Role of first responder in the light of Section 157 Cr.P.C.

 Rule 25.10 Police Rules 1934 authorizes that first responder can perform number of functions at the site like (1) to preserve the scene of crime from disturbance; which means to secure the spot recoveries and draft the crime scene as it looked like at his first sight. (2) he can record particulars of and secure the presence of potential witnesses and obtain information relating to case; in this case witnesses were at hospital, therefore, he on receiving information reached there and recorded particulars of witnesses including injured. Certainly, in order to obtain information, he had talked to the said injured, as his injury statement was prepared by him which the witness can feel as recording of statement. (3) to arrest the culprit is also included in his functions if they are available near or around the place of occurrence within a time allocated for him until the regular investigator takes up and complete the investigation.

Crl. Appeal-Against Conviction-PPC
Mr. Justice Muhammad Amjad Rafiq
2022 LHC 7077

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