S. 497 --- Penal Code (XLV of 1860), Ss. 295-A, 295-B, 295-C, 298-C, 34 & 109---Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (XL of 2016), S. 11-

 2022 SCMR 1477

S. 497 --- Penal Code (XLV of 1860), Ss. 295-A, 295-B, 295-C, 298-C, 34 & 109---Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (XL of 2016), S. 11---Constitution of Pakistan, Art. 185(3)---Propagation of Qadiani faith through social media by forwarding material and translation of Holy Quran proscribed by the government---Bail, refusal of---Accused was nominated in the FIR and he was one of the administrators of the WhatsApp group along with co-accused and forty other persons were also members of the said group---Certain proscribed book and banned text and translation of Holy Quran was shared in the said group---Co-accused disseminated banned material to accused and another co-accused for further sharing with public at large; he also used to provide derogatory books and guidelines to the accused through a WhatsApp number, registered in his name---According to the investigating officers, detailed forensic analysis of cell phones of the accused, and both co-accused was conducted by the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) and it was found that, the accused, being one of the administrator of the WhatsApp group, used to add and remove persons not belonging to Ahmadi community in the group on the instructions of co-accused---Sufficient incriminating material was available on record connecting the accused and co-accused with the commission of alleged offence---Petitions for leave to appeal were dismissed, leave was refused and accused and co-accused were refused bail

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