جرح جائفہ 337D کی جامع تعریف اور اطلاق۔

 2024 YLR 1194

Injury in the body cavity for attracting the offence under Section 337-D PPC must be direct consequence of the trauma inflicted by the perpetrator and should not be its fall out and by product.
I cannot resist to mention here that a medical officer is generally considered as a witness of truth in the scheme of things upon which the system of criminal 030067054administration of justice is structured. An erroneous opinion given by the doctor based either upon his incompetency or some sinister design can bring disastrous consequences for the litigant in a criminal case. The medical officers must realize that by tendering opinion in criminal cases, they contribute in safe administration of justice which gets polluted by incorrect reports. The ordeal and agony which the petitioner as well as co-accused faced in the case due to incorrect opinion of the medical officer cannot be compensated by words and though calls for an action against the doctor but still lenient view is being taken against him. Nevertheless, it is expected from the Secretary (Health) Government of the Punjab that he will attend the situation by sensitizing the medical officer about the importance of their opinion and the consequences it has in criminal cases.
Crl. Misc-Pre-arrest Bail

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