Nature of representative sample under Control of Narcotic Substances.

 The underlining principle that emerges from the reading of the Act, Rules and the Ameer Zeb case is that before an accused is burdened with a criminal liability under the Act of possessing the alleged narcotic drug, a representative sample of that alleged narcotic drug must be drawn and dispatched to be tested and analyzed by the Government Analyst. Testing and analysis of the alleged narcotic drug is a sine qua non for holding the accused liable under the Act, and the accused cannot be saddled with any liability under the Act unless the report of the Government Analyst is in the affirmative. As the severity of the punishment under the Act varies with the quantity of the narcotic drug recovered, it is therefore essential for the prosecution to establish that the entire alleged narcotic drug stood tested and analyzed by the Government Analyst by drawing representative sample(s) of the alleged narcotic drug. The test and analysis of the representative sample of an alleged narcotic drug amounts to test and analysis of the entire quantity of that narcotic drug. The acts of taking and testing of the representative sample become critical as they feed the assumption that the entire quantity from which the sample was drawn stands tested and analyzed. Therefore, the sample to be representative must be drawn for each and every physically independent and separate unit of the alleged narcotic drug recovered from the accused. A separate and independent unit of the alleged narcotic drug cannot be left out from test and analysis on the assumption that a representative sample has been drawn from other similar physically independent and separate units of the alleged narcotic drug. Any such assumption would offend the fundamental right to fair trial and due process of the accused guaranteed under Article 10A of the Constitution, besides militating against the safe administration of justice. Right to fair trial of the accused under Article 10A of the Constitution requires that the sample drawn from the alleged narcotic drug must be truly representative of the alleged narcotic drug recovered and therefore must be drawn from all the physically separate and independent units of the alleged narcotic drug. In this regard, the mode of packaging of the alleged narcotic drug by the accused is totally inconsequential; for example, in this case each of the 25 packets have 14 slabs of the alleged narcotic drug, which could have easily been re-packaged as separate 350 packets with one slab each of the alleged narcotic drug or one big packet of 350 slabs of the alleged narcotic drug. The representative sample can only retain its representative character and be also constitutional compliant, if it is drawn from every physically separate and independent unit of the alleged narcotic drug.

In the present case, 25 packets were recovered, each having 14 separate slabs of the alleged narcotic drug; thus, in fact, there were 350 (25 x 14) separate physically independent units of the alleged narcotic drug. In order to burden the appellant with the liability of the entire quantity of the alleged narcotic drug recovered, the representative sample had to be taken from every physically separate and independent unit of the alleged narcotic drug, i.e., from all the 350 slabs of the alleged narcotic drug recovered from the appellant. In this case, 25 samples of 5 grams were collected from each of the 25 packets, without specifying whether it was taken from one slab out of the 14 found in each packet, or that each 5-gram sample was obtained from all of the 14 slabs found in one packet. The prosecution has not even argued that the representative sample was taken from each of the 350 slabs, rather it is an admitted fact on part of the prosecution that 5-gram sample was taken from only one slab out of the 14 found in each packet. Thus, the prosecution is found to have proved only those parts of the charas allegedly recovered from the appellant to be the narcotic drug of which samples were taken and sent for analysis to the FSL, that is, about 1785 grams, not 25,000 grams as alleged.

Sharafat Khan v. The State
Mr. Justice Syed Mansoor Ali Shah

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