Medical legal reports are documents prepared by medical officer in response to a requisition of police officer. These reports are usually made in criminal cases. These reports have legal value in criminal cases.
Medico legal report--- connotation of:
It is a report prepared by a doctor, usually in criminal cases such as assault, rape or murder etc.
Definition of medico legal reports:
Medical legal reports are documents prepared by medical officer in response to a requisition of police officer. These reports are usually
Made in criminal cases
Who prepared medico legal report:
(Doctors or authorized medical officers)
Parts of medical legal report:
There are two parts of a medico legal report.
I: facts observed in examination
ii: opinion of doctors upon those facts
Following are the essentials requirements for conducting a MLR.
i. Time:
MLR should be written at the time of examination.
ii. Care:
Care should be used in preparing MLR.
iii. Formalities: ( date, time, description)
iv. Identification of body:
v. Report must be simple and brief:
vi. Report must based upon facts:
vii. Report prepared by a medical officer:
viii. Injuries must be described in detail:
ix. Nature of injury:
x. Weapon of injury:
xi. Cause of death:
xii. Approximate time since death:
xiii. Clothing, weapons or any symptoms must also be examine:
Importance of reports:
i. Gaudiness of investigating officers:
ii. Guilt of accused:
iii. Expert evidence: (Article 59 of QSO 1984)
iv. Contradiction in cross examination:
v. Corroboration to substantive evidence:
vi. Ascertainment of cause of death:
vii. Ascertainment of time of death:
viii. Ascertainment of injury:
ix. Ascertainment of weapon used:
Evidentiary value:
[1998 SCMR 1778]
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