-- Ocular account -- Medical evidence --- Preference --- Where ocular evidence is found trustworthy and confidence inspiring , the same is given preference over medical evidence and the same alone is sufficient to sustain conviction of an accused --

 2023 SCMR 795

Qatl - i - amd --- Ocular account -- Medical evidence --- Preference --- Where ocular evidence is found trustworthy and confidence inspiring , the same is given preference over medical evidence and the same alone is sufficient to sustain conviction of an accused --- Value and status of medical evidence and recovery is always corroborative in its nature , which alone is not sufficient to sustain conviction .

Qatl - i - amd --- Ocular account --- Medical evidence --Minor discrepancies --- Minor discrepancies and conflicts appearing in medical evidence and the ocular version are quite possible for variety of reasons --- During occurrence witnesses in a momentary glance make only tentative assessment of the distance between the deceased and the assailant and the points where accused caused injuries --- In such a scenario it becomes highly improbable to correctly mention the number and location of the injuries with exactitude --- Minor discrepancies , if any , in medical evidence relating to nature of injuries do not negate the direct evidence as witnesses are not supposed to give pen picture of ocular account --- Even otherwise , conflict of ocular account with medical evidence being not material in imprinting any dent in prosecution version would have no adverse affect on prosecution case --- Minor discrepancies on trivial matters not affecting the material considerations of the prosecution case ought not to prompt the courts to reject evidence in its entirety --- Such minor discrepancies which do not shake the salient features of the prosecution case should be ignored .

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