Q.1Difference between Summons_case and Warrant_case
Warrant case means a case relating to an offence punishable with death, imprisonment for life or imprisonment for term exceeding two years.
All the other cases are summon cases, moreover it is also provided under schedule 2 of crpc.

#Difference between 154 and 200 crpc
154 crpc when in-charge of police station has received any information relating to cognizable offence, same is to be registered in book of 154 crpc for setting law in to motion.
200 crpc complaint can be filed before magistrate about any incident/offence which has not registered by police due to that reasons or other reason he seeks redress by filing the complaint.

#Difference between 426 and 497 crpc
U/s 426 crpc Appellate court can suspend the sentence of accused/convicted and release him on bail pending appeal.
Section 497 crpc bails in non bailable offence and the court has power to admit any person on bail.

#Difference between 342 and 340(2) crpc
Under section 342 crpc the statement of accused is compulsory, it is recorded after the completion of the prosecution of evidence it is without oath.
U/s 340(2) accused will offer himself as a witness on oath and he is subject to cross examination.

#Difference between 265-k and 249-A crpc
Both the provisions provide acquittal of accused before or after framing of the charge on the groundless charge. Both orders are conclusive and final; however order u/s 249-A is passed by the court of magistrate and u/s 265-k is passed by the court of sessions.

#Difference between S.249 and 249-A crpc
U/s 249 the court stop the proceeding and release the accused forthwith without any order of acquuttal.
U/s 249-A the court acquit the accused on the groundless charge, which is final and conclusive order.