Circumstances, bail even can be denied in bailable offences

5. This case can be regarded as one of heinous nature as it not only involves huge sum of money but such offences, if proven, are against the interest of society. In such circumstances, bail even can be denied in bailable offences. Reliance is placed on the case of Imtiaz Ahmad vs. The State (PLD 1997 SC 545), which reads at page 552 as under:- 

“7. I may observe that distinction is to be made between an offence which is committed against an individual like a theft and an offence which is directed against the society as a whole for the purpose of bail. Similarly, a distinction is to be kept in mind between an offence committed by an individual in his private capacity and an offence committed by a public functionary in respect of or in connection with his public office for the aforesaid purpose of bail. In the former cases, the practice to allow bail in cases not falling under prohibitory clause of section 497, Cr.P.C. in the absence of an exceptional circumstance may be followed, but in the latter category, the Courts should be strict in exercise of discretion of bail. In my view, the above category of the offenders belongs to a distinct class and they qualify to be treated falling within an exceptional circumstance of the nature warranting refusal of bail even where maximum sentence is less than 10 years’ R.I. for the offence involved provided the Court is satisfied that prima facie, there is material on record to connect the accused concerned with the commission of the offence involved. The Courts should not be oblivious of the fact that at present Pakistan is confronted with many serious problems/difficulties of national and international magnitude, which cannot be resolved unless the whole Pakistani nation as united entity makes efforts. The desire to amass wealth by illegal means has penetrated in all walks of life. The people commit offences detrimental to the society and the country for money. Some of the holders of the public office commit or facilitate commission of offences for monetary consideration. In the above scenario the Courts’ approach should be reformationoriented with the desire to suppress the above mischieves. To achieve the above objective, it is imperative that the Courts should apply strictly the laws which are designed and intended to eradicate the above national evils but at the same time, they are duty bound to ensure that the above approach should not result in miscarriage of justice. It should not be overlooked that Article 9 of our Constitution, which relates to a fundamental right, guarantees life and liberty of every person. Life, inter alia, includes the right to have access to a fair and independent judicial forum for redress. A balance is to be struck between national and individual interest/right.”

Part of judgment 


Criminal Miscellaneous (Bails)

2015 LHC 6077

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