The quantity of recovered substance is in excess of marginal side of borderline criteria, he is a first offender, investigation to his extent has already competed while there is no chance that trial will be concluded in coming future days, cumulative effect is that petitioner has made out a case for grant of post arrest bail.

 Record reveals that allegedly 1650 grams heroin in white colour polythene shopper bag was recovered from the possession of petitioner. The quantity of 1650 gram is in excess of marginal side of borderline criteria. As per ossification test report petitioner appears to be a juvenile, the quantity of recovered substance is in excess of marginal side of borderline criteria, he is a first offender, investigation to his extent has already competed while there is no chance that trial will be concluded in coming future days, cumulative effect is that petitioner has made out a case for grant of post arrest bail.

Criminal Misc. No. 239-B of 2021
Jeva Versus The State

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