سپریم کورٹ نے وزیراعلیٰ پنجاب کے انتخاب کا سیکنڈ پول 22 جولائی کو کرنے سے متعلق تحریری حکم نامہ جاری کر دیا۔

 سپریم کورٹ کا 10 صفحات پر مشتمل تحریری حکم نامہ جسٹس اعجاز الاحسن نے تحریر کیا۔

حکمنامے میں کہا گیا کہ فریقین کی یقین دہانی پر لاہور ہائیکورٹ کے حکم میں ترمیم کررہے ہیں۔
سپریم کورٹ کے جاری کردہ حکمنامے کے مطابق وزیراعلیٰ کے انتخاب کا سیکنڈ پول قانون کے مطابق ہو گا، وزیراعلیٰ پنجاب کے انتخاب کے سیکنڈ پول کو ڈپٹی اسپیکر پنجاب اسمبلی چیئر کریں گے، اسپیکر یا ڈپٹی اسپیکر پول کے بعد باقاعدہ نوٹیفکیشن جاری کریں گے۔
سپریم کورٹ کا تحریری حکم نامہ میں کہنا ہے کہ وزیراعلیٰ حمزہ شہباز اوران کی کابینہ عدالت کو کرائی گئی یقین دہانی کےمطابق صاف شفاف انتخاب کرائیں گے، پنجاب کےعوام کو نمائندگی اور گورننس کےحقوق کے لیے وزیراعلیٰ اپنی ذمہ داری پوری کریں۔
وزیراعلیٰ پنجاب، 22 جولائی کو الیکشن، ضمنی انتخابات کے بعد ووٹنگ ہوگی تب تک حمزہ منصب پر فائز رہیں گے، سپریم کورٹ، فریقین بھی متفق
تحریری حکم نامہ میں کہا گیا کہ وزیراعلیٰ کی ذمہ داری آئینی خلاء کو پر کرنے کے لیے 22 جولائی تک ہوگی، وزیراعلیٰ اور ان کی کابینہ کی ذمہ داری آرٹیکل130 کی شق 2 کے تحت 22 جولائی تک محدود ہوگی۔
سپریم کورٹ نے کہا کہ لاہور ہائیکورٹ اپنے 27 مئی 2022 کے مختصر فیصلے کی تفصیلات آج سے ایک ہفتے کے بعد جاری کرے۔
Based on the unqualified consent of all parties before this Court and the assurances obtained by the Court from Mr. Sharif, the following order is passed which would amend and modify and to that extent override the impugned order of the Lahore High Court dated 30.06.2022:
i) The second poll for election of the Chief Minister, Punjab in terms of the proviso to Article 130(4) of the Constitution shall be held on Friday, 22.07.2022 at 4:00 pm in the Punjab Assembly Building as suggested by Mr. Ellahi, the Speaker, Punjab Assembly and consented to by Mr. Sharif as well as Mr. Babar Awan, learned ASC representing the Leader of the Opposition in the Punjab Provincial Assembly. The session in which such poll takes place will be chaired by the Deputy Speaker of the Assembly. The Speaker/Deputy Speaker shall issue a formal notification convening the session in this regard after fulfilling all legal and procedural formalities within one week from today;
ii) Till such time that the poll as directed above is held in accordance with the Constitution, Mr. Sharif has undertaken before the Court that he and his Cabinet shall exercise the powers and function their offices strictly in fiduciary capacity as envisaged by the Constitution and the law to support the process of bye-election in the Province to be conducted in a free, fair and transparent manner by the Election Commission of Pakistan. That such commitment to act as trustees is meant to fulfil the duty of care towards citizens of Punjab so that they are not deprived of due representation and governance, and to avoid any constitutional vacuum, anomaly or complication. However, such entrustment shall continue only till 22.07.2022 when a second poll takes place in terms of Article 130(4) of the Constitution;
iii) The Lahore High Court shall issue its detailed reasons for the order dated 27.05.2022 passed in W.P.No.34654 of 2022 in this regard within one week from today which shall be implemented by ECP forthwith by issuing the notification of the names of the candidates against reserved seats in accordance with the directions issued by the Lahore High Court. If any person is aggrieved of any such notification, he/she shall have the right to agitate such grievance before the appropriate forum in accordance with law;
iv) Bye-election (due to be held on 17.07.2022) against the seats which had become vacant on account of defection of members of PTI shall be held in a free, fair and transparent manner. The process shall be completed as per the schedule already announced by the ECP. The final result(s) and notification(s) shall also be issued accordingly. Any and all disputes arising out of or relating to such bye-election shall be dealt with by the relevant fora, in accordance with law;
v) The ECP as well as all relevant State functionaries including members of the Parliament and the Provincial Assemblies, Ministers, Advisors, etc shall ensure that all parties follow the election laws as well as the Code of Conduct issued by the ECP in their letter and spirit and refrain from any interference, inducement or influence in the affairs of the executive, the local administration, the ECP, etc or indulge in corrupt and illegal practices, the use of State machinery in the process of bye-elections, harassment, intimidation or use of law enforcement agencies against opponents/ candidates or their supporters, etc except to restore law and order.
vi) No transfers or postings of officials of the local administration, police, Provincial Election Commission, etc shall be undertaken in order to ensure fairness and transparency of the election except in accordance with specific provisions of the Election Act, 2017 and the Code of Conduct to meet emergency situations. Further, no fresh development schemes and/or financial allocations shall be made in the constituencies where the bye-election is to be held till finalization of the bye-election. In the event of violation of the provisions of the Election Act, relevant rules framed thereunder or the Code of Conduct, the ECP shall take appropriate action in accordance with law; and
vii) The Speaker, Punjab Assembly has given a categoric assurance that all matters relating to the business of the Assembly shall be handled and dealt with peacefully, impartially and transparently within the Assembly Chambers and its relevant offices in accordance with the Constitution, the law and the rules. In addition, all parties including Mr. Sharif have categorically assured and stated that a peaceful and congenial atmosphere will be maintained not only during the poll but also in the proceedings in the Provincial Assembly held thereafter until announcement of the result. We expect that such undertakings and assurances shall be honoured and implemented.
viii) It is unreservedly and categorically agreed and undertaken by all parties before us that it is the constitutional, legal and moral responsibility of all political parties and their members/candidates involved in byeelections and the subsequent voting in the Provincial Assembly to abide by the ECP Code of Conduct and the Rules of Procedure of the Provincial Assembly and the norms/conventions of the parliamentary conduct.

Mohammad Sibtain Khan and others v. Province of Punjab through its Chief Secretary, Lahore and others
Mr. Justice Ijaz Ul Ahsan 01-07-2022

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