غیرت کے نام پر قتل۔ مقتولہ کے تمام وارثان کی جانب سے عدالت میں راضی نامہ داخل کرنے کے باوجود ضمانت خارج

 #Honour killing #bail refused on the ground of #compromise

An offence committed in the name or on the pretext of honour was excluded from the definition of ‘qatl-i-amd’ as contained in Section 302 Clause (c) of PPC, as the phrase “in the name or on the pretext of honour” inserted in the first proviso to Section 302(c) of PPC clearly indicates that the murder (naeem)committed in the name or on the pretext of honour had to be calculated as a murder committed with premeditation in the background of honour.
As per provisions of sub-section (7) to Section 345 of Cr.PC, no offence shall be waived or compounded save as provided by this Section and section 311 of PPC. Another significant amendment has been introduced by amending section 299 of PPC and introducing clause (ee) through the Criminal Law (Amendment) (Offences in the Name or on Pretext of Honour) Act, 2016, whereby an offence that has been committed in the name or on the pretext of honour has been categorized as an offence falling (naeem)within the meaning of ‘fasad-fil-arz’. As per provisions of section 311 of PPC, if the principle of fasad-fil-arz is attracted, the court may having regard to the facts and circumstances of the case, punish an offender against whom the right of qisas has been waived or compounded with death or imprisonment of life or imprisonment of either description for a term of which may extend to fourteen years as ta’zir. The sole proviso to this section further provides that if the offence has been committed in the name or on the pretext of honour, the punishment shall be imprisonment for life.
In view of the amendments as made in sections 299(ee), section 302(c) and section 311 PPC read with proviso to section 345(2-A) and 345 (7) of Cr.PC, a convict in an honour killing case, still can face sentence of imprisonment for life even if legal heirs of a victim have settled the matter by way of compromise and pardoned the convict. Therefore, the accused/petitioner is not entitled to be released (naeem)on bail on the basis of any statement made by the legal heirs of the deceased whereby they have compounded the offence as in view of provisions of Sections 345(2-A) & 345(7) of the Cr.P.C., no offence shall be waived or compounded save as provided by the provisions of section 311 PPC.
Bail refused.

Crl. Misc.47663/24
Bilal Sikandar Vs The State etc.
Mr. Justice Shakil Ahmad
2024 LHC 3700

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