-Sexual harassment of woman by posting her photographs on social media using a cellular device---Bail, grant of-

 2021 SCMR 1815

Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (XL of 2016)---
---Ss. 20, 21 & 24---Penal Code (XLV of 1860), S. 109--Constitution of Pakistan, Art. 185(3)---Sexual harassment of woman by posting her photographs on social media using a cellular device---Bail, grant of-- Investigating officer collected photographs during the course of investigation---Perusal of said photographs showed that some of them could be termed as close to nudity but they were not recognizable Other photographs were in full attire without any question of immorality---Issue of said photographs could be resolved by the Trial Court after recording of evidence more authoritatively---Furthermore the accused was behind bars since more than 03 months---Petition for leave to appeal was converted into appeal and allowed, and accused was admitted to bail.

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