How to remove the FIR?

It is common in Pakistan to register FIRs based on false and fake stories to trap the opponents. It is a crime to file a false FIR against someone, which can be sentenced to 7 years in imprisonment. (Section 182 Penal Pakistan) Similarly, the witnesses of this false FIR are also punished for giving false witnesses (Section 193,194 Pakistan Panel Code). False witnesses can be sentenced to death.

What to do if a false FIR is registered against you?
If your Challan was not presented in the respective court after the FIR enrollment and the trial did not start, then you are for the elimination of this FIR under Article 199 of the Constitution and Section 561 of the Criminal Code. You can file a writ in the High Court. If you prove your case, the High Court will order to remove this FIR.
I will give an example of this in 2008 by a decision of High Court Judge Justice Kazim Ali Malik. In this case, the opponents had a problem of transaction. A factory owner bought oil from a person and did not pay It was a crazy court matter but the plaintiff met the police and filed a case against the factory owner under Section 406 of Pakistan's penal. The court ordered to dismiss the FIR and said it was crazy. The issue of the court was that the police exceeded their authority, not only that but to pay 50 thousand rupees to the sub inspector Asghar Ali of the FI registered police station Baghbanpura Lahore and the investigation sub inspector Irfan Ali who writ the investigation sub inspector Irfan Ali. Also ordered.
2008 YLR 2695.

However, if the challenge of the accused is presented after the entry of this FIR and the trial has begun, the High Court directs the person to take relief from the lower court. In this case, the Magistrate Code of Criminal Code Section 249 A & Session Judge can acquire the accused at any time under Section 265 of the Criminal Code.
Law No. 24 of Police Rolls 1934 Dec. 7 also gives the relevant police officer the authority to cancel the registered FIR.

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