لاہور ہائیکورٹ نے مختلف رنگوں میں اور کپڑوں پر پرنٹنگ کو قومی پرچم کی توہین قرار دے دیا۔ پاکستان پینل کوڈ 1860 کے سیکشن 123بی کے تحت قومی پرچم کی توہین کرنے کی سزا تین سال ہے۔ جسٹس علی باقر نجفی نے سات صفحات پر فیصلہ جاری کر دیا۔ پاکستان کے قومی پرچم کی اپنی اہمیت اور تاریخ ہے۔ ہمارا پرچم آزادی، برابری کی نشاہدہی ہے جو کہ شہری کے حقوق کا تحفظ کرتا ہے۔ قومی پرچم ایسی ریاست کی نمائندگی کرتا ہے جہاں کسی خاص طبقے کو خاص حقوق حاصل نہیں بلکہ سب کو برستی کی سطح پر کامیابی کا موقع فراہم کرتا ہے۔ قومی پرچم کا تین چوتھائی حصہ گہرا سبز جبکہ باقی سفید اورسبز رنگ میں چاند ستارے ہے۔ جھنڈے کا ایک چوتھائی حصہ سفید جبکہ 3 چوتھائی حصہ سبز ہے۔ عدالت نے اپنے فیصلے میں قومی پرچم کی تصویر کشی بھی کر دی۔ قومی پرچم کے پروٹوکول کے مطابق اسے زمین پر نہیں گرنا چاہیے اور نا ہی جوتے سے ٹچ کرنا چاہیے۔ قومی پرچم گندی جگہ پر نہیں رکھنا چاہیے۔ قومی پرچم کو اندھیرے میں نہیں لہرانا چاہیے۔ قومی پرچم کو جلانا نہیں چاہیے۔ جب پرچم کشائی یا اترا جائے تو سلیوٹ کیا جانا چاہیے۔
In the Pakistan Penal Code, 1860 section 123-B defines the defilement of the national flag an offence punishable with 3 years’ imprisonment.
Importantly, our flag of a crescent and star (Parcham-E-Sitar-O-Hilal), like other national flags of any nation, has a unique importance for it symbolizes our history, present as well as the national policy. It traces its roots from the battles in the initial days of Islam when Parchame-Islam was bestowed by the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) to Hazrat Ali (A.S) on the occasion of Badar, Khandaq and Ohad, is still being held high in the memory of Parcham-e-Abbas (A.S) as a sign of Bravery. Our Parcham stands for freedom, liberty and equality for those who owe allegiance to it. It protects the legitimate rights of every citizen and up hold the integrity of the State of Pakistan. It is a mark that helps in maintaining peace throughout the world. It represents a State which has no special privileges or special rights for any particular community or interest but a State where citizens will have equal rights and equal opportunities and their share in privileges will be proportionate to their corresponding responsibilities. Our Pacham is not merely a piece of cloth. The white and dark green field represents peace and prosperity, the crescent on the flag progress and the fiverayed star signifies light and knowledge which symbolizes the Five Most Holy Personalities (Panjtan-e-Pak A.S). Of course, the religious minorities of Pakistan have significant place in the flag duly acknowledged in the white colour.
As to the specification, the Pakistani Flag is a dark green, rectangular flag in the proportion of 3 x 2 with a white vertical bar, showing white crescent in the center and a five-pointed heraldic star. The size of the white portion is 1/4th size of the flag. Since the mast, the remainder is 3/4th being dark green. The dimensions of the five-pointed white heraldic star are determined by drawing a circle with radius equal to 1/10th of the width of the flag. Our flag is designed by Syed Amir-U-Din Kadwai and was stitched by Master Afzal Hussain. Today it is always held by the most pious and brave person who can protect it.
Our highest esteem for the Parcham is visible from two important occasions; i.e. when in the month of August, 2004 a 173,400 sq.ft. Parcham was unfurled at the National Stadium Karachi and then on 22nd October, 2012, 24,200 people gathered in a stadium at Lahore to form the Parcham and set a new world record of world’s largest national flag comprised of humans, certified by the Guinness World Records. And then on 15th February, 2014, total 29040 people gathered again in Lahore Stadium and got improved their own record of largest flag comprised of human beings.
According to the National Flag Protocols prescribed officially, it must not touch the ground, shoes or feet or anything unclean and must not be flown in the darkness and must not be marked with anything (including words, numerals or images) and when raised or lowered it must be saluted by all in uniform and the others must stand in attention. It must not fly or be displayed upside down or with a crescent and star facing left. It must not be displayed where it is likely to get dirty. It must not be set on fire or trampled upon. It must not be buried or lowered into a grave. In the Pakistan Penal Code, 1860 section 123-B defines the defilement of the national flag an offence punishable with 3 years’ imprisonment. Obviously, the printing of flags in different colours, on distorted shaped portraits, in ugly cartoons, its disgraceful imprint on cloths undermining the national dignity may be considered defilement.