فوجداری معاملات کے کچھ ضروری دستاویزات

It is statement recorded by police officer for registration of FIR. Complainant records his statement to police who writes it and reads over to complainant and then it is signed or thumb marked by the complainant.FIR is exact duplication of farad bayan.
This is exhibited during examination in chief of Complainant.

It is registered under section 154 CrPC.
It is registered when any cognizable offence is committed.
It must be read over to complainant if informant gives oral statement.
It must be signed/thumb marked by complainant.
Any one can lodge FIR who has information of crime. This is fundamental document on basis of which criminal machinery comes into motion. However during trial content of FIR must be proved by evidence. It is not substantive piece of evidence.

It is site plan of place of occurrence prepared by investigating officer and it describes important landmarks of crime scene and presence of witnesses and accused.It is unscaled.
In henious offences it is prepared by patwari or naksha nawees which is scaled site plan.

Are proceedings of police case diaries prepared under section 172 CrPC.

It is recovery memo. Anything found at crime scene or recovered at instance of disclosure of accused is to be taken into possession in presence of witnesses and record of these proceedings is called recovery memo.
Fard makboozgee must describe FIR No, offence, police station, description of property, place where property was found and name and signature of attesting witnesses.
Section 103 CrPC describes procedure for recovery at instance of accused. However S. 103 CrPC is not applicable to Narcotics.
This is not exhaustive list but is description of few documents.