Important Criminals case Laws

 (اہم کریمنل کیس لاذ)

1) Prosecution did not produce evidence even after 8 months of framing of charge.
Accused ACQUITTED . 2017 - SCMR - 19
2) Accused involved in the murder case on account of joint extra judicial confession would be entitled to ACQUITTAL .2012 - PCRLJ - 258
3) In murder case empty handed accused due to common intention would not be entitled to the confirmation of PRE ARREST BAIL.
2015 - PCRLJ - 1531
4) Bail GRANTED to accused by following RULE of CONSISTENCY.
2017 - MLD - 349
2016 - YLR - 2507
2008 - SCMR - 173
5) If weapon is recovered but NO empties were recovered then recovery of weapon will be useless .
2015 - MLD- 432
2013 - YLR - 272
6) In dacoity case plea of alibi will not be considered at bail stage.
2014 - PCRLJ - 1002
7) Even after completion of statutory period if delay is attributed to accused then he will not be entitled to concession of bail . 2016 - SCMR - 1538
8) If evidence of a witness is contradictory to his statement recorded u/s 161 crpc then such evidence would not be believable.
2014 - YLR - 548
9) Recovery of articles of the deceased from the accused at the time of their arrest sixteen days after the occurrence was not believable . 1996 - SCMR - 188 ( LB ) .
10) Non recovery of some of the crime empties was not of much importance as the occurrence had taken place in a field.
2006 - SCMR - 672 ( LB ) .
11) Recovery at JOINT POINTATION of two accused would have no evidentiary value.
2008 - SCMR - 1064
12) EXTRA- JUDICIAL CONFESSION is a very WEAK type of evidence and no conviction can be awarded without its strong corroboration on the record . 2005 - SCMR - 277
13) EXTRA JUDICIAL CONFESSION must be proved by evidence of very high and un impeachable character.
PLD - 2006 - SC - 538
14) Unexplained delay of 10 / 11 hours in lodging of FIR . Such delay would lead to inference that occurrence was un- witnessed . 2008 - SCMR - 6 (LB ) .

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