Substandard and injurious food stuff --- Bail , grant of --- Case of further inquiry --- Accused was arrested for allegedly selling substandard meat injurious to human consumption --- Validity --

 S.497 --- Punjab Food Authority Act ( XVI of 2011 ) , Ss.22 - A , 23 , 24 , 27 & 28 --- Substandard and injurious food stuff --- Bail , grant of --- Case of further inquiry --- Accused was arrested for allegedly selling substandard meat injurious to human consumption --- Validity --- Nature and degree of substandard meat and relevant standard , which was to be maintained by accused as shopkeeper , was not described anywhere --- Accused placed in his file a certificate issued by Punjab Food Authority valid from 01.12.2022 to 30.11.2023 --- Date of occurrence was 05.07.2023 which was within the period stated in the certificate --- Police file did not reflect any complaint lodged by any private person against accused for selling substandard meat --- Out of 2500 Kgs . meat less than half was considered as harmful but question was on what grounds , the police investigation required further input --- Report / Certificate of Veterinary Officer was not enclosed in police file --- Offence did not fall within the prohibitory clause of S. 497 , Cr.P.C .-- Accused remained detained in judicial lockup for about two months --- Bail was allowed in circumstances .

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2024 Y L R 161

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