For a Court of law, rendering a fair and just decision is more important than to act hurriedly by drawing a wrong conclusion. Mere fact that application for comparison of thumb impression ......

 For a Court of law, rendering a fair and just decision is more important than to act hurriedly by drawing a wrong conclusion. Mere fact that application for comparison of thumb impression has been moved at the stage when the entire evidence has been recorded is not a cogent reason to dismiss the application. In this regard, it is worth mentioning that no time has been stipulated in terms of Article 84 of the of Qanun-e-Shahadat Order, 1984 for filing the application of comparison of the signatures and/or thumb impression through expert.

Moreover, it is the right of a litigant to seek indulgence of the Court so as to discharge the burden of proof placed upon him including comparison of the disputed thumb impressions.
It is the right of a party to seek and demand every possible assistance from the Courts of law and to hold him/herself responsible only when he or she has acted contrary to law.

W.P No.993/2022
Sabir Hussain Versus Additional District Judge etc.
Date of Hearing: 30.01.2024

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