1- Reinvestigation after submission of challan is Not Barred:
2016 YLR 495 Lah
2016 PCrLJN 14 Lah
2016 PCrLJ 107 Kar
2013 PCrLJ 920 Lah
PLD 2012 Lah 315
2. Investigstion is Unwarranted after commencement of trial:
2016 PCrLJ 1484 Kar
18(6) Police Order---Order of I.G. set-aside.
2013 PCrLJ 920 Lah
3. Reinvestigation can be made after commencement of trial by the investigating
PLD 2012 Lah 293
4. Police can further investigate, but cannot reinvestigate or start fresh investigation.
PLD 2015 Lah 129
5. When accused is discharged by the police then police can re investigate the same
offence without permission of the
magistrate and can associate the person discharged with the investigation
PLD 2001 Lahore Page 271
1986 MLD 2439
1972 PcrLJ 328
1992 SCMR 335
1971 PcrLJ 1164
PLD 1965 Lahore 734
1994 PcrLJ 2206
1995 PcrLJ 1666
1995 PcrLJ 440
1995 MLD 1744
1999 MLD 860
1999 MLD 1268
6. Investigation can be carried out after submission of challan .
2014 SCMR 474
7. When challan is submitted and charge is framed then there is no justification of change of investigation .
2014 SCMR 1499