PLJ 2019 SC (Cr.C.) 452
[Appellate Jurisdiction]
Present: Manzoor Ahmad Malik, Syed Mansoor Ali Shah and Qazi Muhammad Amin Ahmed, JJ.
MANZOOR HUSSAIN alias BABO and another--Appellants
Crl. A. No. 106-L of 2017 and Crl. P. No. 981-L of 2017,
decided on 17.5.2019.
(On appeal from the judgment dated 13.11.2014 passed by the Lahore High Court, Lahore in Criminal Appeal No. 2089 of 2010 and Murder Reference No. 511 of 2010)
Pakistan Penal Code, 1860 (XLV of 1860)--
----S. 302(b)—
سزا اور سزا—چیلنج—قتل عمد—مقصد—سینے کی گہا میں پھنسے ہوئے گولی—اپیل کرنے والے نے ہوا میں فائرنگ کے دوران پھنسے ہوئے گولی کے حادثاتی طور پر چلنے کا الزام لگایا—تجویز کردہ منظر نامہ بہت غیر حقیقی ہے—شواہد کی قدر و قیمت—زندگی کی قید کی سزا—اپیل کرنے والے پر جرم کا الزام لگایا گیا—گولی جسم میں دائیں نپل سے 5 سینٹی میٹر اوپر سے گزری، سینے کی گہا میں پھنس گئی، سیاہ کنارے چھوڑتے ہوئے—جرم کا مقصد زرعی زمین پر مقدمہ بازی ہے—اس نے .30 کیلیبر پستول کی برآمدگی کی قیادت کی—اپیل کرنے والے نے ہوا میں فائرنگ کے دوران پھنسے ہوئے گولی کے حادثاتی طور پر چلنے کا الزام لگایا—اپیل کرنے والا، ایک مقصد سے متاثر ہو کر جان بوجھ کر گولی کو نشانہ بنایا، جبکہ ملزم نے بے گناہی کا دعویٰ کرتے ہوئے ایک بے ترتیب فائر کی تھیوری پیش کی، جو چیمبر میں پھنس گئی، اور حادثاتی طور پر چل گئی—.30 کیلیبر گولی سے موت پر کوئی تنازعہ نہیں—گولی کی راہ ایک اور عنصر ہے جو حادثاتی فائر کی کہانی کو متضاد کرتا ہے—گن کو سیدھے مقام پر رکھنے کا کوئی موقع نہیں تھا؛ داخلے کے نقطے سے یہ دائیں پلور اور پھیپھڑے کے ذریعے گزرتے ہوئے سینے کے بائیں جانب جا پہنچی—یہ ظاہر کرتا ہے کہ حملہ آور اور مقتول ایک دوسرے کے سامنے کھڑے تھے—تجویز کردہ منظر نامہ، بصورت دیگر غیر حقیقی ہونے کی وجہ سے بے وقوفی کے بغیر قبول نہیں کیا جا سکتا، اسے فوری طور پر مسترد کرنے کی ضرورت ہے—زندگی کی قید، حالات میں ایک ضمیر کی تنخواہ ہے، اس میں مداخلت کی ضرورت نہیں—جرم کی اپیل مسترد کی جاتی ہے۔
Conviction and sentence—Challenge to--Qatl-e-Amd--Motive--Bullet trapped in chest cavity--Appellant blamed a stuck bullet going off accidentally during the aerial firing--Suggested scenario too unrealistic--Appreciation of evidence--Sentence for Imprisonment of life--Appellant was blamed for the crime--Bullet pierced the body 5 cm above right nipple, trapped in chest cavity, leaving behind blackened margins--Motive for the crime is litigation over agricultural land--He led to the recovery of a .30 caliber pistol-- Appellant blamed a stuck bullet going off accidentally during the aerial firing--Appellant, actuated by a motive deliberately targeted the bullet, whereas the accused while pleading innocence has simultaneously advanced the theory of a stray fire shot, stuck in the chamber, went off accidentally--Death by a .30 caliber bullet is not in dispute--Bullet trajectory is yet another factor to contradict the story of accidental shot--No occasion to hold the gun in a straight position; from point of entry it traversed through right pleura and lung landing on left side of the chest--That suggests assailant and the deceased standing face to face--Suggested scenario, otherwise too unrealistic to be received without being imprudent, merits outright rejection-- Imprisonment for life, a conscionable wage in circumstances also does not call for interference--Criminal appeal is dismissed. [Pp. 453 & 454] A, B, C & D
Mechanics of .30 caliber pistol--
کیلیبر پستول کی میکانکس، جو ایک نیم خودکار ہتھیار ہے، ایک پریکشن کیپ پر منحصر ہے جس میں ایک پرائمر ہوتا ہے، جب یہ فائرنگ پن کے ہتھوڑے سے پھٹتا ہے تو یہ دھماکہ خیز مادہ کو بھڑکاتا ہے جو گولی کو تیز رفتاری سے نوزل سے باہر نکالتا ہے؛ اس عمل میں، اگلی گولی خود بخود میگزین سے چیمبر میں داخل ہو جاتی ہے جو پچھلی فائرنگ سے جاری ہونے والی توانائی کی بدولت ہوتا ہے--اگر ہتھوڑا دھماکہ خیز مادہ کو بھڑکانے میں ناکام رہتا ہے تو ایک گولی چیمبر میں پھنس سکتی ہے؛ ایک خراب پرائمر اگر تمام دوسرے اجزاء صحیح حالت میں ہوں تو کارتوس کو مردہ بنا دیتا ہے--ہتھوڑے کی دوسری ضرب بغیر دستی مداخلت کے ممکن نہیں ہے اور یہ بھی شاذ و نادر ہی چارج کو بھڑکائے گی کیونکہ فائرنگ پن کی مقررہ لمبائی پہلی ضرب سے آگے نہیں جا سکتی۔
--Mechanics of .30 caliber pistol, a semi automatic weapon, rests upon a percussion cap with a primer, when detonated by the hammer of firing pin ignites explosive propelling the bullet in high velocity to leave the muzzle; in the process next bullet from the magazine automatically enters the chamber by the energy released by the preceding fire shot--A bullet would possibly stuck in the chamber if the hammer fails to ignite the explosive; a defective primer makes the cartridge dead if all other components are in good condition--A second strike by the hammer is not possible without manual intervention and that too would seldom ignite the charge as the fixed length of firing pin would not go farther than the first strike.
[P. 454] C
Mr. Akhtar Hussain Bhatti, ASC for Appellant(s) (in Crl. A. No. 106-L/2017).
Mr. Salman Safdar, ASC for Petitioner(s) (in Crl. P. No. 981-L/2017).
Mr. Mazhar Sher Awan, Additional Prosecutor General, Punjab for State
Date of hearing: 17.05.2019.
Qazi Muhammad Amin Ahmed, J.--Muhammad Yar alias Bhatti, 20, was shot dead, in a marriage ceremony ‘Barat’, on 10.4.2008 at 4.00 p.m. within remit of Police Station Cantt Okara. Manzoor Hussain, appellant was blamed for the crime. Bullet pierced the body 5 cm above right nipple, trapped in chest cavity, leaving behind blackened margins. Motive for the crime is acrimony raging over divorce of deceased’s sister by the appellant as well as litigation over agricultural land. The appellant stayed away from law, finally arrested on 6.6.2008; pursuant to a disclosure, he led to the recovery of a .30 caliber pistol on 10.6.2008. The appellant was indicted on 22.8.2008; Saifullah and his father Allah Ditta were arrayed as conspirators. The appellant blamed a stuck bullet going off accidentally during the aerial firing. Unimpressed by the plea, the learned trial Judge convicted the appellant under clause (b) of Pakistan Penal Code, 1860 and sentenced him to death with compensation vide judgment dated 30.8.2010. Allah Ditta and his son Saifullah were however acquitted from the charge. A learned division bench of learned Lahore High Court maintained the conviction, however, altered penalty of death into imprisonment for life with benefit under Section 382-B of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898. This brings both the appellant as well the complainant to us, former for acquittal while later for restoration of death penalty; Criminal Appeal 106-L/2017 and Criminal Petition 981-L/2017, bound by a common thread are being decided through this single judgment.
2. Event on the fateful day in the backdrop of bad blood is a common ground. Ceremonial firing is unfortunately a usual phenomenon. It is prosecution case that taking advantage of the event, the appellant, actuated by a motive deliberately targeted the bullet, whereas the accused while pleading innocence has simultaneously advanced the theory of a stray fire shot, stuck in the chamber, went off accidentally.
Death by a .30 caliber bullet is not in dispute; in this background, hypothesis of an accidental shot, as canvassed at the bar, is far from being impressive. Mechanics of .30 caliber pistol, a semi automatic weapon, rests upon a percussion cap with a primer, when detonated by the hammer of firing pin ignites explosive propelling the bullet in high velocity to leave the muzzle; in the process next bullet from the magazine automatically enters the chamber by the energy released by the preceding fire shot. A bullet would possibly stuck in the chamber if the hammer fails to ignite the explosive; a defective primer makes the cartridge dead if all other components are in good condition. A second strike by the hammer is not possible without manual intervention and that too would seldom ignite the charge as the fixed length of firing pin would not go farther than the first strike. Therefore, it is difficult to contemplate a situation where deceased would naively stand within the approximate distance of four feet to receive bullet above the nipple, through an accidental shot. Bullet trajectory is yet another factor to contradict the story of accidental shot. If at all someone was attempting to retrieve the defective bullet he had no occasion to hold the gun in a straight position; from point of entry it traversed through right pleura and lung landing on left side of the chest beneath 4/5th intercostal back, is a course that suggests assailant and the deceased standing face to face. Appellant’s plea, inherently flawed cannot dislodge preponderance of evidence furnished
by the eye-witnesses, found by us in a comfortable unison on all the details, salient as well as collateral therewith. Suggested scenario, otherwise too unrealistic to be received without being imprudent, merits outright rejection. Criminal Appeal 106-L/2017 is dismissed. Imprisonment for life, a conscionable wage in circumstances also does not call for interference. As a natural corollary Criminal Petition No. 981-L/2017 is dismissed.
(K.Q.B.) Appeal dismissed