Some video clips have been annexed with this petition , which reflect that some people with cameras and mics in their hands are not only capturing the citizens on camera without their permission but also checking / interrupting them regarding their driving licenses , registration books of the vehicles and other alike documents in presence of the public functionaries who are legally empowered to do so . Learned Law Officers present before the Court candidly state that no one else , other than the public functionaries who are empowered to do the job . can do that . Such excess on the part of these camera men having mics in their hands is a glaring intrusion into the right to privacy , respect and dignity of a person as guaranteed under the Constitution . No one can be forced to reply the questions put by these unauthorized persons . It is very unfortunate that such illegal practice is facilitated and protected by the public functionaries . These videos are posted / displayed on different TV channels and social media , which results in humiliation and disrespect to those citizens .
It goes without saying that right to privacy is as important as right to freedom of expression and speech , rather in some situation it becomes more important and should be protected accordingly . Right to privacy means the right of an individual to control dissemination of information about himself . Right to privacy in other word can be said to be let alone ' . No one cannot be allowed to buy a camera and a mic and invade the privacy of citizens without any legal justification . The order was pronounced , dictated . prepared and signed on the same day .
Learned Advocate General Punjab and learned Additional Attorney General for Pakistan shall appear before the Court on the next date of hearing to assist the Court . Report shall also be requisitioned from the Chairman PEMRA , which shall be filed through a responsible officer regarding the action . taken against aforementioned illegal practices . Director General FIA shall also file his report through a responsible officer to explain the role of FIA regarding curbing the menace of cyber stalking .
In the meanwhile , I am persuaded to direct all the public functionaries not to facilitate any illegality which violates the right to privacy , dignity and respect of a citizen .
Any government official who enables or aids such violation of fundamental right shall also be held liable for the same .
Writ Petition No. 80758/2023
Vishal Ahmzd Shakir vs Federstion of Pakistan.