Affairs 92. Wrist watch (Frank Muller) Geneva Electra Mr. Saleem Mandviwalla, Minister of state/ Chairman BOI 18-07-2009 Rs.380,000/- Rs.55,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 93. One box containing wrist watch, pair of cufflinks pen & tie (Ven Der Bauwede) Muhammad Amjad Aziz Qazi, Deputy Chief of Protocol, DCP Ministry of Foreign Affairs 20-07-2009 Rs.25,000/- Rs.2,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 94. One wrist watch Omega No.81469359 Constellation Steel Bracelet Mr. Ghalib iqbal, Chief Protocol M/o Foreign Affairs 01-08-2009 Rs.135,000/- Rs.18,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 95. One Flower Vase Mr. Farhatullah Babar, Spokesperson to the President 06-08-2009 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 96. One Crystal Shield Mr. Farooq H. Naek, Chairman Senate 10-08-2009 NCV Free of cost Retained 97. One Shawl Spouse of Mr. Farooq H. Naek, Chairman Senate 10-08-2009 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 98. One Aigo Sound/ Music System Mr. Farooq H. Naek, Chairman Senate 10-08-2009 Rs.4,500/- Free of cost Retained 99. Wall frame Mr. Farooq H. Naek, Chairman Senate 10-08-2009 Rs.4,000/- Free of cost Retained 100. Decoration Piece / Shield Mr. Farooq H. Naek, Chairman Senate 10-08-2009 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 101. Crystal Boat Mr. Farooq H. Naek, Chairman Senate 10-08-2009 Rs.9,000/- Free of cost Retained 102. Decoration Piece (City Model) Mr. Farooq H. Naek, Chairman Senate 10-08-2009 NCV Free of cost Retained 103. T.Shirt Mr. Farooq H. Naek, Chairman Senate 10-08-2009 Rs. 500/- Free of cost Retained 104. Sailing Shield Mr. Farooq H. Naek, Chairman Senate 10-08-2009 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 105. Decoration piece (Shanghai Scenery) Mr. Farooq H. Naek, Chairman Senate 10-08-2009 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 106. Replica of Shanghai TV Tower Mr. Farooq H. Naek, Chairman Senate 10-08-2009 NCV Free of cost Retained 107. One Porcelain Plate Mr. Khalid Aziz Mirza, Chairman Competition Commission of Pakistan 12-08-2009 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 108. Wrist watch with pair of Cufflinks, pen and Tie (van Der Bauwede) Mr. Ali Arshad Hakeeem, Chairman NADRA 18-08-2009 Rs. 25,000/- Rs.2,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 109. Crystal Table Watch alongwith stand 2 pcs Mr. Shaukat Fayaz Ahmed Tarin, Minister for Finance, Revenue Economic Affairs and Statistics 01-09-2009 Rs.2,500/- - Auctioned for Rs.2,710/- 110. a. One Decoration (piece) (Wooden + Glass) b. One Noter Coin Album Secretary/Chairman , Railways Board 03-09-2009 a. Rs.500/- b. Rs.500/- Total:- Rs.1,000/- - Auctioned a. For Rs. 1,110/- b. For Rs.2,010/- 111. Wrist watch, Facconable - Mr. Salman Bashir, Foreign Secretary 10-09-2009 Rs.24,000/- Rs.2,100/- Amount deposited, gift retained 112. Two Chinese Cushions Syed Hasan Javed, Additional Secretary, Foreign Affairs 08-10-2009 Rs. 400/- each Free of cost Retained 113. One Package of gift i.e. Decoration Piece Chinese Fan Type Golden Color Syed Hasan Javed, Additional Secretary, Foreign Affairs 08-10-2009 Rs.500/- - Auctioned for Rs.1,250/- 114. Wrist watch Facconable Rao Sadiq Ali, Reporter PBC 08-10-2009 Rs.24,000/- Rs.2,100/- Amount deposited, gift retained 115. Two Chinese Cushions Farhatullah Babar, Press Spokesperson to the President 10-10-2009 Rs. 400/- each Free of cost Retained 116. Two Chinese Cushions Dr Asim Hussain, Chairman NRB 13-10-2009 Rs. 400/- each Free of cost Retained 117. Two Chinese Cushions Mr. Kamal Majidulla, Special Assistant to Prime Minister, SAPM on Water Resources and Agriculture 19-10-2009 Rs. 400/- each Free of cost Retained 118. Two Chinese Cushions Mr Saleem H. Mandviwalla, Chairman, Board of Investment, Islamabad 20-10-2009 Rs. 400/- each Free of cost Retained 119. Two Chinese Cushions Mr. A.Q. Mughal, Vice Chancellor, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam, Sindh 20-10-2009 Rs. 400/- each Free of cost Retained 120. Two Chinese Cushions Mr. Masood Khalid, Additional Secretary, Foreign Affairs 20-10-2009 Rs. 400/- each Free of cost Retained 121. Two Chinese Cushions Mr. Ghalib Iqbal, Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 20-10-2009 Rs. 400/- each Free of cost Retained 122. Two Chinese Cushions Mr. M. Amjad Aziz Qazi, DCP, Foreign Affairs 20-10-2009 Rs. 400/- each Free of cost Retained 123. Two Chinese Cushions Mr. M. Qasim Faqir, Protocol Officer, Foreign Affairs 20-10-2009 Rs. 400/- each Free of cost Retained 124. One Carpet Mr. Shaukat Fayaz Ahmed Tarin, Minister for Finance, Revenue, EA and Statistics 2 0 -10 -2009 Rs.18,000/ - - Auctioned for Rs.23,000/ - 125. One Wrist Watch (Van Der Bauwede) Mr. Muhammad Aziz, Photographer, PID 21 -10 -2009 Rs.25,000/ - Rs. 2,250/ - Amount deposited, gift retained 126. One Tea Pot China Clay Dark Brown Color with Golden Work Mr. Sibtain Fazal Haleem, Secretary EAD 10 -11 -2009 Rs.1,000/ - - Auctioned for Rs.1,500/ - 127. One Tea Set Red Color in a Brief Case Brown Color Mr. Sibtain Fazal Haleem, Secretary EAD 10 -11 -2009 Rs.3,500/ - - Broken and written off 128. One Wall Hanging Mr. Zafar Mahmood, Cabinet Secretary 17 -11 -2009 Rs.5,000/ - Free of cost Retained 129. One Leather Bag Mr. Zafar Mahmood, Cabinet Secretary 17 -11 -2009 Rs.10,000/ - Free of cost Retained 130. One Silver Bowl Mr. Zafar Mahmood, Cabinet Secretary 17 -11 -2009 Rs.18,000/ - Rs.1,200/ - Amount deposited, gift retained 131. One Shield (Ceramic) Mr. Farooq H. Naek, Chairman Senate 18 -11 -2009 NCV Free of cost Retained 132. Jewelry Box (Ceramic) Mr. Farooq H. Naek, Chairman Senate 18 -11 -2009 Rs.600/ - Free of cost Retained 133. One Book (Poland) Mr. Farooq H. Naek, Chairman Senate 18 -11 -2009 NCV Free of cost Retained 134. One Malaysian Traditional Kite Gold Plated Mr. Nazar Muhammad Gondal, Minister for Food & Agriculture and Agro based Industry 17 -12 -2009 Rs.2,500/ - Free of cost Retained 135. Model Door of Khana Kaba Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani, Prime Minister of Pakistan 23 -12 -2009 Rs.50,000/ - Rs.6,000/ - Amount deposited, gift retained 136. One Jewelry set containing Necklace, Bracelet, Ring & one Pair of Ear Rings Wife of Prime Minister, Yousaf Raza Gillani 23-12-2009 Rs.2,183,620/- Rs. 326,043/- Amount deposited, gift retained 137. One Wrist Watch Hamilton No.H-3261 Syed Ahmed Mujtaba Gillani, Brother of Prime Minister, Yousaf Raza Gillani 23-12-2009 Rs.110,000/- Rs.15,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 138. One Wrist Watch Faconable Syed Ali Musa Gillani, Son of Prime Minister, Yousaf Raza Gillani 23-12-2009 Rs.50,000/- Rs. 6,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 139. One Wrist Watch Faconable Syed Qutab Ali Shah, Nephew of Prime Minister, Yousaf Raza Gillani 23-12-2009 Rs.50,000/- Rs.6,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 140. One Wrist Watch Faconable Shahid Ali Sheikh, Guest of Prime Minister, Yousaf Raza Gillani 23-12-2009 Rs.50,000/- Rs.6,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 141. One Wrist Watch Faconable Mian Amjad, Guest of Prime Minister, Yousaf Raza Gillani 23-12-2009 Rs.50,000/- Rs.6,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 142. One Wrist Watch PIPPO Mrs. Itrat Bano, Wife of Syed Ahmad Mujtaba Gillani 23-12-2009 Rs.70,000/- Rs.9,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 143. One Wrist Watch PIPPO Syeda Fiza Batool, Daughter of Prime Minister, Yousaf Raza Gillani 23-12-2009 Rs.70,000/- Rs.9,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 144. One Wrist Watch PIPPO Mrs. Aqeedat Zahra, Wife of Syed Qutab Ali Shah 23-12-2009 Rs.70,000/- Rs.9,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained MONETARY LIMIT AS PER PROCEDURE FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS AND THEIR DISPOSAL (25th JUNE, 2007): - The monetary limits upto which the gifts can be retained by the recipients are as follows: - (i) Gifts upto a value of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) may be retained free of cost by the recipient subject to the provision of these rules. (ii) Gifts valued above Rs. 10,000/- may be allowed to be retained by the recipient on payment of 15% of the value exceeding the basic exemption of Rs.10,000/-. (iii) Gifts valued at Rs.400,000/- or more shall not be retained by the recipient, except the President and the Head of the Government. However, the recipient of gift comprising distinct articles but gifted in a single transaction having collective value of Rs. 4 lac or more shall have an option to retain any article(s) upto the collective value of less than Rs. 4 lac only subject to the condition that part of an article will not be allowed to be taken. This exemption shall however not be available in case of antiques and gifts of intrinsic historical value. (iv) Different gift articles given by a single dignitary to a functionary at one occasion will be treated as single gift for the purpose of valuation. (v) The maximum monetary limit to be allowed for retention of gifts in one calendar year for any functionary other than the President or the Prime Minister should not exceed Rupees one million. However, the gifts having value in excess of the limit of Rupees one million can be retained by the recipient on payment of 65% of the assessed value of the gifts. DISCLAIMER: - This data/list is provided on Federal Government directions as per the record available, and is based on the information/gifts declared or deposited by the persons and departments responsible for it, under the policy prevalent at that time. Cabinet Division is not responsible for any error or omissions made by those individuals/departments. 145. o n One Wrist Watch Faconable Mr. Muhammad Naeem Khan, Guest of Prime Minister, Yousaf Raza Gillani 23-12-2009 Rs.50,000/- Rs.6,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 146. One wrist watch Technomarine Maj. Gen. Azhar Mahmood, personal physician to Prime Minister 30-12-2009 Rs.43,000/- Rs.4,950/- Amount deposited, gift retained TOSHAKHANA GIFT RECORD 2010 S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 1. One Wrist Watch Technomarine Mr. Siraj Saleem Shamsuddin, ExPrincipal Secretary to the Prime Minister 13-01-2010 Rs.43,000/- Rs.4,950/- Amount deposited, gift retained 2. Wrist Watch POG Brig. Nazir Ahmed Butt, Ex-MS to Prime Minister 13-01-2010 Rs.25,000/- Rs.2,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 3. One Lady’s Wrist Watch Tecnomarine Mrs. Sumbul Nazir, Wife of EX- MS to Prime Minister 13-01-2010 Rs.35,000/- Rs.3,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 4. One Wrist Watch POG Capt ® Khalid Sultan, Ex-PSO to Prime Minister 13-01-2010 Rs.25,000/- Rs.2,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 5. One Box containing a Wrist Watch Philipe Vendour with pair of Studs, bal pen and Wallet Mr. Farhan Tanveer, Air Crew 21-01-2010 Rs.40,000/- Rs.4,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 6. One Box containing a Wrist Watch Philipe Vendour with pair of Studs, bal pen and Wallet , Mr. Ahsan Ahmed Bhatti, Air Crew 21-01-2010 Rs.40,000/- Rs.4,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 7. One Box Containing a Wrist Watch Philipe Vendour with pair of Studs , bal pen and Wallet , Syed Imran Ali, Air Crew 21-01-2010 Rs.40,000/- Rs.4,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 8. One Box Containing a Wrist Watch Philipe Vendour with Mr. Muhammad Tanveer, Air Crew ` 21-01-2010 Rs.40,000/- Rs.4,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained pair of Studs, bal pen and Wallet 9. One Box containing a Wrist Watch Philipe Vendour with pair of Studs, ball pen and Wallet Wg. Cdr. Adan Rishi Pak/10646 GD (P) 21-01-2010 Rs.40,000/- Rs.4,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 10. One Bowl (Silver) Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Nawabzada Malik Amad Khan 12-02-2010 Rs. 15,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.21,200/- 11. One wrist watch Rolex (dateJust Steel & Gold Model No.116233) Mr. Salman Siddique, Finance Secretary 19-02-2010 Rs. 700,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.501,000/- 12. One Ceramic Vase/ Decoration Piece Mr. Shaukat Fayaz Ahmed Tarin Minister for Finance, Economic Affairs and Statistics, 21-02-2010 Rs. 3000/- Free of cost Retained 13. a. Three Wall Hangings, b. A Book Mr. Shaukat Fayaz Ahmed Tarin Minister for Finance, Economic Affairs and Statistics, 21-02-2010 a. Rs.5,000/ b. Rs.2,000/- Total: - Rs.7,000/- Free of cost Retained 14. One wrist watch Rolex (with guarantee card) (Oyster Perpetual Sr. No.V876927) (Ref116243) Mr. Shaukat Fayaz Ahmad Tarin, Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs and Statistics 24-02-2010 Rs. 1,200,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.741,000/- 15. One Decoration Bowl Mr. Sajjad Kamran, Director General (Afghanistan), Foreign Affairs 22-03-2010 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained 16. One Carpet Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 31-03-2010 Rs.40,000/- Rs.4,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 17. One Carpet Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani, Prime Minister 01-04-2010 Rs.22,000/- Rs.1,800/- Amount deposited, gift retained of Pakistan, 18. Wrist Watch Hamilton Mr. Zia-ur-Rehman, Secretary Ministry of Food and Agriculture 01-04-2010 Rs.110,000/- Rs.15,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 19. Decoration Box Mr. Farhat Iqbal, Protocol Officer (V-I), Foreign Affairs 05-04-2010 Rs.5,500/- Free of cost Retained 20. Decoration Box Mr. Saeed Akhtar, Protocol Officer (Addl), Foreign Affairs 05-04-2010 Rs.4,000/- Free of cost Retained 21. One Decoration Bowl Syed Ahsan Raza, Deputy Chief of Protocol, (DCP), Foreign Affairs 05-04-2010 Rs.7,000/- Free of cost Retained 22. a. One wrist watch, gent’s, b. One wrist watch ladies. c. Pair of Cufflinks d. Lady’s Ring e. Pair of Ear Ring f. One Bracelet g. One pen Minister for Water & Power, Raja Pervez Ashraf 12-04-2010 a. Rs.34,000/- b. Rs.50,000/- c. Rs.2,000/- d. Rs.38,500/- e. Rs.18,600/- f. Rs.80,200/- g. Rs.1,500/- Rs.32,190/- Amount deposited, gift retained 23. One Plate Syed Ahsan Raza Shah, Deputy Chief of Protocol, DCP, Foreign Affairs 19-04-2010 Rs.6,000/- Free of cost Retained 24. One Small Decoration Plate Mr. Muhammad Farhat Iqbal, Protocol Officer, Foreign Affairs 19-04-2010 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 25. One Vase Saeed Akhtar, Protocol Officer (V-I Addl), Foreign Affairs 19-04-2010 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained 26. One Flower Vase (Glass) Gp. Capt. Waqar Ahmad, Deputy Military Secretary to 21-04-2010 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained Prime Minister (DMS to PM) 27. One Jar with Lid Mr. Imran Mehmood, Chief Security Officer to Prime Minister (CSO to PM) 21-04-2010 Rs.12,000/- Rs.300/- Amount deposited, gift retained 28. One plate (Porcelain) Mr. Nazar Gondal, Minister for Food & Agriculture 03-05-2010 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 29. One Wrist Watch with pen, Tie & Cufflinks (Van der Bauwede) Shahid Saleem Khan Sr. Reporter, Associated Press of Pakistan, APP 04-05-2010 Rs.40,000/- Rs.4,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 30. One Wrist Watch Axcent Mr. Shafiq Qureshi Reporter APP 04-05-2010 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 31. One Ceramic Tea Set Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-05-2010 Rs.4,000/- Free of cost Retained 32. One Souvenir (Crystal) Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-05-2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 33. Four Photographs of President with Mr. & Mrs. G.W. Bush, President of USA Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-05-2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 34. One Candle (Marble) Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-05-2010 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 35. One Compass Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-05-2010 Rs.4,500/- Free of cost Retained 36. One Wooden Box with Picture of White House Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-05-2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 37. One Crystal Decoration piece Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-05-2010 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 38. One Glass Made Flower Vase Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-05-2010 Rs.6,500/- Free of cost Retained 39. One Crystal World Globe on Stand Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-05-2010 Rs.6,000/- Free of cost Retained 40. a. One Wooden Book of Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-05-2010 a. NCV b. NCV Free of cost Retained Calligraphy b. One book “Welcome to Kuwait” 41. a. One shield, b. One Scenery Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-05-2010 a. NCV b. Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 42. One Metal Decoration Bowl Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-05-2010 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 43. One Ceramic Vase Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-05-2010 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 44. One Picture of China Three Gorges Dam on Cloth Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-05-2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 45. a. One Framed Shield “Canadian Forces” b. One book titled “Canada” Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-05-2010 a. NCV b. NCV Free of cost Retained 46. One Steel Plate Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-05-2010 Rs.800/- Free of cost Retained 47. One Metal Tray Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-05-2010 Rs.1,200/- Free of cost Retained 48. One Pen Mont Blank Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-05-2010 Rs.50,000/- Rs.6,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 49. One small Box Containing 4 decorated Wood Bars & One Book Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-05-2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 50. One small Decoration piece Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-05-2010 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 51. One Model Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-05-2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 52. One Brass Bowl Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-05-2010 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 53. One Model of Ship Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-05-2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 54. One Box containing 2 Books titled “The Art of War” (English & Chinese Language) Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11 -05 -2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 55. One Pair of Cufflinks Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11 -05 -2010 Rs.1,000/ - Free of cost Retained 56. One Small Box (Pair of Cufflinks) Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11 -05 -2010 Rs.800/ - Free of cost Retained 57. One Model of Buggi Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11 -05 -2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 58. One Shield Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11 -05 -2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 59. One Photo Album Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11 -05 -2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 60. One Frame Containing Picture of Vase Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11 -05 -2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 61. One Ceramic Vase (White) Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11 -05 -2010 Rs.2,500/ - Free of cost Retained 62. One Photo Album Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11 -05 -2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 63. One Tie Case Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11 -05 - 2010 Rs.1,500/ - Free of cost Retained 64. One Photo Album Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11 -05 -2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 65. One Book Title” Chronicle of Malaysia”, One pumpkin Fruit Trinket Box & One Pending (Buckle) Framed Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11 -05 -2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 66. Two photograph of the President with the President of Turkey, Afghanistan Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11 -05 -2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 67. Six books titled” Benazir Bhutto Reconciliation” Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-05-2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 68. Two books One Book titled“ Muslim History & Civilization” Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-05-2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 69. One Box containing Acron Piece Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-05-2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 70. One Ceramic Vase (Red) Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-05-2010 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 71. One Wooden Box containing Cigars (24 pcs) Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-05-2010 Rs.24,000/- Rs.2,100/- Amount deposited, gift retained 72. One Souvenir (Golden Plate with Picture of Three Gorges Dam) Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-05-2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 73. One Two Side Picture of Panda Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-05-2010 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 74. One Album Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-05-2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 75. One book titled “Govt Art Collection” and two pens (Parker) Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-05-2010 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 76. One Steel Box Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-05-2010 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 77. Wrist Watch with pen, Tie & Cufflinks (Van der Bauwede) Mr. Javed Akhtar, Controller News, PBC 11-05-2010 Rs.40,000/- Rs.4,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 78.` Five books, two magazine & two Registration Forms of Delhi Sustainable Development Summit 2009 Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-05-2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 79.o One Sword with Stand Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-05-2010 Rs.4,000/- Free of cost Retained 80. One Souvenir (gold plated) Mr. Muhammad Ahsan Raja, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Interior 30-06-2010 Rs.20,000/- Rs.1,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 81. One Decoration Jewelry Box Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 Rs.6,000/- Free of cost Retained 82. One Wooden Box containing Tea Mats Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 83. One Shield Brass Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 84. One Diary, one Phone Index and one Notepad Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 85. a. One Decorated Jar b. one Decorated Tray Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 a. Rs.3,000 b. Rs.1,500/ -Total: Rs.4,500/- Free of cost Retained 86. One Decorated Wooden Box Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 87. One Flowered Picture on Cloth Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 Rs.5,500/- Free of cost Retained 88. One Picture on Marble Slabs Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 89. One Marble Decorated Jar Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 Rs.4,500/- Free of cost Retained 90. One Shield Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 91. One (small) Carpet Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 Rs.15,000/- Rs.750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 92. One Shield (Glass) Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 93. One Wall Hanging Calendar 2010 Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 94. One Vase Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 95. One Award for Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 96. a. Two books b. Two Ceramic Vases Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 a. NCV b. Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained 97. One Album Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 98. Two Qur’an Pak Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 99. One Shield Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 100. Two Souvenirs Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 101. One Wooden Decorated Box containing Project Design of Shaheeda Benazir Bhutto Auditorium, Damascus Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 Rs.5,500/- Free of cost Retained 102. One Silver Fruit Basket Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 Rs.70,000/- Rs.9,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 103. One Tumbler Glass Made Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 104. One Framed Picture Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 Rs.6,500/- Free of cost Retained 105. One Ceramic Vase Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 106. One Ceramic Vase Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 107. One Ceramic Vase Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 Rs.6,000/- Free of cost Retained 108. One China Intangible Cultural Souvenir Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 109. One Wooden Menu Card Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 110. One Scenery on Cloth Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 Rs.9,000/- Free of cost Retained 111. One Menu of Dinner Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 112. One Metal plate Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 113. One Ceramic Plate Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 114. Two Shirts Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 115. Onex 4” Souvenir “JICA” Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 116. One Ceramic Table Watch Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 117. Three Books & 4 CDs Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 118. One Ceramic box (small) Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 Rs.1,200/- Free of cost Retained 119. One Book Titled “The Occupation of Iraq” Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 120. One Book “Brussels” Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 121. Two Sceneries Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 Rs.9,000/- Free of cost Retained 122. One Frame JINSHA (The Sun & Godly Bird) Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 Rs.6,000/- Free of cost Retained 123. One model Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 124. One Book “Treasure Houses” Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 125. One Remington Statue Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 Rs.8,500/- Free of cost Retained 126. One Ceramic Vase Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 127. One Cigar Box (Green) Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 128. One Book Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 NCV Free of cost Retained 129. One Table Clock (Golden) Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 Rs.7,500/- Free of cost Retained 130. One Carpet Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 22-07-2010 Rs.17,000/- Rs.1,050/- Amount deposited, gift retained 131. a. Wrist Watch Esteema b. One Bracelet in Gold & Diamond Mr. Nazar Muhammad Gondal Minister for Food, Agriculture & livestock 11-08-2010 a. Rs. 85,000/- b. Rs. 87,000/- Rs.24,300/- Amount deposited, gift retained 132. a. One wrist watch, gent’s, b. One wrist watch ladies c. Lady’s Ring d. Pair of Ear Ring e. One Bracelet f. Pair of studs g. One pen Mr. Jahangir Badar PPP Senator 20-08-2010 a. Rs.50,000/- b. Rs.65,000/- c. Rs.24,400/- d. Rs.29,500/- e. Rs.117,600/- f. Rs.2,500/- g. Rs.2,500/- Rs. 42,225/- Amount deposited, gift retained 133. One carpet (Handmade) Mr. Nazar Mohammad Gondal, Minister for Food and Agriculture 17-09-2010 Rs.9,000/- Free of cost Retained 134. One bowl Mr. Ghalib Iqbal, Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 01-10-2010 Rs.8,500/- Free of cost Retained 135. One Calligraphy/Painting (Wooden Frame) Mr. Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Chief Minister, CM Punjab 06-10-2010 Rs.40,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.40,750/- 136. One Bowl (Silver) Mr. Ghalib Iqbal, Chief of Protocol Foreign Affairs, 18-10-2010 Rs.30,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 137. One Packet containing Table Cloths, Two Metal Surahi, Two perfumes, one necklace, one Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-11-2010 Rs.80,800/- Rs.10,620/- Amount deposited, gift retained MONETARY LIMIT AS PER PROCEDURE FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS AND THEIR DISPOSAL (25th June, 2007): - The monetary limits upto which the gifts can be retained by the recipients are as follows: - tasbeeh, one ladies ring, one gents ring and one bed spread 138. Wrist Watch with pen, Tie & Cufflinks (Van der Bauwede) Mr. Musaddiq Kaleem, News Reporter, PTV News 22-11-2010 Rs.40,000/- Rs.4,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 139. One Metal Show Piece (PUTER) (Depicting Elephant on it) Mr. Sibtain Fazal Halim, Secretary, Economic Affairs Division (EAD) 23-11-2010 Rs.8,500/- - Auctioned for Rs.9,540/- 140. One piece of Art Work duly framed Brig. Nasir Dilawar Shah, Military Secretary to Prime Minister (MS to PM) 30-11-2010 Rs.500/- Free of cost Retained 141. One Digital Camera AIGO (W120) with accessories (i.e. 2GB Memory Card, Charger, battery camera Cover and data cables etc) Dr. Abdul Hafeez Sheikh, Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs and Statistics 02-12-2010 Rs.14,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.15,015/- 142. One Tea Set (Bone China Coffee Set (Feather of a Peacock)) Chairman Senate 23-12-2010 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained 143. Two Tea Pots (Caparison, Elephants with Tea) (small) Mr. Afrasiab, Director General (South Asia) Foreign Affairs 24-12-2010 Rs.1,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.2,510/- 144. One Wrist Watch Hamilton H324150 Swissmade Chain Mr. Rauf Klasra, Editor 28-12-2010 Rs. 120,000/- - Gift deposited in Toshakhana 145. Wrist Watch Van der Bauwede with pen, Tie & Cufflinks Mr. Salahuddin Malik, Chief Cameraman, PTV 29-12-2010 Rs.40,000/- Rs.4,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained (i) Gifts upto a value of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) may be retained free of cost by the recipient subject to the provision of these rules. (ii) Gifts valued above Rs. 10,000/- may be allowed to be retained by the recipient on payment of 15% of the value exceeding the basic exemption of Rs.10,000/-. (iii) Gifts valued at Rs.400,000/- or more shall not be retained by the recipient, except the President and the Head of the Government. However, the recipient of gift comprising distinct articles but gifted in a single transaction having collective value of Rs. 4 lac or more shall have an option to retain any article(s) upto the collective value of less than Rs. 4 lac only subject to the condition that part of an article will not be allowed to be taken. This exemption shall however not be available in case of antiques and gifts of intrinsic historical value. (iv) Different gift articles given by a single dignitary to a functionary at one occasion will be treated as single gift for the purpose of valuation. (v) The maximum monetary limit to be allowed for retention of gifts in one calendar year for any functionary other than the President or the Prime Minister should not exceed Rupees one million. However, the gifts having value in excess of the limit of Rupees one million can be retained by the recipient on payment of 65% of the assessed value of the gifts. DISCLAIMER: - This data/list is provided on Federal Government directions as per the record available, and is based on the information/gifts declared or deposited by the persons and departments responsible for it, under the policy prevalent at that time. Cabinet Division is not responsible for any error or omissions made by those individuals/departments. TOSHAKHANA GIFT RECORD 2011 S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 1. One Lacquer Box (Empty) Foreign Secretary of Pakistan 04-01-2011 Rs.9,000/- Free of Cost Retained 2. One Decoration Tray Ch. Ahmad Mukhtar, Federal Minister for Defence 04-01-2011 Rs.25,000/- Rs.2,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 3. One Lacquer Box (Empty) Mr. M Shabbir Anwar, Press Secretary to the Prime Minister 08-01-2011 Rs.9,000/- Free of Cost Retained 4. One Lacquer Box (Empty) Brig Nasir Dilawar Shah, Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 08-01-2011 Rs.9,000/- Free of Cost Retained 5. One Lacquer Box (Empty) Brig Raja Samiullah, Personal Physician to the Prime Minister 08-01-2011 Rs.9,000/- Free of Cost Retained 6. One Lacquer Box (Empty) Lt. Col. Naveed Malik, Director Security to the Prime Minister 08-01-2011 Rs.9,000/- Free of Cost Retained 7. One Lacquer Box (Empty) Maj Faisal Nawaz, ADC to the Prime Minister, 08-01-2011 Rs.9,000/- Free of Cost Retained 8. One Lacquer Box (Empty) Inspector Farooq Ahmed, Police Gunman to Prime Minister 08-01-2011 Rs.9,000/- Free of Cost Retained 9. One Lacquer Box (Empty) ASI Fakhar Maqbool, Police Gunman to Prime Minister 08-01-2011 Rs.9,000/- Free of Cost Retained 10. One Lacquer Box (Empty) H/Constable M. Ishaq, Police Gunman to Prime Minister 08-01-2011 Rs.9,000/- Free of Cost Retained 11. One Lacquer Box (Empty) H/Constable M. Yameen Khan, Police Gunman to Prime Minister 08-01-2011 Rs.9,000/- Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 12. One Lacquer Box (Empty) H/Constable M. Riaz, Police Gunman to Prime Minister 08-01-2011 Rs.9,000/- Free of Cost Retained 13. One Lacquer Box (Empty) Constable Hamad Raza, Police Gunman to Prime Minister 08-01-2011 Rs.9,000/- Free of Cost Retained 14. One Lacquer Box (Empty) Constable Salahuddin, Police Gunman to Prime Minister 08-01-2011 Rs.9,000/- Free of Cost Retained 15. One Lacquer Box (Empty) Constable M. Saghir, Police Gunman to Prime Minister 08-01-2011 Rs.9,000/- Free of Cost Retained 16. One Lacquer Box (Empty) Constable Faqir Shah, Police Gunman to Prime Minister 08-01-2011 Rs.9,000/- Free of Cost Retained 17. One Lacquer Box (Empty) NK Nasir Mehmood, SSG Gunman to Prime Minister 08-01-2011 Rs.9,000/- Free of Cost Retained 18. One Lacquer Box (Empty) Sep. Irfan-ul Haq, SSG Gunman to Prime Minister 08-01-2011 Rs.9,000/- Free of Cost Retained 19. One Lacquer Box (Empty) Sep. Shahid Ibrar, SSG, Gunman to Prime Minister 08-01-2011 Rs.9,000/- Free of Cost Retained 20. Wrist Watch Van der Bauwede with pen, Tie & Cufflinks Mr. Abdul Ghaffar, TV Engineer 08-01-2011 Rs. 40,000/- Rs. 4500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 21. a. One Dinner Set b. One Photograph (duly framed) Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan. 21-01-2011 a. Rs. 6,500/- b. NCV Free of Cost Retained 22. One Pair of Cufflinks Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan. 21-01-2011 Rs.68,595/- Rs.8,790/- Amount deposited, gift retained 23. One Book “Terrorism and National Security” Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan. 21-01-2011 NCV Free of Cost Retained 24. a. One Kettle Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, 21-01-2011 a. Rs.16,500/- Rs.975/- Amount S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks b. One Book” The Parliament of Sri Lanka” President of Pakistan. b. NCV deposited, gift retained 25. One Model of Elephant (small) Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 21-01-2011 Rs.7,000/- Free of Cost Retained 26. One Model of Elephant (Medium) Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 21-01-2011 Rs.10,000/- Free of Cost Retained 27. One Silver Tray Mr. Salman Faruqui, Secretary General to the President 21-01-2011 Rs.9,000/- Free of Cost Retained 28. Two Small Elephants Mr. Farhatullah Baber, Spokesman to the President 21-01-2011 Rs.800/- Free of Cost Retained 29. One Decoration Piece Brig. Syed M. Adnan, Military Secretary to the President (MS to the President) 21-01-2011 Rs.2,500/- Free of Cost Retained 30. One Decoration Tray Mr. Owais Muzafar 21-01-2011 Rs.1,200/- Free of Cost Retained 31. One Silver Tray Mr. Farukh Akhtar Jamil, Additional Secretary, Foreign Affairs 21-01-2011 Rs.13,500/- Rs.525/- Amount deposited, gift retained 32. One Cup containing Tea Dr. Asim Hussain, Personal Physician to the President 21-01-2011 Rs.2,500/- Free of Cost Retained 33. One Cup containing Tea Brig. M. Iftikhar Mansoor, Director General 21-01-2011 Rs.2,500/- Free of Cost Retained 34. Three Tins containing Tea Capt. (PN) Amir Saeed, Deputy Military Secretary to the President (DMS to the President) 21-01-2011 Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained 35. One Cup Containing Tea Sq. Ldr. Malik Jalal Farooq, ADC to the President 21-01-2011 Rs.2,500/- Free of Cost Retained 36. One Cup Containing Tea Lt. Col. Baber Mumtaz, Chief Security Officer to 21-01-2011 Rs.2,500/- Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks the President (CSO to the President) 37. a. One Shield, b. One Fountain Pen, c. Box containing Two coins (i.e. one Gold coin in 22kt + One Silver Coin) d. Three books & one Letter Pad, e. One Carpet (small), f. One Shield (Tapi Gas Pipe Line) Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 21-01-2011 a. NCV b. Rs.5,000/- c. Rs. 151,241/- d. NCV e. Rs.5,000/- f. NCV Rs.22,687/- Amount deposited, gift Retained 38. One Carpet Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan. 21-01-2011 Rs.20,000/- Rs.1,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 39. One Decoration Piece Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan. 21-01-2011 Rs.2,000/- Free of Cost Retained 40. One Decoration Marble Piece Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan. 21-01-2011 Rs.2,500/- Free of Cost Retained 41. One Decoration Marble Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 21-01-2011 Rs.2,500/- Free of Cost Retained 42. One Ceramic Bowl Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 21-01-2011 Rs.6,000/- Free of Cost Retained 43. One White Bowl Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan. 21-01-2011 Rs.3,500/- Free of Cost Retained 44. One Wooden Screen (7 pcs) Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 21-01-2011 Rs.70,000/- Rs.9,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 45. One Mobile Set Huawei U8230 alongwith accessories Dr. Abdul Hafeez Shaikh, Minister Finance, 09-02-2011 Rs.20,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.16,005/- 46. Two Stamp Albums Dr. Abdul Hafeez Shaikh, Minister Finance, 09-02-2011 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 47. One Silver Plate (Decoration Piece) Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Minister for Foreign Affairs 09-02-2011 Rs.25,000/- Rs.2,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 48. One Decoration piece (half figure Horse (Sphinx-Head (Horn) Makhdoom Shah Mehmood Qureshi Foreign Affairs Minister 09-02-2011 Rs.9,000/- Free of Cost Amount deposited, gift retained 49. One Gift Pack Containing (Perfume Kit): - (i.e. Perfume, Luban dan, Body Spray Body Gel, Lighter, Coke and small Pieces of Ood Wood) Mr. Rafaqat Hussain, PTV Engineer, Prime Minister Media Team 24-02-2011 Rs.75,000/- Rs.9,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 50. One Gift Pack Containing (Perfume kit): - (i.e. Perfume, Luban dan, Body Spray Body Gel, Lighter, Coke and small Pieces of Ood Wood. Mr. Hidayatullah Abro, Prime Minister Media Team, (Cameraman) 24-02-2011 Rs.75,000/- Rs.9,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 51. One Wrist Watch Certina (Gents) (Rubber Strape) (S/Steel) (quartz) (No.C011417A) Brig. Raja Samiullah, Personal Physician to Prime Minister 25-02-2011 Rs.45,000/- Rs.5,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 52. One Carpet (Wall Hanging) (Handmade) (Bokhara) (Red) Mr. Farooq H. Naek, Chairman Senate 28-02-2011 Rs. 5,000/- Free of Cost Retained 53. One Wrist Watch Vander Bauwede with one Pair of Cufflinks & one Ball Pen Mr. Ghalib Iqbal, Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 01-03-2011 Rs.45,000/- Rs.5,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 54. One Gift Pack Containing (Perfume kit): - (i.e. Perfume, Luban dan, Body Spray Body Gel, Lighter, Coke and small Pieces of Ood Wood) Brig. Nisar Dilawar Shah, Military Secretary to Prime Minister 01-03-2011 Rs.75,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.45,000/- 55. One Wrist Watch Certina Mr. Faisal Niaz Tirmizi, DCP, Foreign Affairs 01-03-2011 Rs.45,000/- Rs.5,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 56. One Gift Pack Containing (Perfume kit): - (i.e. Perfume, Luban dan, Body Spray Body Gel, Lighter, Coke and small Pieces of Ood Wood. Mr. Adeel Ahmed Khan, Protocol Officer, Foreign Affairs 01-03-2011 Rs.75,000/- Rs.9,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 57. One Wrist Watch Certina (No.536.7129.12.66) Mr. Muhammad Abdul Wahid Khan, Additional Press Secretary to Prime Minister 02-03-2011 Rs.45,000/- Rs. 5,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 58. One Wrist Watch Vander Bauwede (Geneve Magnum Cal.75 (432/500) Sr.No.(N0275 005 0932 – Swiss Made)) with Pair of Cufflinks & one Ball Pen Mr. Saleem Mandviwalla, Chairman BOI 02-03-2011 Rs.45,000/- Rs.5,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 59. One Gift Pack Containing: a. Valet b. One Ball Pen & Mr. Ghalib Iqbal, Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 03-03-2011 a. Rs.2,000/ b. Rs.3,000/- c. Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks c. one Pair of Cufflinks Total :- Rs.8,000/- 60. One Gift Pack Containing Valet, One Ball Pen & one Pair of Cufflinks Mr. Faisal Niaz Tirmizi, Deputy Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 03-03-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 61. One Gift Pack Containing Valet, One Ball Pen & one Pair of Cufflinks Mr. Adeel Ahmed Khan, Deputy Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 03-03-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 62. One Gift Pack Containing (Perfume kit): - (i.e. Perfume, Luban dan, Body Spray Body Gel, Lighter, Coke and small Pieces of Ood Wood. Sub Inspector Muhammad Manzoor (Gunman), Prime Minister Office 07-03-2011 Rs.75,000/- Rs.9,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 63. One Gift Pack Containing (Perfume kit): - (i.e. Perfume, Luban dan, Body Spray Body Gel, Lighter, Coke and small Pieces of Ood Wood. Head Constable Muhammad Ishaq, Prime Minister Office 07-03-2011 Rs.75,000/- Rs.9,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 64. One Gift Pack Containing (Perfume kit): - (i.e.Perfume, Luban dan, Body Spray Body Gel, Lighter, Coke and small Pieces of Ood Wood. NK Nasir Mahmood, Prime Minister Office 07-03-2011 Rs.75,000/- Rs.9,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 65. One Gift Pack Constable Faqir Shah, 07-03-2011 Rs.75,000/- Rs.9,750/- Amount S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks Containing (Perfume kit): - (i.e. Perfume, Luban dan, Body Spray Body Gel, Lighter, Coke and small Pieces of Ood Wood. Prime Minister Office deposited, gift retained 66. One Gift Pack Containing (Perfume kit): - (i.e.Perfume, Luban dan, Body Spray Body Gel, Lighter, Coke and small Pieces of Ood Wood. Constable Raziq Mehmood, Prime Minister Office 07-03-2011 Rs.75,000/- Rs.9,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 67. One Gift Pack Containing (Perfume kit): - (i.e. Perfume, Luban dan, Body Spray Body Gel, Lighter, Coke and small Pieces of Ood Wood. Constable Muhammad Saghir, Prime Minister Office 07-03-2011 Rs.75,000/- Rs.9,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 68. One Gift Pack Containing (Perfume kit): - (i.e. Perfume, Luban dan, Body Spray Body Gel, Lighter, Coke and small Pieces of Ood Wood. Constable Hamad Raza, Prime Minister Office 07-03-2011 Rs.75,000/- Rs.9,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 69. a. One I-Pad with Key Board, Data Cable & Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-03-2011 a. Rs.45,000/ b. Rs.7,500/- Rs.158,250/- Amount deposited, gift S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks Charger b. One Model of Ship c. One Tea Set (broken) d. One Packet with pen, Wallet & Pair of Cufflinks e. One Wrist Watch c. Rs.4,500/- d. Rs.8,000/- e. Rs.1,000,000/- Total: Rs.1,065,000/- retained 70. One Model of Horses Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-03-2011 Rs.10,000/- Free of Cost Retained 71. Four Books Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-03-2011 NCV) Free of Cost Retained 72. a. One Model, b. One Book, c. One stamp Album Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-03-2011 a. NCV b. NCV c. Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained 73. One Wall Photo, One Model (made of chocolate) Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-03-2011 Rs.1,500/- Free of Cost Retained 74. One Painting Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-03-2011 Rs.10,000/- Free of Cost Retained 75. One Packet containing Pair of Cufflinks, Pen & Wallet Mr. Malik Asif Hayat, Secretary to the President 11-03-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 76. One Packet Containing Necklace, Bracelet, Earrings & Ring Brig. Syed M. Adnan, Military Secretary to the President 11-03-2011 Rs.270,000/- Rs.39,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 77. One Packet Containing Wrist Watch, Magnifier, Screw, Spare Strips & booklet Capt (PN) Amir Saeed, DMS to the President, Deputy Military Secretary to the President 11-03-2011 Rs.70,000/- Rs.9,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 78. One Packet Containing Wrist Watch, Magnifier, Screw, Spare Strips & booklet Maj. Imran Hyder, ADC to the President 11-03-2011 Rs.70,000/- Rs.9,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 79. One Packet Containing Wrist Watch, Magnifier, Screw, Spare Strips & Syed Salman Shah, ADC to the President 11-03-2011 Rs.70,000/- Rs.9,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks booklet 80. One Packet Containing Pair of Cufflinks, Pen & Wallet Dr. Asim Hussain, Personal Physician to the President 11-03-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 81. One Packet Containing Pair of Cufflinks, Pen & Wallet Brig. Iftikhar Mansoor, DG(S), President Sectt. 11-03-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 82. One Packet Containing Pair of Cufflinks, Pen & Wallet Lt. Col. Baber Mumtaz, CSO to the President 11-03-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 83. One Packet Containing Pair of Cufflinks, Pen & Wallet Maj. Muhammad Shakeel, Staff Officer to the President 11-03-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 84. One Packet Containing Pair of Cufflinks, Pen & Wallet Mr. Bilal Shaikh, Staff Officer to the President 11-03-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 85. One Packet Containing Pair of Cufflinks, Pen & Wallet Mr. Afaq Ahmed, Assistant, President Secretariat. 11-03-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 86. One Packet Containing Pair of Cufflinks, Pen & Wallet Mr. Mushtaq Ahmed, Valet, President Secretariat. 11-03-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 87. One Packet Containing Pair of Cufflinks, Pen & Wallet Mr. Ali Bux Ansari, Cook, President Secretariat. 11-03-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 88. One Packet Containing Pair of Cufflinks, Pen & Wallet Hav. Muhammad Jamil, Security Staff, President Secretariat. 11-03-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 89. One Packet Containing Pair of Cufflinks, Pen & Wallet NK. Khai Muhammad, Security Staff, President Secretariat. 11-03-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 90. One Packet Containing Pair of Cufflinks, Pen & Wallet L/NK Akbar Ali, Security Staff, President Secretariat. 11-03-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 91. One Packet Containing Pair of Cufflinks, Pen & NK Sabz Ali, Security Staff, President 11-03-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks Wallet Secretariat. 92. One Packet Containing Pair of Cufflinks, Pen & Wallet Constable Sajid Hussain, Security Staff, President Secretariat. 11-03-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 93. One Packet Containing Pair of Cufflinks, Pen & Wallet L/NK Abdul Rehman, Security Staff, President Secretariat. 11-03-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 94. One Packet Containing Pair of Cufflinks, Pen & Wallet L/NK Saeed Akhtar, Security Staff, President Secretariat. 11-03-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 95. One Packet Containing Pair of Cufflinks, Pen & Wallet Hav. Muhammad Arif, Security Staff, President Secretariat. 11-03-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 96. One Packet Containing Pair of Cufflinks, Pen & Wallet Mr. Mukhtar Ahmed, Security Staff, President Secretariat. 11-03-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 97. One Brass Plate Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 11-03-2011 Rs.7,500/- Free of Cost Retained 98. a. Two Colored Statue b. One Crystal Shield Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan. 11-03-2011 a. Rs.500/- b. Rs.1,000/- Free of Cost Retained 99. One Ceramic Vase Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan. 11-03-2011 Rs.5,000/- Free of Cost Retained 100. One Model of Car One Pen One Photo Frame Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan. 11-03-2011 Rs.5,000/- Free of Cost Retained 101. One Vase (Lacquer Work) Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan. 11-03-2011 Rs.3,500/- Free of Cost Retained 102. One Neck Tie Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan. 11-03-2011 Rs.4,000/- Free of Cost Retained 103. a. One Wrist Watch (china made) b. One Photo Album c. One Book Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan. 11-03-2011 a. Rs.3,500/ b. Rs.500/- c. Rs.300/- Total :- Rs.4,300- Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 104. Mobile Set (China Made) (Model Mi-323, EAN 13, Black color, IMEI: No.355339030360856 & 355339030360864) alongwith Accessories (i.e. Charger, Handsfree and data cable) Mr. Sajid Latif Awan, DG (G & EA), PTA. 14-03-2011 Rs.5,000/- Free of Cost Retained 105. One Ladies Shawl and a Framed Picture of the Supreme Court of Nepal (broken frame) Mr. Sajid Mehmood Qazi, Additional Registrar of Supreme Court 16-03-2011 Rs.6,500/- Free of Cost Retained 106. One Scenery Chairman Senate 24-03-2011 Rs.8,500/- Free of Cost Retained 107. a. One Shawl b. One Book on Bhutan Dr. Abdul Hafeez Shaikh, Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs, 27-03-2011 a. Rs. 3000/ b. NCV Free of Cost Retained 108. One Wrist Watch Certina (No.536.7129.12.66) Mr. Imran Mahmood, Chief Security Officer to Prime Minister, (CSO to PM) 28-03-2011 Rs.45,000/- Rs.5,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 109. a. Wrist Watch Faconable (Gents) b. Wrist Watch Faconable (Lady’s) Makhdoom Shah Mehmood Qureshi, ExForeign Minister 28-03-2011 a. Rs.50,000/- b. Rs.65,000/- - Auctioned (a)For Rs.31,500/- (b)For Rs.45,500/- 110. One Pair of Cufflinks One Pen Makhdoom Shah Mehmood Qureshi, ExForeign Minister 28-03-2011 Rs.2,500/- Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 111. One Watch Van Der Bauwede with one Pair of Cufflinks & one Ball pen Mr. Iftekhar Aziz, Ambassador of Pakistan in Kuwait 29-03-2011 Rs.45,000/- Rs.5,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 112. One Gift Pack Containing (Perfume kit): - (i.e. Perfume, Luban dan, Body Spray Body Gel, Lighter, Coke and small Pieces of Ood Wood. Mr. Arslan Asad, News Reporter, PTV News 02-04-2011 Rs.75,000/- Rs.9,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 113. Wrist Watch Van der Bauwede with pen, Tie & Cufflinks Mr. Adeel Ahmed Khan, Protocol Officer Ministry of Foreign Affairs 02-04-2011 Rs.40,000/- Rs.4,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 114. One Box (Small) Mr. Khushnood Akhtar Lashari, Principal Secretary to Prime Minister (PSPM) 06-04-2011 Rs.800/- Free of Cost Retained 115. One Box (Small) Mr. Shabbir Anwar, Press Secretary to the Prime Minister 06-04-2011 Rs. 800/- Free of Cost Retained 116. One Box (Small) Brig. Nasir Dilawar Shah, Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 06-04-2011 Rs. 800/- Free of Cost Retained 117. One Box (Small) Brig. Sami Ullah, Personal Physician to the Prime Minister 06-04-2011 Rs. 800/- Free of Cost Retained 118. One Photo Frame Mr. Imran Mahmood Chief Security (CSO) to Prime Minister 06-04-2011 Rs. 750/- Free of Cost Retained 119. One Photo Frame Wg. Cdr. Shahzad Fatah, ADC to Prime Minister 06-04-2011 Rs. 750/- Free of Cost Retained 120. One Wrist Watch Certina (No.C001510A) Mr. Shabbir Anwar, Press Secretary to Prime Minister 06-04-2011 Rs.45,000/- Rs.5,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 121. One Packet Containing Pair of Cufflinks, Pen & Wallet Mr. Malik Asif Hayat, Secretary to the President 06-04-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 122. Watch Van Der Bauwede Mr. Abdul Malik Abdullah, 08-04-2011 Rs.45,000/- Rs.5,250/- Amount S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks (Chronograph) (water resistant) with one Pair of Cufflinks & one Ball pen Additional Secretary (FSA), Prime Minister Secretariat (Public) deposited, gift retained 123. One Packet Containing Pair of Cufflinks, Ball Pen & Wallet Sq. Ldr. Usman Ahmed, PAF 08-04-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 124. One Packet Containing Pair of Cufflinks, Ball Pen & Wallet Sq. Ldr. Farhan Tanvir 08-04-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 125. One Packet Containing Pair of Cufflinks, Pen & Wallet Sq. Ldr. Tariq Hameed 08-04-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 126. One Packet Containing Pair of Cufflinks, Pen & Wallet Assistant W. Officer Tariq 08-04-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 127. One Packet Containing Pair of Cufflinks, Pen & Wallet Snr. Tech. Tassawar 08-04-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 128. Watch Van Der Bauwede with One Pair of Cufflinks (VDB) & One Ball pen (VDB) Mr. Muhammad Aslam, Additional Secretary (ME&A), Foreign Affairs 09-04-2011 Rs.45,000/- Rs.5,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 129. One Packet Containing Ball Pen & Wallet Mr. Javed Rafique, Director, IB. 09-04-2011 Rs.5,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.7,778/- 130. One Packet Containing Pair of Cufflinks, Pen & Wallet Mr. Hamad Kiani, Reporter, PBC. 11-04-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 131. Watch Van Der Bauwede with one Pair of Cufflinks & one Ball pen (VDB) Mr. Imtiaz Kazi, Secretary Petroleum & Natural Resources 15-04-2011 Rs.45,000/- Rs.5,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 132. One Painting (in wooden Mr. Farhatullah Babar, 16-04-2011 Rs.5,000/- Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks frame) Spokesperson to the President 133. A gift pack containing Wrist Watch Van Der Bauwede with Scarf & Bracelet Ms. Hina Rabbani Khar, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs 20-04-2011 Rs.45,000/- Rs.5,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 134. One Jewellery Box Empty Mr. khushnood Akhtar Lashari, Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister 28-04-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 135. One Jewellery Box Empty Brig. Nasir Dilawar Shah, Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 28-04-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 136. One Gift Pack Containing (Perfume kit): - (i.e. Perfume, Luban dan, Body Spray Body Gel, Lighter, Coke and small Pieces of Ood Wood. SP Muqaddus Haider, Security Officer to Prime Minister 28-04-2011 Rs.75,000/- Rs.9,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 137. One Packet Containing Pair of Cufflinks, Pen & Wallet Mr. Ashiq Saleem, Advance Security Technical Team, IB 30-04-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 138. One Photo Frame (souvenir) Mr. Abid Saeed, Additional Secretary, Food & Agriculture 02-05-2011 Rs.500/- Free of Cost Retained 139. One Wooden Decoration Piece (Sandal Wood) Mr. Zafar Mahmood, Secretary Commerce 03-05-2011 Rs.4,500/- Free of Cost Retained 140. One Gift Pack Containing (Perfume kit): - (i.e. Perfume, Luban dan, Body Spray Body Gel, Lighter, Coke and Mr. Munir Ahmad Chishti PSP, IB, Incharge of Advance Security Technical Team of the Prime Minister, 03-05-2011 Rs.75,000/- Rs.9,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks small Pieces of Ood Wood. 141. One Gift Pack Containing (Perfume kit): - (i.e. Perfume, Luban dan, Body Spray Body Gel, Lighter, Coke and small Pieces of Ood Wood. Member of Advance Security Technical Team of the Prime Minister, M. Sohail Younis, IB 03-05-2011 Rs.75,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 142. One Commemorative (Silver Coin) Mr. Farhatullah Babar, Spokesperson to the President 09-05-2011 Rs.9,500/- Free of Cost Retained 143. One Carpet Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani, Prime Minister of Pakistan 24-05-2011 Rs.20,000/- Rs.1,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 144. One Silver Decoration Candy Box Mr. Farooq H. Naek Chairman Senate 06-06-2011 Rs.35,000/- Rs.3,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 145. a. One Model of Kuwait Sailing Ship (Al Boom) b. One Wrist Watch (Ulysse Nardin) c. Six Gold Coins (Central Bank of Kuwait i.e. 1,5,10,20,50,100 Fils) d. One Pure Silver Coin Picture Kuwait landmarks with Selective gold plated Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan. 13-06-2011 a. Rs.4,000/ b. Rs.165,000/- c. Rs.148,000/- d. Rs.14,617/- e. Rs.14,617/- f. Rs.14,617/- g. Rs.15,000/- Total: Rs.375,851/- Rs. 54,878/- Amount deposited, gift retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 50th Anniversary e. One Coin pure silver picrue of Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad AlJabaer Al-Sabah, as Amir of Kuwait with gold Plated f. One Coin 20th Anniversary of Liberation of Kuwait, g. Two Gent’s Gown & One Ladies 146. a. One Wrist Watch (Corum), b. One Model of Coin (White & Gold Plated) (Central Bank of Kuwait), c. One Model of (Silver) Coin (Central Bank of Kuwait) Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 13-06-2011 a. Rs.1,250,000/- b. Rs.14,617/- c. Rs.6,837/- Total: Rs.1,271,454/- Rs.189,219/- Amount deposited, gift retained 147. One Box Containing 9 coins (3 Medium + 6 Small) Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan. 13-06-2011 Rs.38,477/- Rs. 4,272/- Amount deposited, gift retained 148. Box Containing Picture CD and Keychain Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 13-06-2011 Rs.1,500/- Free of Cost Retained 149. One Coin Brig. Syed Muhammad Adnan, Military Secretary to the President of Pakistan (MS to the President) 13-06-2011 Rs.14,617/- Rs.693/- Amount deposited, gift retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 150. One Carpet Mr. Ghalib Iqbal, Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs, 29-06-2011 Rs.20,000/- Rs.1,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 151. One Knife Mr. Ghalib Iqbal, Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 29-06-2011 Rs.3,000/- Free of Cost Retained 152. One Packet fountain Pen & Wallet/Purse Syed Mushir Ali Shahid, Deputy Press Secretary to the President 02-07-2011 Rs.5,000/- Free of Cost Retained 153. One Packet Containing Pair of Cufflinks, Pen & Wallet Mr. Shahid Ahmed, Cameraman, PTV 05-07-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 154. One Packet Containing Pair of Cufflinks, Pen & Wallet Mr. Abdul Ghaffar, Engineer, PTV 05-07-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 155. One Packet Containing Pair of Cufflinks, Pen & Wallet Mr. Musadaq Kallem, Reporter, PTV 09-07-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 156. One Packet Containing Pair of Cufflinks, Pen & Wallet Mr. Muhammad Tariq, Photographer, PID 09-07-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 157. One Packet Containing Pair of Cufflinks, Pen & Wallet Ms. Shmaila Andleeb, Reporter, APP 09-07-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 158. One Packet Containing Pair of Cufflinks, Pen & Wallet Mr. Allay Anees, Cameraman, APP 09-07-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 159. One Carpet (small) Dr. Asim Hussain, Minister for Petroleum & 11-07-2011 Rs.7,500/- Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks Natural Resources 160. One Wrist Watch (FENDI) Mr. Manzoor ul Haq, DG (ME), Ministry of Foreign Affairs 13-07-2011 Rs.65,000/- Rs. 8,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 161. One Carpet (160x110 centimeters) approx (color: Brown and Green) Mr. Sajjad Kamran, DG (Afghanistan) / Additional Secretary (AP) Ministry of Foreign Affairs 13-07-2011 Rs.20,000/- Rs.1,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 162. a. One Box containing Ceramic Picture in Leather Frame, b. One Mont Blank Leather Bag with Diary + Pen, c. One Shield, d. One Silver Coin (Commemorative Medal) e. One Decoration Table Watch f. One Silver Coin, g. One Cigarette Case, h. One Ball Pen, i. One Coin (G), j. One Note Book & Ball pen Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 14-07-2011 a. Rs.6,500/ b. Rs.75,000/- c. NCV d. Rs.30,000/- e. Rs.2,000/- f. Rs.2,000/- g. Rs.2,500/- h. Rs.2,000/- i. NCV j. Rs.3,000/- Total; Rs.123,000/- Rs.16,950/- Amount deposited, gift retained 163. One Leather Bag Containing: - One Coin, One Ball Pen, One Cigarette Case, One Note Book with Pen, One CD, One Ticketing Album and Book Military Secretary to the President, (MS to the President of Pakistan) 14-07-2011 Rs.10,000/- Free of Cost Retained 164. One Leather Bag Containing: - One Coin, One Ball Pen, Deputy Military Secretary to the President (DMS to the President) 14-07-2011 Rs.10,000/- Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks One Cigarette Case, One Note Book with Pen, One CD, One Ticketing Album and Book 165. One Leather Bag Containing: - One Coin, One Ball Pen, One Cigarette Case, One Note Book with Pen, One CD, One Ticketing Album and Book Mr. Farhatullah Babar, Spokes Person to the President of Pakistan. 14-07-2011 Rs.10,000/- Free of Cost Retained 166. One Brief Case Containing: - a. one Carpet b. One Shield (A world without Terrorism) Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan. 14-07-2011 a. Rs. 20,000/ b. NCV Rs.1,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 167. One Brief Case containing one Carpet Military Secretary to the President of Pakistan 14-07-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 168. One Brief Case containing one Carpet Deputy Military Secretary to the President of Pakistan 14-07-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 169. One Brief Case containing one Carpet Mr. Farukh Amil, Additional Secretary, Foreign Affairs 14-07-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 170. One Brief Case containing one Carpet Farhat Ullah Babar, Spokes Person to the President of Pakistan. 14-07-2011 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 171. One Packet containing: a. Two Kashan Cookie, One Pistachio, b. One Sohan Mohammad Saedinia, Chief Security Officer to the President 14-07-2011 NCV Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks c. One Atiq (Toffes)) 172. One Packet Containing: a. Two Kashan Cookie, One Pistachio, b. One Sohan Mohammad Saedinia, c. One Atiq (Toffes) ADC (Navy) to the President 14-07-2011 NCV Free of Cost Retained 173. One Packet Containing: a. Two Kashan Cookie, One Pistachio, b. One Sohan Mohammad Saedinia, c. One Atiq (Toffes) Lt. Col. Salman Saleem, Medical Classified Specialist to the President 14-07-2011 NCV Free of Cost Retained 174. One Packet Containing: a. Two Kashan Cookie, One Pistachio, b. One Sohan Mohammad Saedinia, c. One Atiq (Toffes) Maj. Basharat (Staff Officer to the President) 14-07-2011 NCV Free of Cost Retained 175. One Packet Containing: a. Two Kashan Cookie, One Pistachio, b. One Sohan Mohammad Saedinia, c. One Atiq (Toffes) Mr. Fasih Ullah Khan, Deputy Director 14-07-2011 NCV Free of Cost Retained 176. One Packet Containing: a. One Pistachio, b. One Sohan Mohammad Saedinia, Hav. M. Jamil, Security Staff 14-07-2011 NCV Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks c. One Kashan Cookie 177. One Packet Containing: a. One Pistachio, b. One Sohan Mohammad Saedinia, c. One Kashan Cookie N/K Sabz Ali, Security Staff 14-07-2011 NCV Free of Cost Retained 178. One Packet Containing: a. One Pistachio, b. One Sohan Mohammad Saedinia, c. One Kashan Cookie L/NK Rana Ijaz, Security Staff 14-07-2011 NCV Free of Cost Retained 179. One Packet Containing: a. One Pistachio, b. One Sohan Mohammad Saedinia, c. One Kashan Cookie L/NK Abdul Rehman, Security Staff 14-07-2011 NCV Free of Cost Retained 180. One Packet Containing: a. One Pistachio, b. One Sohan Mohammad Saedinia, c. One Kashan Cookie L/NK Gul Zameen Khan, Security Staff 14-07-2011 NCV Free of Cost Retained 181. One Packet Containing: a. One Pistachio, b. One Sohan Mohammad Saedinia, c. One Kashan Cookie Constable Farman Ullah, Security Staff 14-07-2011 NCV Free of Cost Retained 182. One Packet Containing: a. One Pistachio, b. One Sohan Hav. M. Rafique, Security Staff 14-07-2011 NCV Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks Mohammad Saedinia, c. One Kashan Cookie 183. One Packet Containing: a. One Pistachio, b. One Sohan Mohammad Saedinia, c. One Kashan Cookie Mukhtar Ahmed, Security Staff 14-07-2011 NCV Free of Cost Retained 184. One Packet Containing: a. One Pistachio, b. One Sohan Mohammad Saedinia, c. One Kashan Cookie Israr Ahmed Khan, Protocol Assistant. 14-07-2011 NCV Free of Cost Retained 185. One Packet Containing: a. One Pistachio, b. One Sohan Mohammad Saedinia, c. One Kashan Cookie Mushtaq Ahmed, Valet 14-07-2011 NCV Free of Cost Retained 186. One Packet Containing: a. One Pistachio, b. One Sohan Mohammad Saedinia, c. One Kashan Cookie Alix Bux Ansari, Cook 14-07-2011 NCV Free of Cost Retained 187. One Framed Egyptian Art work (depicting six women + three men) Minister for Privatization, Mr. Ghous Bux Mehr 16-07-2011 Rs.4,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.3,500/- 188. One Carpet Chief of Protocol, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 21-07-2011 Rs.7,500/- Free of Cost Retained 189. One Cup and Saucer Mr. Farhatullah Baber, Spokesperson to the President 22-07-2011 Rs.10,000/- Free of Cost Retained 190. a. Gents Watch Gio Mr. Ghalib Iqbal, Chief of 25-07-2011 a. Rs. 85,000/- Rs.56,573/- Amount S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks Monoco b. Lady’s Watch Gio Monoco c. Bracelet in 18Kt Gold d. One Pair of EarRings in 18Kt Gold e. One Ring In 18Kt Gold f. One Ball Pen g. One Pair of Cufflinks Protocol, Foreign Affairs b. Rs.125,000/- c. Rs.77,100/- d. Rs.64,421/- e. Rs.31,128/- f. Rs.1500/- g. Rs.3000/- Total: Rs.387,149/- deposited, gift retained 191. Gents Watch Gio Monoco Qtz (Stainless Steel) Mr. Faisal Niaz Tirmizi, Deputy Chief of Protocol, (DCP), Foreign Affairs 25-07-2011 Rs. 65,000/- Rs.8,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 192. Gents Watch Gio Monoco Geneve HYP No.2 automatic leather strap (Stainless Steel) Mr. Adeel Ahmad Khan, Protocol Officer, Foreign Affairs 25-07-2011 Rs. 85,000/- Rs.11,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 193. One Wrist Watch Bvlgari (No. L2442) Mr. Khushnood Akhtar Lashari, (Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister) (PSPM) 12-08-2011 Rs.160,000/- Rs.22,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 194. a. One Golden Sword b. One Tasbih in gold c. One Table Clock d. One Pen e. Box Containing Oudh f. Piece of Ghalaf-eKaba Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 15-08-2011 a. Rs.512,000/ b. Rs.120,000/- c. Rs.50,000/- d. Rs.15,000/- e. Rs.150,000/- f. NCV Total: Rs.847.000 Rs. 125,550/- Amount deposited, gift retained 195. One Box Containing Two Wrist Watches, Cufflinks, Pair of Earrings, One Ring, One Brig. Syed M. Adnan, Military Secretary (MS) to the President 15-08-2011 Rs.387,149/- Rs.56,573/- Amount deposited, gift retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks Bracelet & One Pen. 196. One Box Containing Two Wrist Watches, Cufflinks, Pair of Earrings, One Ring, One Bracelet & One Pen. Mr. Farhatullah Babar, Spokesperson to the President 15-08-2011 Rs.387,149/- Rs.56,573/- Amount deposited, gift retained 197. One Box Containing Two Wrist Watches, Cufflinks, Pair of Earrings, One Ring, One Bracelet & One Pen. Mr. Amir Saeed, Deputy Military Secretary, (DMS) to the President 15-08-2011 Rs.387,149/- Rs. 56,573/- Amount deposited, gift retained 198. One Box Containing Two Wrist Watches, Cufflinks, Pair of Earrings, One Ring, One Bracelet & One Pen. Lt. Col. Babar Mumtaz, Chief Security Officer (CSO) to the President 15-08-2011 Rs.387,149/- Rs.56,573/- Amount deposited, gift retained 199. Gents Watch Gio Monoco Sq. Leader Malik Jalal Farooq, ADC (Air) to the President 15-08-2011 Rs.85,000/- Rs.11,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 200. Gents Watch Gio Monoco Lt. Cdr. Syed Salman Shah, ADC (Navy) to the President 15-08-2011 Rs.85,000/- Rs.11,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 201. Gents Watch Gio Monoco Lt. Col. Salman Saleem Classified Medical Specialist 15-08-2011 Rs.85,000/- Rs.11,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 202. One Watch Hamilton Maj. Jamil Ur Rehman, Security Officer to the President 15-08-2011 Rs.65,000/- Rs. 8,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 203. One Watch Hamilton Mr. Wazir Abbasi, Valet, President Secretariat 15-08-2011 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 204. One Watch Hamilton Mr. Manzoor Ali, Cook President Secretariat 15-08-2011 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks 205. One Watch Hamilton Mr. Shoaib Saleem, Protocol Assistant. President Secretariat 15-08-2011 Rs.65,000/- Rs. 8,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 206. One Watch Hamilton Hav. Muhammad Jamil, Security Staff President Secretariat 15-08-2011 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 207. One Watch Hamilton Hav. Amanullah, Security Staff President Secretariat 15-08-2011 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 208. One Watch Hamilton L/NK Saeed Akhtar, Security Staff, President Secretariat 15-08-2011 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 209. One Watch Hamilton L/NK Abdul Rehman, Security Staff President Secretariat 15-08-2011 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 210. One Watch Hamilton Cons Sajid Hussain, Security Staff President Secretariat 15-08-2011 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 211. One Watch Hamilton Mr. Muhammad Yar Kalyar, Security Staff President Secretariat 15-08-2011 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 212. One Watch Hamilton Mukhtar Ahmed, SPI Branch, Security Staff President Secretariat 15-08-2011 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 213. One Watch Hamilton Hav. Akbar Ali, Security Staff President Secretariat 15-08-2011 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 214. One Wrist Watch Gio Monocco Mr. Ghalib Iqbal, Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 15-08-2011 Rs.135,000/- Rs.18,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 215. One Wrist Watch Hamilton Mr. Faisal Tirmizi, Deputy Chief of Protocol, DCP, Foreign Affairs 15-08-2011 Rs.130,000/- Rs.18,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 216. One Wrist Watch Mr. Adeel Ahmed Khan, 15-08-2011 Rs.100,000/- Rs.13,500/- Amount S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks Hamilton Protocol Officer, Foreign Affairs deposited, gift retained 217. One Wrist Watch Movado (No.4652275) Mr. Imran Mehmood, Chief Security Officer to the Prime Minister 16-08-2011 Rs.65,000/- Rs.8,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 218. One Wrist Watch Hamilton (No.2824-2- H395150) Sub Inspector Manzoor Hussain, Gunman 16-08-2011 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 219. One Wrist Watch Hamilton (No.ATM/100FT) Hav. Muhammad Zubair, SSG, Gunman 16-08-2011 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 220. One Wrist Watch Hamilton (No.H745920) Qtz Constable, Muhammad Saghir, Gunman 16-08-2011 Rs.35,000/- Rs.3,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 221. One Wrist Watch Hamilton (No.10BAR/145PSI) Constable, Khawar Abbas Gunman 16-08-2011 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 222. One Wrist Watch Hamilton (No.H346150) Constable Naveed Anwar, Gunman 16-08-2011 Rs.35,000/- Rs.3,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 223. One Wrist Watch POG (No.POG E66903) Const. Waseem Ahmed, Gunman 16-08-2011 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 224. One Wrist Watch Hamilton (10ATM/330FT) Const. Raziq Mehmood, Gunman 16-08-2011 Rs.35,000/- Rs.3,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 225. One Wrist Watch Hamilton (No.20 BAR/290 PSI) Const. Faqir Shah, Gunman 16-08-2011 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 226. One Wrist Watch Gio Monocco Mr. Muqqudus Hyder, SP. Security Officer to the Prime Minister 16-08-2011 Rs.135,000/- Rs.18,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 227. One Wrist Watch Bvlgari (No.O 9193) Brig. Raja Samiullah, Personal Physician to PM 18-08-2011 Rs.160,000/- Rs.22,500/- Amount deposited, gift S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks (Prime Minister) retained 228. One Wrist Watch Hamilton (No.H 644250) Brig. Tahir Ali Malik, Military Secretary to Prime Minister 18-08-2011 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 229. One Wrist Watch Gio Monocco (No.s n 0302) Mr. Zubair Ahmed, Deputy Secretary to the Prime Minister 18-08-2011 Rs.65,000/- Rs.8,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 230. One Wrist Watch Hamilton (No.H 647150) Wing Cadre. Shahzad Fatah, ADC to Prime Minister 18-08-2011 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 231. One Wrist Watch Hamilton (No.H 325550) Mr. Sadiq Sanjrani, Coordinator, PM’s Grievances Wing 18-08-2011 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 232. One Wrist Watch Hamilton (No.H365160) SP M. Suleman Security Officer to Prime Minister (PM) 18-08-2011 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 233. One Wrist Watch Longiness Qtz Chronograph Sq. Ldr. Tariq, PAF 19-08-2011 Rs.95,000/- Rs.12,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 234. One Wrist Watch Longiness Qtz Sqn. Ldr Usman Ahmad, Member of Air Crew, President entourage 19-08-2011 Rs.75,000/- Rs.9,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 235. One Wrist Watch Longiness Qtz. Sqn. Ldr. Sohail, Member of Air Crew, President entourage 19-08-2011 Rs.55,000/- Rs.6,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 236. One Wrist Watch Longiness Qtz. Sr. Tech. Shahid, Member of Air Crew, President entourage 19-08-2011 Rs.55,000/- Rs.6,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 237. One Wrist Watch Longiness Qtz. Sr. Tech. Asim, Member of Air Crew, President entourage 19-08-2011 Rs.55,000/- Rs.6,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 238. One Watch Longiness Automatic (L3.677.4) (No.35567178) Mr. Sarfraz Hussain, Deputy Director, President Secretariat. 22-08-2011 Rs.90,000/- Rs.12,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 239. One Wrist Watch Bvlgari Mr. Akram Shaheedi, 23-08-2011 Rs.160,000/- Rs.22,500/- Amount S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks (No.L0861) Press Secretary to Prime Minister deposited, gift retained 240. One Wrist Watch Saint Moritz Qtz Mr. Ghalib Iqbal, Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 25-08-2011 Rs.135,000/- Rs.18,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 241. One Wrist Watch Longiness Qtz. Mr. Adeel Ahmed Khan, Protocol Officer, Foreign Affairs 25-08-2011 Rs.95,000/- Rs.12,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 242. One Carpet Dr. Fahmida Mirza, Speaker, National Assembly 05-09-2011 Rs.20,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.25,000/- 243. One gift (Tea Set) Mr. Ghalib Iqbal, Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 08-09-2011 Rs.1,500/- Free of Cost Retained 244. One Wall Hanging Decoration Piece (Framed) Mr. Ghalib Iqbal, Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 08-09-2011 Rs.2,500/- Free of Cost Retained 245. One Wrist Watch Hamilton (No.H 326560) Mr. Rafaqat Hussain, Engineer PTV 10-09-2011 Rs.35,000/- Rs.3,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 246. One Wall Hanging Decoration Piece (duly framed) Brig. Tahir Ali Malik, Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 19-09-2011 Rs.2,500/- Free of Cost Retained 247. One Small Wall Hanging Mr. Adeel Ahmed Khan, Protocol Officer, Foreign Affairs 19-09-2011 Rs.1,000/- Free of Cost Retained 248. One Tea Set Two Packet Tea Mr. Adeel Ahmed Khan, Protocol Officer, Foreign Affairs 19-09-2011 Rs.1,500/- Rs.800/- Free of Cost Retained 249. One Wrist Watch Hamilton (No.18830) Mr. Hidayatullah Abro, Cameraman, APP 20-09-2011 Rs.35,000/- Rs.3,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 250. One Wrist Watch Hamilton (No.H376460) Mr. Abdul Rauf, Cameraman, PTV 21-09-2011 Rs.35,000/- Rs.3,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 251. One Watch Hamilton Mr. Sajid Hameed Cameraman, APP 26-09-2011 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks retained 252. One Wrist Watch Longiness Qtz Mr. Muhammad Afzal Tanvir, PTV, Engineer 28-09-2011 Rs.75,000/- Rs.9,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 253. One Wrist Watch Longines Qtz. Mr. Muhammad Tariq, Photographer, PID 28-09-2011 Rs.75,000/- Rs.9,750/- Amount deposited, gift retained 254. a. Five Wall Hanging (Animal Sceneries) b. One Plate (Large Size) (China Clay) Dr. Abdul Hafeez Shaikh, Minister for Finance 28-09-2011 a. Rs.5,000/ b. Rs.4,000/- Total:- Rs.9,000/- Free of Cost Retained 255. One Watch Hamilton Mr. Muhammad Tariq, Photographer, PID 28-09-2011 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 256. One Wrist Watch Hamilton Col. Syed Abid Ali Shah, Military Secretary to Governor KPK 01-10-2011 Rs.60,000/- Rs.10,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 257. One Group Photo Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani, Prime Minister of Pakistan 04-10-2011 NCV Free of Cost Retained 258. One Sculpture Dec. Piece “Berkutchi and Tazi” Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani, Prime Minister of Pakistan 04-10-2011 Rs.18,000/- Rs.1,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 259. One Painting duly Framed Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani, Prime Minister of Pakistan, 04-10-2011 Rs.7,500/- Free of Cost Retained 260. a. One Carpet (Handmade packed in Brief Case) b. Two Flower Vases Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani, Prime Minister of Pakistan, 04-10-2011 a. Rs.20,000/ b. Rs.8,000/- Total: Rs.28,000/- Rs.2,700/- Amount deposited, gift retained 261. a. Brief case with Table Set (Leather 08 Pieces) b. One Floor Mat c. One Wall Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani, Prime Minister of Pakistan 04-10-2011 a. Rs.6,000/ b. Rs.10,000/- c. Rs.25,000/- Total: Rs.4,650/- Amount deposited, gift retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks Hanging(Carpet). Rs.41,000 262. One Metal Model of Falcon on Marble stand Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani, Prime Minister of Pakistan 04-10-2011 Rs.20,000/- Rs.1,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 263. One Model of Kuwait National Assembly Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani, Prime Minister of Pakistan 04-10-2011 NCV Free of cost Retained 264. One Model of Boat (Golden) Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani, Prime Minister of Pakistan 04-10-2011 Rs.10,000/- Free of Cost Retained 265. One Watch Hamilton Mr. Bilal Shaikh, Security Officer to the President 04-10-2011 Rs.65,000/- Rs.8,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 266. One Flower Vase Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani, Prime Minister of Pakistan 05-10-2011 Rs. 8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 267. a. One Model of Hijr-e Aswad b. One Wrist Watch Chopard (Moon Phase) (Auto)(No.1607515) c. One Pair of Cufflinks d. One Ball Point in Gold & Diamond e. One Tasbih in Gold & Diamond f. One Dagger in Gold & Diamond Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-10-2011 a. NCV b. Rs.600,000/- c. Rs.75,000/- d. Rs.300,000/- e. Rs.225,000/- f. Rs.700,000/- Total Rs.1900,000/- Rs.283,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 268. One Wrist Watch Hamilton (No.384101) Mr. Muhammad Naeem Khan, Prime Minister (PM) Sectt. 19-10-2011 Rs.60,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 269. One replica of Dagger/Knife (Yemeni) Justice Retd. Javed Iqbal, Chairman, Abbottabad Inquiry Commission 21-10-2011 Rs.10,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.9,100/- 270. Two Packets of Coffee Justice Retd. Javed Iqbal, 21-10-2011 - - Retained without S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks (Perishable) Chairman, Abbottabad Inquiry Commission depositing in TK 271. a. One Gun (FN HERSTAL) with accessories and b. One Wrist Watch Cartier Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 28-10-2011 a. Rs.550,000/ b. Rs.1,065,000/- Total :- Rs.1,615,000/- Rs.321,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 272. One Wrist Watch Rolex (116200) Mr. Farhatullah Baber, Spokesperson to the President 28-10-2011 Rs.525,000/- Rs.103,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 273. One Wrist Watch Rolex (No.116233) Brig. Syed M. Adnan, Military Secretary to the President 28-10-2011 Rs.725,000/- Rs.143,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 274. One Wrist Watch Rolex (No.116233) Capt. (PN). Amir Saeed, Deputy Military Secretary (DMS) to the President 28-10-2011 Rs.725,000/- Rs.143,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 275. One Wrist Watch Rolex Cdr. Syed Salman Shah, ADC to the President 28-10-2011 Rs.525,000/- Rs.103,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 276. One Wrist Watch EBEL Mr. Asad Majeed, Additional Secretary, (FA), President Sectt. 28-10-2011 Rs.115,000/- Rs.21,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 277. One Wrist Watch Longines Col. Salman Saleem, Classified Medical Specialist. 28-10-2011 Rs.120,000/- Rs.22,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 278. One Wrist Watch Longines Lt. Col. Baber Mumtaz, Chief Security Officer (CSO) to the President 28-10-2011 Rs.85,000/- Rs.15,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 279. One Wrist Watch Longines Maj. Muhammad Shakeel, SO to the President 28-10-2011 Rs.85,000/- Rs.15,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 280. One Wrist Watch Longines Mr. M. Junaid Khan, Protocol Assistant. 28-10-2011 Rs.85,000/- Rs.15,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 281. One Wrist Watch Longines Hav. Muhammad Jamil, Security Staff 28-10-2011 Rs.85,000/- Rs.15,000/- Amount deposited, gift S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks retained 282. One Wrist Watch Longines L/NK. Abdul Rehman, Security Staff 28-10-2011 Rs.85,000/- Rs.15,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 283. One Wrist Watch Longines (bracelet) L/NK. Akbar Ali, Security Staff. 28-10-2011 Rs.95,000/- Rs.17,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 284. One Wrist Watch Longines (bracelet) Mr. Farmanullah, Security Staff. 28-10-2011 Rs.95,000/- Rs.17,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 285. One Wrist Watch Longines Const. Muhammad Riaz, Special Brach. 28-10-2011 Rs.85,000/- Rs.15,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 286. One Wrist Watch Longines Mr. Wazir Ali, Valet. 28-10-2011 Rs.85,000/- Rs.15,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 287. Two mats Brig. Tahir Mahmud Malik, Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 06-11-2011 Rs. 2,500/- Free of Cost Retained 288. One (small) Carpet (Jai Namaz) Mr. Ghalib Iqbal, Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 17-11-2011 Rs.8,500/- Free of Cost Retained 289. Two Wrist Watches Gio Monoco Lady’s & Gents, Bracelet, Pair of Ear Rings, Ring, Ball pen and Pair of cufflinks Mr. Ikramullah Mehsud, Additional Secretary (ME&A), Foreign Affairs 22-11-2011 Rs.387,149/- Rs.56,573/- Amount deposited, gift retained 290. One Wrist Watch Guess Collection No. GC 56002 Mr. Ikramullah Mehsud, Additional Secretary, Foreign Affairs 23-11-2011 Rs.30,000/- Rs.4,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 291. One Wrist Watch Hamilton Malik Abdur Rashid, Photographer, PID 12-12-2011 Rs.35,000/- Rs.5,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 292. One (small) Decoration Tea Set Secretary, Commerce 20-12-2011 Rs.3,500/- Free of Cost Retained 293. a. Wrist Watch Gio Monocco (Gents) Chaudhary Pervez Ellahi, Senior Minister for 22-12-2011 a. Rs.85,000/ b. Rs.125,000/ - Wrist Watch Gio Monocco (Gents) S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention Cost Remarks HYPNo2 Automatic leather Strap S/Steel b. Wrist Watch Gio Monocco (Lady) (Octopus) S/Steel Diamond Bazal (Swiss) (No.2035M) c. One Ring in Gold & Diamond d. One Bracelet in Gold & Diamond e. Pair of Ear-Rings in gold & Diamond f. One Ball Pen g. One Pair of Cufflinks Industries and Defence Production c. Rs.31,128/- d. Rs.77,100/- e. Rs.64,421/- f. Rs.3,000/- g. Rs.1,500/- Deposited in Toshakhana Other Gifts Auctioned for: - b. Rs.23,000/- c. Rs.61,230/- d. Rs.221,015/- e. Rs.131,700/- f. Rs.2,505/- g. Rs.1,550/- MONETARY LIMIT AS PER PROCEDURE FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS AND THEIR DISPOSAL (25th June, 2007): - The monetary limits upto which the gifts can be retained by the recipients are as follows: - (i) Gifts upto a value of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) may be retained free of cost by the recipient subject to the provision of these rules. (ii) Gifts valued above Rs. 10,000/- may be allowed to be retained by the recipient on payment of 15% of the value exceeding the basic exemption of Rs.10,000/-. (iii) Gifts valued at Rs.400,000/- or more shall not be retained by the recipient, except the President and the Head of the Government. However, the recipient of gift comprising distinct articles but gifted in a single transaction having collective value of Rs. 4 lac or more shall have an option to retain any article(s) upto the collective value of less than Rs. 4 lac only subject to the condition that part of an article will not be allowed to be taken. This exemption shall however not be available in case of antiques and gifts of intrinsic historical value. (iv) Different gift articles given by a single dignitary to a functionary at one occasion will be treated as single gift for the purpose of valuation. (v) The maximum monetary limit to be allowed for retention of gifts in one calendar year for any functionary other than the President or the Prime Minister should not exceed Rupees one million. However, the gifts having value in excess of the limit of Rupees one million can be retained by the recipient on payment of 65% of the assessed value of the gifts. MONETARY LIMITS AS PER PROCEDURE FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS AND THEIR DISPOSAL (25th October, 2011): - The monetary limits upto which the gifts can be retained by the recipients are as follows: - (i) Gifts upto a value of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) may be retained free of cost by the recipient subject to the provision of these rules. (ii) Gifts valued above Rs. 10,000/- may be allowed to be retained by the recipient on payment of 20% of the value exceeding the basic exemption of Rs.10,000/-. (iii) Gifts valued at Rs. 1.0 million or more shall not be retained by the recipient, except the President and the Head of the Government. However, the recipient of gift comprising distinct articles but gifted in a single transaction having collective value of Rs. 1.0 million or more shall have an option to retain any article(s) upto the collective value of less than Rs. 1.0 million only subject to the condition that part of an article will not be allowed to be taken. This exemption shall however not be available in case of antiques and gifts of intrinsic historical value. (iv) Different gift articles given by a single dignitary to a functionary at one occasion will be treated as single gift for the purpose of valuation. (v) The maximum monetary limit to be allowed for retention of gifts in one calendar year for any functionary other than the President or the Prime Minister should not exceed Rupees 2.5 million. However, the gifts having value in excess of the limit of Rupees 2.5 million can be retained by the recipient on payment of 65% of the assessed value of the gifts. DISCLAIMER: - This data/list is provided on Federal Government directions as per the record available, and is based on the information/gifts declared or deposited by the persons and departments responsible for it, under the policy prevalent at that time. Cabinet Division is not responsible for any error or omissions made by those individuals/departments. TOSHAKHANA GIFT RECORD 2012 S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 1. One small carpet (handmade) Dr. Abdul Hafeez Shaikh, Finance Minister 07-02-2012 Rs.7,500/- Free of cost Retained 2. One watch Movado (swiss made) Mr. M. Sadiq Sanjrani, Chief Coordinator, Prime Minister’s Grievances wing 09-02-2012 Rs.75,000/- Rs.13,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 3. One watch Movado (swiss made) Mr. Zubair Ahmed, Deputy Secretary to the Prime Minister 10-02-2012 Rs.75,000/- Rs.13,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 4. One brief case containing two pieces of table cloth Begum Prime Minister, Wife of Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani 13-02-2012 Rs.4500/- Free of cost Retained 5. One box, containing locket, finger ring Syeda Fiza Batool Gilani, Daughter of Prime Minister Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani 13-02-2012 Rs.16,000/- Rs.1,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 6. One box containing finger ring, Tasbeeh Syed Ali Haider Gilani, Son of Prime Minister Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani 13-02-2012 Rs.7000/- Free of cost Retained 7. One flower vase (small) Begum Brig. Tahir Ali Malik, Wife of Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 13-02-2012 Rs.1000/- Free of cost Retained 8. One small flower vase GP. Capt. Waqar Ahmad, Dy. Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 13-02-2012 Rs.1000/- Free of cost Retained 9. Vacheron Constatin Wrist Watch (No.86050-154733) Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani, Prime Minister of Pakistan 14-02-2012 Rs. 1,050,000/- Rs.208,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 10. Wrist Watch Bvlgari (BB42SS Auto 011023) Mr. Salman Bashir, Secretary Foreign Affairs 15-02-2012 Rs.160,000/- Rs.30,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 11. One Wrist Watch Mr. Zafar Yab Khan, PRO 16-02-2012 Rs.75,000/- Rs.13,000/- Amount deposited, S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Movado (swiss made) to the Prime Minister gift retained 12. One Wrist Watch JBR Syed Muhammad Ali Gardez Chairman, NHA 16-02-2012 Rs.215,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 13. One Souvenir/ table Clock Mr. Muhammad Akram Shaheedi, Press Secretary to the Prime Minister 16-02-2012 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 14. One decoration piece (Jewelry stones) Mr. Ghalib Iqbal, Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 20-02-2012 Rs.10000/- Free of cost Retained 15. One decoration piece box (empty Jewelry box) Mr. Adeel Ahmed Khan, Protocol Officer M/o Foreign Affairs 20-02-2012 Rs.8000/- Free of cost Retained 16. One Wrist Watch Frederique Constant No.1341570 Brig. Raja Samiullah, Personal physician to the Prime Minister 20-02-2012 Rs.125,000/- Rs.23,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 17. One Wrist Watch Charriol (No.2396) Brig. Tahir Ali Malik Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 20-02-2012 Rs. 85,000/- Rs.15,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 18. One Wrist Watch Frederique Constant (No.1302712) Wg. Cdr Shahzad Fatah ADC to the Prime Minister 20-02-2012 Rs. 125,000 Rs.23,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 19. One Rolex Wrist Watch Mr. Ghalib Iqbal, Chief of Protocol, M/o Foreign Affairs 20-02-2012 Rs.385,000/- Rs.75,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 20. One Wrist Watch Concord Mr. Murad Ashraf Janjua, Deputy Chief of Protocol (DCP), M/o Foreign Affairs 20-02-2012 Rs.75,000/- Rs. 13,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 21. One Table Clock Mr. Adeel Ahmed Khan, Protocol Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 20-02-2012 Rs.8,000/- Free of Cost Retained 22. One Wrist Watch Concord Mr. Ammar Amin Protocol Officer, Foreign Affairs 20-02-2012 Rs. 75,000/- Rs. 13,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 23. One JBR Wrist Watch Mr. Shakil Durrani, 20-02-2012 Rs. 215,000/- Rs. 41,000/- Amount deposited, S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Chairman Wapda gift retained 24. One Wrist Watch Frederique Constant Mr. Usman Tarakai, MNA 21-02-2012 Rs. 125,000/- Rs. 23,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 25. One Wrist Watch Concord (No.1391851) Mr. Imran Mehmood SSP Chief Security Officer to the Prime Minister 23-02-2012 Rs. 75,000/- Rs. 13,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 26. One Wrist Watch Movado (No.10812247) SP Asad Hussain Alvi, Security Officer to the Prime Minister 23-02-2012 Rs. 75,000/- Rs. 13,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 27. One Wrist Watch POG Mr. Shafeq Kureshi, Reporter APP 24-02-2012 Rs.60,000/- Rs.10,000/- Amount deposited, gift Retained 28. One Wrist Watch Hamilton Mr. Arslan Asad, News Reporter, PTV 24-02-2012 Rs.60,000/- Rs.10,000/- Amount deposited, gift Retained 29. One Wrist Watch Charriol Geneve Swiss Made Mrs. Fauzia M. Sana, Additional Secretary (FSA), PM office (Public) 05-03-2012 Rs. 85,000/- Rs. 15,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 30. One JBR Wrist Watch Dr. Mohammed Yaseen, Chairman PTA 05-03-2012 Rs. 215,000/- Rs. 41,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 31. I-Phone 4S (white) model MD239AE with accessories Mr. Qaisar Ali, Chief Commissioner Inland Revenue, Regional Tax Office, Peshawar 06-03-2012 Rs.60,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.50,850/-) 32. One Wrist Watch Concord Mr. Masroor A. Junejo, Additional Secretary (Middle East & Africa), Foreign Affairs 06-03-2012 Rs. 75,000/- Rs. 13,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 33. Ball Pen Dupont Mr. Ghulam Murtaza PTV engineer 06-03-2012 Rs.6,500/- Free of cost Retained 34. Ball Pen Dupont Mr. Hidaytullah Cameraman APP 09-03-2012 Rs.6,500/- Free of cost Retained 35. Ball Pen Dupont Mr. Abdul Rauf Cameraman PTV 13-03-2012 Rs.6,500/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 36. One Wrist Watch (Charriol) Mr. Muhammad Anwar Malik, PSO to the Prime Minister 13-03-2012 Rs.85,000/- Rs. 15,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 37. Wrist Watch JBR (with 2 straps) Mr. Asad I.A. Khan, Managing Director, NESPAK 20-03-2012 Rs. 215000/- Rs.41,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 38. Ball Pen Dupont Arshad Ali Photographer PID 22-03-2012 Rs.6,500/- Free of cost Retained 39. One carpet (woolen) (size 3x5 approx.) Chairman Senate 27-03-2012 Rs.15,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.20,210/- 40. Small decoration piece (i.e. Silver Case/ decoration bowl) Mr. Ghalib Iqbal, Chief Protocol, M/o Foreign Affairs 03-04-2012 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained 41. One Wrist Watch Baume+Mereier Stainless steel automatic with chain Chronograph Farooq Ahmed Awan, Secretary Information Technology 16-04-2012 Rs. 85,000/- Rs.15,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 42. a. Frame Shield Navrn 2012 b. 3 stone framed (Blue) c. One Dagger d. Two colored framed shield e. One Frame containing 20 Semi Precious Tajik Stone f. One Decorated Plate & Book (Nuroz) Mr. Asif Ali Zardari President of Pakistan 30-04-2012 a. Rs.11,000/- b. Rs.20,000/- c. Rs.20,000/- d. Rs.10,000/- e. Rs.12,000/- f. Rs.5,000/- Total:- Rs. 78,000/- Rs.13,600/- Amount deposited, gift retained 43. One Shawl Mr. Asif Ali Zardari President of Pakistan 30-04-2012 Rs. 10,000/- Free of Cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 44. One Silver Coin Lt. Col. Imran Hyder, DMS to the President of Pakistan 30-04-2012 Rs. 2,500/- Free of Cost Retained 45. One Silver Coin Lt. Col. Babar Mumtaz, Chief Security Officer to the President of Pakistan 30-04-2012 Rs. 2,500/- Free of Cost Retained 46. One Silver Coin Cdr. Syed Salman Shah, ADC to the President of Pakistan 30-04-2012 Rs. 2,500/- Free of Cost Retained 47. One clay decoration piece Prime Minister of Pakistan, Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani 31-05-2012 Rs.2,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.4,150/- 48. 3 stone decoration pieces Additional Secretary-II, Economic Affairs Division (EAD) 31-05-2012 Rs.1,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.1,030/- 49. a. Wooden box b. Ball pen c. Paper cutter Joint Secretary (UN/China), Economic Affairs Division (EAD) 31-05-2012 a. Rs.500/- b. Rs.250/- c. Rs.250/- Total :- Rs.1,000/- - Auctioned a. For Rs.550/- b. For Rs.635/- c. For Rs.430/- 50. One framed decoration piece Deputy Secretary(China), Economic Affairs Division (EAD) 31-05-2012 Rs.1,600/- - Auctioned for Rs.2,000/- 51. Little tea cups with saucers (handmade) Maj. Gen. Abid Hasan, DG, JI & IO, M/o Defence 06-06-2012 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 52. Glass sugar pot Maj. Gen. Abid Hasan, DG, JI & IO, M/o Defence 06-06-2012 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 53. One silver bowl Senator Syeda Sughra Hussain Imam 08-06-2012 Rs.21,000 /- Rs.2,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 54. a. One wrist watch Seagul (limited Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan, 26-06-2012 a. Rs.150,000/- b. Rs.10,000/- Rs.30,400/- Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks edition) (Gold case) b. Men’s kit (Pechoin for men) c. Tea set (i.e. 04 cups one tea pot) c. Rs.2,000/- Total: Rs.162,000/- 55. One brass vase Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan, 26-06-2012 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained 56. One shield Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 26-06-2012 (NCV) Free of cost Retained 57. a. One wrist watch seagull b. One wooden screen c. Traditional Chinese wall hanging Mr. Salman Faruqi, Secy. Gen. (P) 26-06-2012 Rs.20,000/- Rs.3,500/- Rs.2,500/- Total: Rs.26,000/- Rs.3,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 58. a. One wrist watch seagull b. One wooden screen c. Traditional Chinese wall hangings Senator Farhatullah Babar, Spokesperson 26-06-2012 a. Rs.20,000/- b. Rs.3,500/- c. Rs.2,500/- Total: Rs.26,000/- Rs.3,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 59. a. One wrist watch seagull b. One wooden screen c. Traditional Chinese wall hanging Brig. Syed Muhammad Adnan MS to the President, 26-06-2012 a. Rs.20,000/- b. Rs.3,500/- c. Rs.2,500/- Total: Rs.26,000/- Rs.3200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 60. 22 Nos. of Necktie Officer/Staff of PS to President (Personal) 26-06-2012 Rs.500/-(each) Free of cost Retained 61. One decoration piece Senator Muhammad Ishaq 06-07-2012 Rs.6,500/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks (Model of Vase China) Dar, Leader of the Opposition in Senate 62. One Carpet/ woolen prayer mat (Afghan made) Mr. Jalil Abbas Jilani, Foreign Secretary 01-08-2012 Rs. 20,000/- Rs. 2000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 63. One Carpet (Afghan made) Brig. Tahir Ali Malik, Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 01-08-2012 Rs. 20,000/- Rs. 2000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 64. One Carpet (Afghan made) SP Asad Hassan Alvi, Chief Security Officer to the Prime Minister 01-08-2012 Rs. 20,000/- Rs. 2000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 65. One Carpet (Afghan made) Major Faisal Nawaz ADC to the Prime Minister 01-08-2012 Rs. 20,000/- Rs. 2000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 66. One Carpet (Large) (Afghan made) Raja Pervez Ashraf, Prime Minister of Pakistan 02-08-2012 Rs. 35,000/- Rs.5,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 67. One Carpet (handmade)(Iranian) Raja Pervez Ashraf, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-08-2012 Rs. 45,000/- Rs. 7,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 68. Watch Van Der Bausede with Pari of Cufflinks & Ball pen Raja Pervez Ashraf, Secretary General PPPP 03-09-2012 Rs.45,000/- Rs.7,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 69. a. Two Quran-e-Pak b. 4 CD’s Talawat Quran c. Piece of Ghalaf-eKaba d. One Model of Makkah Tower (Table) Clock with (Crystal & Stones) e. One Framed Calligraphy f. 06 Books on Makkah Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 10-09-2012 a. NCV b. NCV c. NCV d. Rs. 225,000/- e. Rs. 18,000/- f. NCV Total:- 243,000/- Rs.46,600/- Amount deposited, gift retained 70. One carpet, small (Iranian) Dr. Abdul Hafeez Shaikh, Finance Minister 11-09-2012 Rs.20,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.21,101/- S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 71. Wrist Watch Charriol No. Ref:RT42CR Nawabzadar Mir Amer Ali Khan Magsi, MNA 11-09-2012 Rs. 85,000/- Rs.15,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 72. Wrist watch (Sea-Gull) Mr. Saleem Mandviwalla, Minister of state, Chairman Board of Investment 11-09-2012 Rs. 20,000/- Rs. 2000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 73. 02 souvenirs i.e: a. 1x wooden Screen b. 1x wall Hanging Mr. Kamal Majidullah Special Assistant to the Prime Minister 20-09-2012 a. Rs.3,500/- b. Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 74. One Carpet Raja Pervez Ashraf, Prime Minister of Pakistan 24-09-2012 Rs.20,000/- Rs.2,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 75. One Wrist watch Jeager Le Coultre (Master Grande Ultra thin) (18kt gold approx) Nawabzada Malik Amad Khan, Minister for State, Foreign Affairs 19-10-2012 Rs.650,000/- Rs.128,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 76. One Wrist watch Baume & Mercier, Geneve 1830 Swiss 30 M No.5363547 MOA 08485 Ahmed Farooq, Director to Minister of State 19-10-2012 Rs.130,000/- Rs.24,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 77. One Wrist watch Corum Mr. Janbaz khan, Deputy Chief of Protocol, M/o Foreign Affairs 19-10-2012 Rs.135,000/- Rs.25,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 78. One Wrist watch Corum Mr. Ammar Amin, Assistant Chief Protocol, Foreign Affairs 19-10-2012 Rs.165,000/- Rs.31,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 79. One Wrist watch Baume & Mercier (No.5365729) Raja Muhammad Azeemul-Haq Minhas, Additional Secretary, Prime Minister office (internal) 23-10-2012 Rs.130,000/- Rs.24,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 80. One box containing wallet, ballpoint and Tasbeeh Gp. Capt. Waqar Ahmad, Deputy Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 23-10-2012 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 81. One Wrist watch Baume & Mercier (No.5365508) Dr. Asif Irfan, Physician to the Prime Minister 23-10-2012 Rs.130,000/- Rs.24,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 82. One Wrist watch Baume & Mercier (No.5365435) Sqn. Ldr. Qamar Mohyuddin Chishti, ADC to the Prime Minister 23-10-2012 Rs.130,000/- Rs.24,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 83. One box containing wallet, ballpoint and Pair of cufflinks Mr. Muhammad Waqas LDC, PM Sectt. 23-10-2012 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 84. Wrist Watch Charriol Mr. Munir Khan Orakzai, MNA (FATA) 31-10-2012 Rs. 85,000/- Rs.15,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 85. Wrist Watch Charriol Dr. Asim Hussain, Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources 31-10-2012 Rs. 85,000/- Rs.15,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 86. a. Wrist Watch ‘Seagull' b. a wooden Screen, c. a wall Hanging Dr. Asim Hussain Minister for Petroleum & Natural Resources 31-10-2012 a. Rs.20,000/- b. Rs.3,500/- c. Rs.2,500/- Total:- Rs. 26,000/- Rs.3,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 87. Wrist watch Baume & Mercier (No.4826480) (Gents) SSP Babar Sarfraz Alpa, Chief Security Officer to the Prime Minister 02-11-2012 Rs.165,000/- Rs.31,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 88. Wrist watch Baume & Mercier (No.4895878) (Gents) SP Muhammad Suleman, Additional Security Officer to the Prime Minister (ASO to PM) 02-11-2012 Rs.165,000/- Rs.31,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 89. Wrist watch Salvatore Ferragamo (No.K11090207) Shazia Azam, Lady Constable, Prime Minister, Sectt 02-11-2012 Rs.45,000/- Rs.7,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 90. Wrist watch Salvatore Ferragamo (No.K11090176) Rukhsana Parveen, Lady Constable Prime Minister, Sectt 02-11-2012 Rs.45,000/- Rs.7,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 91. a. One Wrist watch GRAFF (No.GS45DBPGW) (Hand Winding Clasp) (18kt gold with diamond Crown) b. one model of eagle, c. One box containing perfumes (12 nos) d. one book, six coin & two currency notes of Kuwait two dinar Raja Pervez Ashraf, Prime Minister of Pakistan 05-11-2012 a. Rs.890,000/- b. Rs.50,000/- c. Rs.150,000/- d. Rs.10,000/- Total :- Rs.1,100,000/- Rs.218,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 92. One box with 04 closed (Tea) packets Raja Pervez Ashraf, Prime Minister of Pakistan 05-11-2012 Rs.4,000/- Free of cost Retained 93. One Wrist watch BEDAT & Co Geneve (No.4777) (Diamond Bazal) Begum Raja Pervez Ashraf, Prime Minister of Pakistan 05-11-2012 Rs.185,000/- Rs.35,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 94. One wall hanging (Cloth) Syed Nayyer Hussain Bokhari, Chairman Senate 08-11-2012 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 95. One souvenir (plate) Syed Nayyer Hussain Bokhari Chairman Senate 08-11-2012 Rs.4,000/- Free of cost Retained 96. One Wrist watch Salvatore Ferragamo (No. K11090205) Begum Ambreen Tahira, Wife of Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 08-11-2012 Rs.45,000/- Rs.7,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 97. One Wrist watch Corum (No. 2113785) Lt. Col. Malik Naveed Ahmed, Director Security to the Prime Minister 08-11-2012 Rs.165,000/- Rs.31,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 98. One Wrist watch Movado automatic Stainless steel Murad Ashraf Janjua, Deputy Chief of Protocol (DCP), Ministry of Foreign Affairs 12-11-2012 Rs.135,000/- Rs.25,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 99. Wrist watch Longines Wg. Cdr. Zulfiqar Javed 14-11-2012 Rs.115,000/- Rs.21,000/- Amount deposited, S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks automatic Malik, PAF gift retained 100. Wrist watch Longines automatic Wg. Cdr Usman Ahmed PAF 14-11-2012 Rs.115,000/- Rs.21,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 101. Wrist watch Longines automatic Sqn. Ldr. Farooq Akbar, PAF 14-11-2012 Rs.115,000/- Rs.21,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 102. Wrist watch Longines automatic Sqn. Ldr. Rizwan Satti, PAF 14-11-2012 Rs.115,000/- Rs.21,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 103. Wrist watch Longines automatic Sqn. Ldr. Arif Khan, PAF 14-11-2012 Rs.115,000/- Rs.21,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 104. Wrist watch Movado Sqn. Ldr. Tariq Hameed, PAF 14-11-2012 Rs.72,000/- Rs.12,400/- Amount deposited, gift retained 105. Wrist watch Movado Sqn. Ldr. Ahsan Zafar, PAF 14-11-2012 Rs.72,000/- Rs.12,400/- Amount deposited, gift retained 106. Wrist watch Movado Mr. Tassawar Riaz, Snr. Tech. PAF 14-11-2012 Rs.72,000/- Rs.12,400/- Amount deposited, gift retained 107. Wrist watch Movado Mr. Liaqat Ali, Snr, Tech. PAF 14-11-2012 Rs.72,000/- Rs.12,400/- Amount deposited, gift retained 108. Wrist watch Movado Mr. Zubair Jillani, Snr, Tech. PAF 14-11-2012 Rs.72,000/- Rs.12,400/- Amount deposited, gift retained 109. Wrist watch Movado Mr. Shahid Iqbal, Snr, Tech. PAF 14-11-2012 Rs.72,000/- Rs.12,400/- Amount deposited, gift retained 110. Wrist watch Movado Mr. Muhammad Tariq, AWO, PAF 14-11-2012 Rs.72,000/- Rs.12,400/- Amount deposited, gift retained 111. Wrist watch Movado Mr. Shakeel Snr. Tech. PAF 14-11-2012 Rs.72,000/- Rs.12,400/- Amount deposited, gift retained 112. One Wrist watch (Makkah Time) (Germany) Mr. M. Naeem Khan, Ambassador of Pakistan 16-11-2012 Rs.20,000/- Rs.2,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 113. Gift box containing: - Dunhill ball pen, wallet and pair of cufflinks Mr. Sajjad Kamran, Additional Secretary, AP, M/o Foreign Affairs 16-11-2012 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 114. One Rolex Wrist watch Dr. Asim Hussain, Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources 16-11-2012 Rs.350,000/- Rs.68,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 115. One Model of ship (silver) Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan 19-11-2012 Rs.130,000/- Rs.24,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 116. Wrist watch Cimier (6102/5952A10) Brig. Muhammad Aamer, Military Secretary to President of Pakistan 19-11-2012 Rs.45,000/- Rs.7,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 117. Wrist watch Cimier (6102/3391A11) Capt. (PN) Amir Saeed, DMS, to President 19-11-2012 Rs.45,000/- Rs.7,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 118. Wrist watch Cimier (6102/2740A7) Lt. Col. Imran Haider, DMS to President 19-11-2012 Rs.45,000/- Rs.7,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 119. Wrist watch Cimier (6102/2940A7) Sqn. Ldr. Malik Jalal Farooq, ADC to the President of Pakistan 19-11-2012 Rs.45,000/- Rs.7,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 120. Wrist watch Cimier (6102/3534A11) Col. Salman Saleem, Medical Specialist to the President 19-11-2012 Rs.45,000/- Rs.7,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 121. Wrist watch Cimier (6102/2723A7) Mr. Naeem-ul- Hasnain, Protocol Officer to the President of Pakistan 19-11-2012 Rs.45,000/- Rs.7,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 122. Wrist watch Cimier (6102/2948A7) Mr. Mushtaq Ahmed, Valet to President of Pakistan 19-11-2012 Rs.45,000/- Rs.7,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 123. Wrist watch Cimier (6102/2924A7) Mr. Manzoor Ali, Cook to President of Pakistan 19-11-2012 Rs.45,000/- Rs.7,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 124. Wrist watch Longines (37199720) Lt. Col. Baber Mumtaz, CSO to the President 19-11-2012 Rs.115,000/- Rs.21,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 125. Wrist watch Longines (37199815) Maj. Waqar Ahmed, SO to the President 19-11-2012 Rs.115,000/- Rs.21,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 126. Wrist watch Longines (37199721) Mr. Bilal Shaikh, SO to the President 19-11-2012 Rs.115,000/- Rs.21,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 127. Wrist watch Longines (37199529) Hav. Muhammad Jamil, Security Staff to the President 19-11-2012 Rs.115,000/- Rs.21,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 128. Wrist watch Montreusa Mr. Khail Muhammad, 19-11-2012 Rs.45,000/- Rs.7,000/- Amount deposited, S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks (FC-409) Security Staff to the President gift retained 129. Wrist watch Montreusa (FC-409) Mr. Muhammad Sohail, Security Staff to the President 19-11-2012 Rs.45,000/- Rs.7,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 130. Wrist watch Montreusa (FC-409) Mr. Sabz Ali Khan, Security Staff to the President 19-11-2012 Rs.45,000/- Rs.7,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 131. Wrist watch Montreusa (FC-409) Mr. Gul Zameen, Secuirty Staff to the President 19-11-2012 Rs.45,000/- Rs.7,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 132. Wrist watch Montreusa (FC-409) Mr. Azhar hussain Gulzar, Security Staff to the President 19-11-2012 Rs.45,000/- Rs.7,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 133. Wrist watch Montreusa (FC-409) Mr. Zafar Iqbal, Security Staff to the President 19-11-2012 Rs.45,000/- Rs.7,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 134. One Carpet (Afghan Made) Raja Pervez Ashraf, Prime Minister of Pakistan 23-11-2012 Rs.20,000/- Rs.2,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 135. Wrist Watch Seagull Mr. Jalil Abbas Jillani, Foreign Secretary 11-12-2012 Rs. 20,000/- Rs. 2,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 136. a. Gent’s Watch Gio Monocco b. Bracelet in Gold & Diamond c. Ear Ring in Gold & Diamond d. One Ring Gold & Diamond e. One Ball Pen f. One Pair of Cufflinks Barrister Masood Kausar, Governor KPK 12-12-2012 a. Rs.85,000/- b. Rs.130,000/- c. Rs.105,600/- d. Rs.47,000/- e. Rs.2,000/- f. Rs.3,000/- Total: Rs.372,600 Rs.72,420/- Amount deposited, gift Retained 137. Wrist watch (Baume & Mr. Masroor A. Junejo. 26-12-2012 Rs.130,000/- Rs.24,000/- Amount deposited, S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Mercier, Geneve 1830) Additional Secretary, FSA, PM Sectt gift retained 138. One Wrist Watch Kuwait limited edition Syed Naveed Qamar, Minister for Water & Power 26-12-2012 Rs.70,000/- Rs.12,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 139. Wrist watch (Makkah Time) Mr. Jalil Abbas Jillani Foreign Secretary 28-12-2012 Rs.20,000/- Rs.2,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained MONETARY LIMITS AS PER PROCEDURE FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS AND THEIR DISPOSAL (25th October, 2011): - The monetary limits upto which the gifts can be retained by the recipients are as follows: - (i) Gifts upto a value of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) may be retained free of cost by the recipient subject to the provision of these rules. (ii) Gifts valued above Rs. 10,000/- may be allowed to be retained by the recipient on payment of 20% of the value exceeding the basic exemption of Rs.10,000/-. (iii) Gifts valued at Rs. 1.0 million or more shall not be retained by the recipient, except the President and the Head of the Government. However, the recipient of gift comprising distinct articles but gifted in a single transaction having collective value of Rs. 1.0 million or more shall have an option to retain any article(s) upto the collective value of less than Rs. 1.0 million only subject to the condition that part of an article will not be allowed to be taken. This exemption shall however not be available in case of antiques and gifts of intrinsic historical value. (iv) Different gift articles given by a single dignitary to a functionary at one occasion will be treated as single gift for the purpose of valuation. (v) The maximum monetary limit to be allowed for retention of gifts in one calendar year for any functionary other than the President or the Prime Minister should not exceed Rupees 2.5 million. However, the gifts having value in excess of the limit of Rupees 2.5 million can be retained by the recipient on payment of 65% of the assessed value of the gifts. DISCLAIMER: - This data/list is provided on Federal Government directions as per the record available, and is based on the information/gifts declared or deposited by the persons and departments responsible for it, under the policy prevalent at that time. Cabinet Division is not responsible for any error or omissions made by those individuals/departments. TOSHAKHANA GIFT RECORD 2013 S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 1. One Wrist Watch, Movado Mr. Hasham Riaz Shaikh, Special Assignee to the President 06-02-2013 Rs.72,000/- Rs.12,400/- Amount deposited, gift retained 2. One Carpet Lt. Col. Noman Aziz Directorate General, ISI 11-02-2013 Rs. 20,000/- Rs. 2,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 3. One Carpet Lt. Gen. Muhammad Zaheer Ul Islam, DG ISI 11-02-2013 Rs. 20,000/- Rs. 2,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 4. Gold Piece (30.01 gram) approx Mr. Haseeb Athar, Additional Secretary, Economic Affairs Division 14-02-2013 Rs.158,500/- Rs.29,700/- Amount deposited, gift retained 5. One Carpet Raja Pervez Ashraf, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-02-2013 Rs.20,000/- Rs.2,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 6. Gold Piece (30.01 gram) approx Mr. Shabbir Ahmed, Additional Secretary, Finance Division 21-02-2013 Rs.158,500/- Rs.29,700/- Amount deposited, gift retained 7. One Carpet Raja Pervez Ashraf, Prime Minister of Pakistan 21-02-2013 Rs.45,000/- Rs.7,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 8. One Wrist Watch BAUME & MERCIER Geneve 1830- Swiss Made (Stainless Steel) Ms. Hina Rabbani Khar, Foreign Minister 12-03-2013 Rs.112,000/- Rs.20,400/- Amount deposited, gift retained 9. One Wrist Watch ESTEEMA-3ATM Swiss MOVT (Stainless Steel) Ms. Hina Rabbani Khar, Foreign Minister 12-03-2013 Rs.135,000/- Rs.25,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 10. One Painting “Pharaonic Painting Ms. Seema Naqvi, Additional Secretary 28-03-2013 Rs.8,500/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks on Papyrus” (ME&A), Foreign Affairs 11. One box containing (Artificial Set i.e.) Beaded Necklace, Bracelet, Earrings and Coasters Ms. Seema Naqvi, Additional Secretary (ME&A), Foreign Affairs 17-04-2013 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 12. One Leather Folder Ms. Seema Naqvi, Additional Secretary (ME&A), Foreign Affairs 17-04-2013 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 13. One wrist watch (Precious) Mr. Zaheer Abbasi, Reporter Business recorder 18-04-2013 Rs.20,000/- Rs.2,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 14. One Pen (Caran d’ ACHE) Advisor to Prime Minister on Finance and Economic Affairs and Statistics 30-04-2013 Rs.6,500/- Free of cost Retained 15. One wrist watch Maj. Khurram Shahzad Sahi P.A 37182 30-04-2013 Rs.7,000/- Free of cost Retained 16. One wrist watch Lt. Col. M Suleman Khan,P.A-51318, 30-04-2013 Rs.7,000/- Free of cost Retained 17. One Wrist watch (Cartier) (1565) (Swiss Made) (Stainless Steel) Ms. Hina Rabbani Khar, Foreign Minister of Pakistan 02-05-2013 Rs.90,000/- Rs.16,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 18. One Carpet Ms. Hina Rabbani Khar, Foreign Minister of Pakistan 02-05-2013 Rs.20,000/- Rs.2,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 19. One Carpet (Medium Size) Maj. Gen. Ishfaq Nadeem Ahmed, DG, Military operations, GHQ 03-05-2013 Rs.20,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.21,100/- 20. One Wrist Watch Charriol Mr. Muhammad Ajaz Malik, Managing Director, National Power Construction Corporation (NPCC) 24-06-2013 Rs.95,000/- Rs.17,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 21. One Carpet Mr. Abbas Khan Afridi Former Minister of State Commerce 25-06-2013 Rs.20,000/- Rs.2,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 22. (a) One wrist watch (swiss made) (b) One ball point (Mont Blanc) Mr. Sartaj Aziz Advisor of the Prime Minister on National Security and Foreign Affairs 05-07-2013 (a) Rs.50,000/- (b)Rs.25,000/- - Wrist watch Auctioned for Rs.42,100/- One Ball Point Deposited in Toshakhana 23. (a) One (Chinese) wall hanging (b) One DVD player (Chinese) Syed Tariq Fatemi, SAPM on Foreign Affairs 12-07-2013 (a)Rs.3,000 (b)Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 24. One Decoration piece / souvenir (Model of Eagle) Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif Chief Minister of Punjab 06-08-2013 Rs.35,000/- Rs.5000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 25. (a) One Leather floor Mat, (b)Two floor cushions (c) One camel leather hand bag Mr. Fazal Abbas Maken, Additional Secretary, M/o Commerce 12-08-2013 (a) Rs.5,000/- (b) Rs.2,000/- (c) Rs.8,000/- Rs.1,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 26. Mobile set (E62) Chinese made KTouch Mr. Farooq Habib, AVM Officer of PAF, 23-08-2013 Rs.18,000/- Rs.1,600/- Amount deposited, gift retained 27. Mobile set Samsung Galaxy S-II Mr. Naeem Akhtar,Air Cdr. Officer of PAF 23-08-2013 Rs.30,000/- Rs.4,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 28. Mobile set Samsung Galaxy Fame Mr. M. Khan, PAF Wg Cadre Faisal Fazal 23-08-2013 Rs.20,000/- Rs.2,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 29. One carpet (handmade) Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to the Prime Minister on 06-09-2013 Rs.40000/- Rs.6,000/- Amount deposited, gift S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks National Security and Foreign Affairs retained 30. One carpet Syed Tariq Fatemi, SAPM on Foreign Affairs 10-09-2013 Rs.35,000/- Rs.5,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 31. One carpet Mrs. Fouzia M. Sana, Additional Secretary, Foreign Affairs 23-09-2013 Rs.20,000/- Rs.2,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 32. (a) Two bed Sheets (b) One Show Piece Khawaja Muhammad Asif, Minister for Water & Power 07-10-2013 (a) Rs.9000/- (b) Rs.500/- Free of cost Retained 33. (a) Handmade herati bottle with 4 glasses (b)Two boxes of saffron (c) Four suit piece (i.e. handcrafted cloths for Afghani Shalwar Kameez) Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, ExPresident of Pakistan 07-10-2013 (a) Rs.3,000/- (b) Rs.2,000/- (c) Rs.10,000/- Rs.1,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 34. One silk scarf (Green Color) Daughter of ExPresident of Pakistan (Mr. Asif Ali Zardari) 07-10-2013 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 35. One Lapis Lazuli Bowl (large) Mr. Moin-ul-Haq, Chief of Protocol, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 08-10-2013 Rs.15,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.20,100/- 36. One Lapis Lazuli Bowl (small) Director General (Afghanistan), Ministry of Foreign Affairs 8-10-2013 Rs.8,500/- Free of cost Retained 37. One Lapis Lazuli Box (small) Deputy Chief of Protocol, M/o Foreign Affairs 08-10-2013 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained 38. One Lapis Lazuli Box (small) Assistant Chief of Protocol, M/o Foreign Affairs 08-10-2013 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained 39. One Lapis Lazuli Box (small) Protocol officer, M/o Foreign Affairs 08-10-2013 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained 40. One desk clock (Hakuichi) Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar, Finance Minister 09-10-2013 Rs.1,600/- - Auctioned for Rs.2,050/- S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 41. (a) One Bed spread/sheet (with case) (Valeron Jakar NV TK Glossary 240x220 TAS) (b) One silver bowl (with case) Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar, Finance Minister 09-10-2013 (a) Rs.9,000/- (b) Rs.6,000/- Rs.1,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 42. One (replica of the silk) painting (i.e. one hundred horses by lang shining of Qing Dynasty of China) Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, ExPresident of Pakistan 23-10-2013 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 43. One (underglaze Blue and White) vase with Gold Painted Mr. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, son of ExPresident of Pakistan, Mr. Asif Ali Zardari 23-10-2013 Rs.6,500/- Free of cost Retained 44. (a) One sword. (b) One Piece of Oud Wood. (c) One piece of Ghalaf Kaba (d) One Burner (Golden). (e) One Model of Makkah Tower. (f) One Box containing:- (i) One Necklace. (ii) One Ring. (iii) One Bracelet. (iv) One Pair of ear Ring Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 24-10-2013 (a)Rs.1,315,000/- (b) Rs.105,000/- (c) NCV (d) Rs.650,000/- (e) Rs.65,000/- (f) (i) Rs.320,000/- (ii) Rs.60,000/- (iii) Rs.95,000/- (iv) Rs.101,000/- Rs.540,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 45. (a) One Bowl (b) One Turkish Delight (Pistachio) (c) One Chocolate Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 24-10-2013 (a) Rs.9,000/- (b) NCV (c) NCV Free of cost Retained 46. Rolex Wrist watch Brig. Muhammad Aamer, Military Secretary to the President 24-10-2013 Rs.470,000/- Rs.92,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 47. (a) One Ceramic Plate (b) One Ceramic Aftaba Leader of the House, Senate 01-11-2013 (a) Rs.3,500/- (b) Rs.6,000/- Free of cost Retained 48. (a) One carpet (b) One hand made herati bottle with 4 glasses decorated with Silver Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 12-11-2013 (a) Rs.40,000/- (b) Rs.3,500/- Rs.6,700/- Amount deposited, gift retained 49. One flower vase Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 12-11-2013 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained 50. One Qehwa Set (10 pcs) Begum Prime Minister of Pakistan, Wife of Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif 12-11-2013 Rs.4,000/- Free of cost Retained 51. (a)One decoration piece. (b) One Holy Quran Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 12-11-2013 (a) Rs.20,000/- (b) NCV Rs.2,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 52. One bowl with Sweets Begum Prime Minister of Pakistan, Wife of Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif 12-11-2013 Rs.6,500/- Free of cost Retained 53. One box (Glass) Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 12-11-2013 Rs.6,000/- Free of cost Retained 54. Pair of Candle stand Begum Prime Minister of 12-11-2013 NCV Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks with Candle Pakistan, Wife of Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif 55. (a)One Rolex W/ Watch Oyster Perpetual N Series 0835D018 (b)One Pair of Cufflinks with Pen Cartier. (c)Four (04) commemorative coins of the Central bank of Kuwait Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 12-11-2013 (a)Rs.1,185,000/- (b)Rs.25,000/- (c)Rs.15,000/- Rs.243,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 56. One carpet (Handmade) Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Adviser to the Prime Minster on National Security & Foreign Affairs 27-11-2013 Rs.45,000/- Rs.7,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 57. One table clock (Chopard) Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Adviser to the Prime Minster on National Security & Foreign Affairs 27-11-2013 Rs.45,000/- Rs.7,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 58. One wrist watch Hamilton Haji Rahmatullah Kakar, Former Minister for Housing & Works 27-11-2013 Rs.30,000/- Rs.4,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 59. Two Ceramic Vases Syed Nayyar Hussain Bukhari, Chairman Senate. 02-12-2013 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 60. One Cigar Box (empty) Brig. Akmal Aziz, Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 03-12-2013 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained 61. One Cigar Box (empty) Mr. Nabeel Awan, PSO to Prime Minister 03-12-2013 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained 62. One Cigar Box SP. M Zeeshan Raza, 03-12-2013 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks (empty) CSO to the Prime Minister 63. One Cigar Box (empty) Maj. Farhan Ghazanfar Ali Malik, ADC to the Prime Minister 03-12-2013 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained 64. One Wrist Watch Giovanni Ferraris Makhdoom Amin Faheem, MNA 10-12-2013 Rs.300,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.105,000/- 65. One Decoration Piece Syed Tariq Fatemi, SAPM 30-12-2013 Rs.8000/- Free of cost Retained MONETARY LIMITS AS PER PROCEDURE FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS AND THEIR DISPOSAL (25th October, 2011): - The monetary limits upto which the gifts can be retained by the recipients are as follows: - (i) Gifts upto a value of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) may be retained free of cost by the recipient subject to the provision of these rules. (ii) Gifts valued above Rs. 10,000/- may be allowed to be retained by the recipient on payment of 20% of the value exceeding the basic exemption of Rs.10,000/-. (iii) Gifts valued at Rs. 1.0 million or more shall not be retained by the recipient, except the President and the Head of the Government. However, the recipient of gift comprising distinct articles but gifted in a single transaction having collective value of Rs. 1.0 million or more shall have an option to retain any article(s) upto the collective value of less than Rs. 1.0 million only subject to the condition that part of an article will not be allowed to be taken. This exemption shall however not be available in case of antiques and gifts of intrinsic historical value. (iv) Different gift articles given by a single dignitary to a functionary at one occasion will be treated as single gift for the purpose of valuation. (v) The maximum monetary limit to be allowed for retention of gifts in one calendar year for any functionary other than the President or the Prime Minister should not exceed Rupees 2.5 million. However, the gifts having value in excess of the limit of Rupees 2.5 million can be retained by the recipient on payment of 65% of the assessed value of the gifts. DISCLAIMER: - This data/list is provided on Federal Government directions as per the record available, and is based on the information/gifts declared or deposited by the persons and departments responsible for it, under the policy prevalent at that time. Cabinet Division is not responsible for any error or omissions made by those individuals/departments. TOSHAKHANA GIFT RECORD 2014 S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 1. Three Wrist Watches (Festina) Chronograph Capt. Ahmed Hasnain Ali PA No.44663 GHQ 02-01-2014 Rs.30,000/- (i.e. Rs.10,000 per piece) Rs.4,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 2. Silver scent / Dispenser Mr. Zahid Hamid, Minister for Science & Technology 10-01-2014 Rs.7500/- Free of cost Retained 3. One Silver Tray Mr. Moin-ul-Haq, Chief of Protocol, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 22-01-2014 Rs.20,100/- - Auctioned for Rs.27,500/- 4. One Wrist Watch (Eval) Mr. Moin-ul-Haq, Chief of Protocol, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 22-01-2014 Rs.12,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 5. One wrist Watch (Timex) with Chain Golden Dial Mr. Moin-ul-Haq, Chief of Protocol, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 22-01-2014 Rs.6,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.6,050/- 6. Set of Ballpoint pens i.e. (Pair of Cartier two ball pens and a pen) Syed Tariq Fatemi, SAPM on Foreign Affairs and Minister in Waiting 03-02-2014 Rs.90,000/- Rs.16,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 7. Flower Vase (small) Mrs. Tariq Fatemi, SAPM, wife of Syed Tariq Fatemi 03-02-2014 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 8. Set of Ballpoint (Pair of Cartier one ballpoint + one pen) Mr. Moin-ul-Haq, Chief of Protocol, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 03-02-2014 Rs.70,000/- Rs.12,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 9. One Wrist watch (bvlgari) Ms. Naela Chohan, Additional Secretary (ME&A), Ministry of Foreign Affairs 26-02-2014 Rs.95,000/- Rs.17,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 10. (a)One wooden box. (b)One shield (metallic) Mr. Rehman Malik, Former Interior Minister 27-02-2014 (a)Rs.8,000/- (b)Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 11. One Carpet (Afghan) (6x3 feet approx.) Mr. Rehman Malik, Former Interior Minister 27-02-2014 Rs.25,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 12. (a) Lady’s wrist watch (Philip Stein) (b) Ear rings (One Set White Gold with Diamond & Stone) (c) Men’s wrist watch (Van Der Bauwede Geneve) (d) Cufflink (One set) (e) Ring (One Set, White Gold with Diamond & Stone) (f) Pen (Tiffany & Co, Germany) (g) Bracelet (One Set White Gold with Diamond & Stone) Mr. Sartaj Aziz, SAPM, Advisor to PM on National Security & Foreign Affairs 28-02-2014 (a)Rs.75,000/- (b)Rs.155,000/- (c)Rs.40,000/- (d)Rs.2000/- (e)Rs.51,000/- (f)Rs.3000/- (g)Rs.265,000/- Rs.116,200/- Amount deposited, gifts retained 13. One Carpet Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar, Finance Minister 03-03-2014 Rs.12,000/- Rs.400/- Amount deposited, gift retained 14. (a) One Carpet (b) Silver Shield (c) Framed Photograph of Bala Kh. Zaheer Ahmed, SAPM 03-03-2014 (a)Rs.15,000/- (b)Rs.1,000/- (c)Rs.1,500/- (a) Carpet displayed at PM House (b) Silver Shield Displayed at Army Museum (c) One framed S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Hisar Fort. Photograph of Bala Hisar Fort display at Department of Archives 15. One Carpet (Atilla Golden, design No.608) Kh. Zaheer Ahmed, SAPM 03-03-2014 Rs.20,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.22,000/- 16. One wrist watch Mr. Salah-ud-Din Malik, Reporter, PTV 03-03-2014 Rs.65,000/- Rs.10,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 17. Ceramic vase (Blue & White) Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 05-03-2014 Rs.8000/- Free of cost Gift retained 18. (a) One Decorated bowl (b) One Stamp with inkpot Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 05-03-2014 (a)Rs.6,500/- (b)Rs.100/- Free of cost Retained 19. One Wall hanging Scenery Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 05-03-2014 Rs.2,500/- NCV Free of cost Retained 20. (a)Commutative certificate for Ascending the Great Wall at Badaling of China. (b)One book “The Palace Museum” (c)One book “Gathering of Heads on the Great Wall” (d)Framed picture (Night at Badaling) Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 05-03-2014 (a)NCV (b)NCV (c)NCV (d)NCV Free of cost Retained 21. (a) One Frame (Peking University) (b) One Frame (Pakistan Study Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 05-03-2014 (a)NCV (b)NCV Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Centre) (c) 3xBooks. (c)NCV 22. (a) One Model of Pearl Tower. (b) One Model (Broken) Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 05-03-2014 (a)Rs.3,500/- (b)Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 23. (a) One Box containing Ghalaf-eKaba (b) One Model of Makkah Tower. Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 05-03-2014 (a)NCV (b)Rs.35,000/- (a) Free of cost (b)Rs.5000/- Amount deposited, gifts retained 24. (a) Lady’s wrist watch (Philip Stein) (b) Men’s wrist watch. (Monaco) (c) Ear ring. (d) Ring. (e) Bracelet. (f) Cufflink (one set) (g) Pen (Waldmarr) Mr. Zahid Hamid, Minister for Science & Technology 07-03-2014 (a)Rs.75,000/- (b)Rs.40,000/- (c)Rs.155,000/- (d)Rs.51,000/- (e)Rs.265,000/- (f)Rs.2000/- (g)Rs.3000/- Rs.116,200/- Amount deposited, gifts retained 25. (a) Wrist watch (Eloga) (b) Wrist watch (Van Der Bauwede) with silver stones. (c) Ballpoint (Tifany & Co.) (d) One Ring with silver stones. (e) One Bracelet with silver stones. Mr. Moin-ul-Haq, Chief of Protocol, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 12-03-2014 (a)Rs.50,000/- (b)Rs.50,000/- (c)Rs.2,000/- (d)Rs.42,000/- (e)Rs.160,000/- (f)Rs.75,250/- - Pair of cufflinks Deposited in Toshakhana. Other Gifts Auctioned (a) For Rs.38,000/- (b) For Rs.35,110/- (c) For Rs.2,505/- (d) For Rs.53,000/- S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks (f) One pair of silver color Ear Rings with silver stones. (g) Pair of Cufflinks. (g)Rs.2,000/- (e) For Rs.201,000/- (f) For Rs.88,500/- 26. One Wrist watch (Van Der Bauwede) Lt. Col. Adnan Khawar Dar, GHQ, Rwp. 14-03-2014 Rs.50,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.17,500/- 27. Model of three horses Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 14-03-2014 Rs.350,000/- - Displayed at President Secretariat 28. One Rolex Wrist watch Ref Montre 116201 Oyster Perpetual Mr. Moin-ul-Haq, Chief of Protocol, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 20-03-2014 Rs.775,000/- Rs.153,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 29. One wrist watch “Bovet 1822” (No.011457) (automatic) Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-03-2014 Rs.750,000/- Rs.148,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 30. One wrist watch (ladies) Chopard (No.1793276-8509) Begum Prime Minister, Wife of Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-03-2014 Rs.380,000/- Rs.74,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 31. One wrist watch, Sandoz Stainless Steel Mr. Janbaz Khan, Deputy Chief of Protocol (V-I), M/o Foreign Affairs 21-03-2014 Rs.30,000/- Rs.4,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 32. One wrist watch (Concord) Ms. Naela Chohan, AS. Ministry of Foreign Affairs 21-03-2014 Rs.75,000/- Rs.13,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 33. One wrist watch, Vacheron Constantine Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar, Finance Minister 24-03-2014 Rs.660,000/- Rs.130,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 34. One wrist watch, Sandoz watch Malik Qamar Abbas Khan, DCP M/o Foreign Affairs 27-03-2014 Rs.30,000/- Rs.4,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 35. A box containing one Mr. Sartaj Aziz, SAPM 28-03-2014 Rs.270,000/- Rs.52,000/- Amount S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks wrist watch (Blackpain Flyback), cufflinks and pen (Saint Moritz) deposited, gift retained 36. One carpet Mr. Sohail Mahmood, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 31-03-2014 Rs.15,000/- Rs.1000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 37. Rolex Wrist Watch Ref Montre 116233 Oyster Perpetual Mr. Moin-ul-Haq, Chief of Protocol, M/o Foreign Affairs 02-04-2014 Rs.875,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.680,085/- 38. Small box Mr. Moin-ul-Haq, Chief of Protocol, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 03-04-2014 Rs.4,500/- Free of cost Retained 39. (a)Two Candle Stands (b)Two bowls (yellow) Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 14-04-2014 (a)Rs.5000/- (b)Rs.3000/- Free of cost Retained 40. Key & Coat Pin (Kabul Municipality) Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 14-04-2014 Rs.500/- Free of cost Retained 41. One Onyx Box (small) Brig Muhammad Aamer, Military Secretary to the President 14-04-2014 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 42. Onyx Box (small) Sqn Ldr Saad bin Riaz ADC to the President 14-04-2014 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 43. Mobile Phone (Huawei G610) Sqd. Ldr. M. Bilal Jadoon, Pak/11723 of APF PAC Kamra 22-04-2014 Rs.20,000/- Rs.2,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 44. A box containing one ball pen, one key chain, cufflinks and one Tashbeeh Lt. Col. Ali Ejaz Rafi, GHQ 28-04-2014 Rs.1000/- - Auctioned for Rs.2,050/- 45. One flower vase Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 29-04-2014 Rs.5000/- Free of cost Retained 46. One wrist watch Boucheron Automatic Khawaja Muhamamd Asif, Minister for Defence/Water & Power 30-04-2014 Rs.310,000/- Rs.60,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 47. (a) One w/watch (Chopard) (No.1707584) (b) One w/watch (Hublot) Geneve No.852659 Mr. Shujjat Azeem, SAPM 05-05-2014 (a)Rs.200,000/- (b)Rs.145,000/- Rs.67,000/- Amount deposited, gifts retained 48. (a)Wood Shield China (b)Xi’an Polytechnic University Plat. (c)Chinese Shadow Play in Huaxian Country of Shaanxi Province. (d)Xi’an University of Technology (Broken) (e)Xi’an Polytechnic University Book. (f)Xi’an China 24KGP Plat. (g)Moon Vehicle Sample. Members Pakistani Youth Delegation 06-05-2014 (a)Rs.800/- (b)Rs.1,000/- (c)Rs.1,200/- (d)Rs.500/- (e)Rs.50/- (f)Rs.3,000/- (g)Rs.1,600/- - Sr. (g) deposited in Tk Rest gifts displayed at National Archives of Pakistan 49. One wrist watch (Longines) Mr. Muhammad Asif, Protocol Assistant, Punjab House. 20-05-2014 Rs.40,000/- Rs.6,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 50. (a)Small (4) tea cups with saucers. (b)Tieh Kwan Yin Tea Maj. Gen. Abid Hasan DG JI & IO, GHQ 28-05-2014 (a)Rs.3,000/- (b)Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Gifts retained 51. (a)Jay-e-Namaz (b)Stone Jewelry box Mr. Pervaiz Rashid, Minister for Information, Broadcasting and 02-06-2014 (a)Rs.4,000/- (b)Rs.2,500/- Auctioned (a) for Rs.6,650/- S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks (c)Small box of zafran National Heritage (c)Rs.2,000/- (b) for Rs.3,000/- (c) for Rs.2,150/- 52. Four shields Maj. Gen. Syed Shafaqat Asghar, PA-24734 DG WE Dte GHQ 04-06-2014 NCV Free of cost Retained 53. One shield Brig Mukhtar Ahmed, PA-27774 Comd 1st Armd Div Arty 04-06-2014 NCV Free of cost Retained 54. One table watch (Quartz) embedded in glass shield Muhammad Ayub Ahsan Bhatti, PA-29056 GHQ, Comdt 502 Cen Wksp 04-06-2014 Rs.500/- Free of cost Retained 55. One shield Lt Col Saad Ullah Anwar, PA-27820 ITD Dte 04-06-2014 NCV Free of cost Retained 56. One Wallet alongwith 0.5 Euro Coin Maj. M. Raza Saeed, PA36981 MO Dte 04-06-2014 Rs.150/- Free of cost Retained 57. A box containing one purse, key chain and one ball pen Brig. Muhammad Ayub Ahsan Bahatti, PA29056 GHQ 24-06-2014 Rs.6000/- Free of cost Retained 58. One carpet (handmade) Mr. Sartaj Aziz, SAPM, Adviser to Prime Minister on National Security and Foreign Affairs 26-06-2014 Rs.40,000/- Rs.6000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 59. Fuji Films Camera Finepix Model S4850 Lt. Col. Nadeem Ahmed Khan, PA-32549 GHQ 30-06-2014 Rs.30,000/- Rs.4,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 60. Pioneer (Chinese) G71 Tab Brig. Qamar Zaman, PA25443 GHQ, DWE(P) 30-06-2014 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 61. (a) One vase+ Two Album (CICA) (b) 1xbag with two ballpen, two writing pad and box with 6 coat pin. 2x photographs. Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 11-07-2014 (a)Rs.5000/- (b)Rs.3500/- Free of cost Retained 62. Two books Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 11-07-2014 NCV Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 63. One Shawl & One box of Chinese folk songs Begum President of Pakistan, Wife of Mr. Mamnoon Hussain 11-07-2014 Rs.4,000/- Free of cost Retained 64. One Bag containing two ballpen, two writing pad and 6 coat pin Lt. Col. Tariq Ali, CSO to President 11-07-2014 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 65. One Bag with two ballpen, two writing paid and 6 coat pin Sq. Ldr. Saad bin Riaz, ADC to the president 11-07-2014 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 66. One Bag with two ballpen, two writing paid and 6 coat pin Lt. Cdr. Fahad Usman Khattak, ADC to President. 11-07-2014 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 67. One Bag with two ballpen, two writing paid and 6 coat pin Maj. Waqar Ahmed, Addl. CSO to President 11-07-2014 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 68. (a)Rolex Wrist watch Men’s Oyster Perpetual/ SWIMPRUF No. Series T369V794) (Model No. 116233) (b) Rolex wrist watch lady’s (Oyester Perpetual/SWIMPRUF No. Series G730389) (Model No. 179173) Mr. Fawad Hassan Fawad, Addl. Secretary PM Office 15-08-2014 (a)Rs.900,000/- (b)Rs.610,000/- - Auctioned for (a) for Rs.651,000/- (b)for Rs.511,000/- 69. Forty Seven piece Demelian porcelain Soup / Tea serving set Mr. Fawad Hassan Fawad, Addl. Secretary PM Office 08-09-2014 Rs.9,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.15,100/- 70. One carpet Mr. Sartaj Aziz, SAPM 16-09-2014 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Gift retained 71. One Shield Maj. Gen. Khalid Mahmood, GHQ, Rwp. 14-10-2014 Rs.1,000/- - Displayed at National Archives of Pakistan 72. One carpet Mr. Sartaj Aziz, SAPM, 21-10-2014 Rs.30,000/- Rs.4,000/- Amount S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Adviser to the Prime Minster on National Security & Foreign Affairs deposited, gift retained 73. One carpet Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar, Finance Minister 14-11-2014 Rs.35,000/- Rs.5,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 74. One Carpet (Jay namaz) Mr. Moin-ul-Haque, Chief of Protocol 24-11-2014 Rs.7,500/- Free of cost Retained 75. One Decoration Piece (for placing table) Mr. Mufti Afzal, Deputy Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 24-11-2014 Rs.4,500/- Free of cost Retained 76. One Carpet (size 6’x5’) approx Lt. Gen. (R) Abdul Qadir Baloch Minister of SAFRON 25-11-2014 Rs.35,000/- Rs.5,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 77. One Carpet (5’x7’) approx Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to PM on National Security 28-11-2014 Rs.35,000/- Rs.5,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 78. One Carpet (6’x9’) Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-11-2014 Rs.40,000/- - Displayed at PM house 79. One Wrist Watch (Longines) (No.38602789) Mr. M. Akram, Caretaker, Punjab House 01-12-2014 Rs.30,000/- Rs.4,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 80. One Decoration Piece Mr. Sohail Mehmood, Additional Secretary (West Asia), Foreign Affairs 01-12-2014 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 81. (a)Pair of Lump Stand (b)Two Books Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 01-12-2014 Rs.8,000/- NCV - (a) Pair of Lump Stand display at Army Museum (b) Two Books transferred to National Library of Pakistan 82. One Shawl Begum Prime Minister of 01-12-2014 Rs.5,000/- - Deposited in S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Pakistan, wife of Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan Toshakhana 83. One Scenery (Duly Framed) Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 01-12-2014 Rs.3,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 84. One Saree Begum Prime Minister of Pakistan, wife of Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif 01-12-2014 Rs.5,500/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 85. One Book One wall hanging Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 01-12-2014 (a)NCV (b)Rs.2,000/- - (a) One Book transferred to National Library of Pakistan (b) One wall hanging deposited in Toshakhana 86. One Tea Set (09 Pcs) Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 01-12-2014 Rs.13,500/- - Auctioned for Rs.18,700/- 87. One Decoration Piece (Picture) Mr. Irfan Siddiqui, SAPM on National Affairs/ Federal Minister 02-12-2014 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 88. One Carpet (5’x7’) approx Mr. Ishaq Dar, Finance Minister 02-12-2014 Rs.35,000/- Rs.5,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 89. One Decoration Piece (Iran Nepali Lion) Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to PM 08-12-2014 Rs.8,500/- Free of cost Retained 90. One Ball Pen QBOS News Producer, PTV News Headquarter, Lahore 09-12-2014 Rs.1,700/- Free of cost Retained 91. One Sword Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Chief Minister of Punjab 23-12-2014 Rs.25,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained MONETARY LIMITS AS PER PROCEDURE FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS AND THEIR DISPOSAL (25th October, 2011): - The monetary limits upto which the gifts can be retained by the recipients are as follows: - (i) Gifts upto a value of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) may be retained free of cost by the recipient subject to the provision of these rules. (ii) Gifts valued above Rs. 10,000/- may be allowed to be retained by the recipient on payment of 20% of the value exceeding the basic exemption of Rs.10,000/-. (iii) Gifts valued at Rs. 1.0 million or more shall not be retained by the recipient, except the President and the Head of the Government. However, the recipient of gift comprising distinct articles but gifted in a single transaction having collective value of Rs. 1.0 million or more shall have an option to retain any article(s) upto the collective value of less than Rs. 1.0 million only subject to the condition that part of an article will not be allowed to be taken. This exemption shall however not be available in case of antiques and gifts of intrinsic historical value. (iv) Different gift articles given by a single dignitary to a functionary at one occasion will be treated as single gift for the purpose of valuation. (v) The maximum monetary limit to be allowed for retention of gifts in one calendar year for any functionary other than the President or the Prime Minister should not exceed Rupees 2.5 million. However, the gifts having value in excess of the limit of Rupees 2.5 million can be retained by the recipient on payment of 65% of the assessed value of the gifts. DISCLAIMER: - This data/list is provided on Federal Government directions as per the record available, and is based on the information/gifts declared or deposited by the persons and departments responsible for it, under the policy prevalent at that time. Cabinet Division is not responsible for any error or omissions made by those individuals/departments. TOSHAKHANA GIFT RECORD 2015 S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 1. (a) Large Gold Necklace (21kt) approx. (b) One Gold (21Kt) and Pearl Bracelet (approx). Begum Prime Minister of Pakistan, Wife of Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif 09-01-2015 (a)Rs.465,660/- (b)Rs.153,320/- Rs.121,796/- Amount deposited, gifts retained 2. (a)Rolex Wrist Watch (ladies) (Sr. No.19X64534) (Model:178240) (b)Gold Bracelet (21Kt gold) approx. Ms. Rahila Isa, Secretary to Begum Prime Minister 09-01-2015 (a)Rs.390,000/- (b)Rs.171,140/- Rs.110,228/- Amount deposited, gifts retained 3. (a)One Wrist Watch (PIAGET No.1124198-P10771) (b)One Box containing two bottles of perfume and one box of Bakhoor (i.e. 1kg oud wood approx.) Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 12-01-2015 (a)Rs.1,050,000/- (b)Rs.160,000/- Rs.240,000/- Amount deposited, gifts retained 4. (a)One Necklace (gold) (b)One Necklace (Pearl) Begum Prime Minister of Pakistan, Wife of Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif 12-01-2015 (a)Rs.135,320/- (b)Rs.20,000/- Rs.29,064/- Amount deposited, gifts retained 5. (a)One Model of Boat. Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 12-01-2015 (a)Rs.16,000/- (b)Rs.50,000/- - Gifts displayed at PM House S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks (b) One Sword 6. One Wrist Watch (Rolex) (No.116234) (Diamond Dial) Mr. Fawad Hasan Fawad, AS, PM Office 12-01-2015 Rs.850,000/- Rs.168,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 7. One Wrist Watch (Rolex) (No.2HZ) (116234) Brig. Akmal Aziz, MS to the Prime Minister 13-01-2015 Rs.850,000/- Rs.168,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 8. One Wrist Watch (Rolex) (No. 200) (116234) Mr. Nabeel Awan, PSO to the Prime Minister 13-01-2015 Rs.850,000/- Rs.168,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 9. One Wrist Watch (Rolex)(No.X8R) Sqd. Ldr. Mohyuding Chisti, ADC to the Prime Minister 13-01-2015 Rs.590,000/- Rs.116,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 10. One Wrist watch (Concord) (No.1407121) Mr. M. Hanif, Protocol Officer, PM Office 13-01-2015 Rs.110,000/- Rs.20,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 11. One Wrist Watch (Rolex) (No.V2Q) Mr. Raja M. Shahzad, UDC PM Office 13-01-2015 Rs.590,000/- Rs.116,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 12. One Wrist watch (Concord) (1407094) Mr. Abid Ullah Jan, Valet, PM Office 13-01-2015 Rs.110,000/- Rs.20,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 13. One Wrist Watch (Longines) (41136277) Ms. Nasreen, Maid, PM Office 13-01-2015 Rs.120,000/- Rs.22,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 14. One Ceramic Bowl Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 13-01-2015 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained 15. (a)One Book. (b)Card Holder (Golden) Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 13-01-2015 (a)NCV (b)NCV Free of cost Retained 16. One Picture Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 13-01-2015 Rs.4,000/- Free of cost Retained 17. One wrist watch Mr. Zeeshan Raza, 14-01-2015 Rs.590,000/- Rs.116,000/- Amount S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks (Rolex) (No.L5P) CSO to the Prime Minister deposited, gift retained 18. One Wrist watch (Concord) (No.1407093) Maj. M. Imran, Security Officer to the Prime Minister, PM Office 14-01-2015 Rs.110,000/- Rs.20,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 19. One wrist watch (Rolex) (No.116000) Mr. Danyal Saleem Gilani, DS (media) to the Prime Minister 20-01-2015 Rs.590,000/- Rs.116,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 20. One wrist watch (Movado) (No.2600110) Mr. M. Hanif Khan, Photographer PID 20-01-2015 Rs.70,000/- Rs.12,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 21. One Wrist Watch (Hublot) (Sr. No. 925890) Mr. Moin-ul-Haque, Chief of Protocol, M/o Foreign Affairs 21-01-2015 Rs.220,000/- Rs.42,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 22. One Wrist Watch (Movado) (No.2600110) Mr. Abdul Shakoor, ASI, Gunman to the Prime Minister 21-01-2015 Rs.70,000/- Rs.12,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 23. One Wrist Watch (Movado) (No.2600110) Mr. M. Shaban, Gunman to the Prime Minister 21-01-2015 Rs.70,000/- Rs.12,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 24. One Wrist Watch (Movado) (No.2600110 Mr. Imran Hussain, Cameramen PTV 22-01-2015 Rs.70,000/- Rs.12,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 25. One Wrist Watch (Movado) (No.2600110 Mr. Abdul Ghaffar, Engineer PTV 22-01-2015 Rs.70,000/- Rs.12,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 26. One Wrist Watch (Rolex) (No. GO27774) Syed Tariq Fatemi, SAPM on Foreign Affairs 26-01-2015 Rs.990,000/- Rs.196,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 27. (a) Apple I Pad (Large) (16 GB). (b) Apple I Pad (16 GB) (Mini) (Silver color). Mr. Tahir Rafiq Butt, Air Chief Marshal, PAF 10-02-2015 (a)Rs.55,000/- (b)Rs.26,000/- Rs.14,200/- Amount deposited, gifts retained 28. (a)Nikon Digital Mr. Tahir Rafiq Butt, 10-02-2015 (a)Rs.36,000/- Rs.13,200/- Amount S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Camera D-3100. Lense 18.55mm (without accessories and battery charger) (b)Ladies wrist watch (Movado) (No. 0606389) (without box and card) Air Chief Marshal, PAF (b)Rs.40,000/- deposited, gifts retained 29. (a) Canon Camera (Model GIX) PC1674. (without charger) (b) Gents W/Watch (Salvatore Ferragamo) (without box and card) Mr. Tahir Rafiq Butt, Air Chief Marshal, PAF 10-02-2015 (a)Rs.45,000/- (b)Rs.50,000/- Rs.17,000/- Amount deposited, gifts retained 30. One Lamp (Glass made) Mr. Moin-ul-Haque, Chief of Protocol, M/o Foreign Affairs 18-02-2015 Rs.8,500/- Free of cost Retained 31. One Carpet (size3’x5’ approx. maroon base) Mr. Sartaj Aziz, SAPM 12-03-2015 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 32. Digital Camera Sony NEX-5TL Mr. Tahir Rafiq Butt, Air Chief Marshal, PAF 16-03-2015 Rs.35,000/- Rs.5000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 33. One wrist watch (Breitling) automatic Chronograph No.AB012721/BD09 3163035 (Steel) Mr. Tahir Rafiq Butt, Air Chief Marshal, PAF 16-03-2015 Rs.775,000/- Rs.153,000/- Gift deposited in TK 34. One Bowl (Nakkas) Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 17-03-2015 Rs.30,000/- Rs.4,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 35. One Table Clock Mr. Muhammad 30-03-2015 Rs.70,000/- - Displayed at PM S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan Office 36. One Necklace, Pearl Begum Prime Minister, Wife of Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif 30-03-2015 Rs.145,000/- Rs.27,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 37. One Wrist Watch Officine Radiomir Panerai PAM00472 Mr. Moin Ul Haq, Chief of Protocol 31-03-2015 Rs.582,000/- Rs.114,400/- Amount deposited, gift retained 38. One Wrist Watch (ladies)(Chanel J12) Spouse of Mr. Moin Ul Haq, Chief of Protocol 31-03-2015 Rs.87,000/- Rs.15,400/- Amount deposited, gift retained 39. One Wrist Watch Prestige (Swiss Quartz Model No. P3010M) Mr. Hussain Muhammad, Deputy Chief of Protocol, MoFA 02-04-2015 Rs.6,000/- Free of cost Retained 40. One Wrist Watch Rolex Datejust (No.116244) Wife of Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Minister of Petroleum & Natural Resources 06-04-2015 Rs.850,000/- Rs.168,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 41. One Wrist Watch Radiomar Panerai No.PA010326 Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Minister of Petroleum & Natural Resources 06-04-2015 Rs.582,000/- Rs.114,400/- Amount deposited, gift retained 42. One Wrist Watch (Gents) Cartier (No.KITSTS02) Mr. Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry, Foreign Secretary 06-04-2015 Rs.465,000/- Rs.91,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 43. One Wrist Watch (ladies) Rolex (No.116244) Wife of Mr. Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry, Foreign Secretary 06-04-2015 Rs.850,000/- Rs.168,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 44. Two Cushion (Railway), one key chain/medal and three books Raja Hassan Abbas, Cabinet Secretary 20-04-2015 Rs.2000/- - Transferred to Railway Division 45. One Shawl Raja Hassan Abbas, Cabinet Secretary 20-04-2015 Rs.3500/- - Auctioned for Rs.6,050/- 46. One Bed Sheet Raja Hassan Abbas, 20-04-2015 Rs.2000/- - Deposited in S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Cabinet Secretary Toshakhana 47. Small tea set (Two Tea Cups with saucers and small Tea Pot) Mr. Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry, Foreign Secretary 24-04-2015 Rs.3000/- Free of Cost Retained 48. (a) Two Decoration pieces (Marble ceramic) (b) One small tea set (having two tea cups and one small tea pot) Syed Tariq Fatemi, SAPM 04-05-2015 (a)Rs.17,000/- (b)Rs.3000/- Rs.2000/- (a) Auctioned for Rs.9,500/- (b) Deposited in Toshakhana 49. One small plate (silver) Mr. Moin Ul Haq, Chief of Protocol 04-05-2015 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Gift retained 50. One Frame Box Mr. Moin Ul Haq, Chief of Protocol 14-05-2015 Rs. 6000/- Free of cost Retained 51. One wooden decoration Mr. Moin Ul Haq, Chief of Protocol 14-05-2015 Rs. 1500/- Free of cost Retained 52. (a)One (large) carpet (Silky handmade) (b)One carpet (medium) (woolen handmade) (c) One box (two bottle olive oil, 10 Bottles Olive) Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 15-05-2015 (a)Rs. 250,000/- (b)Rs.80,000/- (c)Rs.3000/- Rs.64,600/- Amount deposited, gifts retained 53. One Carpet (small) Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 15-05-2015 Rs. 100,000/- Rs.18,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 54. One Photo frame/calligraphy Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 15-05-2015 Rs. 4000/- Free of cost Gift retained 55. (a)Two Dry fruit Box (Jams, Jelly, olives etc.) Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 15-05-2015 (a)Rs. 5000/- (b)Rs.5000/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks (b)Caspian Cavier (10 bottles) 56. One Carpet (small) Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 15-05-2015 Rs. 40000/- Rs. 6000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 57. (a)One Carpet (small) (b)Two books Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 15-05-2015 (a)Rs. 60000/- (b)NCV Rs. 10000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 58. One Book Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 15-05-2015 NCV Free of cost Retained 59. One The Holy Quran Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 15-05-2015 NCV Free of cost Retained 60. One Box (6 Dec Glass) First Lady of Pakistan, wife of Mr. Mamnoon Hussain 15-05-2015 Rs.6000/- Free of cost Retained 61. One Shawl / Table Cloth First Lady of Pakistan, wife of Mr. Mamnoon Hussain 15-05-2015 Rs. 4000/- Free of cost Retained 62. One (Box) Dagger Son of President of Pakistan, Mr. Mamnoon Hussain 15-05-2015 Rs. 5500/- Free of cost Retained 63. One (Box) Jewelry Set Daughter President of Pakistan, Mr. Mamnoon Hussain 15-05-2015 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 64. One Box (Silver Dec. piece) Daughter President of Pakistan, Mr. Mamnoon Hussain 15-05-2015 Rs.25,500/- Rs.3,100/- Amount deposited, gift retained 65. One Model (Golden & Silver) Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 15-05-2015 Rs. 50000/- Rs. 8,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 66. (a) One Necklace (Gold+ Diamond) (b) Pair of ear ring (Gold + Diamond) (c) One ring (Gold + First lady of Pakistan, wife of Mr. Mamnoon Hussain 15-05-2015 (a)Rs. 751,000/- (b)Rs. 246,660/- (c)Rs. 94,750/- Rs. 216,482/- Amount deposited, gifts retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Diamond) 67. (a)One Wrist Watch (Victorinox 241650) (b)One Wrist Watch (G.C 241652) (Swiss) (c)One Mobile Phone Galaxy S6 Lt. Cdr. Fahad, ADC (P) 15-05-2015 (a)Rs. 30,000/- (b)Rs. 30,000/- (c)Rs. 70,000/- Rs. 24,000/- Amount deposited, gifts retained 68. (a)One Wrist Watch (Victorinox 241650) (b)One Wrist Watch (G.C 241652) (Swiss) (c)One Mobile Phone Galaxy S6 Maj. Imran, SO (P) 15-05-2015 (a)Rs. 30,000/- (b)Rs. 30,000/- (c)Rs. 70000/- Rs. 24,000/- Amount deposited, gifts retained 69. One Dinner Set (Noritake) (34pcs) Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 15-05-2015 Rs. 65000/- Rs. 11,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 70. Natural Topaz (Blue) First Lady of Pakistan, wife of Mr. Mamnoon Hussain 15-05-2015 Rs. 25000/- Rs. 3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 71. Wooden Art Jar Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 15-05-2015 Rs. 3500/- Free of cost Retained 72. Framed piece of cloth First Lady of Pakistan, wife of Mr. Mamnoon Hussain 15-05-2015 Rs. 3000/- Free of cost Retained 73. Wooden Jar Sqn.Ldr. Saad, ADC (P) 15-05-2015 Rs. 2000/- Free of cost Retained 74. Two Ceramic Set (Blue & Green) (16pcs) Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 15-05-2015 Rs. 8000/- Free of cost Retained 75. Glass Jar Mr. Mamnoon 15-05-2015 Rs. 7500/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Hussain, President of Pakistan 76. One Neck tie, one scarf, one box containing wallet & belt, One Key chain Maj. Qamar Abbas, SO (P) 15-05-2015 Rs. 3000/- Free of cost Retained 77. Wallet, belt key chain case Maj. Qamar Abbas, SO (P) 15-05-2015 Rs. 2000/- Free of cost Retained 78. One Stone Bowl (Blue) Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to PM on National Security & Foreign Affairs 15-05-2015 Rs. 8500/- Free of cost Retained 79. One decoration piece (Three pcs) Mian Raza Rabbani, Chairman Senate 21-05-2015 Rs. 10000/- Free of cost Retained 80. (a)One Decoration piece (ceramic horse) (b)One decoration piece (stamp) Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 22-05-2015 (a)Rs.10,000/- (b)NCV Free of cost Retained 81. (a)One Flower vase (b)2x Audio CDs Begum of Prime Minister, Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif 22-05-2015 (a)Rs. 15,000/- (b)NCV Rs.1,000/- Amount deposited, gifts retained 82. One Carpet(5*8.5) Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-05-2015 Rs. 40,000/- Rs.6,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 83. Jewelry Set (5x pcs) (silver) Begum of Prime Minister, Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, 25-05-2015 Rs. 27,068/- Rs. 3,414/- Amount deposited, gift retained 84. Jewelry Set (4x pcs) (silver) Begum of Prime Minister, Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, 25-05-2015 Rs.5,512/- Free of cost Gift retained 85. One Necklace (silver) Begum of Prime Minister, Mr. Muhammad Nawaz 25-05-2015 Rs. 7,863/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Sharif 86. One Bow and Arrow (Teer Kaman) Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 02-06-2015 Rs. 10,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.15,150/- 87. One Wrist watch Rolex (Yacht Master) (having expired warranty card) (No.16622) Mr. Amjad Hussain B. Sial, Special Secretary, Foreign Affairs 02-06-2015 Rs. 640,000/- Rs.126,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 88. One Painting (small) Syed Tariq Fatemi, SAPM on Foreign Affairs 03-06-2015 Rs. 8000/- Free of cost Retained 89. One carpet (Small) Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 10-06-2015 Rs. 10000/- Free of cost Retained 90. One fan (imperial style with double side Embroidery) Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 10-06-2015 Rs. 8500/- Free of cost Retained 91. (a) One fan (imperial style with double side Embroidery) (small) (b) One Book “Chinese Herbal Legends” (c) One Book “An illustrated guide to Chinese Medicine” First lady of Pakistan, wife of Mr. Mamnoon Hussain 10-06-2015 (a)Rs. 3000/- (b)NCV (c)NCV Free of cost Retained 92. One Model of bull Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 10-06-2015 Rs. 7500/- Free of cost Retained 93. (a)One Wrist Watch Cartier (Gents) (385692TX 3001) (b)One Wrist Watch Concord (Saratoga 1411381) Mr. A.S. Babar, Director General (Middle East), Foreign Affairs 15-06-2015 (a)Rs. 235,000/- (b)Rs. 95,000/- Rs. 64,000/- Amount deposited, gifts retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 94. (a)One Wrist Watch Cartier (Gents) (b)One Wrist Watch Concord (Saratoga) Qazi Khalilullah, Additional Secretary (Middle East & Africa), Foreign Affairs 19-06-2015 (a)Rs. 95,000/- (b)Rs. 235,000/- Rs. 64000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 95. One Wrist Watch Cartier (Balloon Bleu De Cartier) (384135TX) (3001) (Stainless Steel) Mr. Altamash Khan, Director Gulf, Foreign Affairs 22-06-2015 Rs. 235,000/- Rs. 45,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 96. (a) One Wrist Watch (Harry Winston, L/Strap Diamond dial) (HW01116) (OCEMTJ45) (b)One pen (Harry Winston with Diamond) (c)Pair of Cufflink (Gold + Black Stone) (d)One Tasbih (Gold + Black Stone) Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 26-06-2015 (a)Rs. 1875000/- (b)Rs. 150000/- (c) Rs. 59576/- (d)Rs. 163832/- Rs.447,682/- Amount deposited, gifts retained 97. (a)One Necklace (Gold+ Diamond) (b)One Ring (Gold + Diamond) (c)One Bracelet (Gold + Diamond) (d)Pair of Ear Rings (Gold + Diamond) First lady, Wife of the President of Pakistan, Mr. Mamnoon Hussain 26-06-2015 (a)Rs.16604188/- (b)Rs. 1442896/- (c)Rs. 7893128/- (d)Rs. 3395284/- Rs.5,865,099/- Amount deposited, gifts retained 98. One decoration piece (marble) Minister for commerce 13-07-2015 Rs.8,500/- Free of cost Retained 99. One Stone box Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to the Prime Minister on National 13-07-2015 Rs.8,500/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Security & Foreign Affairs 100. Sri Lankan Tea 04 Packets of 30 Tea Bags Mr. Mohammad Nafees Zakaria, DG South Asia & SSARC 14-07-2015 Perishable (NCV) Free of cost Retained 101. One wooden vessel (boat) Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to PM on National Security and Foreign Affairs 16-07-2015 Rs.6,000/- Free of cost Retained 102. (a)One box of Pineapple (Perishable) (b)One box of Pineapple (Perishable) (c)One box of Pineapple (Perishable) (a) Prime Minister, Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif (b) Begum Prime Minister, Wife of Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif (c) Ms. Maryam Nawaz 22-07-2015 (a) Perishable (NCV) (b) Perishable (NCV) (c) Perishable (NCV) Free of cost Retained 103. One Bracelet (Carnelian) & one Broach (Carnelian) Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to PM on National Security and Foreign Affairs 23-07-2015 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 104. One Pistol (9mm) Sr.No.083183 Maj. Gen. (R) Mian Abdul Qayoom 23-07-2015 Rs.15,000/- Rs.1,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 105. (a)One Decoration Piece. (b)One box of Pineapple (Perishable item). (a) Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan (b) Begum Prime Minister, wife of Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif 30-07-2015 (a)Rs.10,000/- (b)NCV Free of cost Retained 106. Two carpets Syed Abrar Hussain, 30-07-2015 (a)Rs.40,000/- Rs.9000/- Amount S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Ambassador of Pakistan, Kabul (b)Rs.25,000/- deposited, gifts retained 107. One clay round decoration plate (light green) with wooden stand Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to the Prime Minister 30-07-2015 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 108. One Decoration Tea Set (having six round cups, one round plate, two green tea pots) Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to the Prime Minister 10-08-2015 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 109. One wall hanging Minister of State for National Health Services 10-08-2015 Rs.4,000/- Free of cost Retained 110. One Shawl Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 18-08-2015 Rs.9,000/- Free of cost Retained 111. One Globe Model Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 18-08-2015 NCV Free of cost Retained 112. One painting duly framed Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 18-08-2015 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 113. One Flower Vase Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 18-08-2015 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained 114. (a)One wooden art framed (b)One Tractor Model. (c)One photo frame Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 18-08-2015 (a)NCV (b)NCV (c)NCV Free of cost Retained 115. One Gown Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 18-08-2015 Rs.6,000/- Free of cost Retained 116. One (Irani) Flower Vase (Blue Persian vase with cap) Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to the Prime Minister 20-08-2015 Rs.7500/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 117. One Carpet (small) (Handmade) Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to the Prime Minister 20-08-2015 Rs.30,000/- Rs.4000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 118. One hand crafted sterling silver (Bowl) Raja Hasan Abbas, Secretary, Cabinet Division 26-08-2015 Rs.9000/- - Auctioned for Rs.13,500/- 119. (a)One Book. (b)Table Mate Three pieces Syed Tariq Fatemi, SAPM/ Minister of State for Foreign Affairs 26-08-2015 (a)NCV. (b)Rs.2500/- Free of cost Retained 120. One Wrist watch (Rovina) Maj. Gen. Ali Abbas Haider DG (MT) 28-08-2015 Rs.38,000/- Rs.5600/- Amount deposited, gift retained 121. One Su Embroidery water town in Southern China (dec. piece) Former speaker of National Assembly, Ms. Fahmida Mirza 31-08-2015 Rs.5,000/- Auctioned for Rs.2,250/- 122. One Stone Bowl (Blue) Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to the Prime Minister 07-09-2015 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 123. (a) One small Jar of Zafraan. (b) One small carpet. Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to the Prime Minister 07-09-2015 (a)Rs.3000/- (b)Rs.35,000/- Rs.5600/- Amount deposited, gifts retained 124. One Dragon Ball (Decoration piece) Lt. Gen. M. Zahid Latif Mirza, HI (M) Commander AAD Comd. 07-09-2015 Rs.10,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.20,000/- 125. One decoration piece Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar, Finance Minister 15-09-2015 Rs.8,500/- Free of cost Retained 126. One Brass Bowl Set Raja Zafar-ul-Haque, Leader of the House, Senate 7-10-2015 Rs.5000/- Free of cost Retained 127. (a)Two tea pot (b)One tea set (c)One shield (d)Two w/watches (e)One Scarf Maj. Gen. Ali Abbas Haider HI (M) S Bt DGMT 18-10-2015 (a)Rs.2,000/- (b)Rs.1,200/- (c)NCV (d)Rs.12,000/- (e)Rs.400/- Rs.1,170/- Amount deposited, gifts retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks (f)One mug (f)Rs.250/- 128. One ladies scarf Brig. M. Javed Iqbal, DMT, CBT 18-10-2015 Rs.400/- Free of cost Retained 129. Six ties 6 participants officers 18-10-2015 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 130. One Samsung Galaxy Tab-3 Model SMT210RZWYXAR Mr. Rizwan Bashir Khan, Additional Secretary M/o of Planning & Development 26-10-2015 Rs.14,000/- Rs.800/- Amount deposited, gifts retained 131. One Tea Set + Ice Cream Set (39 pcs) Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-11-2015 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained 132. One Coal Samovar Set Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-11-2015 Rs.15,000/- Rs.1,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 133. (a)One Jewelry box (b)One Set of Flaxen Table Linen Begum Kalsoom Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, wife of Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif 13-11-2015 (a)Rs.3,500/- (b)Rs.8,000/- Rs.300/- Amount deposited, gifts retained 134. One Painting/ decoration frame Chairman Senate 16-11-2015 Rs.20,000/- Rs.2,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 135. One Decoration Piece (Marble) Speaker National Assembly of Pakistan 17-11-2015 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 136. One Decoration piece (Marble) Speaker National Assembly of Pakistan 17-11-2015 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 137. One Decoration (Bull Model) Speaker National Assembly of Pakistan 17-11-2015 Rs.8,500/- Free of cost Retained 138. One Digital Cameral (Canon Power Shot) (SX610 HS) (18 Optical Zoom) (16Gb Memory Card, CD) Mr. Muhammad Najeeb Ullah, Section Officer, Cabinet Division 17-11-2015 Rs.20,000/- Rs.2,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 139. One Flower Vase (Marble). Syed Tariq Fatemi, SAPM on Foreign 17-11-2015 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Affairs 140. One Stone Scenery Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs 18-11-2015 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 141. One Tea Set (six pcs) Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs 18-11-2015 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained 142. One painting Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to PM on Foreign Affairs 20-11-2015 Rs.20,000/- Rs.2,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 143. One Frame (Glance at the history of Shanghai) Mian Raza Rabbani, Chairman Senate 23-11-2015 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 144. One ladies (silk) Suite (Fine product of Dujinsheng). Mian Raza Rabbani, Chairman Senate 23-11-2015 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 145. Model of Aircraft (COMAC-C919) Mian Raza Rabbani, Chairman Senate 23-11-2015 NCV Free of cost Retained 146. Model of Railway (CHR-380A), Hexie. Mian Raza Rabbani, Chairman Senate 23-11-2015 NCV Free of cost Retained 147. One Stamp Album Silk Brocade Mian Raza Rabbani, Chairman Senate 23-11-2015 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 148. One motor model (950 Roewe). Mian Raza Rabbani, Chairman Senate 23-11-2015 NCV Free of cost Retained 149. One Hot bowl Mian Raza Rabbani, Chairman Senate 23-11-2015 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 150. (a)One Painting. (b)One Vase. (c)3 Books (Pictorial Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 25-11-2015 (a)Rs.20,000/- (b)Rs.18,000/- (c)NCV Rs.5,600/- Amount deposited, gifts retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks China) 151. Mobile Phone (Huawei Mate 7) Ladies Purse. Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 25-11-2015 Rs.43,000/- Rs.5,000/- Rs.7,600/- Amount deposited, gift retained 152. One Tea Set. Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 25-11-2015 Rs.18,000/- Rs.1,600/- Amount deposited, gift retained 153. One Pictorial Frame. Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 25-11-2015 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 154. Box containing piece of cloth Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 25-11-2015 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 155. Frame depicting cultural art. Mr. Mamnoon Hussain President of Pakistan 25-11-2015 Rs.22,000/- Rs.2,400/- Amount deposited, gift retained 156. One Carpet Mr. Muhammad Ishaq Dar, Finance Minister 25-11-2015 Rs.30,000/- Rs.4,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 157. One Flower Vase (wooden) Ms. Shaista Pervaiz Malik, MNA/Secy WPC 09-12-2015 Rs.1,500/- - Gift deposited in Toshakhana 158. One Flower Vase/frame box Mr. Tasawar Khan, CP 11-12-2015 Rs.6,000/- Free of cost Retained 159. One Handmade Glassware Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to the Prime Minister 14-12-2015 Rs.30,000/- - Gift deposited in Toshakhana 160. Pair of Stud Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to the Prime Minister 14-12-2015 Rs.7,500/- Free of cost Retained 161. Cutlery Set (6 pcs) Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to the Prime Minister 14-12-2015 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 162. One Jewelry Box Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to the Prime Minister 14-12-2015 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 163. One Flower Vase Mohammad Nafees 15-12-2015 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Zakaria, DG (SA) Foreign Affairs 164. One Painting (duly framed) Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-12-2015 Rs.40,000/- Rs.6,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 165. One Box Lapis lazuli Deputy Chief of Protocol, Foreign Affairs 21-12-2015 Rs.6,000/- Free of cost Retained 166. One Box Lapis lazuli Protocol Officer, Foreign Affairs 21-12-2015 Rs.6,000/- Free of cost Retained 167. One Wooden (Jewellery box) SAPM on Foreign Affairs 21-12-2015 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 168. (a) One W/Watch Patek Phillippe AU750 (Replica) (b)One Prayer Mate Maj. Gen. Ali Abbas Haider HI(M), S Bt DGMT and Offrs ex MT Dte 21-12-2015 (a)Rs.25,000/- (b)Rs.2,000/- - Auctioned (a) for Rs.15,200/- (b) for Rs.3,100/- 169. One Shield with Box Maj. Gen. Ali Abbas Haider HI(M), S Bt DGMT and Offrs ex MT Dte 21-12-2015 NCV - Displayed at Army Museum 170. (a)One prayer Mate (b)One Wrist Watch Mont Blanc 7203-PL Brig. M. Iqbal,DMT,SBT 21-12-2015 (a)Rs.2,000/- (b)Rs.20,000/- - All Gifts Auctioned for (a)Rs.3,200/- (b)Rs.14,000/- 171. Three prayer Mate Pak Army Official 21-12-2015 Rs.6,000/- - Auctioned (a) for Rs.3,300/- (b) for Rs.3,350/- (c) for Rs.3,400/- 172. One Flower Vase Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime 21-12-2015 Rs.7,000/- - Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Minister of Pakistan 173. Wall Hanging (Chinese Painting) Begum Prime Minister, wife of Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 21-12-2015 Rs.25,000/- - Retained 174. One Painting Prof. Dr. Javed Ashraf, Vice Chancellor, Quaid-eAzam University 21-12-2015 Rs.20,000/- Rs.2,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 175. One Flower Vase (small) ceramic Leader of the House, Senate 28-12-2015 Rs.2,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 176. One Small Boat Wooden i.e. (signature wooden handicraft) SAPM on Foreign Affairs 29-12-2015 Rs.1,500/- - Auctioned for Rs.2,500/- 177. Two bowls Assistant Director (GR-I), Foreign Affairs 29-12-2015 Rs.4,000/- Free of cost Retained MONETARY LIMITS AS PER PROCEDURE FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS AND THEIR DISPOSAL (25th October, 2011): - The monetary limits upto which the gifts can be retained by the recipients are as follows: - (i) Gifts upto a value of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) may be retained free of cost by the recipient subject to the provision of these rules. (ii) Gifts valued above Rs. 10,000/- may be allowed to be retained by the recipient on payment of 20% of the value exceeding the basic exemption of Rs.10,000/-. (iii) Gifts valued at Rs. 1.0 million or more shall not be retained by the recipient, except the President and the Head of the Government. However, the recipient of gift comprising distinct articles but gifted in a single transaction having collective value of Rs. 1.0 million or more shall have an option to retain any article(s) upto the collective value of less than Rs. 1.0 million only subject to the condition that part of an article will not be allowed to be taken. This exemption shall however not be available in case of antiques and gifts of intrinsic historical value. (iv) Different gift articles given by a single dignitary to a functionary at one occasion will be treated as single gift for the purpose of valuation. (v) The maximum monetary limit to be allowed for retention of gifts in one calendar year for any functionary other than the President or the Prime Minister should not exceed Rupees 2.5 million. However, the gifts having value in excess of the limit of Rupees 2.5 million can be retained by the recipient on payment of 65% of the assessed value of the gifts. DISCLAIMER: - This data/list is provided on Federal Government directions as per the record available, and is based on the information/gifts declared or deposited by the persons and departments responsible for it, under the policy prevalent at that time. Cabinet Division is not responsible for any error or omissions made by those individuals/departments. TOSHAKHANA GIFT RECORD 2016 S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 1. One Iron Candle Stand SAPM on Foreign Affairs 08-01-2016 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 2. One Oriental Astrolabe (Brass made) Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to the Prime Minister 11-01-2016 NCV Free of cost Retained 3. Decoration clay plate with Stand Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to the Prime Minister 11-01-2016 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 4. One Wrist Watch (Bvlgari) (Ref BGOW41D2GD2LTB gold) Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to the Prime Minister 12-01-2016 Rs.3,500,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.2,703,500/- 5. (a)One Ring. (b)Pair of Stud. (c)One Pen. (d)One Tasbih Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to the Prime Minister 12-01-2016 (a)Rs.38,332/- (b)Rs.55,000/- (c)Rs.35,000/- (d)Rs.30,000/- Total:- Rs.158,332/- - Auctioned (a) for Rs.107,500/- (b) for Rs.71,000/- (c) for Rs.36,000/- (d) for Rs.33,000/- 6. One Jewelery consisting:- One Ring, One Bracelet, Pair of ear Ring & One Necklace. Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to the Prime Minister 12-01-2016 Rs.10,298,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.9,075,500/- 7. (a)One W/ Watch (Christopher Claret) (b)One Pen. (c)One Ring. (d)Pair of Cufflinks. (e)One Tasbih. Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-01-2016 (a)Rs.2,000,000/- (b)Rs.200,000/- (c)Rs.19,578,375/- (d)Rs.16,089,484/- (e)Rs.250,000/- Rs.7,621,572/- Amount deposited, gift retained 8. (a)One Bracelet. (b)One Necklace & Ear Ring. Begum Prime Minister of Pakistan, Wife of Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif 13-01-2016 (a)Rs.12,701,000/- (b)Rs.41,624,000/- Rs.10,863,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 9. One Marble Bowl. Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-01-2016 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 10. One W/Watch (Bvlgari) Gents Automatic Ref No.3483661 = L0166 Mr. Fawad Hasan Fawad, Secretary to the Prime Minister 28-01-2016 Rs.1,850,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.1,850,500/- 11. (a)One Ring. (b)One Pen. (c)One Tasbih. (d)Pair of Stud. Mr. Fawad Hasan Fawad, Secretary to the Prime Minister 28-01-2016 (a)Rs.56,080/- (b)Rs.15,000/- (c)Rs.14,520/- (d)Rs.57,440/- Rs.26,608/- Amount deposited, gift retained 12. One Flower Vase Mr. Aamer Ahmed Atozai, Director (NBBS) M/o FA 04-02-2016 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 13. One Tea Set containing four cups with saucers, one tea pot Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to the Prime Minister 08-02-2016 Rs.8,500/- Free of cost Retained 14. One Traditional Mat Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to the Prime Minister 08-02-2016 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 15. One Mat SAPM on Foreign Affairs 08-02-2016 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 16. One Wooden Vase Deputy Chief of Protocol (V-I), M/o Foreign Affairs 08-02-2016 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 17. One (Light Bluish Green Glazed Celadon) Bowl Mir Hazar Khan Khoso, Former Caretaker Prime Minister 09-02-2016 Rs.9,500/- Free of cost Retained 18. One Model of Traditional boat (Wooden) (small) Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 12-02-2016 Rs.9,500/- Free of cost Gift retained 19. (a)One W/Watch (Dela Cour) (b))One Pen. (c))One Ring (Gold & diamond) (d)Pair of Cufflink (Gold & diamond). Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-02-2016 (a)Rs.3,200,000/- (b)Rs.50,000/- (c)Rs.8,000,000/- (d)Rs.5,000,000/- Rs.3,288,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks (e)One Tasbih (Gold & diamond). (e)Rs.200,000/- 20. One Decoration Piece (silver) Ms. Kalsoom Nawaz, Begum Prime Minister of Pakistan. 13-02-2016 Rs.200,000/- Rs.38,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 21. One Rolex W/Watch Oyster Perpetual-GMT Master II Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Federal Minister for Petroleum & Natural Resources 15-02-2016 Rs.750,000/- Rs.148,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 22. One W/Watch Rolex Black Index W5UM02636 Mr. Ishaq Dar, Finance Minister 16-02-2016 Rs.750,000/- Rs.148,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 23. One W/Watch (Ebel) Model No.1911BTR Automatic Swiss Made Mr. Adeel Ahmed Khan, Director M/o Foreign Affairs 17-02-2016 Rs.230,000/- Rs.44,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 24. One Model (Masjid/Mosque) Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister 18-02-2016 Rs.15,000/- Rs.1,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 25. (a)One Necklace (Gold). (b)One Ring (Gold) Begum Prime Minster, Wife of Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif 18-02-2016 (a)Rs.430,600/- (b)Rs.154,000/- Rs.114,920/- Amount deposited, gift retained 26. One Wrist watch (Bvlgari) (No. RTC49 GL1444) 18kt gold approx Brig. Akmal Aziz, MS to the Prime Minister 25-02-2016 Rs.1,550,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 27. (a)One Tasbih. (b)One Pen. (c)One Ring. (d)One Pair of Stud. Brig. Akmal Aziz, MS to the Prime Minister 25-02-2016 (a)Rs.28,000/- (b)Rs.20,000/- (c)Rs.55,000/- (d)Rs.56,000/- Rs.29,800/- Amount deposited, gift retained 28. (a)One W/Watch (GRISOGONO) (No.1011017) (b)One Tasbih. (c)One pen. (d)One Ring. (e)Pair of Stud. Mr. Mohyuddin Wani, Press Secretary to the Prime Minister 25-02-2016 (a)Rs.115,000/- (b)Rs.18,000/- (c)Rs.10,000/- (d)Rs.50,750/- (e)Rs.48,000/- Rs.46,350/- Amount deposited, gift retained 29. One Wrist watch (MOUAWAD) SP. M. Zeshan Raza, CSO to the Prime 25-02-2016 Rs.85,000/- Rs.15,000/- Amount deposited, gift S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks (No.21613100) White Dial Minister retained 30. One Wrist watch (MOUAWAD) (21613100) White Dial Cdr. Imran Javed, ADC to the Prime Minister 25-02-2016 Rs.85,000/- Rs.15,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 31. (a)One W/watch (corum) (No.b 059/250). (b)One Tasbih. (c)One pen. (d)One Ring. (e)Pair of Stud. SP. M. Faisal, Security Officer, Prime Minister Office 25-02-2016 (a)Rs.135,000/- (b)Rs.18,000/- (c)Rs.15,000/- (d)Rs.47,000/- (e)Rs.47,700/- Rs.50,540/- Amount deposited, gift retained 32. One Wrist watch (MOUAWAD) (21613100) Black Dial Mr. Imran Ali, Protocol Assistant 25-02-2016 Rs.85,000/- Rs.15,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 33. One Wrist watch (Bvlgari) (L335057) Mr. Naseer Ahmed Javed, Gunman 25-02-2016 Rs.110,000/- Rs.20,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 34. One Wrist watch (Bvlgari) (L34331) Mr. Sakhwat Ali, Gunman 25-02-2016 Rs.110,000/- Rs.20,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 35. One w/watch (concord No.021141058) with pen and pair of studs Brig. Akmal Aziz, MS to the Prime Minister 25-02-2016 Rs.90,000/- Rs.16,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 36. One w/watch (concord No.1394596) with pen and pair of studs Barrister Nabeel Ahmed Awan, PSO to the Prime Minister 25-02-2016 Rs.90,000/- Rs.16,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 37. One w/watch (concord No.1394195) with pen and pair of studs SP. M. Zeshan Raza, CSO to the Prime Minister 25-02-2016 Rs.90,000/- Rs.16,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 38. One w/watch (Davidoff) (20375/028) Cdr. Imran Javed, ADC (N) to the Prime Minister 25-02-2016 Rs.40,000/- Rs.6,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 39. One w/watch (concord No.1394208) with pen and pair of studs Mr. M. Hanif Khan, Protocol Officer Prime Minister Office 25-02-2016 Rs.90,000/- Rs.16,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 40. One w/watch (Davidoff) (DAV 20375/029) SP. Rana Shoaib Mehmood, Security Officer, Prime Minister Office 25-02-2016 Rs.40,000/- Rs.6,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 41. One w/watch (Davidoff) (DAV 20337/015) Mr. Shahzad Hussain, Protocol Assistant 25-02-2016 Rs.40,000/- Rs.6,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 42. One w/watch (Davidoff) (DAV 20375/039) Mr. Abdul Shakoor, Gunman 25-02-2016 Rs.40,000/- Rs.6,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 43. One w/watch (Davidoff) (DAV 20337/036) Mr. Zahid Munir, Gunman 25-02-2016 Rs.40,000/- Rs.6,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 44. One w/watch (Davidoff) (DAV 20375/040) Mr. Yameen Khan, Gunman 25-02-2016 Rs.40,000/- Rs.6,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 45. A box containing one w/watch (Saint Honore 890031-71-E11), one pen & pair of Cufflinks Mr. M. Zaheer, Cameraman, APP March, 2016 Rs.50,000/- Rs.8,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 46. A box containing one w/watch (Saint Honore 89001311-F13), one pen & pair of Cufflinks Mr. M. Hanif, Photographer, PID March, 2016 Rs.50,000/- Rs.8,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 47. One w/watch (Faconnable) leather strap FGPT 001431 (used) Mr. Tasawar Khan, Chief of Protocol, M/o Foreign Affairs 03-03-2016 Rs.25,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 48. One Carpet (small) Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-03-2016 Rs.9,500/- Free of cost Retained 49. One w/watch (Raymond Weil Geneve) (5588- X01226464) Maj. Gen. Ali Abbas Haider, HI (M) SBt DGMT ex MT Dte. 07-03-2016 Rs.70,000/- Rs.12,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 50. One W/Watch (Mont Blanc) (Model 113849) (Swiss) (S.No.OLND3CWY3) Lt. Gen. Khalid Asghar HI (M), E-in-C 07-03-2016 Rs.110,000/- Rs.20,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 51. One W/Watch (Mont Blanc) (Model 113849) (Swiss) (S.No.OLMD3DT70) Maj. Gen. Syed Shafqat Asghar, DGWE 07-03-2016 Rs.110,000/- Rs.20,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 52. One W/Watch (Mont Blanc) (Model 113849) (Swiss) (S.No.OLND3C7Y3) Maj. Gen. Akhtar Jamil Rao, HI (M), DG Engrs. 07-03-2016 Rs.110,000/- Rs.20,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 53. One W/Watch (Mont Blanc) (Model 113849) (Swiss) (S.No.OLMD3F443) Maj. Gen. Rehan Abdul Baqi, DGITD 07-03-2016 Rs.110,000/- Rs.20,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 54. One W/Watch (Mont Blanc) (Model 113849) (Swiss) (S.No.OLND3CVL3) (without Box) Maj. Gen. Muhammad Ajmal Iqbal, HIM, Comdt MCE 07-03-2016 Rs.110,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.121,000/- 55. One Bowl decoration piece Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to the Prime Minister 07-03-2016 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 56. One W/Watch (Ebel) Mr. Arshad Mirza, Secretary, Petroleum & NR 15-03-2016 Rs.230,000/- Rs.44,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 57. One w/watch (Saint Honore) with Cufflinks and ball pen. Mr. Haroon Elahi Toor, Reporter 17-03-2016 Rs.50,000/- Rs.8,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 58. One w/watch (Saint Honore) with Cufflinks and ball pen. Mr. M. Afzal Tanvir, Engineer, Prime Minister Media Team (PTV) 17-03-2016 Rs.50,000/- Rs.8,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 59. One w/watch (Saint Honore) with Cufflinks and ball pen. Mr. Imran Hussain, Cameraman Prime Minister Media Team 17-03-2016 Rs.50,000/- Rs.8,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 60. One W/Watch (Bvlgari) (L34206) Mr. M. Afzal Tanvir, Engineer, PTV 17-03-2016 Rs.110,000/- Rs.20,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 61. One W/Watch (Bvlgari) (L34280) Syed Safdar Ali, Cameraman, Prime Minister Media Team 17-03-2016 Rs.110,000/- Rs.20,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 62. One W/Watch (Bvlgari) Model BB 40 CL (L34636) Mr. M. Umair, Protocol Assistant M/o Foreign Affairs 18-03-2016 Rs.110,000/- Rs.20,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 63. One Carpet (Turkmenistan) Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 18-03-2016 Rs.38,000/- Rs.5,600/- Amount deposited, gift retained 64. (a)One Jewelry Set (b)One Hand Bag (c)One Shawl Begum PM, Wife of Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Kalsoom Nawaz 18-03-2016 (a)Rs.90,000/- (b)Rs.1,500/- (c)Rs.2,500/- Total :- Rs.94,000/- Rs.16,800/- Amount deposited, gift retained 65. One W/Watch (Bvlgari) (L34238 / BB40CL / 100146123) Mr. Asad Yar Khan, Reporter, Prime Minister Media Team 22-03-2016 Rs.110,000/- Rs.20,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 66. (a)One Quran Majeed. (b)One Sword (Golden). (c)One Tasbih. (d)One Pen (Gold) (e)One Table Clock (Metthew Norman) (f)Oud (Wooden). (g)One w/watch (Bovet) (h)Pair of cufflinks. (i)One pen. (j)One ring. Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 22-03-2016 (a)NCV (b)Rs.394,000/- (c)Rs.75,360/- (d)Rs.24,000/- (e)Rs.85,000/- (f)Rs.209,000/- (g)Rs.1,950,000/- (h)Rs.394,300/- (i)Rs.19,000/- (j)Rs.214,800/- Total :- Rs.3,365,460/- Rs.671,092/- Amount deposited, gift retained 67. A box containing one w/watch (Concord 0320159), one pen & pair of Cufflinks Mr. Abid Ullah Jan, PM Office 23-03-2016 Rs.90,000/- Rs.16,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 68. One w/watch (Mouawad - 21613100) Mr. Abid Ullah Jan, PM Office 23-03-2016 Rs.85,000/- Rs.15,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 69. One W/Watch (Officine Paneria) (leather Strap) Shaikh Imran ul Haque, Managing Director & 25-03-2016 Rs.650,000/- Rs.128,000/- Amount deposited, gift S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks (PAM00512) CEO, Pakistan State Oil retained 70. One Carpet (3x5) approx Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-03-2016 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 71. One Carpet Speaker National Assembly 29-03-2016 Rs.38,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.50,150/- 72. One Round Plate (Copper) Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to PM 30-03-2016 Rs.4,500 Free of cost Retained 73. One W/Watch (Bvlgari) (No.BB40CL) Mr. M. Hanif Khan, Photographer, PID 31-03-2016 Rs.110,000/- Rs.20,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 74. One W/Watch (Concord) (No.1395346) with pen & Pair of cufflinks Dr. Adnan Khan, Personal Physician to the Prime Minister 04-04-2016 Rs.90,000/- Rs.16,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 75. (a)Box containing Indonesian Coffee. (b)Silver Tray. Mr. Mamnoon Hussain President of Pakistan 05-04-2016 (a)Rs.3,000/- (b)Rs.9,500/- Rs.500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 76. Box containing piece of cloth. First Lady of Pakistan, wife of Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 05-04-2016 Rs.9,000/- Free of cost Retained 77. Silver Jar (approx. 242 grams silver) President of Pakistan, Mr. Mamnoon Hussain 05-04-2016 Rs.42,350/- Rs.6,470/- Amount deposited, gift retained 78. (a)Model of Horse (Golden). (b)One carpet (large). Mr. Mamnoon Hussain President of Pakistan 05-04-2016 (a)Rs.10,000/- (b)Rs.40,000/- Rs.8,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 79. (a)One Ladies purse. (b)One Shawl. (c)Box containing Necklace, Pair of Earrings, Bracelets and Ring. First Lady of Pakistan, wife of Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 05-04-2016 (a)Rs.2,000/- (b)Rs.4,000/- (c)Rs.45,325/- Rs.8,265/- Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 80. (a)One Carpet (small). (b)One model of Horse (white). Lt. Col. Muhammad Haroon, DMS to President 05-04-2016 (a)Rs.5,000/- (b)Rs.10,000/ Rs.1,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 81. One carpet (large) Mr. Mamnoon Hussain President of Pakistan 05-04-2016 Rs.85,000/- Rs.15,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 82. One Decoration piece (wooden flower vase) Engr Khurram Dastgir Khan Minister for commerce 06-04-2016 Rs.1,500/- Deposited in Toshakhana 83. One decoration souvenir Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs 06-04-2016 Rs.20,000/- Rs.2,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 84. One decoration Piece (Hammer with Base) Mian Raza Rabbani, Chairman Senate 06-04-2016 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 85. One Mobile Phone (Huawei) Mate 8 Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs 08-04-2016 Rs.45,000/- Rs.7,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 86. One W/Watch (Cartier) (CR-W5330003) Mr. Aftab Hasan Khan, DCP, Foreign Office 11-04-2016 Rs.425,000/- Rs.83,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 87. One W/Watch (Charriol)(ACSL.51.808) with Pair of Cufflinks & one Ball pen Mr. Umar Farooq Ahmed, Protocol Officer, Foreign Office 11-04-2016 Rs.75,000/- Rs.13,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 88. One Small Tea Set. Mian Raza Rabbani, Chairman Senate 13-04-2016 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Amount deposited, gift retained 89. One model of Boat (Brick Negrier Ouragan - 1830). Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-04-2016 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained 90. One Small Carpet. Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs 25-04-2016 Rs.20,000/- Rs.2,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 91. One Mobile Phone (Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge) Mr. Rizwan Bashir Khan, Secretary Ministry of Information Technology and 27-04-2016 Rs.75,000/- Rs.13,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Telecommunication 92. One Shield. Syed Tariq Fatemi, SAPM on Foreign Affairs 29-04-2016 Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 93. Two Tea cups with saucer Syed Tariq Fatemi, SAPM on Foreign Affairs 29-04-2016 Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 94. One W/Watch (Rolex) Syed Tariq Fatemi, SAPM on Foreign Affairs 05-05-2016 Rs.750,000/- Rs.148,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 95. One Table Clock Mian Raza Rabbani, Chairman Senate 10-05-2016 Rs.25,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 96. (a)One Book. (b)One Calligraphic. (c)Two box containing shower gown. (d)One box containing Turkish delight sweets. (e)One Leather folder and a framed stamp of OIC summit Ticket. (f)One hand bag of OIC Summit. (g)One Turkish Coffee Set. (h)One Decoration Piece. (i)CD’s (I was there). (j)Book & CD (The Spirit of Istanbul sep by step). (k)Six Books. Mr. Mamnoon Hussain President of Pakistan 10-05-2016 (a)NCV. (b)Rs.3,000/- (c)Rs.8,000/- (d)NCV (e)Rs.2,000/- (f)Rs.12,000/- (g)Rs.5,000/- (h)Rs.6,000/- (i)Rs.2,000/- (j)Rs.2,000/- (k)NCV Rs.6,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 97. One Book. Titled “The Ceragan Palaces”. Mr. Mamnoon Hussain President of Pakistan 10-05-2016 NCV Free of cost Retained 98. One Painted framed glass. Mr. Mamnoon Hussain President of Pakistan 10-05-2016 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 99. Handicrafts of Japan Syed Tariq Fatemi SAPM on Foreign Affairs 13-05-2016 Rs.1,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 100. One Calligraphy Syed Tariq Fatemi, 13-05-2016 Rs.4,000/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks SAPM on foreign Affairs 101. One Saint Honore, Studs & Ballpoint Mr. M. Ilyas Khan, Reporter APP 19-05-2016 Rs.50,000/- Rs.8,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 102. One W/Watch (Harry Winston). Syed Tariq Fatemi, SAPM on foreign Affairs 25-05-2016 Rs.3,006,776/- - Auctioned for Rs.2,005,000/- 103. (a)One Pen (Harry Winston). (b)Pair of Stud. (c)One Ring. (d)One Tasbih. Syed Tariq Fatemi, SAPM on foreign Affairs 25-05-2016 (a)Rs.50,000/- (b)Rs.75,000/- (c)Rs.40,000/- (d)Rs.50,000/- Rs.41,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 104. One Ball Pen (Montblanc) (Black) Dr. Miftah Ismail, Minister of States Chairman BoI 10-06-2016 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 105. One W/Watch (Concord) with Pen & Pair of Stud. Mr. Nasser ul Haque Wyne Air Commodore, PAF. 28-06-2016 Rs.90,000/- Rs.16,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 106. One W/Watch (Davidoff) Mr. Abdullah Farooq Wing Commodore, PAF 28-06-2016 Rs.40,000/- Rs.6,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 107. One W/Watch (Ebel) Mr. Sohail Aman Air Chief Marshal, PAF 30-06-2016 Rs.230,000/- Rs.44,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 108. One W/Watch (Bvlgari) (L32930) Mr. Abdul Shakoor, ASI (Gunman), PM Office 25-07-2016 Rs.110,000/- Rs.20,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 109. (a)Water/tea bottle (04). (b)One wooden frame. (c)Dastarkhwan (one piece) Mian Raza Rabbani, Chairman Senate 29-07-2016 (a)Rs.1,000/- (b)Rs.5,000/- (c)Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 110. One Crystal Souvenir Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs 05-08-2016 Rs.9,500/- Free of cost Retained 111. One Mobile Phone (Samsung Galaxy S6) (Color Sapphire). Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah, Chief of Naval Staff 23-08-2016 Rs.44,000/- Rs.6,800/- Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 112. One Sony Camera (Alpha 5000). Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah, Chief of Naval Staff 23-08-2016 Rs.40,000/- Rs.6,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 113. One W/Watch (Tissot)(T41.1.483.33) Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah, Chief of Naval Staff 23-08-2016 Rs.54,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 114. One Small Cloth Painting Syed Tariq Fatemi, SAPM on Foreign Affairs 02-09-2016 Rs.4,000/- Free of cost Retained 115. One Painting Syed Tariq Fatemi, SAPM on Foreign Affairs 02-09-2016 Rs.9,500/- Free of cost Retained 116. (a) One W/Watch (Lancaster CeramikItaly) with pair of Stud, ball pen. (b)One iPhone 6 Space Gray 64 GB Admiral M. Zakaullah, Chief of Naval Staff 06-09-2016 (a)Rs.20,000/- (b)Rs.60,000/- Rs.14,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 117. One W/Watch (Dynasty) 6318G gents with Pair of Stud, ball pen & key chain. Admiral M. Zakaullah, Chief of Naval Staff 06-09-2016 Rs.15,000/- Rs.1,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 118. One w/watch (Dynasty) ladies, with ball pen & key chain Wife of Admiral M. Zakaullah, Chief of Naval Staff 06-09-2016 Rs.15,000/- Rs.1,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 119. One Souvenir Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to PM on Foreign Affairs 06-09-2016 Rs.20,000/- Rs.2,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 120. One Souvenir (Painting) Governor Punjab 26-09-2016 Rs.35,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 121. (a)Iphone 6 plus 128 GB. (b)One W/Watch (Fendi)/ROMA Admiral M. Zakaullah, Chief of Naval Staff 05-10-2016 (a)Rs.70,000/- (b)Rs.35,000/- Rs.19,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 122. (a)One W/Watch (Raymond Weil) (5466- Admiral M. Zakaullah, Chief of Naval Staff 05-10-2016 (a)Rs.50,000/- Rs.18,000/- Amount deposited, gift S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks STP-00300-Gents). (b)One W/Watch (Raymond Weil) (5966- STP-00970-Ladies) (b)Rs.50,000/- retained 123. One W/Watch Raymond Weil Geneve (5578-ST00300) Admiral M. Zakaullah, Chief of Naval Staff 05-10-2016 Rs.55,000/- Rs.9,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 124. One Pen (Montegrappa with Ink) Syed Tariq Fatemi, SAPM on Foreign Affairs 10-10-2016 Rs.40,000/- Rs.6,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 125. One Model of Horse (Green) Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan 10-10-2016 Rs.30,000/- Rs.4,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 126. (a)One Mont Blanc Star Walker Business Set having (One Rollerball and Business Card Holder Model MBPD3J4K-7). (b)One Chinese silk Painting (Wall Hanging) Chairman HIT Board, Taxila 13-10-2016 (a)Rs.25,000/- (b)Rs.5,000/- - Chinese Painting deposited in Toshakhana Other gift auctioned for Rs.45,000/- 127. One Scrikss Ball Pen and Fountain Pen. Chairman HIT Board, Taxila 13-10-2016 Rs.8,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 128. One Wooden Flower vase. Mian Raza Rabbani, Chairman Senate 19-10-2016 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 129. (a)One Wooden Boat. (b)One Small Decoration piece. Mian Raza Rabbani, Chairman Senate 19-10-2016 (a)Rs.8,500/- (b)Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 130. One W/Watch (Mouawad) Model ACIER-3161 Mr. Tasawar Khan, Chief of Protocol, CP M/o Foreign Affairs 21-10-2016 Rs.50,000/- Rs.8,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 131. One W/Watch (Murex) leather strap Mr. Tasawar Khan, Chief of Protocol, CP M/o Foreign Affairs 21-10-2016 Rs.60,000/- Rs.10,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 132. (a)One W/Watch (Rolex) Ladies. (b)One W/Watch (Rolex) Gents. (c)Six bottle of Perfume. (d)Wood of agarwood (Oud Wood.) Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-10-2016 (a)Rs.1,200,000/- (b)Rs.850,000/- (c)Rs.270,000/- (d)Rs.35,000/- Total :- Rs.2,355,000 Rs.469,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 133. One W/Watch (Charriol) with pair of stud and ball pen Mr. Iftikhar, Reporter Geo News, Lahore 31-10-2016 Rs.75,000/- Rs.13,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 134. One W/Watch (Versace) (Qtz) (Stainless Steel) Ms. Shazia Sikandar, Director International Relation, PTV 03-11-2016 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained 135. One Apple iPad Air Wifi 16GB Space Gray Model A1566. Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah, Naval Chief 07-11-2016 Rs.50,000/- Rs.8,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 136. One W/Watch (Murex). Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah, Naval Chief 07-11-2016 Rs.12,000/- Rs.400/- Amount deposited, gift retained 137. (a)Gift Pack Dynasty having :- One W/Watch (Armand Nicolet Tramelan) Pair of cufflinks, Ballpen & Key Chain . (b)One W/Watch (RadoFlorence) Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah, Naval Chief 07-11-2016 (a)Rs.60,000/- (b)Rs.52,000/- Rs.20,400/- Amount deposited, gift retained 138. One W/Watch (EBEL) Ladies Begum Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah, Naval Chief 07-11-2016 Rs.80,000/- Rs.14,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 139. One W/Watch (Aigner A37500) Mr. Amir Ilyas Rana, Bureau Chief Express News 17-11-2016 Rs.50,000/- Rs.8,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 140. One Table Clock Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to the Prime Minister 28-11-2016 Rs.15,000/- Rs.1,000/- Amount deposited, gift S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks retained 141. (a)One Vase. (b)One Decoration Piece (Golden Color) President of Pakistan, Mr. Mamnoon Hussain 30-11-2016 (a)Rs.10,000/- (b)Rs.15,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 142. One German Silver Candy with Bowl base Mian Raza Rabbani, Chairman Senate 05-12-2016 Rs.18,000/- Rs.1,600/- Amount deposited, gift retained 143. One Silver Decoration Piece Mian Raza Rabbani, Chairman Senate 05-12-2016 Rs.52,200/- Rs.8,440/- Amount deposited, gift retained 144. (a)One iPad Air Wifi 64GB Space Gray Model A1567. (b)One W/Watch (Rolex Oyster SWIMPRUF 0N889927) Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah, Chief of Naval Staff 06-12-2016 (a)Rs.50,000/- (b)Rs.630,000/- Rs.134,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 145. One w/watch (Frederique) (FC255V6B4) Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah, Chief of Naval Staff 06-12-2016 Rs.85,000/- Rs.15,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 146. One W/Watch (SR) Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah, Chief of Naval Staff 06-12-2016 Rs.40,000/- Rs.6,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 147. One W/watch (SR) Ladies Begum of Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah, Chief of Naval Staff 06-12-2016 Rs.40,000/- Rs.6,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 148. One W/Watch (Rado) Ladies Begum of Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah, Chief of Naval Staff 06-12-2016 Rs.52,000/- Rs.8,400/- Amount deposited, gift retained 149. One W/Watch (Versace) VA-706 0013 Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah, Chief of Naval Staff 06-12-2016 Rs.47,500/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained MONETARY LIMITS AS PER PROCEDURE FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS AND THEIR DISPOSAL (25th October, 2011): - The monetary limits upto which the gifts can be retained by the recipients are as follows: - (i) Gifts upto a value of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) may be retained free of cost by the recipient subject to the provision of these rules. (ii) Gifts valued above Rs. 10,000/- may be allowed to be retained by the recipient on payment of 20% of the value exceeding the basic exemption of Rs.10,000/-. (iii) Gifts valued at Rs. 1.0 million or more shall not be retained by the recipient, except the President and the Head of the Government. However, the recipient of gift comprising distinct articles but gifted in a single transaction having collective value of Rs. 1.0 million or more shall have an option to retain any article(s) upto the collective value of less than Rs. 1.0 million only subject to the condition that part of an article will not be allowed to be taken. This exemption shall however not be available in case of antiques and gifts of intrinsic historical value. (iv) Different gift articles given by a single dignitary to a functionary at one occasion will be treated as single gift for the purpose of valuation. (v) The maximum monetary limit to be allowed for retention of gifts in one calendar year for any functionary other than the President or the Prime Minister should not exceed Rupees 2.5 million. However, the gifts having value in excess of the limit of Rupees 2.5 million can be retained by the recipient on payment of 65% of the assessed value of the gifts. DISCLAIMER: - This data/list is provided on Federal Government directions as per the record available, and is based on the information/gifts declared or deposited by the persons and departments responsible for it, under the policy prevalent at that time. Cabinet Division is not responsible for any error or omissions made by those individuals/departments. TOSHAKHANA GIFT RECORD 2017 S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 1. One Sword Lt. Gen. Syed Wajid Hussain, Chairman, HIT 11-01-2017 Rs.40,000/- - Displayed at PM House 2. Concentrated Perfume (Arabian Dagger Shaped) Brig. Nauman Anwar, Director, Marketing & Procurement, HIT 11-01-2017 Rs.35,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.35,500/- 3. Concentrated Perfume (Arabian Dagger Shaped) Col (R) Aqeel Ahmed, Secretary, HIT Board 11-01-2017 Rs.35,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.35,600/- 4. Concentrated Perfume (Arabian Dagger Shaped) Mr. Muhammad Zubair, Member Finance, HIT 11-01-2017 Rs.35,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.40,000/- 5. a) One Crystal Vase. b)One Decoration Piece (Printed Plate) Brig. Nauman Anwar, Managing Director, Tank Manufacture Factory, HIT 11-01-2017 a) Rs.3,000/- b) Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 6. One Dagger/knife Mian Raza Rabbani, Chairman Senate 13-01-2017 Rs.25,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 7. One Wooden Frame Mian Raza Rabbani, Chairman Senate 26-01-2017 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained 8. a) One iPhone (6 Plus, Gold, 16GB) b) One W/Watch (Movado) (No.11385863) Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah NI(M), Naval Chief 31-01-2017 a) Rs.56,000/- b) Rs.55,000/- Rs.20,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 9. One W/Watch Admiral Muhammad 31-01-2017 Rs.55,000/- Rs.9,000/- Amount S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks (Raymond Weil) (No.V198373) Zakaullah, Naval Chief deposited, gift retained 10. One W/Watch (Jovial) (No.16003L) Begum Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah, Naval Chief 31-01-2017 Rs.32,000/- Rs.4,400/- Amount deposited, gift retained 11. Ladies Jewelry Set containing: - (one Necklace, one Ring & one pair of Ear Rings) Begum Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah, Naval Chief 31-01-2017 Rs.92,400/- Rs.16,480/- Amount deposited, gift retained 12. Ladies Jewelry Set containing: - (one Necklace, one Ring & one pair of Ear Rings) Begum Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah, Naval Chief 31-01-2017 Rs.49,500/- Rs.7,900/- Amount deposited, gift retained 13. One Binocular (Baigish) Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah, Naval Chief 31-01-2017 Rs.6,000/- Free of cost Retained 14. One Picture of Bait ul Muqadas made with Ceramic Blocks President of Pakistan, Mr. Mamnoon Hussain 02-02-2017 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 15. One Voyage Souvenir (Model of Boat) Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to the Prime Minister 07-02-2017 Rs.22,000/- Rs.2,400/- Amount deposited, gift retained 16. a) One Necklace. b) Ear Tops Mrs. Kulsoom Nawaz, w/o Prime Minister, Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif 09-03-2017 a) Rs.117,500/- b) Rs.114,400/- Rs.44,380/- Amount deposited, gift retained 17. A box containing one W/Watch (Rolex) (USX90093) and a pair Mr. Hussain Nawaz Sharif 09-03-2017 Rs.940,000/- Rs.186,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks of cufflinks 18. One W/Watch (Piaget) Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Minister for Petroleum & Natural Resources 09-03-2017 Rs.290,000/- Rs.56,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 19. One Traditional Dagger as a souvenir Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to the Prime Minister 14-03-2017 Rs.3,000/- -- Auctioned for Rs.3,250/- 20. a) One W/Watch (Piaget) b) Pair of Cufflinks Dr. Miftah Ismail, MoS/ Chairman, Board of Investment 20-03-2017 a) Rs.300,000/- b) Rs.70,000/- Rs.74,000/- Amount deposited, gifts retained 21. One W/watch (Precious) Dr. Ajmal Niazi, Reporter Daily Nawai Waqt 22-03-2017 Rs.20,000/- Rs.2,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 22. a) One Necklace (Diamond) b) One Table Watch Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 24-03-2017 a) Rs.1,007,800/- b) Rs.40,000/- Rs.207,560/- Amount deposited, gift retained 23. a) One W/Watch “Saint Honore” (No.88004087-J16) b) Pen c) Pair of Cufflinks Mr. Nabeel Ahmed Awan, PSO to the Prime Minister 27-03-2017 Rs.70,000/- Rs.12,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 24. a) One W/Watch (Longines) b) One W/Watch (Cartier) (CRW533008) Mr. Sahebzada Ahmed Khan, Chief of Protocol 29-03-2017 a) Rs.105,000/- b) Rs.300,000/- Rs.79,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 25. One Calligraphy piece President of Pakistan, Mr. Mamnoon Hussain 29-03-2017 Rs.30,000/- Rs.4,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 26. Woolen Carpet size President of Pakistan, 29-03-2017 Rs.250,000/- Rs.48,000/- Amount S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 6’x10’ Mr. Mamnoon Hussain deposited, gift retained 27. Woolen Carpet size 8’x5’ President of Pakistan, Mr. Mamnoon Hussain 29-03-2017 Rs.200,000/- Rs.38,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 28. a) One W/Watch (Frederique) No.2021938 b) Model of Dear President of Pakistan, Mr. Mamnoon Hussain 29-03-2017 a) Rs.300,000/- b) Rs.260,000/- Rs.110,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 29. One W/Watch (Bvl) No.09155960 First Lady, wife of Mr. Mamnoon Hussain 29-03-2017 Rs.500,000/- Rs.98,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 30. One W/Watch (IWC Schaffhausen) (No.356511) Khawaja Muhammad Asif, Minister for Water & Power 31-03-2017 Rs.325,000/- Rs.63,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 31. One W/Watch (Concord Mariner) (No.1428661) Steel Chain Mr. Saeed Akhtar, Protocol Officer, MOFA 02-04-2017 Rs.100,000/- Rs.18,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 32. One IPad (NVIDIA Tegra K1) Lt. Col. Muhammad Haroon, DMS to President 04-04-2017 RS.15,000/- Rs.1,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 33. One W/Watch (IWC Schaffhausen) Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Minister for Petroleum & Natural Resources 05-04-2017 RS.325,000/- Rs.63,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 34. a) One Shield. b) Territorial Map. c) One Plate. d) One empty Wooden Box Mr. Hassan Iqbal, Secretary, M/o Textile Industries 05-04-2017 a) Rs.1,000/- b) Rs.1,500/- c) Rs.2,000/- d) Rs.800/- - Wooden Box auctioned for Rs.2,050/-. Other gifts deposited in Toshakhana S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 35. One Ceramic Decoration Piece Mian Raza Rabbani, Chairman Senate 07-04-2017 Rs.20,000/- Rs.2,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 36. One W/Watch Girard Perregaux No.49860 Mr. Muhammad Atif Dar, Assistant Chief of Protocol, MOFA 11-04-2017 Rs.230,000/- Rs.44,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 37. One W/Watch (Bvlgari)(L35036) Mr. Khurshid Nadeem, Media Person 26-04-2017 Rs.110,000/- Rs.20,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained. 38. One W/Watch (Ebel) Brig. (R) Syed Javed Hassan, Council General, Dubai 26-04-2017 Rs.230,000/- Rs.44,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained. 39. One Wooden Flower Vase (Lacquer) Syed Tariq Fatemi, SAPM 26-04-2017 Rs.1,500/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 40. One Small Carpet Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to the Prime Minister 11-05-2017 Rs.3,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.3,500/- 41. a) One Men’s W/Watch (Cartier) No.423372 b) One Ladies W/Watch (Cartier) Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Chief Minister of Punjab 13-05-2017 a) Rs.550,000/- b) Rs.785,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.601,000/- & Rs.801,000/- 42. One W/Watch (Rolex) (ZC527923) Oyster M Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs 25-05-2017 Rs.980,000/- Rs.194,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 43. One W/Watch (Rolex) (No. G840532) Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minster of Pakistan 26-05-2017 Rs.4,050,000/- Rs.808,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 44. One W/Watch (Rolex) (No.223N64H5/ Mr. Fawad Hasan Fawad, Secretary to the 26-05-2017 Rs.980,000/- Rs.194,000/- Amount deposited, gift S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks M116681) Prime Minister retained 45. One W/Watch (Rolex) (No. CQ510174/ M116681) Brig. Akmal Aziz, MS to the Prime Minister 26-05-2017 Rs.980,000/- Rs.194,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 46. One Decoration Plate Mr. Ilyas Ahmed Belour, Senator 29-05-2017 Rs.1,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 47. One W/Watch (Rolex Yacht Master-IIT79189KO) Vice Admiral (R) Khan Hasham Bin Saddique, Ambassador 01-06-2017 Rs.980,000/- Rs.194,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 48. One W/Watch (Rolex Oyster Perpetual No.116681) Mr. Ishaq Dar, Finance Minister 06-06-2017 Rs.980,000/- Rs.194,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 49. One Shield Lt. Gen. Muhammad Naeem Ashraf, Chairman, Heavy Industries Taxila 20-06-2017 NCV Free of cost Retained 50. a) One Magnifier Glass & paper cutter b) One Stone Crest Set Brig. Nauman Anwar, Director, Marketing & Procurement, Heavy Industries Taxila 20-06-2017 a) Rs.500/- b) NCV Free of cost Retained 51. One Wrist Watch (Longines) Minister for Interior 21-06-2017 Rs.80,000/- - Auctioned for Rs.81,000/- 52. One Flower Vase China made (Ceramic) President of Pakistan, Mr. Mamnoon Hussain 04-07-2017 Rs.9,000/- Free of cost Retained 53. a) One Ladies W/Watch (Nina Ricci). b) One Gents W/Watch (PequignetAdmiral Muhammad Zakaullah, Chief of the Naval Staff Pakistan 17-07-2017 a) Rs.35,000/- b) Rs.40,000/- Rs.47,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Moorea). c) One Ladies W/Watch (Omega Constellation) c) Rs.170,000/- 54. One Gents W/Watch (Seiko, Lord) Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah, Chief of the Naval Staff Pakistan 17-07-2017 Rs.20,000/- Rs.2,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 55. One W/Watch (Stuhrling) with Ball Pen Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah, Chief of the Naval Staff Pakistan 17-07-2017 Rs.160,000/- Rs.30,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 56. One IPhone 7, Black, 32 GB Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah, Chief of the Naval Staff Pakistan 17-07-2017 Rs.65,000/- Rs.11,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 57. One Huawei Mobile phone MT7-TL10 (Ascend Mate 7). Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah, Chief of the Naval Staff Pakistan 17-07-2017 Rs.40,000/- Rs.6,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 58. One Mobile Phone (Coolpad/Le Eco). Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah, Chief of the Naval Staff Pakistan 17-07-2017 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 59. One Wooden Frame. Mian Raza Rabbani, Chairman Senate 10-08-2017 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 60. One Wooden Frame. Mian Raza Rabbani, Chairman Senate 10-08-2017 Rs.7,000/- Free of cost Retained 61. One Scenery. Mian Raza Rabbani, Chairman Senate 10-08-2017 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 62. One Decoration Piece. Mian Raza Rabbani, Chairman Senate 10-08-2017 Rs.7,000/- Free of cost Retained 63. One Ceramic Cup with crystal weight. Mian Raza Rabbani, Chairman Senate 10-08-2017 Rs.600/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 64. Work of Art Frame Brig. Nauman Anwar, Director, Marketing & Procurement, HIT 16-08-2017 Rs.7,000/- Free of cost Retained 65. One Wallet (Mont Blanc) Brig. Nauman Anwar, Director, Marketing & Procurement, HIT 16-08-2017 Rs.20,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 66. a) One W/Watch (Christophe Claret). b) Pair of Cufflinks. c) One Ring. d) One Pen (Aurora). e) One Tasbih. Senator Muhammad Ishaq Dar, Finance Minister of Pakistan 30-08-2017 a) Rs.2,500,000/- b) Rs.2,200,000/- c) Rs.1,100,000/- d) Rs.80,000/- e) Rs.550,000/- Rs.1,280,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 67. Model of Hazrat Sultan Mosque. President of Pakistan, Mr. Mamnoon Hussain 21-09-2017 NCV Free of cost Retained 68. a) Coin (Golden). b) Book Jewelry Art of Kazakhstan. President of Pakistan, Mr. Mamnoon Hussain 21-09-2017 NCV Free of cost Retained 69. a) Empire Table Set. b) Box Containing Jewelry. c) Piece of Cloth. First Lady of Pakistan, Wife of Mr. Mamnoon Hussain 21-09-2017 a) Rs.30,000/- b) Rs.15,000/- c) NCV Rs.7,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 70. One white box containing (Carpet, Golden Horse, Cufflinks, Pin, Leather Belt & W/Watch. President of Pakistan, Mr. Mamnoon Hussain 21-09-2017 Rs.22,000/- Rs.2,400/- Amount deposited, gift retained 71. One white box containing (Carpet, Golden Horse, Cufflinks, Pin, Leather First Lady of Pakistan, Wife of Mr. Mamnoon Hussain 21-09-2017 Rs.22,000/- Rs.2,400/- Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Belt & W/Watch. 72. One German Silver Plate Mian Raza Rabbani, Chairman Senate 09-10-2017 Rs.16,000/- Rs.1,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 73. One Decoration Piece Mian Raza Rabbani, Chairman Senate 09-10-2017 NCV Free of cost Retained 74. One W/Watch (Frederique Constant Geneve) Mian Raza Rabbani, Chairman Senate 09-10-2017 Rs.350,000/- Rs.68,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 75. One W/Watch (GirardPerregaux) (No.99105- 41-232-BB6A). Sahebzada Ahmed Khan, Additional Secretary / Chief of State Protocol 17-10-2017 Rs.2,800,000/- Rs.554,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 76. a) One W/Watch (Hublot 1971046 – 405.0X9108.LR. 9904). b) Pair of cufflinks. c) One Pen. d) One Ring. e) One Tasbih. Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi 17-10-2017 a) Rs.15,000,000/- b) Rs.1,200,000/- c) Rs.1,500,000/- d) Rs.3,000,000/- e) Rs.1,850,000/- Rs.4,504,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 77. One jewelry set including one necklace, a pair of ear tops, one ring & one bracelet Ms. Sameena Shahid, wife of Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Prime Minister, 17-10-2017 Rs.99,984,000/- Rs.19,990,800 Amount deposited, gift retained 78. a) One W/Watch (GIRARDPERREGAUX) (GEP000047- 99815). b) Pair of Cufflinks. Dr. Abid Riaz 17-10-2017 a) Rs.2,800,000/- b) Rs.1,600,000/- Rs.1,594,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks c) One Pen. d) One Ring. e) One Tasbih. c) Rs.650,000/- d) Rs.1,600,000/- e) Rs.1,350,000/- 79. a) One W/Watch (Harry Winston) (HCOMDT)WW00 2-084521. b) Pair of cufflinks. c) One Pen d) One Ring. e) One Tasbih Mr. Abdullah Khaqan Abbasi. 17-10-2017 a) Rs.3,200,000/- b) Rs.7,650,000/- c) Rs.1,100,000/- d) Rs.6,630,000/- e) Rs.2,766,000/- Rs.4,263,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 80. a) One W/Watch (Harry Winston) (MIDATG44WW0 01-061589). b) Pair of Cufflinks. c) One Pen. d) One Ring. e) One Tasbih Mr. Qasim Khan 17-10-2017 a) Rs.3,000,000/- b) Rs.350,000/- c) Rs.150,000/- d) Rs.400,000/- e) Rs.1,500,000/- Rs.1,074,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 81. a) One W/Watch (Rolex) (No.94A66033 – 218206-83216). b) Pair of Cufflinks. c) One Ring. d) One Pen. e) One Tasbih. Mr. Fawad Hasan Fawad, Secretary to the Prime Minister. 17-10-2017 a) Rs.3,500,000/- b) Rs.125,000/- c) Rs.85,000/- d) Rs.350,000/- e) Rs.110,000/- Rs.828,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 82. a) One W/Watch (Harry Winston) (HWTO1118- 53103). b) Pair of Cufflinks. c) One Ring. d) One Pen. Brig. Akmal Aziz, Military Secretary to the Prime Minister. 17-10-2017 a) Rs.3,200,000/- b) Rs.80,000/- c) Rs.60,000/- d) Rs.150,000/- Rs.732,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks e) One Tasbih. e) Rs.200,000/- 83. One W/Watch (Rolex) (No.620WT817- 218206-83216). Mr. Muhammad Nabeel Afzaal Bajwa, PSO to the Prime Minister. 17-10-2017 Rs.3,500,000/- Rs.694,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 84. One W/Watch (Rolex) (No.0234U4N2- 218206-83216). Wg.Cdr. Qamar Mohyudin Chishti, ADC to the Prime Minister. 17-10-2017 Rs.3,500,000/- Rs.694,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 85. One W/Watch (Rolex) (No.10W47451- M116680-0001). SP Rana Shoaib Mehmood, Chief Security Officer to the Prime Minister. 17-10-2017 Rs.1,950,000/- Rs.384,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 86. One W/Watch (Rolex) (No.6EP49140- M116333-0002). Maj. Nasir Barkatullah, Assistant Security Officer to the Prime Minister 17-10-2017 Rs.1,250,000/- Rs.244,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 87. One W/Watch (Rolex) (No.56K3U142- M116300-0003). Constable Syed Faqir Shah, Police Gunman. 17-10-2017 Rs.900,000/- Rs.174,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 88. a) One W/Watch (Bvlgari). b) Pair of Cufflinks. c) One Ring. d) One Ball Pen. e) One Tasbih. Khawaja Muhammad Asif, Foreign Minister 17-10-2017 a) Rs.4,000,000/- b) Rs.1,200,000/- c) Rs.1,236,160/- d) Rs.3,817,353/- e) Rs.1,565,275/- Rs.2,357,758/- Amount deposited, gift retained 89. a) One Album. b) One photo Frame. c) One Perfume. d) One Hourglass. Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi 24-10-2017 a) NCV b) NCV c) Rs.2,000/- d) NCV e) NCV f) 25,000/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks e) One Book. f) One Surahi with two pieces. 90. a) One Surahi. b) One Perfume. c) One Book set (6 Nos). d) One Stool. Wife of Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi 24-10-2017 a) Rs.20,000/- b) Rs.2,000/- c) NCV d) Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained 91. One Box containing Qehwa Set. Wife of Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi 24-10-2017 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 92. One Box containing one W/Watch (Rolex No.Y3S36511), pair of cufflinks, one pen, one ring & one Tasbih. Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi 28-11-2017 Rs.23,000,000/- Rs.4,594,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 93. One W/Watch (Harry Winston) (No.HWTZ01170-400- MATTZ45R). Mr. Haider Khaqan Abbasi 28-11-2017 Rs.8,000,000/- Rs.1,594,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 94. One W/Watch (Hublot) (910644- 902.ND.1140.RX). Mr. Nader Khaqan Abbasi 28-11-2017 Rs.4,500,000/- Rs.894,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 95. A box containing one W/Watch (Chopard) (1900242-1929 – Au750), Pair of Cufflinks, one Pen, one Ring & one Tasbih. Mr. Fawad Hasan Fawad, Secretary to the Prime Minister 28-11-2017 Rs.5,000,000/- Rs.994,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 96. A box containing one W/Watch (Parmigiani) (N21743), Brig. Waseem Iftikhar Cheema, Military Secretary to the Prime 28-11-2017 Rs.1,150,000/- Rs.224,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Pair of Cufflinks, one Pen, one Ring & one Tasbih. Minister 97. A box containing one W/Watch (Chopard) (1481459-1912), Pair of Cufflinks, one Pen, one Ring & one Tasbih. Mr. M. Nabeel Afzaal Bajwa, PSO to the Prime Minister 28-11-2017 Rs.3,250,000/- Rs.644,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 98. One W/Watch (Hublot) (1096355 “Big Bang”). SP Rana Shoaib Mehmood, CSO to the Prime Minister. 28-11-2017 Rs.1,300,000/- Rs.254,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 99. One W/Watch (Rolex) (76ZH6383) Mr. Irfan Qazi, PRO to the Prime Minister 28-11-2017 Rs.850,000/- Rs.164,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 100. One W/Watch (Rolex) (3M0Y6222) SP Akhtar Farooq, SO to the Prime Minister. 28-11-2017 Rs.850,000/- Rs.164,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 101. One W/Watch (Rolex) (Q56011X2) Flt. Lt. Aman Ullah, ADC to the Prime Minister 28-11-2017 Rs.1,050,000/- Rs.204,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 102. One W/Watch (Rolex 107R6248) Raja Muhammad Shahzad, Protocol Assistant. 28-11-2017 Rs.850,000/- Rs.164,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 103. One W/Watch (Bvlgari L29772) Mr. Muhammad Ikram, Cameraman, PTV. 28-11-2017 Rs.100,000/- Rs.14,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 104. One W/Watch (Bvlgari L29807). Syed Muhammad Danish Ali, Engineer, PTV. 28-11-2017 Rs.100,000/- Rs.14,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 105. One W/Watch (Bvlgari) (L31567). Mr. Muhammad Naeem Khan, Cameraman, APP 28-11-2017 Rs.100,000/- Rs.14,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 106. One W/Watch (Bvlgari L30214). Mr. Muhammad Aziz, Photographer, PID. 28-11-2017 Rs.100,000/- Rs.14,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 107. One W/Watch (Bvlgari L29071). Mr. Shahid Hussain, Gunman. 28-11-2017 Rs.100,000/- Rs.14,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 108. One W/Watch (Bvlgari L30633). Mr. Shahbaz Ahmed, Gunman. 28-11-2017 Rs.100,000/- Rs.14,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 109. One W/Watch (Bvlgari L31337). Mr. Adnan Khalid, Gunman. 28-11-2017 Rs.100,000/- Rs.14,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 110. a) One W/Watch (Faberge TOF14- Limited Edition N 04/15) b) One Diamond Ring. c) One Pen. d) One Tasbeeh. e) Pair of Cufflinks Khawaja Muhammad Asif, Foreign Minister 05-12-2017 a) Rs.35,000,000/- b) Rs.5,000,000/- c) Rs.500,000/- d) Rs.600,000/- e) Rs.3,300,000/- Rs.8,874,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 111. One W/Watch (Rolex) (M116333-0006) Mr. Ammar Amin, Deputy Chief of Protocol (V-II) 08-12-2017 Rs.1,050,000/- Rs.204,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 112. One Brass Decoration Piece Director Marketing & Procurement, HIT 20-12-2017 Rs.15,000/- Free of cost Retained 113. a) One W/Watch (Rolex) (Yacht Master-IIT79189KO, Swiss Made). b) Glittering Ball Pen. c) One Ring. d) Pair of Cufflinks. Vice Admiral (R) Khan Hasham bin Saddique, Ambassador of Pakistan in Saudi Arabia 20-12-2017 a) Rs.2,200,000/- b) Rs.100,000/- c) Rs.250,000/- Rs.714,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks e) One Tasbih. d) Rs.450,000/- e) Rs.600,000/- 114. One W/Watch (Bvlgari) Rana Jawad, Director Geo News, Islamabad 21-12-2017 Rs.110,000/- Rs.20,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained MONETARY LIMITS AS PER PROCEDURE FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS AND THEIR DISPOSAL (25th October, 2011): - The monetary limits upto which the gifts can be retained by the recipients are as follows: - (i) Gifts upto a value of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) may be retained free of cost by the recipient subject to the provision of these rules. (ii) Gifts valued above Rs. 10,000/- may be allowed to be retained by the recipient on payment of 20% of the value exceeding the basic exemption of Rs.10,000/-. (iii) Gifts valued at Rs. 1.0 million or more shall not be retained by the recipient, except the President and the Head of the Government. However, the recipient of gift comprising distinct articles but gifted in a single transaction having collective value of Rs. 1.0 million or more shall have an option to retain any article(s) upto the collective value of less than Rs. 1.0 million only subject to the condition that part of an article will not be allowed to be taken. This exemption shall however not be available in case of antiques and gifts of intrinsic historical value. (iv) Different gift articles given by a single dignitary to a functionary at one occasion will be treated as single gift for the purpose of valuation. (v) The maximum monetary limit to be allowed for retention of gifts in one calendar year for any functionary other than the President or the Prime Minister should not exceed Rupees 2.5 million. However, the gifts having value in excess of the limit of Rupees 2.5 million can be retained by the recipient on payment of 65% of the assessed value of the gifts. MONETARY LIMITS AS PER PROCEDURE FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS AND THEIR DISPOSAL (13th OCTOBER, 2017): - The monetary limits upto which the gifts can be retained by the recipients are as follows: - (i) Gifts upto a value of Rs. 30,000/- (Rupees thirty thousand only) may be retained free of cost by the recipient. (ii) Gifts valued above Rs. 30,000/- may be allowed to be retained by the recipient on payment of 20% of the value exceeding the basic exemption of Rs.30,000/-. (iii) The President / Head of the Government and their families are entitled to retain gift(s) received from foreign dignitaries during visit abroad or their visit to Pakistan, as the case may be on payment of 20% of the assessment value of the gift(s). However, the gift comprising distinct articles, but gifted in a single transaction could be retained by the recipient subject to the condition that part of an article will not be allowed to be taken. This exemption shall however not be available in case of antiques and gifts of intrinsic historical value. (iv) For gift of value in excess of Rs.30,000/- received by all Government servants (Civil and Military) as well as categories mentioned in Para-13 of the procedure shall also be entitled to the same principles and policy laid down in Para-6 (iii) for the President and the Head of the Government. DISCLAIMER: - This data/list is provided on Federal Government directions as per the record available, and is based on the information/gifts declared or deposited by the persons and departments responsible for it, under the policy prevalent at that time. Cabinet Division is not responsible for any error or omissions made by those individuals/departments. TOSHAKHANA GIFT RECORD 2018 S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 1. One Copper Bowl Mian Raza Rabbani, Chairman Senate 04-01-2018 Rs.18,000/- Free of cost Retained 2. a) One W/Watch (Bvlgari) b) Pair of Cufflinks c) One Pen d) One Ring e) One Tasbih Sahebzada Ahmed Khan, Additional Secretary / Chief of State Protocol 04-01-2018 a) Rs.1,850,000/- b) Rs.145,000/- c) Rs.250,000/- d) Rs.106,750/- e) Rs.131,000/- Rs.490,550/- Amount deposited, gift retained 3. a) One W/Watch (Rolex) b) Pair of Cufflinks Ball c) Table Clock (Rolex) d) Ball Pen e) One Tasbih Khan Hasham bin Saddique, the Ambassador of Pakistan in Saudi Arabia 04-01-2018 a) Rs.3,100,000/- b) Rs.75,000/- c) Rs.550,000/- d) Rs.65,000/- e) Rs.260,000/- Rs.804,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 4. One W/Watch Vacheron Constantin No.81180/000J9118 Shehryar Akbar Khan, Consul General 08-01-2018 Rs.2,050,000 Rs.404,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 5. One W/Watch (Rolex) Khawaja Muhammad Asif, Foreign Minister 15-01-2018 Rs.1,800,000/- Rs.354,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 6. One Demonstration Model (Decoration piece) President of Pakistan, Mr. Mamnoon Hussain 17-01-2018 NCV Free of cost Retained 7. A box containing one silver Tea Pot, Tray & Sugar Pot Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi 30-01-2018 Rs.60,000/- Rs.6,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 8. One Shawl with Hand Fan Wife of Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi 30-01-2018 Rs.5,500/- Free of cost Retained 9. A box containing one silver Tea Pot, Tray & Sugar Pot President of Pakistan, Mr. 31-01-2018 Rs.58,168/- Rs.5,634/- Amount deposited, gift S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Mamnoon Hussain retained 10. One Stole with Hand Fan First Lady of Pakistan, wife of Mr. Mamnoon Hussain 31-01-2018 Rs.5,500/- Free of cost Retained 11. One box containing a) One Pistol (No.JK10007) + 2 Magazines b) Three Daggers (Large, Medium & Small) c) One Silver Cigarrete Box Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi 13-02-2018 a) Rs.300,000/- b) Rs.45,000/- c) Rs.15,000/- Rs.66,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 12. One Tea Set (15 pcs) Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi 14-02-2018 Rs.25,000/- Free of cost Retained 13. One Wooden Book Cradle President of Pakistan, Mr. Mamnoon Hussain 14-02-2018 Rs.25,000/- Free of cost Retained 14. One W/Watch (Luminox) (Carbon Case Series 8830) Lt. Col. Ibrar Hussain, DMS to President 14-02-2018 Rs.40,000/- Rs.2,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 15. One W/Watch (MTM Special Ops) Combat Tactical (USA) Sqn. Ldr. Saad Bin Raza, ADC to President 14-02-2018 Rs.120,000/- Rs.18,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 16. One W/Watch (Swiss Military) (No.34044) Lt. Cdr. Fahad Usman Khattak, ADC, President Secretariat 14-02-2018 Rs.35,000/- Rs.1,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 17. One W/Watch (MTM Special Ops) Combat Tactical (USA) Maj. Imran Ali, Security Officer, President Secretariat 14-02-2018 Rs.120,000/- Rs.18,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 18. One W/Watch (Tissot) (Steel Chain) (No.T106417A) Mr. Tariq Aslam, Protocol Officer, President Secretariat 14-02-2018 Rs.50,000/- Rs.4,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 19. One W/Watch (Swiss Military) (No.34044) Mr. Saifullah, Protocol Assistant, President Secretariat 14-02-2018 Rs.35,000/- Rs.1,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 20. One W/Watch (Swiss Military) (By Chrono) (No.34044) SP Akhtar Farooq, Security Officer, Prime Minister Secretariat 14-02-2018 Rs.35,000/- Rs.1,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 21. One W/Watch (Swiss Military) (By Chrono) (34044) Mr. Abdul Sattar, Gunman, Prime Minister Secretariat 14-02-2018 Rs.35,000/- Rs.1,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 22. One W/Watch (Swiss Military) (By Chrono) (34044) Mr. Saghir, Gunman, Prime Minister Secretariat 14-02-2018 Rs.35,000/- Rs.1,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 23. One Azeri Rug Ms. Tehmina Janjua, Foreign Secretary 26-02-2018 Rs.50,000/- Rs.4,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 24. One W/Watch (Officine Panerai) Luminor Marina (S.No.OP6846BB1546437) Sahebzada Ahmed Khan, AS / Chief of Protocol, MoFA 26-02-2018 Rs.900,000/- Rs.174,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 25. a) One Table Clock b) One Small Carpet c) One Pen d) One Book Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Prime Minister of Pakistan 01-03-2018 a) Rs.900,000/- b) Rs.30,000/- c) Rs.10,000/- d) NCV Rs.182,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 26. One Carpet (Large) Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Prime 01-03-2018 Rs.250,000/- Rs.44,000/- Amount deposited, gift S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Minister of Pakistan retained 27. One W/Watch (Longines) Mr. Junaid Wazir, DCP, Foreign Affairs 06-03-2018 Rs.60,000/- Rs.6,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 28. One W/Watch (Tissot) Mr. Talib Hussain, Protocol Assistant, Foreign Affairs 06-03-2018 Rs.50,000/- Rs.4,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 29. One Rolex W/Watch Gents Mr. Ahsan Iqbal, Minister for Interior 06-03-2018 Rs.1,550,000/- Rs.304,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 30. One Rolex W/Watch Ladies Wife of Ahsan Iqbal, Interior Minister 06-03-2018 Rs.775,000/- Rs.149,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 31. One Souvenir Ms. Tehmina Janjua, Foreign Secretary 06-03-2018 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 32. One Leather Hand Bag Director Marketing, HIT Taxila 07-03-2018 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 33. One W/Watch (Longines) (No.44794193) Steel Chain Mr. Waqas Latif Mughal, Assistant Protocol, MoFA 16-03-2018 Rs.60,000/- Rs.6,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 34. One Framed Picture Ms. Tehmina Janjua, Foreign Secretary 16-03-2018 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 35. One Picture frame Ms. Tehmina Janjua, Foreign Secretary 16-03-2018 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 36. a) Table Napkins- 6 pcs b) Small glass bowl Ms. Tehmina Janjua, Foreign Secretary 16-03-2018 a) Rs.1,800/- b) Rs.4,000/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 37. One Dry Fruit Bowl Ms. Tehmina Janjua, Foreign Secretary 20-03-2018 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 38. One Souvenir Ms. Tehmina Janjua, Foreign Secretary 20-03-2018 Rs.25,000/- Free of cost Retained 39. a) One Carpet b) One Table Set Khawaja M. Asif, Foreign Minister 30-03-2018 a) Rs.500,000/- b) Rs.125,000/- Rs.119,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 40. One Decorative Bowl Ms. Tehmina Janjua, Foreign Secretary 30-03-2018 Rs.40,000/- Rs.2,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 41. One Decoration Piece (Silver Made) Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Prime Minister of Pakistan 02-04-2018 Rs.80,000/- Rs.10,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 42. One Silver kettle President of Pakistan, Mr.Mamnoon Hussain 03-04-2018 Rs.100,000/- Rs.14,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 43. One Silver Tray Sehabzada Ahmed Khan, AS / Chief of State Protocol, MoFA 05-04-2018 Rs.40,000/- Rs.2,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 44. One Silver Tray Mr. Junaid Wazir, DCP, MoFA 09-04-2018 Rs.40,000/- Rs.2,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 45. One Carpet (Large) Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi 11-04-2018 Rs.250,000/- Rs.44,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 46. One Candle holder Wife of Mr. Shahid 11-04-2018 Rs.25,000/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Khaqan Abbasi 47. One Decoration Piece (Stone) Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi 11-04-2018 Rs.30,000/- Free of cost Retained 48. One medium size Lapis box Mr. Fawad Hasan Fawad, Secretary to the Prime Minister 11-04-2018 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 49. One medium size Lapis box Brig. Waseem Iftikhar, MS to the Prime Minister 11-04-2018 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 50. One medium size Lapis box Mr. Nabeel Afzal Bajwa, PSO to the Prime Minister 11-04-2018 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 51. One medium size Lapis box SP Rana Shoaib Mehmood Security Office to the Prime Minister 11-04-2018 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 52. One medium size Lapis box Flt. Lt. Amanullah Abbasi ADC to the Prime Minister 11-04-2018 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 53. a) One Wall Hanging (Chinese Embroidery) b) Four Tea Cups with Saucers c) Picture frame Ms. Tehmina Janjua, Foreign Secretary 12-04-2018 a) Rs.45,000/- b) Rs.2,500/- c) Rs.1,000/- Rs.3,700/- Amount deposited, gift retained 54. Coconut tree in sea wind Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi 12-04-2018 Rs.15,000/- Free of cost Retained 55. Tree of gold and Jade Wife of Mr. Shahid 12-04-2018 Rs.15,000/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Khaqan Abbasi 56. One Mobile Phone, Huawei Mate 10 Pro Mr. Abdullah Khaqan Abbasi 12-04-2018 Rs.85,000/- Rs.11,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 57. One Mobile Phone, Huawei Mate 10 Pro Mr. Nadir Khaqan Abbasi 12-04-2018 Rs.85,000/- Rs.11,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 58. One Mobile Phone, Huawei Mate 10 Pro Mr. Haider Khaqan Abbasi 12-04-2018 Rs.85,000/- Rs.11,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 59. One Mobile Phone, Huawei Mate 10 Pro Mr. Qasim Khan 12-04-2018 Rs.85,000/- Rs.11,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 60. One silk cloth piece Mrs. Mariam 12-04-2018 Rs.6,000/- Free of cost Retained 61. One Afghani Rug Ms. Tehmina Janjua, Foreign Secretary 12-04-2018 Rs.60,000/- Rs.6,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 62. One Silver Kettle Khawaja Asif, Former Foreign Minister 14-04-2018 Rs.70,000/- Rs.8,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 63. a) One W/Watch (Rolex) (G018149) b) Pair of Cufflinks c) One pen d) One Ring e) One Tasbih Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-04-2018 a) Rs.25,000,000/- b) Rs.200,000/- c) Rs.150,000/- d) Rs.125,000/- e) Rs.950,000/- Rs.5,279,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 64. One W/Watch (Franck Muller (8880 QP 24) Mr. Abdullah Khaqan Abbasi, son of Prime Minister 17-04-2018 Rs.5,500,000/- Rs.1,094,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 65. One W/Watch (Hublot) (1292055) Mr. Nadir Khaqan Abbasi, son of Prime Minister 17-04-2018 Rs.17,000,000/- Rs.3,394,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 66. One W/Watch (Franck Muller Geneve) (V 45 CC DT) Mr. Fawad Hasan Fawad, Secretary to the Prime Minister 17-04-2018 Rs.1,900,000/- Rs.374,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 67. One W/Watch (Hublot) (401.NJ.0123.VR) Brig. Waseem Iftikhar Cheema, MS to the Prime Minister 17-04-2018 Rs.2,000,000/- Rs.394,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 68. One W/Watch (Vacheron Constantin X49A6955) Mr. M. Nabeel Afzal Bajwa, PSO to Prime Minister 17-04-2018 Rs.1,500,000/- Rs.294,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 69. One W/Watch (Rolex) (83245513) SP Rana Shoaib Mehmood, Chief Security Officer to Prime Minister 17-04-2018 Rs.1,300,000/- Rs.254,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 70. One Carpet Khawaja Asif, Foreign Minister 25-04-2018 Rs.130,000/- Rs.20,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 71. One W/Watch (Hublot) Khan Hasham bin Saddique, Ambassador of Pakistan to Saudi Arabia 26-04-2018 Rs.2,000,000/- Rs.394,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 72. One Medium Size Lapis Box Sahebzada A. Khan, Additional Secretary / Chief of State Protocol, MoFA 26-04-2018 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 73. One W/Watch (Rolex) Sahebzada A. Khan, Additional Secretary / Chief of State Protocol, 27-04-2018 Rs.1,300,000/- Rs.254,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks MoFA 74. One Silver Tray Mr. Waqas Latif Mughal, ACP, MoFA 03-05-2018 Rs.40,000/- Rs.2,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 75. One Small Silver Tray Mr. Shoaib Mubarak, DCP, MoFA, Karachi 11-05-2018 Rs.20,000/- Free of cost Retained 76. One Silver Tray (Large) Lt. Gen. (R) Abdul Qadir Baloch, Minister in waiting 15-05-2018 Rs.75,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 77. One silver tray (Medium) Mr. Imtiaz Ahmed, AS (AP), MoFA 16-05-2018 Rs.40,000/- Rs.2,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 78. One flower vase Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Prime Minister of Pakistan 22-05-2018 Rs.25,000/- Free of cost Retained 79. One Carpet Mr. Ahsan Iqbal, Interior Minister 06-06-2018 Rs.130,000/- Rs.20,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 80. One Silver Tray Mr. M. Adeel Pervaiz, DCP(P&I), MoFA 27-06-2018 Rs.40,000/- - Deposited in TK 81. One Marble Bowl Foreign Secretary 28-06-2018 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained 82. a) One Tie b) Pair of Cufflinks c) One Mug d) One Decoration Piece Secretary M/o Information & Broadcasting 02-07-2018 a) Rs.500/- b) Rs.350/- c) NCV d) NCV - Deposited in Toshakhana 83. a) One Sweater b) One Shawl c) Two Neckerchief President of Pakistan, Mr. Mamnoon Hussain 02-07-2018 a) Rs.6,000/- b) Rs.5,000/- c) Rs.4,000/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks d) One Model d) Rs.10,000/- 84. One Silk Carpet President of Pakistan Mr. Mamnoon Hussain 02-07-2018 Rs.450,000/- Rs.84,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 85. One Carpet President of Pakistan, Mr. Mamnoon Hussain 02-07-2018 Rs.40,000/- Rs.2,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 86. One Scenery President of Pakistan, Mr. Mamnoon Hussain 02-07-2018 Rs.15,000/- Free of cost Retained 87. One Scenery President of Pakistan, Mr. Mamnoon Hussain 02-07-2018 Rs.20,000/- Free of cost Retained 88. a) One Ceramic Plate b) Two Books President of Pakistan, Mr. Mamnoon Hussain 02-07-2018 a) Rs.12,000/- b) NCV Free of cost Retained 89. One Cell Phone 5 Plus Director Marketing, HIT Taxila 17-07-2018 Rs.25,900/- Free of cost Retained 90. Leather gift pack comprising a) One Hand Wallet b) One Pocket Wallet, Key Chain + wallet c) Visiting card wallet d) One tea cup e) One shield f) One Cap Director Marketing, HIT, Taxila 26-07-2018 a) Rs.500/- b) Rs.400/- c) Rs.300/- d) Rs.500/- e) NCV f) NCV - Deposited in Toshakhana 91. One Souvenir Golden President of Pakistan, Mr. Mamnoon Hussain 31-07-2018 Rs.30,000/- Free of cost Retained 92. One Vase President of Pakistan, Mr. 31-07-2018 Rs.25,000/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Mamnoon Hussain 93. One Decoration Piece (Bronze Gallop Horse) Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-08-2018 Rs.20,000/- Free of cost Retained 94. One Table Mat Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Imran Khan 03-09-2018 Rs.30,000/- Free of cost Retained 95. One Silk Carpet Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Imran Khan 03-09-2018 Rs.300,000/- - Gift displayed at PM House 96. a) One Dec. Piece (Glass Works) b) One Locket Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Imran Khan 06-09-2018 a) Rs.8,000/- b) Rs.20,000/- Free of cost Retained 97. Model of Makkah Clock Tower Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Imran Khan 10-09-2018 Rs.25,000/- Free of cost Retained 98. a) One Chinese Decoration Piece (Bronze Horse Souvenir) b) One Mercedes-Benz Rollerball pen Finance Minister 10-09-2018 a) Rs.20,000/- b) Rs.30,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 99. One W/Watch (Aigner Bari Chrono No.37500) Mr. Amir Ilyas Rana, Bureau Chief Express News 10-09-2018 Rs.85,000/- Rs.11,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 100. One handmade Iranian piece Minister for Finance, Revenue & Economic Affairs 11-09-2018 Rs.7,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 101. One Decoration Piece (glass) Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Imran Khan 12-09-2018 Rs.9,000/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 102. One Wall Hanging piece Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Imran Khan 12-09-2018 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained 103. One W/Watch (Rolex) Oyster SWIMPRUF 3024C4J5, Rolex SA Mr. Manzoor ul Haq, Member, KPK Public Service Commission Peshawar, former Ambassador to KSA 14-09-2018 Rs.1,500,000/- Rs.294,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 104. One Decoration piece (Flower Vase) Prime Minister of Pakistan Mr. Imran Khan 18-09-2018 Rs.25,000/- Free of cost Retained 105. a) (One W/Watch (Graff No.AU750) 18k gold + Dimond b) (Pair of Cufflinks. c) One Pen. d) One Ring. Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan 24-09-2018 a) Rs.85,000,000/- b) Rs.5,670,000/- c) Rs.1,500,000/- d) Rs.8,750,000/- Rs.20,178,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 106. One box of Oud Wood, two bottles of perfume Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan 24-09-2018 Rs.500,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 107. a) One W/Watch (Chopard) b) Pair of Cufflinks (Chopard) c) One Ball Pen (Chopard) d) One Ring e) One Tasbih Brig. Waseem Iftikhar Cheema, MS to Prime Minister 24-09-2018 a) Rs.2,200,000/- b) Rs.170,000/- c) Rs.140,000/- d) Rs.200,000/- e) Rs.135,000/- Rs.563,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 108. a) One W/Watch (Chopard) b) Pair of Cufflinks c) One Ball Pen (Chopard) d) One Ring (Chopard) Mr. Muhammad Ali, PSO to Prime Minister 24-09-2018 a) Rs.750,000/- b) Rs.110,000/- c) Rs.80,000/- d) Rs.90,000/- Rs.240,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks e) One Tasbih e) Rs.200,000/- 109. One W/Watch (Rolex) (No.3R522723) SP Rana Shoaib Mehmood, CSO to Prime Minister 24-09-2018 Rs.2,900,000/- Rs.574,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 110. One W/Watch (Hublot) Classic Fusion No.1112326510. OX.1180.OX (Automatic) Mr. Khan Hasham bin Saddique, Ambassador of Pakistan to Saudi Arabia 24-09-2018 Rs.3,550,000/- Rs.704,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 111. a) Two box of Dates b) One W/Watch c) One Ball Pen d) One Ring e) One Tasbih f) Pair of Cufflinks Chaudhry Fawad Hussain, Minister for Information 25-09-2018 a) Rs.6,000/- b) Rs.2,000,000/- c) Rs.1,050,000/- d) Rs.85,000/- e) Rs.200,000/- f) Rs.120,000/- Rs.686,200/- Amount deposited, gift retained 112. One W/Watch (Rolex Yacht Master – 49N96500) Mr. Murad Ashraf Janjua, Chief of State Protocol 25-09-2018 Rs.2,900,000/- Rs.574,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 113. One Brass Coin & One Small carpet size 1.8 Chairman Senate 25-09-2018 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 114. a) One W/Watch (Rolex) b) One Pen c) Pair of Cufflinks d) One Tasbih e) One Ring Makhdoom Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Foreign Minister 27-09-2018 a) Rs.4,850,000/- b) Rs.950,000/- c) Rs.135,000/- d) Rs.205,000/- e) Rs.210,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 115. One W/Watch (Bvlgari) Ms. Tehmina Janjua, Foreign Secretary 27-09-2018 Rs.1,000,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 116. One Decoration Piece (Turkish Pot) Makhdoom Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Foreign Minister 27-09-2018 Rs.25,000/- Free of cost Retained 117. One Flower Vase Dr. Arif Alvi, 27-09-2018 Rs.20,000/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks President of Pakistan 118. One Mobile Phone (Huawei P20) Rear Admiral Muhammad Shafique, HI(M) 27-09-2018 Rs.30,000/- Free of cost Retained 119. One Model of Ship Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 01-10-2018 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 120. One Wall Hanging Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan 01-10-2018 Rs.18,000/- Free of cost Retained 121. One W/Watch (Rolex) (M228206-0036, 43A2G470) Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan 01-10-2018 Rs.3,800,000/- Rs.754,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 122. One W/Watch (Rolex) Sr.No.N76P9648-750 Model No.228238 Mr. Muhammad Azam Khan, Secretary to PM 02-10-2018 Rs.3,200,000/- Deposited in TK 123. One W/Watch (Rolex) Mr. Shehryar Akbar Khan, Consul General of Pakistan in Saudi Arabia 02-10-2018 Rs.2,000,000/- Rs.394,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 124. a) One W/Watch (Chopard). b) One Ring c) Pair of Cufflinks d) One Pen e) One Tasbih Mr. Abdul Razak Dawood, Advisor to Prime Minister 04-10-2018 a) Rs.1,500,000/- b) Rs.400,000/- c) Rs.700,000/- d) Rs.45,000/- e) Rs.200,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 125. One W/Watch (Rolex) No.M126334-0020, YD488258 Lt. Col. Moeen Iqbal Khan, DMS to Prime Minister 04-10-2018 Rs.1,400,000/- Rs.274,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 126. One Decoration Piece Makhdoom Shah Mehmood Qureshi, 09-10-2018 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Foreign Minister 127. One Decoration Piece Makhdoom Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Foreign Minister 14-10-2018 Rs.30,000/- Free of cost Retained 128. One Chinese Wall Hanging piece Makhdoom Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Foreign Minister 14-10-2018 Rs.18,000/- Free of cost Retained 129. One W/Watch (Rolex) (M126331-0014, 2G367435) Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Imran Khan 22-10-2018 Rs.1,500,000/- Rs.294,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 130. a) Photograph (Large) b) One Book c) One Chaddar d) One Parasad e) Incense Stick f) One packet of Green Cardamom g) Photograph (Small) Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Imran Khan 26-10-2018 a) Rs.500 b) NCV c) Rs.400 d) NCV e) NCV f) NCV g) Rs.400 - Sr. a) c) & g) deposited in Toshakhana Sr. b) displayed at Cabinet Division Library Sr. d) e) & f) written off 131. a) One Painting b) One Blue Tea Set Makhdoom Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Foreign Minister 02-11-2018 a) Rs.15000/- b) Rs.8000/- Free of cost Retained 132. One Carpet Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan 08-11-2018 Rs.500,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 133. One Flower Vase Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan 08-11-2018 Rs.15,000/- Free of cost Retained 134. One Wall Hanging Scenery Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan 08-11-2018 Rs.40,000/- Deposited in TK S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 135. One Tea Set (14 pcs) Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran khan 08-11-2018 Rs.3500/- Free of Cost Retained 136. a) One Tea Set b) One Book Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 09-11-2018 a) Rs.4,000/- b) NCV Free of cost Retained 137. a) One Small Calligraphy b) One Handkerchief c) One Book Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 09-11-2018 a) Rs.3,500/- b) Rs.1,500/- c) NCV Free of cost Retained 138. One Book Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 09-11-2018 NCV Free of cost Retained 139. a) Traditional Glass Work. b) One Belt c) One Tie d) One Book Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 09-11-2018 a) Rs.50,000/- b) Rs.1,200/- c) Rs.2,200/- d) NCV Rs.4,680/- Amount Deposited, gift retained 140. One Souvenir Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 09-11-2018 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 141. Four books Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 09-11-2018 NCV Free of cost Retained 142. One Book One Postal Glass Ticket Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 09-11-2018 NCV Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 143. One flower Vase Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 09-11-2018 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 144. One Tasbih Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 09-11-2018 Rs.45,000/- Rs.3,000/- Amount Deposited, gift retained 145. One Pendant Presented to First Lady wife of Dr. Arif Alvi 09-11-2018 Rs.35,000/- Rs.1,000/- Amount Deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 146. a) One Rosary (Tasbih) b) Pair of Cufflinks c) One Ring d) One W/Watch (Chopard) e) One Ball Pen Mr. Asad Umer, Finance Minister 12-11-2018 a) Rs.210,000/- b) Rs.300,000/- c) Rs.260,000/- d) Rs.2,000,000/- e) Rs.75000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 147. a) One W/Watch (Rolex) No.M116710LN-0001) Gent’s b) One W/Watch (Rolex) No.SYS/C9M074865865A5 P5) Ladies c) One I-Phone d) Two Gents Suits e) One Perfume, DOLCE&GABBA f) One Perfume Bvlgari LE Gemme (Ashlemah) g) One Perfume Bvlgari LE Gemme (Onekh) h) One Perfume Ruby (Bound No.9) i) One Violet Samsonite (Gents) j) One Violet Aigner (Ladies) k) One Ball Pen (Mont Blanc) Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-11-2018 a) Rs.900,000/- b) Rs.400,000/- c) Rs.210,000/- d) Rs.30,000/- e) Rs.35,000/- f) Rs.30,000/- g) Rs.26,000/- h) Rs.40,000/- i) Rs.6,000/- j) Rs.18,000/- k) Rs.28,000/- Rs.338,600/- Amount deposited, gift retained 148. One Decoration Piece (Bronze Deer Souvenir) Mr. Asad Umar, Finance Minister 23-11-2018 Rs.8,000/- - Displayed at PM House 149. One Model of Mosque (Glass Work). Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 23-11-2018 Rs.80,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 150. a) One Tepak Sirih b) One Calligraphy piece Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 23-11-2018 a) Rs.100,000/- b) Rs.12,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 151. a) One Ladies W/Watch Mr. Pervez 26-11-2018 a) Rs.400,000/- Rs.254,000/- Amount S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks (Rolex M178240-0005) b) One Men’s W/Watch (Rolex M116710LN-0001) Khattak, Defence Minister b) Rs.900,000/- deposited, gift retained 152. One Model of Deer Makhdoom Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Foreign Minister 27-11-2018 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained 153. One Model of Deer (Oryx Sculpture) Mr. Abdul Razak Dawood, Advisor to Prime Minister on Commerce 28-11-2018 Rs.8,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 154. One Brass Souvenir Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 07-12-2018 Rs.12,000/- Free of cost Retained 155. One Scenery Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 07-12-2018 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 156. One Silk Brocade Painting Makhdoom Shah Mehmnood Qureshi, Foreign Minister 10-12-2018 Rs.15,000/- Free of cost Retained 157. Two Bowls (Red Color) Mr. Murad Saeed, Minister of State for Commerce 11-12-2018 Rs.1,500/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 158. One Frame of Arabian Oryx Mr. Murad Ashraf, Chief of State Protocol 17-12-2018 Rs.25,000/- Free of cost Retained 159. One Qehwa Set Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 18-12-2018 Rs.160,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 160. a) One Tasbih b) One Pen c) Pair of Cufflinks d) One W/Watch (Chopard) e) One Ring f) Oud Wood two Picket g) Two Perfumes Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 20-12-2018 a) Rs.576,500/- b) Rs.130,000/- c) Rs.212,450/- d) Rs.17,500,000/- e) Rs.327,000/- f) Rs.300,000/- g) Rs.175,000/ - Deposited in Toshakhana Quran-e-Pak Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks h) Quran-e-Pak h) NCV 161. One Shield One Model of Kaaba Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 20-12-2018 NCV NCV Free of cost Retained 162. a) One Necklace b) One Ring c) One Bracelet d) Pair of Earing First Lady, Sameena Alvi 20-12-2018 a) Rs.8,302,460/- b) Rs.382,300/- c) Rs.5,176,200/- d) Rs.966,900/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 163. One W/Watch (Vacheron) Mr. Awab Alvi 20-12-2018 Rs.4,000,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 164. One W/Watch (Rolex) Presented to Mrs. Sadiqa Awab Alvi 20-12-2018 Rs.3,500,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 165. One W/Watch (Frank Muller) Presented to Mrs. Naima Alvi 20-12-2018 Rs.5,500,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 166. One W/Watch (Rolex) Presented to Maj. Gen. Khurshid M. Uttra, PP(P) 20-12-2018 Rs.1,050,000/- Rs.510,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 167. One W/Watch (Rolex) Presented to Brig. Aamer Amin MS (P) 20-12-2018 Rs.2,250,000/- Rs.1,110,111/- Amount deposited, gift retained 168. One W/Watch (Rolex) Presented to Maj. Khalid Habib, CSO(P) 20-12-2018 Rs.1,050,000/- Rs.510,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 169. One W/Watch (Rolex) Presented to Mr. Shehryar Akbar Khan, Consul General, Jeddah 24-12-2018 Rs.1,010,000/- Rs.490,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 170. One W/Watch (Rolex) Presented to Mr. Ammar Amin, Deputy Chief of Protocol, M/o Foreign Affairs 24-12-2018 Rs.1,010,000/- Rs.490,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 171. One Blue Bowl Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Foreign Minister 28-12-2018 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 172. One Blue Plate Shah Mehmood 28-12-2018 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Qureshi, Foreign Minister 173. One Chinese Tea Set (green, 15 pcs) Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Foreign Minister 28-12-2018 Rs.22,000/- Free of cost Retained 174. One Shield Presented to Chairman, HIT 28-12-2018 NCV Free of cost Retained 175. a) Two Pockets of Korean Ginseng Tea b) One Snail Cream c) One Snail Serum d) One Eye Cream e) One Hydro Gel Mask f) One Traditional Souvenir Presented to Director Marketing & Procurement, HIT. 28-12-2018 a) Rs.3,000/- b) Rs.6,000/- c) Rs.3,000/- d) Rs.2,000/- e) Rs.2,000/- f) NCV Free of cost Retained MONETARY LIMITS AS PER PROCEDURE FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS AND THEIR DISPOSAL (13th OCTOBER, 2017): - The monetary limits upto which the gifts can be retained by the recipients are as follows: - (i) Gifts upto a value of Rs. 30,000/- (Rupees thirty thousand only) may be retained free of cost by the recipient. (ii) Gifts valued above Rs. 30,000/- may be allowed to be retained by the recipient on payment of 20% of the value exceeding the basic exemption of Rs.30,000/-. (iii) The President / Head of the Government and their families are entitled to retain gift(s) received from foreign dignitaries during visit abroad or their visit to Pakistan, as the case may be on payment of 20% of the assessment value of the gift(s). However, the gift comprising distinct articles, but gifted in a single transaction could be retained by the recipient subject to the condition that part of an article will not be allowed to be taken. This exemption shall however not be available in case of antiques and gifts of intrinsic historical value. (iv) For gift of value in excess of Rs.30,000/- received by all Government servants (Civil and Military) as well as categories mentioned in Para 13 of the procedure shall also be entitled to the same principles and policy laid down in Para-6 (iii) for the President and the Head of the Government. MONETARY LIMITS AS PER PROCEDURE FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS AND THEIR DISPOSAL (18th DECEMBER, 2018): - The monetary limits upto which the gifts can be retained by the recipients are as follows: - (i) Gifts upto a value of Rs. 30,000/- (Rupees thirty thousand only) may be retained free of cost by the recipient. (ii) Gifts valued above Rs.30,000/- may be allowed to be retained by the recipient on payment of 50% of the value exceeding the basic exemption of Rs.30,000/-. This exemption shall however not be available in case of antiques and gifts of intrinsic historical value. All such gifts shall be properly catalogued and displayed at the prominent buildings owned by the Government. Different gift articles given by a single dignitary to a functionary at one occasion will be treated as single gift for the purpose of valuation. DISCLAIMER: - This data/list is provided on Federal Government directions as per the record available, and is based on the information/gifts declared or deposited by the persons and departments responsible for it, under the policy prevalent at that time. Cabinet Division is not responsible for any error or omissions made by those individuals/departments. TOSHAKHANA GIFT RECORD 2019 S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 1. a) One Kettle Silver b) One Shield Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 01-01-2019 a) Rs.125,000/- b) NCV Rs.47,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 2. One China Tea Set Chairman Senate 04-01-2019 Gift not deposited in TK _ Displayed at Senate Secretariat as per letter from Chairman Senate 3. One Small Shield Chairman Senate 04-01-2019 -do- _ -do4. One Coin Chairman Senate 04-01-2019 -do- _ -do5. One Flower Wall Chairman Senate 04-01-2019 -do- _ -do6. One Coin Chairman Senate 04-01-2019 -do- _ -do7. a) One Shield b) One Camel (Souvenir) Chairman Senate 04-01-2019 -do- _ -do8. One Small Round Shield Chairman Senate 04-01-2019 -do- _ -do9. One Medium Shield Chairman Senate 04-01-2019 -do- _ -do10. One copy of the Quran Chairman Senate 04-01-2019 -do- _ -do11. One Golden Tree Chairman Senate 04-01-2019 -do- _ -do12. One Round Shield Chairman Senate 04-01-2019 -do- _ -do13. One Frame of Arabian Oryx Foreign Secretary, Ms. Tehmina Janjua 08-01-2019 Rs.25,000/- Free of cost Retained 14. a) One Decoration piece. b) 8 Books. Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 09-01-2019 a) Rs.15,000/- b) NCV Free of cost Retained 15. One Wall Hanging piece Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 09-01-2019 Rs.15,000/- Free of cost Retained 16. a) One Frame. b) One Decoration Piece. c) 8 Books. Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 09-01-2019 a) Rs.15,000/- b) Rs.18,000/- c) NCV - Sr. a) & b) Deposited in Toshakhana Sr. c) Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 17. One Decoration Piece. Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 09-01-2019 Rs.25,000/- Free of cost Retained 18. One Decoration Piece. Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 09-01-2019 Rs.30,000/- Free of cost Retained 19. One Frame Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 09-01-2019 Rs.20,000/- Free of cost Retained 20. One Silk Carpet Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 09-01-2019 Rs.140,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 21. One Silver Model of Deer Mr. Muhammad Saad Ahmed, Assistant Director (FMO), Ministry of Foreign Affairs 09-01-2019 Rs.25,000/- Free of cost Retained 22. One w/watch (Rolex) Zeeshan Ahmed, Charge d’ Affairs 14-01-2019 Rs.1,010,000/- Rs.490,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 23. One Mobile Phone Mate 20 Pro Mr. Haroon Sharif, Chairman, Board of Investment 14-01-2019 Rs.110,000/- Rs.40,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 24. One Golden Rifle Mr. Muhammad Saddiq Sanjrani, Chairman Senate, 15-01-2019 Rs.600,000/- Rs.285,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 25. One Flower Vase Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 15-01-2019 Rs.30,000/- Free of cost Retained 26. a) One Ajrak. b) One Cap Director Marketing, HIT Taxila 08-01-2019 a) Rs.600/- b) Rs.150/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 27. One Black China sun glasses Director Marketing, HIT Taxila 09-01-2019 Rs.3000/- Free of cost Retained 28. One Cartier W/Watch Mr. Haroon Sharif M/o state 24-01-2019 Rs.600,000/- Rs.285,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 29. a) Four frames b) One decoration piece Mr. Omer Ayub Khan, Minister of 07-01-2019 a) Rs.1500/-each b) Rs.8000/- Free of cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks animals Energy 30. One Cartier W/Watch Mr. Asad Umer Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs 24-01-2019 Rs.600,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 31. One W/Watch Girard Perregaux Ms. Tehmina Janjua, Foreign Secretary 24-01-2019 Rs.1,350,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 32. One Chariot W/Watch with Pair of cufflinks & ball pen Brig Waseem Cheema MS to the Prime Minister 24-01-2019 Rs.110,000/- Rs.40,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 33. One Chariot W/Watch with Pair of cufflinks & ball pen Mr. M. Ali, PSO To the Prime Minister 24-01-2019 Rs.11,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 34. One Chariot W/Watch with Pair of cufflinks & ball pen SP Rana Shoaib, CSO to the Prime Minister 24-01-2019 Rs.110,000/- Rs.40,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 35. One Chariot W/Watch with Pair of cufflinks & ball pen Sqn Ldr Khurram Javed, ADC to the Prime Minister 24-01-2019 Rs.110,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 36. One W/Watch Concord Mr. M Faisal Ilyas, PRO to the Prime Minister 24-01-2019 Rs.100,000/- Rs.35,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 37. One W/Watch Concord SP Mahzoor Ali, Addl. Security officer to the Prime Minister 24-01-2019 Rs.100,000/- Rs.35,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 38. One W/Watch Concord Mr. Mohsin Ali Mehmood, Astt. Protocol officer 24-01-2019 Rs.100,000/- Rs.35,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 39. One W/Watch Concord Constable Asif Hussain Shah, Gunman 24-01-2019 Rs.100,000/- Rs.35,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 40. One W/Watch Concord Constable M. Aamir Khan, Police Gunman 24-01-2019 Rs.100,000/- Rs.35,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 41. One W/Watch Concord Constable Niamat Shah Police Gunman 24-01-2019 Rs.100,000/- Rs.35,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 42. One W/Watch Concord Constable M Yasir Police Gunman 24-01-2019 Rs.100,000/- Rs.35,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 43. One W/Watch Concord Mr. M Ikram Abbasi Camera man PTV 24-01-2019 Rs.100,000/- Rs.35,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 44. One W/Watch Concord Mr. Arshad Ali, Photographer 24-01-2019 Rs.100,000/- Rs.35,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 45. One Table Clock Mr. Imran khan P.M of Pakistan 23-01-2019 Rs.500,000/- - Displayed at PM House 46. One W/Watch (CRWSNMOO4) Gents Makhdoom shah Mahmood Hussain Qureshi 29-01-2019 Rs.600,000/- Rs.285,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 47. One W/Watch Rolex Sky Dweller Black Dial Oyster ML-3A WITH QRCODOH5M2724 M326933- 0002 Mr. Murad Ashraf Janjua, Chief of Protocol M/o Foreign Affairs 29-01-2019 Rs.2,000,000/- Rs.985,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 48. One state council coin Chairman Senate 29-01-2019 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 49. One Nizwa fort (flower bowl) Chairman Senate 29-01-2019 Rs.80,000/- Rs.25,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 50. One small shield Chairman Senate 29-01-2019 NCV Free of cost Retained 51. One model of Shura Council Chairman Senate 29-01-2019 Rs.5,000 Free of cost Retained 52. One Frame Chairman Senate 29-01-2019 NCV Free of cost Retained 53. One medium size Shield Chairman Senate 29-01-2019 NCV Free of cost Retained 54. One golden plate Chairman Senate 29-01-2019 NCV Free of cost Retained 55. One Holy Quran Chairman Senate 29-01-2019 NCV Free of cost Retained 56. One W/Watch Cartier CR 3930WSNM004 Syed Zulfiqar Bukhari, SAPM 31-01-2019 Rs.600,000/- Rs.285,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 57. One Gun AK-47 bearing No.7C1688 along with 40 rounds Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 31-01-2019 Rs.600,000/- Rs.285,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 58. One W/Watch Cartier Mr. Ghulam Sarwar Khan, Minister for Energy 07-02-2019 Rs.600,000/- Rs.285,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 59. One Model of Deer Mr. Ghulam Sarwar Khan, Minister for 07-02-2019 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks energy 60. One brass coin Chairman of Senate 08-02-2019 NCV Free of cost Retained 61. Golden coin Chairman of Senate 08-02-2019 NCV Free of cost Retained 62. One Shield Chairman of Senate 08-02-2019 NCV Free of cost Retained 63. One round shield Chairman of Senate 08-02-2019 NCV Free of cost Retained 64. Tea set Chairman of Senate 08-02-2019 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained 65. W/Watch Model No.441523 YX Cartier Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Accountability 11-02-2019 Rs.325,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 66. W/Watch (CRWSNM0004) Cartier Mr. Abdul Razzaq Dawood, Advisor on Commerce, Textile, Industries & Production and Investment 11-02-2019 Rs.600,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 67. One Carpet Chairman Senate 12-02-2019 Rs.20,000/- - Displayed at PM House 68. One Kalashinkov (AK-47 No.32606) Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Imran Khan 12-02-2019 Rs.600,000/- - Displayed at PM House 69. One Dagger (Omani Knife) Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi 13-02-2019 Rs.40,000/- Rs.5,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 70. Model of Boat Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi 13-02-2019 Rs.60,000/- Rs.15,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 71. One set of Sugar and tea pot (silver color) Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi 20-02-2019 Rs.200,000/- - Displayed at PM House 72. Wall of China Painting Chairman Senate 20-02-2019 Rs.10,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 73. One Wrist Watch Cartier Syed Ahsan Raza Shah, Ambassador of Pakistan to Qatar 19-02-2019 Rs.200,000/- Rs.85,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 74. One Carpet Mr. Imran Khan, 14-03-2019 Rs.20,000/- Free of cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks (Turkmenistan) Prime Minister of Pakistan 75. One Oppo CPH-1871 mobile phone Khalil Hashmi Director General (UN) 14-03-2019 Rs.80,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 76. One carpet (Turkmenistan) Mr. Omar Ayub Khan, Minister for Energy 18-03-2019 Rs.20,000/- Free of cost Retained 77. Tea set (seven pieces) Foreign Secretary 12-03-2019 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 78. One sword Prime Minister Mr. Imran Khan 20-03-2019 Rs.45,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 79. One wrist watch Rolex (12488OE5-model126333) Brig Waseem Iftikhar Cheema, Military secretary to the Prime Minister 20-03-2019 Rs.1,300,000/- Rs.635,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 80. One souvenir Chairman HITB, Taxila 22-03-2019 NCV Free of cost Retained 81. One model light tactical vehicle Chairman HITB, Taxila 22-03-2019 NCV Free of cost Retained 82. One shield Chairman HITB, Taxila 22-03-2019 Rs.15,000/- Free of cost Retained 83. One packet of Korean Red Ginseng Extract powder tea Brig Nauman Anwar, Director Marketing & Procurement 22-03-2019 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 84. One souvenir Brig Nauman Anwar, Director Marketing & Procurement 22-03-2019 NCV Free of cost Retained 85. One souvenir Brig Nauman Anwar, Director Marketing & Procurement 22-03-2019 NCV Free of cost Retained 86. One frame (Perdana Putra building) Prime Minister Mr. Imran Khan 26-03-2019 NCV Free of cost Retained 87. One sword Chairman Senate 01-04-2019 Rs.15,000/- Free of cost Retained 88. One wooden box (containing table watch, card holder and paper Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-04-219 Rs.3,500/- Free of cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks weight) 89. One Box containing (1*Gown, oud wood and 2 small perfume bottles) Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 15-04-2019 Rs.30,000/- Free of cost Retained 90. a) One carpet pure silk 5’x3’ approx. b) One shield Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 05-04-2019 a) Rs.30,000/- b) NCV Free of cost Retained 91. One Replica of Malaysian Prime Minister’s office Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 05-04-2019 NCV Free of cost Retained 92. Mini golden colour Date Tree Raja M. Zafar ul Haq, Leader of the opposition senate 25-04-2019 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 93. a) One Hammer Set b) One Golden color Date Tree Chairman Senate 25-04-2019 a) NCV b) Rs.15,000/- - Hammer Set Displayed at Supreme Court of Pakistan One Golden color date Tree Displayed at PM House 94. One Silk Carpet Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 24-04-2019 Rs.85,000/- - Displayed at PM House 95. One Carpet Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 24-04-2019 Rs.30,000/- Free of cost Retained 96. One Calligraphy Prime Minister, Mr.Imran Khan 24-04-2019 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 97. One Flower vase Adviser to the Prime Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs 30-04-2019 Rs.7,500/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 98. One flower vase Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of 30-04-2019 Rs.30,000/- Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Pakistan 99. One Huawei Mobile (P30 pro Aurora IMEI No*863196042366411) Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-04-2019 Rs.90,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 100. One wooden locker box Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-04-2019 Rs.10,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 101. One Carpet Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-04-2019 Rs.30,000/- Free of Cost Retained 102. One model of Truck Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-04-2019 NCV Free of Cost Retained 103. a) One decoration piece (Peace Emblem) b) One decoration Plate c) One painting (framed) Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-04-2019 a) NCV b) Rs.30,000/- c) Rs.30,000/- - a) Retained b) Deposited in Toshakhana c) Deposited in Toshakhana 104. One Wall Hanging frame Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-04-2019 Rs.30,000/- Free of Cost Retained 105. One wall hanging paper Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-04-2019 Rs.5,000/- Free of Cost Retained 106. One W/watch Cartier # 4627380 Mr. Nadeem Babar, SAPM on Petroleum 02-05-2019 Rs.600,000/- 285,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 107. a) One Gold Necklace b) One Gold Bracelet c) One Pair of Ear Rings (Gold) Chief of Air Staff, Pakistan Air force 17-05-2019 a) Rs.234,190/- b) Rs.85,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks d) One Gold Ring c) Rs.17,941/- d) Rs.13,278/- 108. One box containing Bisht (Arabic Gown) two bottles of Oud liquid and one box containing Oud wood Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 29-04-2019 Rs.30,000/- Free of cost Retained 109. One Dagger First Lady of Pakistan, wife of Dr. Arif Alvi 29-04-2019 Rs.40,000/- Rs.5,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 110. One necklace First Lady of Pakistan, wife of Dr. Arif Alvi 29-04-2019 Rs.18,000/- Free of cost Retained 111. One Huawei mobile (P30 Pro) Colour Aurora IMEI:867380043769759 IMEI 2: 867380043779766 Mr Shafqat Mehmood, Federal Minister for Federal Education of Professional Training 20-05-2019 Rs.90,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 112. One model of Boat (Golden colour) Foreign Minister of Pakistan, Shah Mehmood Qureshi 23-05-2019 NCV Free of cost Retained 113. Krygyz Tea set (four pieces) Foreign Minister of Pakistan, Shah Mehmood Qureshi 23-05-2019 Rs.27,000/- Free of cost Retained 114. Complete set of Kuwaiti dress (seven pieces) Foreign Minister of Pakistan, Shah Mehmood Qureshi 23-05-2019 Rs.15,000/- Free of cost Retained 115. One Kuwaiti Bisht (Dress) Foreign Minister of Pakistan, Shah Mehmood Qureshi 23-05-2019 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 116. One box containing tea set (08 pcs) Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-05-2019 Rs.35,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 117. One set of two cups and saucers Pakistani delegation (Secretary General 12-06-2019 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Senate) 118. Model of Meccan clock tower Foreign Minister of Pakistan, Shah Mehmood Qureshi 12-06-2019 NCV Free of cost Retained 119. Flask (Surahi) tea set (8 pcs) Foreign Minister of Pakistan, Shah Mehmood Qureshi 12-06-2019 Rs.35,000/- Rs.2,500/- Deposited in TK 120. One decoration piece (Turquoise) Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-06-2019 Rs.75,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 121. a) One box of Oud wood b) Two bottles of Attar c) One Tasbeeh Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-06-2019 a) Rs.200,000/- b) Rs.180,000/- c) Rs.130,000/- 240,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 122. One carpet (10’x13’) approx Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 18-06-2019 Rs.50,000/- - Deposited in TK 123. One box (containing one bottle of Attar and one box of oud wood) Brig Iftikhar Cheema, Military secretary to the Prime Minister 19-06-2019 Rs.100,000/- 35000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 124. a) One Huawei Mate 20 b) One Chinese Tea Brig Nauman Anwar, Director Marketing & Procurement 24-06-2019 a) Rs.80,000/- b) Rs.2,200/- Rs. 26,100/- Amount deposited, gift retained 125. a) One cup b) One Power Bank c) One Diary set Brig Nauman Anwar, Director Marketing & Procurement 24-06-2019 a) NCV b) NCV c) NCV - Deposited in Toshakhana 126. a) One stone set (color green, Necklace, two ear rings, one bracelet) b) One shield c) One picture SAPM on Social Petroleum & Poverty Alleviation 21-06-2019 a) Rs.20,000/- b) NCV c) NCV Free of Cost Retained 127. a) One Decoration Piece Mr. Imran Khan, 25-06-2019 a) Rs.23,000/- a) Free of a) Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks b) One Box Containing :- i. One Locket with Chain ii. One Pair of ear tops iii. One Ring iv. One Ring v. One Bracelet vi. One Bracelet Prime Minister of Pakistan, and Begum Prime Minister of Pakistan b) i. Rs.269,350/- ii. Rs.111,800/- iii. (Rs.81,000/- iv. Rs.149,400/- v. Rs.272,350/- vi. Rs.235,500/- cost b) Rs.544,700 b) Amount deposited, gift retained 128. One Wrist Watch Rolex M11610LV-0002 (G04978U9) Brig. Waseem Iftikhar Cheema, MS to the Prime Minister 25-06-2019 Rs.1,600,000/- Rs.785,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 129. One Ladies Wrist Watch Rolex (M279173-0019) (1A1011K0) Wife of Brig. Waseem Iftikhar Cheema 25-06-2019 Rs.1,044,292/- Rs.507,146/- Amount deposited, gift retained 130. a) One Wrist watch (IWC Schaffhausen) b) One Rolex W/watch (Female) Syed Zulfiqar Abbas Bukhari, SAPM on Overseas Pakistanis 26-06-2019 a) Rs.1,000,000/- b) Rs.1,044,292/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 131. One Rolex wrist watch oyster M126300-0007 Foreign Secretary, Mr. Sohail Mahmood 03-07-2019 Rs.956,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 132. One scenery Mr. Omer Ayub Khan, Minister for Energy 04-07-2019 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 133. One carpet (39’’x60’’) Shah Mehmood 04-07-2019 Rs.18,000/- Free of cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Hussain Qureshi, Foreign Minister of Pakistan 134. One gents wrist watch Rolex-Oyster MII6500LN0002 (4437651) Shah Mehmood Hussain Qureshi, Foreign Minister of Pakistan 04-07-2019 Rs.2,500,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 135. One Lady’s wrist watch Patek Philipe-Geneve Art 4910/A=001 M/B:702456016159720 Shah Mehmood Hussain Qureshi, Foreign Minister of Pakistan 04-07-2019 Rs.1,200,000/- Rs.585,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 136. Afghani wall hanging carpet M. Aejaz, Additional Secretary (Afghanistan, Iran,Turkey) 04-07-2019 Rs.18,000/- Free of cost Retained 137. One carpet Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-07-2019 65,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 138. One Carpet Sardar Usman Ahmed Khan Buzdar, Chief Minister of Punjab 10-7-2019 Rs.45,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 139. One woolen carpet (handmade) Mr. Mohammad Sarwar, Governor, Punjab 23-07-2019 Rs. 40,000/- Rs.5,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 140. One box containing Tea pots Mr. Murad Saeed, Federal Minister for Communication & Postal Services 01-08-2019 Rs.4,500/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 141. One box made of Lapis Lazuli Mr. Muhammad Adil, Deputy Chief of Protocol 07-08-2019 Rs.15,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 142. One Rolex W/Watch Dr. Abdul Hafeez Sheikh, Adviser to the PM on Finance & Revenue 08-08-2019 Rs.1,400,000/- Rs.685,000/- Amount deposited, gifts retained 143. One CKIN2U Spray Director Marketing & 09-08-2019 Rs.2500/- Free of cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Procurement, Directorate of HIT 144. One Afghan Carpet Small Size approx. 3’x4’ Mr. Murad Ashraf Janjua, Chief of State Protocol 09-08-2019 Rs.19,000/- Free of cost Retained 145. One shield Mr. Omer Ayub Khan, Minister for Energy 28-08-2019 Rs.4,000/- Free of cost Retained 146. One rug/carpet Mr. Omer Ayub Khan, Minister for Energy 28-08-2019 Rs.2,500/- Free of cost Retained 147. One Prayer Bead Mr. Omer Ayub Khan, Minister for Power Division 06-09-2019 Rs.50,000/- Rs.10,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 148. One Model of Horse Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-09-2019 Rs.150,000/- - Gift Displayed at PM House 149. One Silk carpet Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-09-2019 Rs.130,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 150. One Dagger Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-09-2019 Rs.40,000 /- - Displayed at PM House 151. One W/watch (Raymond Weil) Rear Admiral Faisal Lodhi HI(M) of Pakistan Navy 11-09-2019 Rs.35,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 152. One Model of Ship (Silver) Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 16-09-2019 Rs.15,000/- Free of cost Retained 153. Model of Incense Burner Shah Mehmood Hussain Qureshi, Foreign Minister of Pakistan 17-09-2019 NCV Free of cost Retained 154. Art design Rock Masses (four pieces) Shah Mehmood Hussain Qureshi, Foreign Minister of Pakistan 17-09-2019 NCV Free of cost Retained 155. One Chit Pad Chairman HITB 20-09-2019 NCV Free of cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 156. a) 2 boxes containing of dates b) 2 prayer mats c) 2 Tasbeeh d) 6 bottles of honey Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 03-10-2019 a) 6000/- b) NCV c) 9000/- d) 14,700/- Free of cost Retained 157. a) One decoration piece (Horse) b) One decoration piece (plate with stand) Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-10-2019 a) Rs. 12,000/- b) Rs.18,000/- Free of cost Retained 158. One piece of carpet duly framed (Hazrat Imam Raza’s mausoleum) Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 14-10-2019 4000/- Free of cost Retained 159. One box containing one W/Watch serial No.0687a7072 Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-10-2019 Rs.1,900,000/- Rs.935,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained a) One necklace b) Pair of ear rings c) One bracelet d) Bottle of perfume (90ml) e) Bottle of perfume (16ml) f) One suit g) One box containing 1* packet of oud wood and 4* bottles of perfume (small) Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-10-2019 a) Rs.258,500/- b) Rs.46,000/- c) Rs.87,000/- d) Rs.10,000/- e) Rs.25000/- f) Rs.5,500/- g) Rs.70,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 160. One decoration piece (Turquoise) Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-10-2019 18000/- Free of cost Retained 161. One Proton Car (X70 Proton Vehicle Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of 23-10-2019 NA NA As per T.K. Procedure, placed at S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Model-2019) Chassis No. L6T7742Z4KU056677 Pakistan the disposal of Central Pool of Cars (CPC) 162. One Dagger (Silver) (Omani) Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 23-10-2019 Rs.47,000/- - Gift Displayed at PM House 163. One box containing jewelry: a) One Necklace b) Pair of earrings c) One box containing shield First Lady, wife of the Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 28-10-2019 a) Rs.1,190,00 0/- b) Rs.290,000/- c) Rs.280,000/- Rs.865,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 164. One Carpet Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 28-10-2019 Rs.65,000/- Rs.17,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 165. One Pen (Waterman) Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 28-10-2019 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 166. One model of Masjid-eAqsa Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 28-10-2019 NCV Free of cost Retained 167. a) Two boxes containing Album of Imperial houses b) Two Silver Color Boxes a) Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan b) First Lady of Pakistan 30-10-2019 a) NCV b) Rs.800/- Free of cost Retained 168. One Ceramic Plate Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 30-10-2019 NCV Free of cost Retained 169. Two small boxes containing decoration pieces Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan & First Lady of Pakistan 30-10-2019 Rs.1000/- Free of cost Retained 170. One Carpet approx. (6’x4’) Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 04-11-2019 Rs.55,000/- Rs.12,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 171. a) One Pure Silver Bowl First Lady of 04-11-2019 a) Rs.25,280/- Free of Cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks b) One Scarf c) One Book Pakistan, wife of Dr. Arif Alvi b) Rs.1,500/- c) NCV 172. a) One Hand painted Tea Set b) One Brass Bell Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 04-11-2019 a) Rs.29,000/- b) Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 173. One box containing Cigar (ten pieces) Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 04-11-2019 Rs.60,000/- Rs.15,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 174. a) One Sword b) One Model c) One Shield Minister for Energy, Mr. Omer Ayub 06-11-2019 a) Rs.29,000/- b) NCV c) NCV Free of cost Retained 175. a) Shawl Off-white b) Shawl Off-white c) Shawl Pink d) Shawl Pashmina wool e) Shawl Light grey f) Two Orange Scarves g) Three Books h) One Sword with Lace covering i) One Silver color Sword j) One Frame of Golden Temple k) Seven Commemorative Coins Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 22-11-2019 a) Rs.2,250/- b) Rs.2,250/- c) Rs.5,000/- d) Rs.4,000/- e) Rs.4,000/- f) Rs.200/- (per scarf) g) NCV h) Rs.12,000 i) Rs.10,000 j) Rs.8,000/- k) NCV - Books displayed at Cabinet Division Library Other gifts deposited in Toshakhana 176. a) One Decorative Walking Stick b) One Vase Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 22-11-2019 a) Rs.12,000 b) Rs.18,000 Free of cost Retained 177. One Military Geometric Compass Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 22-11-2019 Rs. 2000/- Free of cost Retained 178. One box containing Pair of Pen (Caran D’Ache) Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 22-11-2019 Rs. 22000/- Free of cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 179. Two Books Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 22-11-2019 NCV Free of cost Retained 180. One Calligraphy piece Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 10-12-2019 Rs.15000/- Free of cost Retained 181. a) One Decorative box b) Essence Burner c) One Frame with Embroidered Dragon President of Pakistan, Dr. Arif Alvi 10-12-2019 a) NCV b) Rs.3500/- c) Rs.2000/- Free of cost Retained 182. a) One Photograph of Queen b) One Porcelain tray Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 10-12-2019 a) NCV b) Rs.1000/- Free of cost Retained 183. Headphone Minister for Energy (Power Division) Mr. Omer Ayub Khan 11-12-2019 Rs.2200/- Free of cost Retained 184. One Rolex W/watch (Oyster S) SAP39137 (M116500LN-0002) Serial No.463ZT432 Mr. Sohail Mehmood, Foreign Secretary 20-12-2019 Rs. 2,600,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 185. One Cartier W/watch model w7100056 SAPM on Overseas Pakistanis & HRD, Syed Zulfiqar Bukhari 23-12-2019 Rs. 550,000/- Rs.260,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 186. William & Sons Table Clock SAPM on Overseas Pakistanis & HRD, Syed Zulfiqar Abbas Bukhari 23-12-2019 Rs.280,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 187. a) One GC1003-MSBOG sailing boat Shah Mehmood Hussain Qureshi, Foreign Minister of 24-12-2019 a) Rs.10,000/- b) Rs.200,000/- - One Pen with Cufflinks (MONT BLANC) deposited in S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks b) One pen with cufflinks (Mont Blanc) Pakistan Toshakhana Other gifts displayed at PM House 188. a) One copy of the Quran b) One decoration piece (Markhor model) c) One Shield Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 24-12-2019 a) NCV b) Rs. 25,000/- c) NCV Free of cost Retained 189. One W/watch Frederique constant Geneve (No.FC.380NT4H4) Brig Waseem Iftikhar Cheema, MS to the Prime Minister 24-12-2019 Rs. 390,000/- Rs.180,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 190. One W/watch Frederique Constant Geneve (No.FC.712MS4H4) Rana Akbar Hayat, PSO to the Prime Minister 24-12-2019 Rs.150,000/- Rs. 60,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 191. One W/watch Frederique Constant Geneve (No.FC723GR3S6) Wg Cdr Khurram Javaid, ADC to the Prime Minister 24-12-2019 Rs.250,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 192. One W/watch Concord (No.0320260) SP Mahzoor Ali Ghauri, Chief Security Officer to the Prime Minister 24-12-2019 Rs.75,000/- Rs. 22,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 193. One w/watch “Paul Picot” (No.REF9753) Mr. Irfan Ashraf Qazi, PRO to the Prime Minister 24-12-2019 Rs. 110,000/ Rs. 40,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 194. One W/watch “Longines” (No.48164751) Model L.2.628-4 ASP Muhammad Sami Malik, Security Officer to the Prime Minister 24-12-2019 Rs. 160,000/- Rs. 65,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 195. One W/watch “Longines” (No.47940217) Model L.2.628.4 Mr. Javed Iqbal, Assistant Protocol Officer 24-12-2019 Rs. 160,000/- Rs.65,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 196. One W/watch “Longines” (No.48164737) ASI Hamad Raza, Gunman 24-12-2019 Rs. 160,000/- Rs.65,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 197. One W/watch “Paul Picot” (No. REF 9353) Sepoy Atiq ur Rehman, SSG Gunman 24-12-2019 Rs. 120,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 198. One W/watch “Paul Picot” (No.REF 9353) Constable, Malik Qasim Mehmood, Gunman 24-12-2019 Rs. 120,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 199. One W/watch “Paul Picot” (No. REF 9353) Mr. Muhammad Ikram Abbasi, Cameraman PTV 24-12-2019 Rs. 120,000/- Rs.45,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 200. One W/watch “Paul Picot” (No. REF 9353) Mr. Arshad Ali, Photographer PID 24-12-2019 Rs.120,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 201. One w/watch Longines model no L2518 4, Serial No. 40427150 Deputy Chief of Protocol (V-II) Ammar Amin 27-12-2019 Rs.175,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 202. One model of door of Holy Kaaba Foreign Minister, Shah Mehmood Qureshi 30-12-2019 NCV Free of cost Retained 203. One wool carpet Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-12-2019 Rs. 28,000/- Free of cost Retained MONETARY LIMITS AS PER PROCEDURE FOR THE ACCEPTANCE AND DISPOSAL OF GIFTS (18th DECEMBER, 2018) The monetary limits upto which the gifts can be retained by the recipients are as follows: - (i) Gifts upto a value of Rs. 30,000/- (Rupees thirty thousand only) may be retained free of cost by the recipient. (ii) Gifts valued above Rs.30,000/- may be allowed to be retained by the recipient on payment of 50% of the value exceeding the basic exemption of Rs.30,000/-. This exemption shall however not be available in case of antiques and gifts of intrinsic historical value. All such gifts shall be properly catalogued and displayed at the prominent buildings owned by the Government. Different gift articles given by a single dignitary to a functionary at one occasion will be treated as single gift for the purpose of valuation. DISCLAIMER This data/list is provided on Federal Government directions as per the record available, and is based on the information/gifts declared or deposited by the persons and departments responsible for it, under the policy prevalent at that time. Cabinet Division is not responsible for any error or omissions made by those individuals/departments. TOSHAKHANA GIFT RECORD 2020 S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 1. One Model of Mosque Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 08-01-2020 NCV Free of cost Retained 2. Perfume” Amouage Lyric” (02) a) One for gents b) One for ladies c) One dagger (Silver) Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 09-01-2020 a) Rs.16000/- b) Rs.16000/- c) Rs.42,000/- - a) Deposited in Toshakhana b) Deposited in Toshakhana c) Dagger displayed at PM house 3. Tea Set 11 Pieces (Made in China) Dr. Moeed Yousaf SAPM on National security 10-01-2020 Rs.8,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 4. One Sword Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 15-01-2020 Rs.80,000/- Rs.25,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 5. One Carpet Small Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 15-01-2020 Rs.24,000/- Free of cost Retained 6. a) One Facebook USB b) One Facebook Notebook c) One Leather Purse Dr. Moeed Yousaf, SAPM on National Security Division & Strategic Policy Planning 16-01-2020 a) Rs. 500/- a) NCV b) NCV - Deposited in Toshakhana 7. One Ceramic Bowl Dr. Moeed Yousaf, SAPM on National Security Division & Strategic Policy Planning 16-01-2020 Rs.1,500/- - Deposited in Toshakhana S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 8. Apple iPad (6th Generation) MR7K2CH/A IPAD 128 GB silver, Serial No. GG7Z734KJF8N Model A1893 Sajid Mehmood Qazi, Joint Secretary (A/CA) 17-01-2020 Rs.49,500/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 9. One Plastic Box Dr. Sania Nishtar, SAPM on Social Protection & Poverty Alleviation 24-01-2020 NCV Free of cost Retained 10. Perfume Set (8 pieces along with Oud wood) Mr. Afzal Mehmood, Ambassador of Pakistan Bahrain 29-01-2020 Rs.29,000 - Deposited in Toshakhana 11. Three Smart Watches Mr. Omer Ayub Khan, Minister for Energy 29-01-2020 Rs.72,000/- (each) - Deposited in Toshakhana 12. One Souvenir Mr. Omer Ayub Khan, Minister for Energy 29-01-2020 Rs.18,000/- Free of cost Retained 13. Marble Box Mr. Omer Ayub Khan, Minister for Energy 06-02-2020 Rs.8,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 14. a) One Calligraphy piece b) One Ladies Hand Bag Prime Minister, Mr. Imran Khan and his wife 10-02-2020 a) NCV b) Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 15. One Apple I-Phone Xs, Gold, 256 GB Model (A2097) PA-36022 Brig Atif Mujtaba, Cdr. 60 Bgd. 11-02-2020 Rs.100,000/- Rs 35,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 16. a) One Pen (Mont PA-33733 Lt Col Abid 11-02-2020 a) Rs.23000/ - Deposited in S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Blanc) Refill Ball Point Pen b) One Pen (Glashutte) along with USB Hassan GSO-1(Int) HQ 35 DIV b) Rs.25000/ Toshakhana 17. One w/watch Rolex Oyster Perpetual Datejust Model no. Oyster M 216570/7 Mr. Moazzam Ahmad Khan, Special Secretary while serving as Ambassador of Pakistan to UAE 11-02-2020 Rs.900,000/- Rs.435,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 18. One Frame Mr. Omer Ayub Khan, Minister for Energy 17-02-2020 Rs.6000/- - Deposited in TK 19. One Marble glass Mr. Omer Ayub Khan, Minister for Energy 17-02-2020 Rs.70,000/- - Deposited in TK 20. One Decoration Piece (Crystal) Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-02-2020 Rs.40,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 21. One hand painted Tea set (5 pieces) Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 02-03-2020 Rs. 60,000/- Rs.15000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 22. a) One hand painted Tea Set (16 pieces) b) One book c) One piece of Handicraft First lady of Pakistan, wife of Dr. Arif Alvi 02-03-2020 a) Rs.45,000 b) NCV c) 5,000/- Rs.10,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 23. One w/watch Rolex (Oyster S, SAP39137) (M114300-0003) SAPM Syed Zulfiqar Abbas Bukhari 03-03-2020 Rs.830,000/- Rs.400,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 24. One Table Clock Hilser for Grant Macdonald Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 03-03-2020 Rs.325,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 25. One w/watch Rolex Model no. (M114300-0003) S.No. 78sP7819 Mr. Nadeem Babar, SAPM on petroleum 04-03-2020 Rs.830,000/- Rs.400,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 26. One w/watch “Bvlgari” OC41SPO5205 (Black dial) Brig Waseem Iftikhar Cheema, Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 04-03-2020 Rs.625,000/- Rs.297,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 27. One w/watch “Bvlgari” OC41SPO5028 Rana Akbar Hayat, PSO to the Prime Minister 04-03-2020 Rs.625,000/- Rs.297,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 28. One w/watch “Bvlgari” PO1215BB41S SP Mazhoor Ali Ghauri, Chief Security Officer to the Prime Minister 04-03-2020 Rs.387,500/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 29. One w/watch “Bvlgari” OC41SPO5182 Maj Asad Rashid Khan, ADC to Prime Minister 04-03-2020 Rs. 625,000/- Rs. 297,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 30. One w/watch “Movado” 83-C5- 1890-24439010 Mr. Muhammad Hanif, photographer 04-03-2020 Rs.130,000/- Rs. 50,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 31. One w/watch “Movado” 83-C5- 1890-24439121 Mr. Imran Hussain, Cameraman 04-03-2020 Rs.130,000/- Rs. 50,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 32. One w/watch “Bvlgari” BB41SPO1098 Constable Toufiq Ahmad, Police Gunman 04-03-2020 Rs.387,500/- Rs.178,750/- Amount deposited. Gift retained 33. One tea set 10 pieces Mr. Afzal Latif, Secretary Industries 09-03-2020 Rs. 30,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 34. One Hublot Classic Fusion w/watch 1302995-510- NX.2610.NX Shah Mehmood Hussain Qureshi, Foreign Minister of Pakistan 12-03-2020 Rs.750,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 35. One w/watch ”Qazaqstan” (Automatic) (002/100) Federal Minister for Communication, Mr. Murad Saeed 13-03-2020 Rs.130,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 36. One w/watch “Boucheron” No. 121D 134 Mr. Sohail Mehmood, Foreign Secretary 19-05-2020 Rs.450,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 37. One w/watch Frederique Constant FC-750 MC4H6 Hybrid smart watch Mr. Murad Ashraf Janjua, Chief of Protocol 19-05-2020 Rs.400,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 38. a) One bronze horse ornament b) One tea set 11 pieces Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 09-06-2020 a) Rs.150,000/ - b) Rs.30,000/- Rs.75,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 39. One Traditional Gown Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 09-06-2020 Rs.3000/- Free of cost Retained 40. One Souvenir golden Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 09-06-2020 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 41. One Tasbih Sterling Silver Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 25-8-2020 Rs.6,500/- Free of cost Retained 42. One w/watch Bvlgari Ambassador Syed Ahsan Raza Shah 08-09-2020 Rs. 625,000/- Rs.297,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 43. One Silk Carpet Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-09-2020 Rs.400,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 44. One Box Containing Pewter Leaf and Spoon Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 18-09-2020 Rs.70,000/- Rs.20,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 45. One Exclusive Souvenir Chess Set Federal Minister for Maritime Affairs, 22-09-2020 Rs.42,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Syed Ali Haider Zaidi 46. a) One w/watch Rolex No. E67574v3, b) Pair of Cufflinks, c) One ring d) Unstitched cloth Prime Minister, Mr. Imran Khan 24-09-2020 a) Rs.4,408,00 0/ b) Rs.255,000/ - c) Rs.230,000/ d) Rs.7,000/- Rs.2,435,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 47. a) One necklace b) One bracelet c) One ring d) Pair of ear rings Begum Prime Minister, Wife of Mr. Imran Khan 24-09-2020 a) Rs.10,970,0 00/ b) Rs.2,430,00 0/- c) Rs.2836,000 /- d) Rs.1,856,00 0/- Rs.9,031,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 48. One decoration piece (stone) Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-09-2020 Rs.70,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 49. One Vase Black Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 07-10-2020 Rs.27,000/- Free of cost Retained 50. a) One Carpet b) One Book Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 07-10-2020 a) Rs.2700/- b) NCV Free of cost Retained 51. a) One Dagger b) One Shawl Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan and First Lady of Pakistan 07-10-2020 a) Rs. 25000/- b) Rs, 5000/- Free of cost Retained 52. One Silk Stamp Album of Impression on Beijing First Lady of Pakistan wife of Dr. Arif Alvi 07-10-2020 NCV Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 53. One Carpet Foreign Secretary, Mr. Sohail Mehmood 19-10-2020 Rs.18,000/- Free of cost Retained 54. One Carpet (4.5’x6’) Foreign Minister Shah Hussain Mehmood Qureshi 23-10-2020 Rs.35,000/- 2,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 55. One Carpet Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 26-10-2020 Rs.3000/- Free of cost Retained 56. One Wall Hanging piece Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 26-10-2020 Rs.20,000/- Free of cost Retained 57. One Carpet (23”x41”) Foreign Minister, Shah Hussain Mehmood Qureshi 28-10-2020 Rs.3,000/- - Displayed at PM House 58. a) One Calligraphy piece (Stone) b) One Chogha` Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 02-11-2020 a) Rs.50,000/- b) Rs.10,000/- Rs.15,000/- Sr. a) Displayed at PM house Sr. b) Deposited in Toshakhana 59. One Wall Hanging piece Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 06-11-2020 Rs.15000/- Free of Cost Retained 60. One model of ship (silver) Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 23-11-2020 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 61. a) One Ladies suit b) One Ladies shirt First Lady of Pakistan 23-11-2020 a) Rs.8,000/- b) Rs.4,000/- Free of cost Retained 62. One model of ship (made of oyster shell) Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 23-11-2020 Rs.7000/- Free of cost Retained 63. One vase (porcelain) Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 23-11-2020 Rs.50,000/- Rs.10,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 64. Two Leather covers Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 23-11-2020 NCV Free of cost Retained 65. One souvenir (pilot helmet) Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 23-11-2020 NCV Free of cost Retained 66. One souvenir Dr. Arif Alvi, 23-11-2020 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks (silver) President of Pakistan 67. One vase Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 23-11-2020 Rs.30,000/- Free of cost Retained 68. One Ginseng royal silk (special set) Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 23-11-2020 Rs.20,000/- Free of cost Retained 69. One carpet (11.5’x8.5’) Foreign minister of Pakistan, Shah Mehmood Qureshi 25-11-2020 Rs.120,000/- Rs.45,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 70. One Carpet (12 Meter) Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 01-12-2020 Rs.175,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 71. One Carpet (3 Meter) Brig Muhammad Ahmad, Military Secretary to Prime Minister 01-12-2020 Rs.27,000/- Free of cost Retained 72. One carpet (3 Meter) Rana Akbar Hayat, PSO to Prime Minister 01-12-2020 Rs.27,000/- Free of cost Retained 73. One Azure bowl Cdr Khurram Javed, ADC to Prime Minister 01-12-2020 Rs.13,000/- Free of cost Retained 74. One Azure bowl Mazhoor Ali Ghauri, CSO to Prime Minister 01-12-2020 Rs.13,000/- Free of cost Retained 75. One Azure bowl Irfan Ashraf Qazi, PRO to Prime Minister 01-12-2020 Rs.13,000/- Free of cost Retained 76. One Azure bowl Maj Saad Zafar, Asst Security Officer to Prime Minister 01-12-2020 Rs.13,000/- Free of cost Retained 77. One Decoration piece (tray) Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 02-12-2020 Rs.20,000/- Free of cost Retained 78. One Rug/Carpet Afghani Wool Mr Ammar Amin, Deputy Chief of Protocol 14-12-2020 Rs.25,000/- Free of cost Retained 79. One carpet Mr Hassan Afzal 14-12-2020 Rs.60,000/- Rs.15,000/- Amount deposited, gift S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Khan, Chief of Protocol retained 80. One handmade scarf Dr. Moeed Yousaf, SAPM on National Security 23-12-2020 Rs.3,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 81. One Carpet (Afghani) Mr. Sohail Mahmood, Foreign Secretary 28-12-2020 Rs.60,000/- Rs.15,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained MONETARY LIMITS AS PER PROCEDURE FOR THE ACCEPTANCE AND DISPOSAL OF GIFTS (18TH DECEMBER, 2018): - The monetary limits upto which the gifts can be retained by the recipients are as follows: - (i) Gifts upto a value of Rs. 30,000/- (Rupees thirty thousand only) may be retained free of cost by the recipient. (ii) Gifts valued above Rs.30,000/- may be allowed to be retained by the recipient on payment of 50% of the value exceeding the basic exemption of Rs.30,000/-. This exemption shall however not be available in case of antiques and gifts of intrinsic historical value. All such gifts shall be properly catalogued and displayed at the prominent buildings owned by the Government. Different gift articles given by a single dignitary to a functionary at one occasion will be treated as single gift for the purpose of valuation. DISCLAIMER: - This data/list is provided on Federal Government directions as per the record available, and is based on the information/gifts declared or deposited by the persons and departments responsible for it, under the policy prevalent at that time. Cabinet Division is not responsible for any error or omissions made by those individuals/departments. TOSHAKHANA GIFT RECORD 2021 S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 1. a. One wood carving handmade table in oriental style b. Two wood carving handmade chairs in oriental style Mr. Abdul Razzak Dawood, Advisor to the Prime Minister on Commerce & Investment 4-1-2021 Rs.45,000/- Rs.7,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 2. One carpet Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-1-2021 Rs.32,000/- Rs.1,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 3. One vase (Black) SAPM for National Health services Regulation & Coordination 19-1-2021 Rs.50,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 4. One Vase (Traditional Chinese ornament) Secretary, PD&SI “Planning, Development & Special Initiative” 20-1-2021 Rs.10,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 5. One Tea set Mr. Murad Saeed, Federal Minister for communications 1-2-2021 Rs.5,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 6. One carpet Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 22-2-2021 Rs.22,000/- Free of cost Retained 7. One Bowl Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 23-2-2021 Rs.8000/- Free of cost Retained 8. a. One Box Containing Arabian Oud b. One Souvenir Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 23-2-2021 a. Rs.50,000/- b. NCV Rs.10,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 9. a. One Pistol b. One Long Coat c. One Dagger Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 23-2-2021 a. Rs.80,000/-. b. Rs.10,000/ c. Rs.15,000/ Total: Rs.105,000/- Rs.37,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 10. One Calligraphy Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 23-2-2021 Rs.15,000/- Free of cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 11. One scenery SAPM for National Health Services, Regulations & Coordination 3-3-2021 Rs.15,000/- Free of cost Retained 12. One Noritake dinner set (27 pieces) Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 4-3-2021 Rs.110,000/- Rs.40,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 13. a. One Noritake dinner set (34 pieces) b. One Pair of cufflinks Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 4-3-2021 a. Rs.100,000/ - b. Rs.20,000/- Rs.45,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 14. a. Gemstone of Sri Lanka (duly framed) b. Tasbih Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 4-3-2021 a. Rs.5,000/ b. Rs.2500/- Free of cost Retained 15. One surahi (silver) Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 4-3-2021 Rs.100,000/- - Displayed at PM House 16. One mobile phone (Huawei) Dr Moeed Yusuf, SAPM 5-3-2021 Rs.250,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 17. One cash award of Rs.500,000/- Col. Moeen Iqbal, Commandant Awaran Militia FC Balochistan South 8-3-2021 Rs.500,000/- - Cash Award Rs.500,000/-, amount deposited 18. Three tables in oriental style (handmade wood carving) Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-3-2021 Rs.45,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 19. One rosary (Tasbih) Mr. Omer Ayub Khan, Minister for Energy 15-3-2021 Rs.5000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 20. One wrist watch Rolex No.M126334-0016 Sheikh Rasheed Ahmed, Minister for interior 17-3-2021 Rs.2,350,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 21. One w/watch Longines Hydroconque ST L3.742.4.96.6 (51445973) Rear Admiral Salman Ilyas SI(M) of Pakistan Navy 30-3-2021 Rs.110,000/- Rs.40,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 22. One W/watch certina DS Action, model No. C032.451.11.057 Commodore Shifat Ali Khan, Pak Navy 14-4-2021 Rs.90,000/- Rs.30,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 23. One Huawei Watch GT 2 Pro Assistant Director Protocol 30-04-2021 Rs.32,000/- Rs.1000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 24. One Huawei Tablet Syed Ali Haider Zaidi, Minister for Maritime Affairs 17-5-2021 Rs.55,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 25. a. One box containing: - i. Oud wood ii. Two bottles of oud iii. Two chogas b. One box containing: - (i). Three packets of dates (ii) Three bottles of honey (iii) Three bottles of olive oil (iv) Three packets of coffee c. One box containing: - One book (craft of kingdom) Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 18-5-2021 a. (i, ii & iii) Rs.254,000/- b. (i, ii, iii & iv) Rs.42,000/- c.Rs.500/- Rs.133,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 26. One box containing a. One necklace b. One pair of earrings c. One ring d. One bracelet Begum Prime Minister of Pakistan 18-05-2021 a. Rs.1,359,000 /- b. Rs.275,000/- c. Rs.225,000/- d. Rs.4,000,000 Rs.2,914,500/ - Amount deposited, gift retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks /- Total: Rs.5,859,000/ - 27. One box containing (One bottle of oud) Brig Muhammad Ahmed, Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 18-05-2021 Rs.12,000/- Free of cost Retained 28. a. One world travel adapter b. One wireless charger (streit) Dir Com, HIT Taxila 20-05-2021 a. Rs.3,000/- b. Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 29. a. One Quran with urdu translation/ tafseer by molana Ashraf Ali Thanvi b. One prayer mat with Compass c. one prayer cap d. Tasbeeh e. Date with dry Fruit (Almond) (06) (Unpacked & Perishable Dir Com, HIT Taxila 20-05-2021 Serial a, b, c and d assessed for Rs.3000/- Serial (e) was got spoiled - a. Gifts at Serial No. a,b,c and d are deposited in Toshakhana b. Dates after being rottened were written off. 30. a. Ajwa dates (19pcs) (Unpacked & Perishable) b. Amber Dates (9pcs) (Unpacked & Perishable) c. Mabroom Dates (17pcs) (Unpacked & Perishable) Dir Com, HIT Taxila 20-05-2021 Gifts at serial (a,b&c) were got spoiled. d. Rs. 4,000/- - a. written off b. written off c. written off d.Deposited in Toshakhana S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks d. Hand curved fancy wooden box 3 plated 31. A wooden frame having 99 names of Allah Mr. Afzal Latif, Secretary Establishment 25-05-2021 Rs.3000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 32. One gift box containing Saudi food products Mr. Sohail Mehmood, Foreign Secretary 26-05-2021 Rs.15,200/- Free of cost Retained 33. One Silver coated sculpture of Falcon(bird) Sheikh Rasheed Ahmed, Minister of interior 02-06-2021 Rs.50,000/- - Displayed at PM House 34. a. One Rolex W/watch sticker No.M126334- 0022, 5417K051 OYSTER M b. One Browning 9MM 511mn50266 Gun (with 2 Magazines) Sheikh Rasheed Ahmed, Minister of interior 02-06-2021 a. Rs.1,975,000/- b. 240,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 35. One table clock with two candle stands Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 04-06-2021 Rs.130,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 36. One Piece of Lacquer miniature art Shah Mehmood Hussain Qureshi, Foreign Minister of Pakistan 08-06-2021 Rs.6000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 37. One Model of Iraq Map Shah Mehmood Hussain Qureshi, Foreign Minister of Pakistan 08-06-2021 Rs.6000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 38. One box containing NAKHB Al-TAIF ROSE (two bottles) Shah Mehmood Hussain Qureshi, Foreign Minister of Pakistan 10-06-2021 Rs.25,000/- Free of cost Retained 39. a. One statue of Mahatma b. Three souvenirs i.e. (i) Hand sign (ii) Flower shaped (iii) House shaped Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 16-06-2021 a. Rs.8000/- b. (i) Rs.4,000/- (ii) Rs.8,000/- (iii) Free of cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Rs.10,000/- Total: Rs.30,000/- 40. a. One Kehwa Set b. One book Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 16-06-2021 a. Rs. 25,000/- b. NCV Free of cost Retained 41. One vase Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 16-06-2021 Rs.30,000/- Free of cost Retained 42. One Souvenir (Horse along with a small table clock) Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 16-06-2021 Rs.30,000/- Free of cost Retained 43. One shield (Tray shaped) Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 16-06-2021 Rs.20,000/- Free of cost Retained 44. One Silk Carpet (Handmade)(330 x 200cm approx) (Uzbekistan) Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 26-07-2021 Rs.200,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 45. One chess Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 26-07-2021 Rs.27,000/- Free of cost Retained 46. One souvenir Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 29-07-2021 Rs. 12,575/- Free of cost Retained 47. One shield Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 29-07-2021 Rs. 5,500/- Free of cost Retained 48. One painting Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 29-07-2021 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained 49. One wall hanging Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 29-07-2021 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained 50. a. One shield b. One zafer migfer/ mirror c. One palace mirror Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 29-07-2021 a. Rs.5000/- b. Rs.26,000/- c. Rs.22,000/- Total: - Rs.53,000/- Rs.11,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 51. One Model of door of the Khana kaba Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-7-2021 Rs.20,000/- Free of cost Retained 52. One gift of metal Mr. Sohail Mehmood, 02-08-2021 Rs.16000/- Free of cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks sketch of Masjid Al Haram Foreign Secretary 53. One Vase Golden (one box) Shah Mehmood Hussain Qureshi, Foreign Minister of Pakistan 03-08-2021 Rs.20,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 54. One canik pistol TP9 SF mete-s marka ve T 647221bv04860 (9x19mm) (made in Turkey) Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-08-2021 Rs. 145,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 55. One Onyx bowl Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-08-2021 Rs.22,000/- Free of cost Retained 56. One Model of Key of Door of Holy Kaaba Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-08-2021 Rs.6,000/- Free of cost Retained 57. Korean Red Ginseng Extract Every time (Total 300 ml) Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Mr. Omar Ayub Khan 27-08-2021 Rs.13,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 58. Handmade scenery plate (one box) Shah Mehmood Hussain Qureshi, Foreign Minister of Pakistan 30-08-2021 Rs. 15,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 59. Mirror with silver symbol Shah Mehmood Hussain Qureshi, Foreign Minister of Pakistan 30-08-2021 Rs.12,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 60. a. One kaaba key lock b. One box containing Gava set Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 01-09-2021 a. Rs.2000/- b. Rs.11000/- Total:Rs.13,0 00/- Free of cost Retained 61. One model of Nelson Mandela Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 01-09-2021 Rs.12000/- Free of cost Retained 62. One shield Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 20-09-2021 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 63. Four Tea sets + booklet i.e. a. One tea set containing two cups, Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 20-09-2021 a. Rs.15,000/ b. Rs.15,000/ c. Rs.13,000/ d. Rs.13,000/- Rs.13,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks two glasses and one plate b. One tea set containing two cups, two glasses and one plate c. One tea set containing two tea cups (blue colour) and one plate (blue colour) d. One tea set containing two tea cups (blue colour) and one plate (blue colour) Total: Rs.56,000/- 64. One vase Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 20-09-2021 Rs.23,000/- Free of cost Retained 65. One decoration piece The first lady of Pakistan, wife of Dr. Arif, Alvi 20-09-2021 Rs.15,000/- Free of cost Retained 66. One frame name of Allah The first lady of Pakistan, wife of Dr. Arif Alvi 20-09-2021 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 67. One Souvenir The first lady of Pakistan wife of Dr. Arif Alvi 20-09-2021 Rs.6,000/- Free of cost Retained 68. One Samsung Galaxy Watch4 Serial No.RFAR85AZYKX Foreign Secretary, Mr. Sohail Mahmood 04-10-2021 Rs.26,000/- Free of cost Retained 69. One box of silver/gold Emblems Dir Com, HIT Taxila 05-10-2021 Rs.82,436/- Rs.26,218/- Amount deposited, gift retained 70. a. One glass sugar pot b. Wall hanging Dir Com, HIT Taxila 05-10-2021 a. Rs.8,000/- b. Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks decoration piece 71. One Wrist watch GF Ferre Pakistan Navy’s Officers, Cdre Rashid Mehmood, during Expert Level Staff Talks held on 16th to 17th September, 2021 21-10-2021 Rs. 65,000/- Rs.17,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 72. One Wrist watch GF Ferre Pakistan Navy’s Officers, Capt Tayyab Wadood Anwar, during Expert Level Staff Talks held on 16th to 17th September, 2021 21-10-2021 Rs.65,000/- Rs.17,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 73. One wrist watch GF Ferre Cdr Memon Asadullah, Pakistan Navy’s Officers, during Expert Level Staff Talks held on 16th to 17th September, 2021 21-10-2021 Rs.65,000/- Rs.17,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 74. One Model of Golden Temple Dr. Shahbaz Gill, SAPM on Political Communication 04-11-2021 Rs.15,600/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 75. Two writing pens Cerruti 1881: - a. One ball pen b. One fountain pen Attorney General for Pakistan 05-11-2021 a. Rs.5000/- b. Rs. 6000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 76. One box containing Utensils (Small Cups and Plate) SAPM on National Security, Dr. Moeed Yusuf 10-11-2021 Rs.28,000/- Free of cost Retained 77. a. One box containing: - i) Oud Wood ii) Two Bottles of Oud (Oil) (Taif Rose Bride Rate) iii) Three Choghas Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 11-11-2021 a. i) Rs.250,000/- ii) Rs.18,000/- (per bottle) iii) Rs.3,000/- (each) b. Rs.193,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks b. One box containing: - i) Six Bottles of Olive Oil (500ml Aprox each) ii) Two Bags of Khawlani Coffee (10Kg Approx Each) c. One box containing: - i). Dates (Ajwa 05Kg Approx) (alongwith plate Glass Golden engraved) ii) One Book i) Rs.24,000/- ii) Rs.80,000/- c. i) Rs.17,000/- ii) NCV 78. One Hand Carved wooden Plate (box) Shah Mehmood Hussain Qureshi, Foreign Minister of Pakistan 12-11-2021 Rs.22,000/- Free of cost Retained 79. One gift box containing Zafran Deputy Chief of Protocol(V-II) 15-11-2021 Rs.8000/- Free of cost Retained 80. a. One table lamp b. One box containing vase (one set) 3 pcs c. One vase d. One wall scenery Advisor to the Prime Minister on commerce & Investment (Mr. Abdul Razzaq Dawood) 29-11-2021 a. Rs.24,000/- b. Rs.30,000/- c. Rs.24,000/- d. Rs.15,000/- Rs.31,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 81. a. Bed sheet b. Towel Foreign Secretary, Mr. Sohail Mehmood 01-12-2021 Rs.2500/- Rs.2500/- Free of cost Retained 82. a. Bed sheet b. Towel Director General (Protocol), Mr. Ali Haider Altaf 01-12-2021 a. Rs.2500/- b. Rs.2500/- Free of cost Retained 83. a. Bed sheet b. Towel Deputy Chief of protocol, Mr. Adeel Ahmad Khan 01-12-2021 a. Rs.2500/- b. Rs.2500/- Free of cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 84. a. One Carpet b. One Blanket/ Quilt c. One Leather Hand Bag (The Bridge) alongwith Book and Pen d. One I-Pad (AyTab 10.1) e. One box having Two Coins (i) One Silver Coin (28.90 grams) Approx. (ii) One Gold Coin (40.01gram) Approx. f. Two Bed Sheets g. Two Towels: - (i) One small (ii) One Large h. One Souvenir Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 07-12-2021 a. Rs.40,000/- b. Rs.8,000/- c. Rs.15,000/- d. Rs.50,000/- e. (i) Rs.3,500/- (ii) Rs.425,350/- f. Rs.2,000/- g. (i) Rs.800/- (ii) Rs.1,000/- h. Rs.12000/- Total: Rs.557,650/- Rs.263,825/- Amount deposited, gift retained 85. One carved wood panel Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 07-12-2021 Rs.12,000/- Free of cost Retained 86. Eight books Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 07-12-2021 NCV Free of cost Retained 87. One carpet The first lady of Pakistan, wife of Dr. Arif Alvi 07-12-2021 Rs.12,000/- Free of cost Retained 88. a. Two Ladies Handbags: - (i) One handbag Rug type The first lady of Pakistan, wife of Dr. Arif Alvi 07-12-2021 a. (i) Rs.4,000/- (ii) Rs.4,000/- Rs.9,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks (ii) One hand bag green Velvet colour b. One scarf c. One Jewellery set d. One shawl e. Two booklets Turkmenistan Dastarkhan b. Rs.8,000/- c. Rs.25,000/- d. Rs.8,000/- e. NCV Total: Rs.49,000/- 89. a. One Ladies hand bag (Yellow color) b. One scarf green color The first lady of Pakistan, wife of Dr. Arif Alvi 07-12-2021 a. Rs.11,000/- b. Rs.5,000/- Total: Rs.16,000/- Free of cost Retained 90. Two Envelopes containing Bath & Body Products (Mollagara) :- Envelope 1:- a. One Relax Unwind Caspiansea Bath Salt b. One White box Containing Mollagara Mud Face Mask (10 Sachets) c. On The Fifth Voyage Caspian sea bath Salt d. One Mellogara Cream Shower Gel e. One Box containing Mini Bath Bombs (approx. 30pcs) Envelope 2:- a. One Mollagara Volcanic Mud Face Mask (10 Sachets) b. One Caspian Sea The first lady of Pakistan, wife of Dr. Arif Alvi 07-12-2021 Envelope 1:- (a)Rs.5000/- (b)Rs.2,300/- . (c)Rs.2000/- (d)Rs.3000/- (e)Rs.3,500/- Envelope 2:- (a)Rs.1,900/- (b)Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Breeze Sea Salt c. One Silk Caterpillar Scalp Serum d. One box containing Healing Clay Body Mask (c)Rs.3,000/- (d)Rs.2,200/- Total: Rs.24,900/- 91. a. One towel b. One Gown The first lady of Pakistan, wife of Dr. Arif Alvi 07-12-2021 a. Rs.1,000/- b. Rs.13,000/- Total: Rs.14,000/- Free of cost Retained 92. a. One Traditional scarf b. 1 x Ladies Hand bag c. Two caps (woolen) The first lady of Pakistan, wife of Dr. Arif Alvi 07-12-2021 a. Rs.5,000/- b. Rs.2,000/- c. Rs.3,500/- d. Rs.1,750/- (each) Total:10,500/ - Free of cost Retained 93. a. One Traditional shirt b. One ladies Hand Bag The first lady of Pakistan, wife of Dr. Arif Alvi 07-12-2021 a. Rs.10,000/- b. Rs. 6,500/- Total: Rs.16,500/- Free of cost Retained 94. One Traditional scarf The first lady of Pakistan, wife of Dr. Arif Alvi 07-12-2021 Rs.8000/- Free of cost Retained 95. One scarf The first lady of Pakistan, wife of Dr. Arif Alvi 07-12-2021 Rs.7000/- Free of cost Retained 96. One vase The first lady of Pakistan, wife of Dr. Arif Alvi 07-12-2021 Rs.22,000/- Free of cost Retained 97. a. One Towel b. One bedsheet Brig Sheryar Munir Hafiez MS(P) 07-12-2021 a. Rs.25,00/- b. Rs.2500/- Free of cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 98. Two books Mrs. Mehreen Sheryar wife of MS(P) 07-12-2021 NCV Free of cost retained 99. One envelope containing:- a. T.shirt b. Track suit c. pair of shoes d. book e. wall clock f. T.shirt g. Cap h. Model of camel Maj Jahan Dad Khan CSO(P) 07-12-2021 a. Rs.1000/- b. Rs.35,00/- c. Rs.3000/- d. NCV e. Rs.1,500/- f. Rs.700/ g. Rs.500/ h. Rs.1000/- Total: Rs.12,000/- Free of cost Retained 100. One envelope containing:- a. Book b. Wall clock c. T.shirt d. Cap e. Model of camel f. pen Sqn Ldr Umer Farooq, ADC(P) 07-12-2021 a. NCV b. Rs.1500/- c. Rs.700/- d. Rs.500/- e. Rs.800/- f. Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 101. One envelope containing:- a. Book b. Wall clock c. T.shirt d. Cap e. Model of camel f. Pen Lt Cdr. Faizan Haider ADC(P) 07-12-2021 a. NCV b. Rs.1500/- Rs.700/- c. Rs.500/- Rs.800/- d. Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 102. One envelope containing:- a. Book b. Wall clock Maj Irfan Mehmood SO(P) 07-12-2021 a. NCV b. Rs.1,500/- c. Rs.700/- d. Rs.500/- Free of cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks c. T.shirt d. Cap e. Model of camel f. Pen e. Rs.800/- f. Rs.1,000/- 103. One envelope containing:- a. Book b. Wall clock c. T.shirt d. Cap e. Model of camel f. Pen Mr. Tariq Aslam, AS (Protocol) 07-12-2021 a. NCV b. Rs.1,500/- c. Rs.700/- d. Rs.500/- e. Rs.800/- f. Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 104. One envelope containing:- a. Book b. Wall clock c. T.shirt d. Cap e. Model of camel f. Pen Mr. Abdul Rasheed, (Protocol Assistant) 07-12-2021 a. NCV b. Rs.1,500/- c. Rs.700/- d. Rs.500/- e. Rs.800/- f. Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 105. One envelope containing:- a. Book b. Wall clock c. T.shirt d. Cap e. Model of camel f. Pen Hav Tahir Mehmood (Security staff) 07-12-2021 a. NCV b. Rs.1,500/- c. Rs.700/- d. Rs.500/- e. Rs.800/- f. Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 106. One envelope containing:- a. Book b. Wall clock c. T.shirt d. Cap e. Model of camel Hav Iqbal, (Security staff) 07-12-2021 a. NCV b. Rs.1,500/- c. Rs.700/- d. Rs.500/- e. Rs.800/- f. Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks f. pen 107. One envelope containing:- a. Book b. Wall clock c. T.shirt d. Cap e. Model of camel f. pen Hav Ali Muhammad, (Security staff) 07-12-2021 a. NCV b. Rs.1,500/- c. Rs.700/- d. Rs.500/- e. Rs.800/- f. Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 108. One envelope containing a. Book b. Wall clock c. T.shirt d. Cap e. Model of camel f. pen L/NK Sami Ullah, (Security staff) 07-12-2021 a. NCV b. Rs.1,500/- c. Rs.700/- d. Rs.500/- e. Rs.800/- f. Rs.1,000/- Free of cost Retained 109. Packet 1 & 2 (total items):- (a) Two vitamin Gurplandyryjy (b) Two Green Tea Bowrek daskeselini (c)Two Green Tea Bagyr we OT haltanyn (d)Two Buyan Koki (Saglyk) (e) Ten sachet wipes (f)Two Packet of Wipes (Dez-desmal) (g)Two Uzarlik Hasbay Ys Beriji (h)Two Saglyk (Drink Tea) Melhem Cay (i)Two Zenjebil Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 07-12-2021 Packet 1 & 2 (a)Rs.600/- (b)Rs.1,500/- (c)Rs.600/- (d)Rs.600/- (e)Rs.33/- (each packet) (f)Rs.450/- (g)Rs.800/- (h)Rs.650/- (i)Rs.1,500/- Free of cost Retained S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks (Serbiti) (j)Two Rahatlandyryjuy (Tea Bags) (k)Three Buyan Kokonin Serbati Packet 3:- One Packet Containing Turkmenistan Melhem Caylary (j)Rs.650/- (k)Rs.1,500/- Packet 3:- Rs.1,800/- 110. One Tissot Swiss watch-T 033410B Pakistan Navy Officer, Cdre Azhar Mehmood SI(M), during visit to royal Saudi Naval forces to Pakistan 10-12-2021 Rs.30,000/- Free of cost Retained 111. Apple i Phone 13 Pakistan Navy Officer Rear Admiral Tariq Ali HI(M) 10-12-2021 Rs.136,499/- Rs.53,250/- Amount deposited, gift retained 112.a. Two perfumes (Royal Afshan) b. One shield Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 16-12-2021 a. Rs.3,300/- b. Rs.15,000/- Free of cost Retained 113. Silver decoration piece Mr. Abdul Razzaq Dawood, Advisor to the Prime Minister on Commerce & Investment 23-12-2021 Rs. 10,000/- Free of cost Retained 114.a. Mosque model b. Silk Carpet c. Mosque scenery Mr. Abdul Razzaq Dawood, Advisor to the Prime Minister on Commerce & Investment 23-12-2021 a. Rs.25,000/- b. Rs.300,000/- c. Rs.5,000/- Rs.150,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 115. Handmade carpet Red (one piece 32”x54”) Shah Mehmood Hussain Qureshi, Foreign Minister of Pakistan 27-12-2021 Rs. 10,000/- Free of cost Retained 116. One Green Tea set and Shah Mehmood Hussain 27-12-2021 a. Rs.4,000/- Rs.4,500/- Amount S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Dates (one box) i.e. a. One Arabic coffee (700 grams) approx b. One Tea set containing one surahi with stand, one Tray and six plastic cups c. One box of dates containing walnut (2kg) approx. Qureshi, Foreign Minister of Pakistan b. Rs.17,000/- c. Rs.18,000/- deposited, gift retained MONETARY LIMITS AS PER PROCEDURE FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS AND THEIR DISPOSAL (18th DECEMBER, 2018): - The monetary limits upto which the gifts can be retained by the recipients are as follows: - (i) Gifts upto a value of Rs. 30,000/-(Rupees thirty thousand only) may be retained free of cost by the recipient. (ii) Gifts valued above Rs.30,000/- may be allowed to be retained by the recipient on payment of 50% of the value exceeding the basic exemption of Rs.30,000/-. This exemption shall however not be available in case of antiques and gifts of intrinsic historical value. All such gifts shall be properly catalogued and displayed at the prominent buildings owned by the Government. Different gift articles given by a single dignitary to a functionary at one occasion will be treated as single gift for the purpose of valuation. DISCLAIMER: - This data/list is provided on Federal Government directions as per the record available, and is based on the information/gifts declared or deposited by the persons and departments responsible for it, under the policy prevalent at that time. Cabinet Division is not responsible for any error or omissions made by those individuals/departments. TOSHAKHANA GIFT RECORD 2022 S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 1. One Carpet Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 03-01-2022 Rs.20,000/- Free of cost Retained 2. One Onyx Jewellery box First lady of Pakistan 03-01-2022 Rs.16,000/- Free of cost Retained 3. a. One box containing Arabian Oudh i.e. (i) One light yellow colour (ii) One dark brown colour b. One souvenir c. One Jai Namaz with one stick Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 03-01-2022 a. (i) Rs.16,000/- (ii) Rs.14,000/- b. Rs.10,000/- c. Rs.20,000/- Total: - Rs.60,000/- Rs.15,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 4. One vase Mr. Sohail Mehmood, Foreign Secretary 05-01-2022 Rs.15,000/- Free of cost Retained 5. A gift (oil painting) Mr. Sohail Mehmood, Foreign Secretary 06-01-2022 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 6. One (white colour) vase (porcelain) (Chinese) Advisor to the Prime Minister on Commerce & Investment 06-01-2022 Rs.40,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 7. a. Two Haylout smart watches b. Two USB port key rings/charging clips Ms. Tayyaba Ali, Section Officer, Cabinet division 07-01-2022 a. Rs.4,000/- b. Rs.1,500/- (each) Total: - Rs.11,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 8. a. Memento of Rail car b. A medium size Jewelry box/Cigar box c. One coin of rail car d. One small bowl along with spoon (golden colour) Mr. Omer Ayub Khan, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs 07-01-2022 a. NCV b. Rs.44,000/- c. NCV d. Rs.10,000/- Total: - Rs.54,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 9. One Victorinox Swiss Army wrist watch (0Model:241701) (2211) Capt. M Zahid Zaheer PN of Pakistan Navy 11-01-2022 Rs.75,000/- Rs.22,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 10. One Victorinox swiss Army wrist watch (Model:241697) (2212) Capt. Imran Khalid Shafi PN of Pakistan Navy 11-01-2022 Rs.85,000/- Rs.27,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 11. Two blue decoration bowl (two pcs): - a. One Turquoise (small) b. One Turquoise Shah Mehmood Hussain Qureshi, Foreign Minister of Pakistan 25-01-2022 a. Rs.24,000/- b. Rs.25,000/- Total: Rs.49,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 12. One Turkmen Rug Secretary, Petroleum Division 02-02-2022 Rs.10,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 13. Two gifts i.e. a. Two Mascots b. One small Tea set Mr. Sohail Mehmood, Foreign Secretary 09-02-2022 a. Rs.22,000/- b. Rs.8,000/- Total: - Rs.30,000/- Free of cost Retained 14. One w/watch Rolex Model No.126333 Serial No.6x8133F1 (Oyster perpetual Datejust) Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 09-02-2022 Rs.2,500,000/- Rs.1,235,00 0/- Amount deposited, gift retained 15. W/Watch Rolex Golden Watch No. Oyster M SAP39139.64 (Datejust) (without warranty card) Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, Minister for Interior 09-02-2022 Rs.2,100,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 16. One box containing crystal model of clock tower Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 11-02-2022 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 17. One Urn (large) Justice Qazi Faez Isa 14-2-2022 Rs.330,000/- - Displayed at Supreme Court Museum S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 18. A flower vase (white and blue colors) Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 14-2-2022 Rs.40,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 19. One flower vase (Red color) Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 14-2-2022 Rs.27,000/- Free of cost Retained 20. One Business card Tray (Japan) Special Assistant to the Prime Minister for National Health Services, Regulation & Coordination 22-2-2022 Rs.7,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 21. One steel cutlery set Dir Com, Heavy Industries Taxila 23-2-2022 10,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 22. One golden model of ship Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 25-02-2022 Rs.20,000/- Free of cost Retained 23. One crystal souvenir Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 02-03-2022 Rs.6,000/- Free of cost Retained 24. Four boxes containing cup mats Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 07-03-2022 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 25. One souvenir clock (gold plated) Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 10-03-2022 Rs.110,000/- Rs.40,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 26. One bag containing Beijing 2022, Tea set (five pieces) Shah Mahmood Hussain Qureshi, Foreign Minister of Pakistan 11-03-2022 Rs.8,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 27. One model of Registan Ensemble (One Heart of Samarkand) Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 15-03-2022 Rs.25,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 28. One soft drink set (18pcs) Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-3-2022 Rs.280,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 29. One tea set (16pcs) Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of 16-03-2022 Rs.57,000/- - Deposited S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Pakistan in Toshakhana 30. a. One pistol (having magazine and bullets) (9mm) duly framed b. One decoration piece (wolf) Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-03-2022 a. Rs.200,000/ - b. Rs.200,000/ - Total: - Rs.400,000/- - Sr.No. (a) Deposited in Toshakhana Sr.No.(b) Displayed at Prime Minister House 31. One Olympic Mascot Brig. Muhammad Ahmed, Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 16-03-2022 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 32. Two framed calligraphies: - a. One small b. One large Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 17-03-2022 a. Rs.14,000/- b. Rs.15,000/- Free of cost Retained 33. One Onyx Plate (Augarten Wien) Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-03-2022 Rs.50,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 34. One shield Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-03-2022 Rs.12,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 35. One carpet Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-03-2022 Rs.287,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 36. a. One kehwa tea set b. One coffee packet Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-03-2022 a. Rs.28,500/- b. Rs.1,200/- Total: - Rs.29,700/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 37. One decoration piece (Asfour) Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-03-2022 Rs.12,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 38. One model of Masjid e Aqsa Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-03-2022 Rs.25,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 39. One carpet Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-03-2022 Rs.13,800/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 40. a. One souvenir (Zafer Migfer) b. One shield c. One vase Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 30-03-2022 a. Rs.30,000/- b. NCV c. Rs.80,000/- Rs.40,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 41. One w/watch Longines (Model No. L3-7174-96-6) Cdre Sharjeel Iftikhar, ACNS (OP) 01-04-2022 Rs.331,660/- Rs.150,830/- In process 42. One w/watch Tissot (Model No. T035-617- 16-051-00) Capt. Aziz ul Haq PN, DPS 01-04-2022 Rs.112,800/- Rs.41,400/- In process 43. One w/watch Tissot (Model No. T101-417- 11-041-00) Capt. Tayyab Wadood Anwar TI(M) PN, DFMC 01-04-2022 Rs.66,000/- Rs.18,000/- In process 44. One w/watch Tissot (Model No. T137-410- 11-031-00 Lt Cdr Wajeeh ul Hassan PN, DD Diving (LCO, DFMC 01-04-2022 Rs.76,000/- Rs.23,000/- In process 45. One w/watch Tissot (Model No. T116-410- 11-047-00) STAINLESS STEEL Capt. Ali Raza PN, DNOP 01-04-2022 Rs.54,600/- Rs.12,300/- In process 46. One Souvenir Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 12-04-2022 NCV Free of cost Retained 47. a. One carpet b. One sindhi khase c. One sindhi Rally Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 15-04-2022 a. Rs.35,000/- b. Rs.10,000/- c. Rs.15,000/- - Sr.No. (a) Displayed at Prime Minister House Sr.No. (b&c) Deposited in Toshakhana 48. One carpet Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, 21-04-2022 Rs.40,000/- - Displayed S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks Prime Minister of Pakistan at Prime Minister House 49. One carpet Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 26-04-2022 Rs.90,000/- - Displayed at Prime Minister House 50. One carpet Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 26-04-2022 Rs.45,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 51. a. One Diary b. One Shield c. One Calendar Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 26-04-2022 a. Rs.15,000/- b. NCV c. NCV Free of cost Retained 52. One w/watch Frederique constant Model F.C-718CHWM4H6 Serial#3780291 Mr. Ali Haider Altaf, Director General Protocol 09-05-2022 Rs.834,250/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 53. One watch Frederique constant Model F.C-718CHWM4H6 Serial#3780292 Mr. Adeel Ahmed Khan, Deputy Chief of protocol(v-II) MOFA 09-05-2022 Rs.834,250/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 54. One watch Aryta (Expo Dubai) Mr. Asif Imran Chief of Protocol (v-II) MOFA 09-05-2022 Rs.400,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 55. One wall hanging Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-05-2022 Rs.12,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 56. One rifle duly framed Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-05-2022 Antique - Deposited in Toshakhana 57. One revolver Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-05-2022 Rs.25,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 58. One short gun (duly framed) Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 10-05-2022 Rs.45,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 59. One W/watch Oyster M- (Rolex SA Geneve) Sr No. M116681- 0002/851Z34F7 Khawaja Muhammad Asif, Defense Minister 10-05-2022 Rs.7,200,840/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 60. a. One Al-Taif Rose Nakhb Al-Rouse b. Two Maknuz Khalas Dates c. One Al-jouf Olive Oil d. One Taif rose water e. One Khawlani coffee beans f. One sider honey Khawaja Muhammad Asif, Defense Minister 10-05-2022 a. Rs.22,000/- b. Rs.2,000/- c. Rs.2,000/- d. Rs.3,000/- e. Rs.3,000- f. Rs.3,000/- Rs.2,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 61. Rolex w/watch (oyster)M116680- 0002 12936133 Mr. Sohail Mehmood, Foreign Secretary 11-05-2022 Rs.4,950,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 62. Tudor Watch model(79012M) Mr. Sohail Mehmood, Foreign Secretary 11-05-2022 Rs.1,214,170/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 63. a. One box containing w/watch Rolex No.636339 (Replica) b. One Al-Taif rose Nakhb Al-Rouse c. One box containing: - i) one packet of coffee beans ii) one jar of sidr Brig. Muhammad Ahmad, ExMilitary Secretary to the Prime Minister 12-05-2022 a. Rs.7,000/- b. Rs.22,000/- c. (i) Rs.3,000/- (ii) Rs.3,000/- (iii) Rs.1,000/- (iv) Rs.3,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks honey iii) one packet of dates iv) one bottle of rose water v) one bottle of olive oil (v) Rs.2,000/- Total: - Rs.41,000/- 64. a. One Rolex wrist watch b. One Taif Rose Ameer Khurram Rathore, Ambassador of Pakistan to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 12-05-2022 a. Rs.4,950,00 0/- b. Rs.22,000/- Rs.2,471,00 0/- Amount deposited, gift retained 65. One box containing: - a. One wrist watch Lange & Sohne Datograph Flyback b. One pair of cufflinks (Chopard) c. One pen (Chopard) d. One ring (Chopard) e. One Tasbih (Chopard) Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 12-05-2022 a. Rs.14,800,000/ - b. Rs.413,750/- c. Rs.150,000/- d. Rs.474,000/- e. Rs.399,100/- - Gifts displayed at Prime Minister House 66. a. One box containing: - (i) Two bottles of liquid Oud (ii) Oud Wood Approx 2 kg b. One Book c. One box containing: - (i) Three Packets of dates Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 12-05-2022 a. (i) Rs.30,000/- (each) (ii) Rs.225,000/- b. NCV c. (i) Rs.1,000/- (each) (ii) Rs.2,000/- Rs.145,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks (ii) Three Packets of olive oil (iii) Three Packets of sidr honey (iv) Three Packets of Taifi Rose Water (v) Three Packets of Khawlani Coffee d. Ghulaf-e- Kaaba + Quran (for Info) (each) (iii) Rs.3,000/- (each) (iv) Rs.3,000/- (each) (v) Rs.3,000/- (each) d. NCV 67. One model of Station of Abraham Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 12-05-2022 Rs.16,000/- Free of cost Retained 68. One wrist watch Rolex (Model No.326259TBR-Sr No.85C423E3) Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 12-05-2022 Rs.140,000,000 /- - Displayed at Prime Minister House 69. One box containing: - a. Four bottles of liquid oud b. One box of oud wood c. One box of Saffron Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 12-05-2022 a. Rs.14,000/- (each) b. Rs.150,000/ - c. Rs.75,000/- Total: - Rs.281,000/- Rs.125,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 70. a. One Rolex W/watch oyster swim pruf LM473548(1) b. One Taif rose bride rate - perfume Ms. Marriyum Aurangzeb, Federal Minister for information & Broadcasting 16-05-2022 a. Rs.3,200,00 0/- b. Rs.22,000/- Total: - Rs.3,222,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 71. A box containing perfume Taif Rose Mr. Sohail Mehmood, Foreign Secretary 17-05-2022 Rs.22,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 72. a. One box containing: - Chaudhry Salik Hussain, Federal Minister 17-05-2022 a. (i) Rs.3,000/- - Deposited in S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks (i) one packet of coffee beans (ii) one jar of sidr honey (iii) one packet of dates (iv) one bottle of rose water (v) one bottle of olive oil b. One box containing one w/watch Rolex c. One box containing perfume Taif rose bride rate (ii) Rs.3,000/- (iii) Rs.1,000/- (iv) Rs.3,000/- (v) Rs.2,000/- b. Rs.7,200,840/- c. Rs.22,000/- Total: - Rs.7,234,840/- Toshakhana 73. One Rolex W/watch Model No.M126283RBR0004 Serial No.2997C1M9 Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui, Convener, MQM (Pakistan) MNA NA-255 18-05-2022 Rs.3,850,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 74. a. One Rolex w/watch (oyster perpetual) Model.16681- 0002 (0A37Z468) b. One Taif Rose Bride Rate Minister for Finance 19-05-2022 a. Rs.7,200,84 0/- b. Rs.22,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 75. One Rolex w/watch S.No.W278343RBR0024 Model 96 PA Oyster M96PA0021 Ms. Marriyum Aurangzeb, Federal Minister for information & Broadcasting 19-5-2022 Rs.2,750,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 76. One W/watch Victorinox No.249173 Brig Muhammad Ahmad, ExMilitary Secretary to Prime Minister 19-05-2022 Rs.200,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 77. One w/watch Rolex No.062F2440- M126300-0005 Sumair Ahmad Syed, PSO to Prime Minister 19-05-2022 Rs.2,200,000/- 1,085,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 78. One W/watch Fredique Constant Geneve No.FC718CHWM4H6 SP Mahzoor Ali Ghauri, Chief Security Officer to Prime Minister 19-05-2022 Rs.834,250/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 79. One W/Watch Tudor No.M79540- 0001,1711280 Major Saad Zafar Assistant Security Officer to Prime Minister 19-05-2022 Rs.575,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 80. One W/Watch Tudor No. M79012M0001,38916T1 Mr. Zia ul Haq, Valet to Prime Minister 19-05-2022 Rs.1,214,170/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 81. One W/Watch Rolex Model 50515 Serial:423T4103 Mr. Asad Mehmood, Federal Minister for Communications 23-05-2022 Rs.2,420,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 82. a. One w/watch Rolex model No. M116680-0002 Sr. No.94R7941 b. One itar c. One bottle of rose water d. Two Packets of dates e. One jar of honey f. One bottle of Olive oil g. One packet of coffee beans Hafiz Muhammad Tahir Mahmood Ashrafi 24-05-2022 a. Rs.4,950,00 0/- b. Rs.22,000/- c. Rs.3,000/- d. Rs.1,000/- (each) e. Rs.3,000/- f. Rs.2,000/- g. Rs.3,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 83. One Gun Sr. No.TC.MSB0024, Model MPT-55 Mr. Muhammad Israr Tareen, Federal Minister for Defence Production 26-05-2022 Rs.150,000/- Rs.60,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 84. a. National Emblem of Qatar (Falcon) Mr. Ishrat Ali, Secretary, M/o Overseas Pakistanis & Human Resources Development 30-05-2022 a. Rs.20,000/- b. Rs.50,000/- c. Rs.18,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks b. One Arabian Oryx c. One Boat 85. a. One box containing Rolex Sr.No.M116681- 0002 (without warranty card) b. One bottle of fragrance of Taif Rose Bride Rate c. One box containing food (dates, olive oil, honey, rose water and Arabic kehwa) Mr. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, Minister for Foreign Affairs 07-06-2022 a. Rs.7,200,840/- b. Rs.22,000/- c. Rs.13,000/- Total:- Rs.7,235,840/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 86. One box containing Eschembach club 10x25 binocular Mr. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, Minister for Foreign Affairs 08-06-2022 In process In process In process 87. a. One souvenir b. One shield c. One photo Album Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 13-06-2022 a. Rs.30,000/- b. Rs.3,000/- c. NCV Rs.1,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 88. a. One Ancient shield (duly framed) b. One wall hanging Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-06-2022 a. In process b. Rs.12,000/- - In process 89. a. One onyx plate b. One scarf c. One pair of shoes Begum Prime Minister 13-06-2022 a. Rs.10,000/- b. Rs.7,000/- c. Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 90. One Elizi locket with chain Begum Prime Minister 13-06-2022 Rs.125,000/- - Displayed at Prime Minister House 91. One Tasbih Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-06-2022 Rs.45,000/- - Displayed at Prime Minister S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks House 92. One decoration piece (duly framed) (onyx) Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-06-2022 Rs.12,000/- Free of cost Retained 93. One vase (opal glass) Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-06-2022 Rs.22,000/- Free of cost Retained 94. One decoration piece Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-06-2022 Rs.50,000/- - Displayed at Prime Minister House 95. One box containing one bowl, one plate and one cup with saucer Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-06-2022 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 96. One Rifle (MPT-55) Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 13-06-2022 Rs.150,000/- - Displayed at Prime Minister House 97. One box containing one bowl, one plate & one cup with saucer Brig. Tajdeed Mumtaz, Military Secretary to the Prime Minister 15-06-2022 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 98. One carpet (wall hanging) Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-06-2022 Rs.30,000/- Free of cost Retained 99. Arabic Coffee pot with three cups Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 16-06-2022 26,000/- Free of cost Retained 100. Arabic kehwa with three cups Mr. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, Minister for Foreign Affairs 17-06-2022 Rs.26,000/- Free of cost Retained 101. Two Pelikan Pens and a card inner Mr. Shoaib Mansoor, Deputy Chief of Protocol (V-I) 17-06-2022 In process In process In process 102. One box containing ladies suit First lady of Pakistan 20-06-2022 Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 103. a. One W/watch b. One locket (zyros) c. One W/watch (zyros) Rear Admiral Shiffat Ali Khan of Pak Navy 21-06-2022 a. Rs.15,000/- b. Rs.10,000/- c. Rs.15,000/- Rs.5,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 104. One w/watch (Rolex and Daytona) 1992 winner 24 Rear Admiral Shiffat Ali Khan of Pak Navy 21-06-2022 In process In process In process S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks (copy) 105. Three footballs Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 23-06-2022 15,000/- Free of cost Retained 106. One surahi Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 23-06-2022 Rs.22,000/- Free of cost Retained 107. a. One model of door of Khana Kaaba b. One box containing Chogha Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 23-06-2022 a. Rs.20,000/- b. Rs.15,000/- Total: - Rs.35,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 108. a. One Gun (duly framed) b. One carpet Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 23-06-2022 a. Antique b. In process - Sr.No.(a) Deposited in Toshakhana Sr.No.(b) In process 109. One Rug Secretary, Petroleum Division 23-06-2022 Rs.25,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 110. Souvenir (damaged gift item) Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 23-06-2022 Rs.8,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 111. One box containing souvenir Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 24-06-2022 Rs.10,413/- Free of cost Retained 112. One painting duly framed (blue covering) Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-06-2022 Rs.12,000/- Free of cost Retained 113. a. One vase b. One model of orange Train Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-06-2022 a. Rs.22,000/- b. Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 114. a. One honey b. Bhutan herbal tea c. Jam Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-06-2022 a. Rs.1,000/- b. Rs.3,000/- c. Rs.600/- Free of cost Retained 115. One decorated clay plate & one bowl Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 04-07-2022 Rs.60,000/- Rs.15,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 116. a. One Honey b. One Bhutan Herbal tea c. One Jam Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 04-07-2022 a. Rs.1,000/- b. Rs.3,000/- c. Rs.600/- Total: - Rs.4,600/- Free of cost Retained 117. One Sheaffer fountain Pen Attorney General for Pakistan 04-07-2022 Rs.4,200/- Free of cost In process 118. One box containing white porcelain vase with butterfly orchid pattern Mr. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, Minister for Foreign Affairs 04-07-2022 Rs.22,000/- Free of cost Retained 119. One embroidery galloping horse Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 05-07-2022 Rs.55,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 120. a. One power bank b. One diary c. One pen d. One key chain e. One calendar f. Pair of airpods Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 05-07-2022 a. Rs.5,000/- b. Rs.500/- c. Rs.1,500/- d. Rs.600/- e. NCV f. Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 121. a. One vase (Persian) (White & Blue) (large) b. One vase (Blue) (Persian) (small) Mr. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, Minister for Foreign Affairs 05-07-2022 a. Rs.22,000/- b. Rs.22,000/- Total: - Rs.44,000/- Rs.7,000/- In Process 122. One wrist watch Movado Model No. 6024G Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 07-07-2022 Rs.75,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 123. a. One mug b. One cap c. One diary d. One usb Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 07-07-2022 a. Rs.500/- b. Rs.500/- c. Rs.300/- d. Rs.1000/- Free of cost Retained 124. One W/watch Rolex (M126333-0017) (No.327AJ791) Mr. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, Minister for Foreign Affairs 15-07-2022 Rs.3,750,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 125. One W/watch Rolex Khawaja Muhammad Asif, Defence 15-07-2022 Rs.3,800,000/- - Displayed S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks No.RO352J37 (M126333-0018) Minister at Prime Minister House 126. One W/watch Victorinox Head Constable M. Saghir, Prime Minister Office 15-07-2022 Rs.100,000/- Rs.35,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 127. One W/watch Hanowa Constable Haider Ali, Police gunman, Prime Minister Office 15-07-2022 Rs.75,000/- Rs.22,500/ Amount deposited, gift retained 128. One model of Muqam -e-Ibrahim Minister for SAFFRON, Mr. Muhammad Talha Mahmood 21-07-2022 Rs.35,000/- Rs.2,500/- In Process 129. One tea cup, one key chain, one diary & one pen Mr. Abdul Jabbar, DG (SWO) 21-07-2022 Rs.1,500/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 130. One glass plate with stand Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-07-2022 Rs.3,000/- Free of cost Retained 131. One ceramic bowl Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 25-07-2022 Rs.20,000/- Free of cost Retained 132. a. One vase of Blue Lapis Stone b. One Rug c. Two shields Blue Lapis Stone Secretary, Commerce 25-07-2022 a. Rs.120,000/ - b. Rs.10,000/- c. Rs.25,000/- (each) Rs.75,000/- In process 133. a. One wooden model of Loa-Bird b. One braid bracelet c. One book titled Pure Iceland Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 28-07-2022 a. Rs.10,000/- b. Rs.1,000/- c. NCV Free of cost Retained 134. One box containing TCL Sweeva2000 Cleaning Robot Mr. Bilal Akram Shah, Director (China) MOFA 29-07-2022 Rs.33,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 135. One box containing TCL Sweeva2000 Cleaning Robot Mr. Muneeb Ahmed, Director (CPEC) MOFA 29-07-2022 Rs.33,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 136. a. One Flower Vase b. One Picture of Horse (duly framed) Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-07-2022 Rs.77,000/- - Sr.No.(a) displayed at Prime Minister house Sr.No.(b) deposited in Toshakhana 137. One Vase (Blue & White color) Mr. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, Minister for Foreign Affairs 10-08-2022 Rs.22,000/- Free of cost Retained 138. One model of cow Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-08-2022 Rs.8,000/- Free of cost Retained 139. One surahi Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-08-2022 Rs.25,000/- Free of cost Retained 140. One wall hanging Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 17-08-2022 15,000/- Free of cost Retained 141. One gift box (deer) Foreign Secretary 18-08-2022 In process In process In process 142. One bowl Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-08-2022 Rs.70,000/- - Displayed at Prime Minister House 143. One Dagger (duly framed) Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-08-2022 Rs.50,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 144. One Model of stadium Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-08-2022 Rs.15,000/- Free of cost Retained 145. One Table Clock with model of horse Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 30-08-2022 Rs.60,000/- - Displayed at Prime Minister House 146. One booklet, one card holder, one coat pin Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 31-08-2022 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks with pen, decoration piece & four books 147. One Ladies Beauty Items First Lady of Pakistan 31-08-2022 Rs.60,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 148. a. One wooden wall hanging b. One wooden souvenir c. One carved knife Mr. Ali Haider Altaf, Chief of protocol 03-09-2022 a. Rs.20,000/- b. Rs.5,000/- c. Rs.8,000/- Rs.1,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 149. One Souvenir Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 06-09-2022 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 150. One surahi with plate Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 07-09-2022 Rs.22,000/- Free of cost Retained 151. One ceramic plate (shield) Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 14-09-2022 Rs.2,000/- Free of cost Retained 152. a. One model of lock b. Key of Baab-eKaaba c. One tasbeeh Ms. Shaza Fatima Khawaja, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on youth affairs 15-09-2022 a. Rs.10,000/- b. In process c. NCV - In process 153. a. Two metallic Persian vase b. Two Persian metallic table cloth Ms. Shaza Fatima Khawaja, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Youth Affairs 15-09-2022 a. Rs.17,000/- b. Rs.12,000/- Free of cost Retained 154. a. One wooden plate b. One wooden chess Khawaja Muhammad Asif, Defence Minister 20-09-2022 a. Rs.5,000/- b. Rs.21,000/- Free of cost Retained 155. One shield Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 20-09-2022 Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 156. One coffee cup with plate Mr. Muhammad Ahad, Deputy Secretary (CF-I) 20-09-2022 Rs.4,000/- Free of cost Retained 157. Onyx Plate Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-09-2022 Rs.2,200/- Free of cost Retained 158. Tea set (16 pcs) Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-09-2022 Rs.70,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 159. a. One wooden chess Military Secretary to the Prime 29-09-2022 a. Rs.21,000/- Free of cost Retained S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks b. One souvenir Minister b. Rs.5,000/- 160. a. One wooden chess b. One souvenir SP Mahzoor Ali Ghauri, Chief Security Officer to Prime Minister 29-09-2022 a. Rs.21,000/- b. Rs.5,000/- Free of cost Retained 161. a. 24k gold plated stand. b. 24k gold premium still water. c. Handmade carpet silk carpet natural dyes size 2x3m d. One bag with pen e. One Chocolate/ Dessert f. Engraved Silver/Gold plated pen g. Framed picture. h. Set of nine books. i. Set of four books Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-09-2022 a. Rs.5,000/- b. Rs.50,000/- c. Rs.110,000/ - d. Rs.250,000/ - e. Rs.10,000/- f. Rs.1,114,00 0/- g. NCV h. Rs.18,000/- i. Rs.8,000/- - Sr.No.(a,b,f ) displayed at Prime Minister House Sr.No.(c) in process Sr.No.(d,e, g,h,i) deposited in Toshakhana 162. Metallic Sculpture Horse Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-09-2022 Rs.28,000/- Free of cost Retained 163. a. Chocolate and Honey b. Honey Jar Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-09-2022 a. Rs.12,000/- b. Rs.10,000/- Free of cost Retained 164. Books of Uzbek products Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-09-2022 Rs.33,000/- Rs.1,500/- Amount deposited, gift retained 165. a. Painting b. Chocolate Box Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-09-2022 a. Rs.28,000/- b. Rs.10,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 166. 24k Silver/Gold plated vase Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-09-2022 Rs.400,000/- - Displayed at Prime Minister House 167. One model of ship Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 30-09-2022 Rs.270,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 168. One box containing Painting Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 10-10-2022 Rs.60,000/- Rs.15,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 169. One Model of Clock Tower Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 10-10-2022 Rs.6,000/- Free of cost Retained 170. Tea set (5 pieces) Mr. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, Minister for Foreign Affairs 12-10-2022 Rs.285,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 171. One Onyx Plate. Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 18-10-2022 Rs.12,000/- Free of cost Retained 172. One Model of Door of Khana Kaaba Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 18-10-2022 Rs.35,000/- - Displayed at Prime Minister House 173. a. Wooden Shield b. Souvenir Khawaja Muhammad Asif, Defence Minister 18-10-2022 In process 174. One Calligraphy duly framed SP Mahzoor Ali Ghauri, Chief Security Officer to the Prime Minister 20-10-2022 Rs.42,000/- Rs.6,000/- Amount deposited, gift retained 175. a. Torsyk Set with silver Tray b. Book c. Book d. Book e. One Insignia. f. One Insignia. Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-10-2022 a. Rs.60,000/- b. Rs.3,000/- c. Rs.3,000/- d. Rs.3,000/- e. Rs.8,000/- f. Rs.8,000/- - S.No.(a) displayed at Prime Minister House S.No.(b-f) deposited in Toshakhana 176. One Carved wood panel Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 20-10-2022 Rs.50,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 177. a. One Book b. One Book c. One Insignia Ms. Marriyum Aurangzeb, Minister of Information 24-10-2022 a. Rs.3,000/- b. Rs.3,000/- c. Rs.3,000/- Free of cost In process S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 178. a. One Mont Blanc Brief Case b. One Mont Blanc Pen. c. One Mont Blanc Note Book Mr. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, Minister for Foreign Affairs 24-10-2022 a. Rs.160,000/ - b. Rs.250,000/ - c. Rs.24,000/- - Deposited in Toshakhana 179. a. One carved knife b. One wooden box c. One wooden souvenir Col. Babar Mumtaz, Chief Security Officer to Foreign Minister 01-11-2022 In process 180. a. Two Shawl b. One Cap c. One Key chain. d. One Wallet Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 15-11-2022 In process 181. One Calligraphy Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 18-11-2022 In process 182. One Scarf Military Secretary to the President 18-11-2022 In process 183. a. One ladies suit. b. One gents suit Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 22-11-2022 In process 184. a. Oud candle b. One Shawl c. One scarf d. One booklet Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 22-11-2022 In process 185. a. One Magnetic Suspension Bluetooth speaker b. One frame c. An imitation of ancient small screen d. One Scenery Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 25-11-2022 In process 186. One Rifle G3A3 bearing No.J-76392 Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 25-11-2022 In process 187. a. One painted Cloisonned Vessel b. Four books c. Music CD Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-11-2022 In process S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 188. a. One Qianyuan vase b. One tea box Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-11-2022 In process 189. a. One tea set b. One tea box Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-11-2022 In process 190. One Huawei Mate Pad Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-11-2022 In process 191. One Huawei Watch GT2 Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-11-2022 In process 192. One Vase Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-11-2022 In process 193. a. One Model with Axe of PN Khaibar b. One Shield c. Model of second ship of Turkish OPV Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-11-2022 In process 194. One Gokyuzu (Mirror) Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-11-2022 In process 195. One Tutya Damla Picture Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 29-11-2022 In process 196. One gun MP-5 (Gold Plated) Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 02-12-2022 In process 197. One leather Hand Bag Brig. Shahryar Munir Hafiez, Military Secretary to the President 02-12-2022 In process 198. a. One Wallet b. One Key chain c. One Belt Lt. Cdr Faizan Haider, ADC to the President 02-12-2022 In process 199. a. One Gent suit b. One ladies suit Military Secretary to the President 07-12-2022 In process 200. One Pair of Cufflinks Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 12-12-2022 In process S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 201. One Souvenir Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 13-12-2022 In process 202. One Souvenir Military Secretary to the President 13-12-2022 In process 203. One Souvenir Watch Secretary, National Security Division 14-12-2022 In process 204. One Shield Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 15-12-2022 In process 205. One Onyx Shield Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 15-12-2022 In process 206. One Onyx Box Small Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 15-12-2022 In process 207. One Table Decor Khawaja Muhammad Asif, Defence Minister 16-12-2022 In process 208. One decoration Piece Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 19-12-2022 In process 209. Two Traditional suits Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 21-12-2022 In process 210. One Tea Set Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 21-12-2022 In process 211. a. One ladies suit b. One ladies hand bag c. One perfume First Lady of Pakistan 21-12-2022 In process 212. Two clay pot First Lady of Pakistan 21-12-2022 In process 213. a. One Perfume b. One Nail Polish c. One Lip crayon Brig. Shahryar Munir Hafiez, Military Secretary to the President 21-12-2022 In process 214. a. One Perfume b. One Nail Polish c. One Lip Crayon Lt. Cdr Faizan Haider, ADC to the President 21-12-2022 In process 215. a. Two Perfume b. Two Pens Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 21-12-2022 In process 216. One Shawl Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 22-12-2022 In process 217. Crockery 11 pcs Secretary Power Division 23-12-2022 In process 218. Crockery 11 pcs Secretary, Industries and Production 27-12-2022 In process 219. a. One Wrist Watch Mr. Murad Ashraf Janjua, Ex-Chief 27-12-2022 In process S.No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks (Cartier) b. One W/Watch Chopard of Protocol 220. One W/Watch Rolex Mr. Murad Ashraf Janjua, Ex-Chief of Protocol 27-12-2022 In process 221. a. One Book b. One Scarf c. One Decoration Piece Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-12-2022 In process 222. One Wall Hanging Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan 28-12-2022 In process 223. One Diary Set Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 29-12-2022 In process 224. One Wool Carpet (150 cm x 270cm) Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan 29-12-2022 In process MONETARY LIMITS AS PER PROCEDURE FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS AND THEIR DISPOSAL (18th DECEMBER, 2018): - The monetary limits upto which the gifts can be retained by the recipients are as follows: - (i) Gifts upto a value of Rs. 30,000/-(Rupees thirty thousand only) may be retained free of cost by the recipient. (ii) Gifts valued above Rs.30,000/- may be allowed to be retained by the recipient on payment of 50% of the value exceeding the basic exemption of Rs.30,000/-. This exemption shall however not be available in case of antiques and gifts of intrinsic historical value. All such gifts shall be properly catalogued and displayed at the prominent buildings owned by the Government. Different gift articles given by a single dignitary to a functionary at one occasion will be treated as single gift for the purpose of valuation. DISCLAIMER: - This data/list is provided on Federal Government directions as per the record available, and is based on the information/gifts declared or deposited by the persons and departments responsible for it, under the policy prevalent at that time. Cabinet Division is not responsible for any error or omissions made by those individuals/departments. TOSHAKHANA GIFT RECORD 2023 (as on 11-03-2023) S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 1. Hand cut crystal glass President of Pakistan, Dr. Arif Alvi 02-01-2023 In process 2. One Wool Carpet Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif 04-01-2023 In process 3. One Ceramic set Minister for Finance and Revenue 06-01-2023 In process 4. One Vase Minister for Finance and Revenue 06-01-2023 In process 5. One Ear Ring One Locket One Ring Lt. Gen. (R) Nigar Johar, Ex-Surgeon General Medical Services 06-01-2023 In process 6. One W/Watch (Rolex) Agha Hassan Baloch, Minister for Science and Technology 10-01-2023 In process 7. One W/Watch Rolex Minister for Defence, Khawaja Muhammad Asif 17-01-2023 In process (Recipient has desired to display the gift at PM House) 8. One W/Watch Rolex Minister for Commerce, Syed Naveed Qamar 17-01-2023 In process 9. One vase President of Pakistan, Dr. Arif Alvi 18-01-2023 In process 10. One W/Watch Rolex Minister for Board of Investment, Ch. Salik Hussain 18-01-2023 In process 11. One W/Watch Rolex Ali Haider Altaf, Chief of Protocol 18-01-2023 In process 12. One W/Watch Rolex Syed Tariq Fatemi, SAPM 18-01-2023 In process 13. One W/Watch Tudor Deputy Head of Mission of Pakistan to UAE 18-01-2023 In process 14. One W/Watch Artya DCP, Mr. Hussain Muhammad 18-01-2023 In process 15. One W/Watch Rolex Ambassador of Pakistan to UAE 18-01-2023 In process 16. One W/Watch Rolex Minister for Communication, Mr. Asad Mehmood 18-01-2023 In process 17. One W/Watch Rolex MS to the PM, Brig. Tajdeed Mumtaz 19-01-2023 In process 18. One W/Watch (Cartier) CSO to the Prime Minister 19-01-2023 In process 19. One W/Watch Rolex Minister for Railway, Khawaja Saad Rafiq 19-01-2023 In process 20. One W/Watch Rolex Minister for Finance 23-01-2023 In process 21. One W/Watch CARTIER PSO to the Prime Minister 24-01-2023 In process 22. One W/Watch CARTIER ADC to the Prime Minister 24-01-2023 In process 23. One Date Box Minister for Board of Investment, Ch. Salik Hussain 24-01-2023 In process S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 24. One Smart Watch Huawei Lt. Ashraf Yar Khan, Pak Navy 24-01-2023 In process 25. One W/Watch (Dici) Rear Admiral, Mr. Shifat Ali Khan 24-01-2023 In process 26. One W/Watch Raymond Well Vice Admiral, Faisal Rasul Lodhi 24-01-2023 In process 27. one Ceramic Glayz Foreign Minister, Mr. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari 25-01-2023 In process 28. One W/Watch Rolex Foreign Minister, Mr. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari 25-01-2023 In process 29. Uzbek Handmade wooden chess Foreign Minister, Mr. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari 25-01-2023 In process 30. One W/Watch Rolex Ms. Hina Rabbani Khar, Minister of State foreign Affairs 26-01-2023 In process 31. One W/Watch Rolex Syed Tariq Fatemi, SAPM 27-01-2023 In process 32. One W/Watch Rolex MS to PM Brig Tajdeed Mumtaz 31-01-2023 In process 33. One W/Watch Rolex PSO to the PM, Dr. Waqar Ahmed 31-01-2023 In process 34. One W/Watch Rolex ADC to PM, Mr. Saddam Akhtar Bajwa 31-01-2023 In process 35. One Vase Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif 31-01-2023 In process 36. One W/Watch Rolex Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif 31-01-2023 In process 37. Sheikh Zayed Mosque Sculpture Six bottles Perfume and oud wood Two box of Emirate Dates Organic Honey Four small pocket of Dates Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif 31-01-2023 In process 38. Two green boxes of Al Nakhli Dates Three brief case of new life Antioxidant supplement Two boxes of honey Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif 31-01-2023 In process 39. One model of Sheikh Zayed Mosque Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif 31-01-2023 In process 40. One Shielf Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif 31-01-2023 In process 41. One Coin Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif 31-01-2023 In process S. No. Detail of Gifts Name of Recipient Date Assessed Value Retention cost Remarks 42. One W/Watch (Rolex) Mr. Mohsin Raza Naqvi, Caretaker Chief Minister, Punjab 31-01-2023 In process 43. One Souvenir One Ring Holy Quran One Shawl Secretary, Interior 08-02-2023 In process 44. One Shield President of Pakistan, Dr. Arif Alvi 10-02-2023 In process 45. Two Boxes of Tea President of Pakistan, Dr. Arif Alvi 10-02-2023 In process 46. A Carpet Secretary, Interior 10-02-2023 In process 47. One Tea Set President of Pakistan, Dr. Arif Alvi 14-02-2023 In process 48. Three Pens President of Pakistan, Dr. Arif Alvi 14-02-2023 In process 49. One W/Watch (Rolex) Ms. Marriyum Aurangzeb, Information Minister 15-02-2023 In process 50. A box containing pent coat, sock President of Pakistan, Dr. Arif Alvi 20-02-2023 In process 51. Two Pockets of Dates President of Pakistan, Dr. Arif Alvi 21-02-2023 In process 52. One Perfumes President of Pakistan, Dr. Arif Alvi 21-02-2023 In process 53. One Perfumes Brig. Shahid Munir, MS to the President 21-02-2023 In process 54. One W/Watch (Rolex) Ambassador of Pakistan to KSA, Mr. Raja Ijaz 24-02-2023 In process 55. One Ladies Dupatta One Key Chain One Card Holder One Decoration Cup Eight Face Towels Four Decoration Pieces One Pair of Oven Gloves Four cloth matts First Lady of Pakistan 28-02-2023 In process 56. One Rug/Carpet Mr. Asad Majeed Khan, Foreign Secretary 01-03-2023 In process 57. Two Ladies Suit First Lady of Pakistan 02-03-2023 In process 58. One Fancy Dupatta One Vase One White Box of Candle First Lady of Pakistan 02-03-2023 In process 59. Six Gents suit First Lady of Pakistan 02-03-2023 In process DISCLAIMER: - The uploaded Toshakhana information 2002 onwards till to date is in compliance of the Cabinet approval contained in its decision dated 22-02-2023. This information is based on Toshakhana record as per declaration/deposition by all concerned in accordance with the “Procedure for Acceptance and Disposal of Gifts”.

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