There are three classes of FIR.
''A'' Class.
''B'' Class.
''C'' Class.
"A" Class FIR:-
"A Class" FIR is true but accused persons are untraced. Where there is no clue whatsoever about the culprits or property, or where the accused is known but there is no evidence to justify his being sent up to the Magistrate for Trail.
( Therefore Magistrate can dispose of the cases till the appearance or Arrest of the Accused persons)
"B" Class FIR:-
"B Class" FIR is maliciously false. Where there is no Prima facie case against the accused. It is applicable when false or frivolous cases are filed. 'B' Class summary report is filed by police in these matters, and may lead to the acquittal of the accused, if accepted by the court,
(Magistrate passes summary order by directing S.H.O to initiate proceedings of 182 PPC 1860 , against complainant who falsely lodged FIR)
"C" Class FIR:-
"C Class FIR" can be disposed of being non cognizable offence. "C" class summary report is issued by the police in such matters when criminal case was filed due to mistake of fact or if offence complained about is of civil nature.
(In this class it is suffice to say that if there is evidence regarding Non-Cognizable Offence, the Magistrate can direct S.H.O to submit a separate report U/S 155 of Cr.P.C 1898).