Post-arrest bail is granted on three grounds: -

2024 SCMR 1071 
Bail ---Offences falling within the prohibitory clause of Section 497(1), Cr.P.C.---In the offences that fall within the prohibitory clause of Section 497,(1), Cr.P.C., the post-arrest bail is granted on three grounds: (i) under the first proviso to Section 497(1), Cr.P.C., on the ground of the accused being a minor, or a woman, or a sick or infirm person; (ii) under the third proviso to Section 497(1), Cr.P.C., on the ground of delay in the conclusion of the trial beyond the period prescribed for no fault of the accused; and (iii) under Section 497(2), Cr.P.C., on the ground that there are no reasonable grounds for believing that the accused has committed the offence, but rather there are sufficient grounds for further inquiry into his guilt.

2024 SCMR 1071 

Bail ---Whether or not there exist any "reasonable grounds" for believing that the accused has committed the alleged offence---For the determination of the question under Section 497(2), Cr.P.C., as to whether or not there exist any "reasonable grounds" for believing that the accused has committed the alleged offence, the courts have to appraise although tentatively the whole material available on the record of the case---This question cannot be determined by merely examining the contents of the FIR---Essentially, it is the tentative assessment of the evidence collected in the investigation both for and against the accused that is determinative of the said question.

2024 SCMR 1071

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