Every Judge must wear all the laws of the country on the Sleeve of his robes.

 2022 SCMR 1546

Law should be worn by the Judge on his Sleeve s---Justice should be imparted according to the law, notwithstanding whether the parties in a lis before the Court are misdirected and misplaced in that regard.
2022 SCMR 1344
Every Judge must wear all the laws of the country on the Sleeve of his robes.
2019 SCMR 1021
Judges were expected in all circumstances to know the law and such was their hallmark as entrenched in the principle that 'a Judge must wear all laws on Sleeve of his robes'.
2019 PLC(CS) 1014
Judges were expected in all circumstances to know the law and such was their hallmark as entrenched in the principle that 'a Judge must wear all laws on Sleeve of his robes'.
PLD 2018 SC 28
Duty of judge to apply the correct law---Scope---Law was written on the Sleeve s of the judges and it was the primary duty of a judge to apply the correct law to a case before it---Party involved in a case was not bound to engage a counsel for telling the Court how a particular law was to be applied and how the jurisdiction was to be exercised.
2011 SCMR 437
Application of correct law---Improper advice of counsel---Effect---Judge must wear all laws of country on the Sleeve s of his robe and failure of counsel as to properly advise him is not a complete excuse in the matter
2010 SCMR 1825
Judge must wear all laws of land on his Sleeve s.
2010 SCMR 1778
Law of land must be in Sleeve s of the Judge.
2010 SCMR 1425
Judge must wear all laws of the country on the Sleeve s of his robe and failure of counsel to properly advise is not a complete excuse in the matter.
2010 SCMR 1408
Duty of Courts to apply correct law---Failure of counsel to properly advise would not be a complete excuse---Judge must wear all laws of country on Sleeve of his rob.
PLD 2010 SC 745
Judge must wear all laws of country on Sleeve of his robe---Failure of counsel to properly advise Court would not be complete excuse in the matter.
2010 PLC(CS) 641
Judge must wear all laws of the country on the Sleeve s of his robe and failure of counsel to properly advise is not a complete excuse in the matter.
2010 PLC(CS) 451 Application of correct law---Improper advice of counsel---Effect---Judge must wear all laws of country on the Sleeve s of his robe and failure of counsel as to properly advice him is not a complete excuse in the matter.
2007 SCMR 882
---Judge must wear all the laws of country on the Sleeve of his robe----Failure of counsel to properly advise Judge would not be a complete excuse in the matter.
2007 SCMR 307
Judge must wear all laws of country on the Sleeve s of his robes---Failure of counsel to properly advice the Judge is not a complete excuse in the matter.
2007 PLC 64
2006 SCMR 783
Improper advice by counsel---Effect---Judge must wear all laws of country on the Sleeve s of his robes and failure of counsel to properly advice him is not complete excuse in the matter
PLD 2003 SC 102
2003 PLC(CS) 201
Administration of Justice ---Courts were duty bound to decide the cases on merits in accordance with, law and the rules---Courts; while dispensing justice, were duty bound w apply the provisions of law in their true perspective and application of the same could not be avoided simply on the ground that the said provisions of law were not brought to their notice by the parties---Judge must know the adage that a Judge must wear all laws of the country on the Sleeve s of his robe and failure of the counsel to properly advise him was not a complete excuse in the matter.
PLD 1992 SC 263
Judge must wear all the laws of the country on the Sleeve s of his robe--Failure of counsel to properly advise Judge was not a complete excuse in the, matter

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