لاہور ہائی کورٹ کا بانی پی ٹی آئی عمران خان کا 12 مقدمات میں جسمانی ریمانڈ کالعدم قرار دینے کا تحریری فیصلہ۔

جسٹس طارق سلیم شیخ اور جسٹس انوار الحق پنوں پر مشتمل 2 رکنی بینچ نے 5 صفحات پر مشتمل تحریری فیصلہ جاری کیا ہے۔جو جسٹس انوار الحق پنوں نے تحریر کیا ہے

لاہور ہائیکورٹ کے مطابق جسمانی ریمانڈ دیتے ہوئے قانون کی خلاف ورزی کی گئی، جسمانی ریمانڈ سے متعلق اعلیٰ عدالتوں کے فیصلے موجود ہیں۔
تحریری فیصلے کے مطابق جسمانی ریمانڈ کے دوران جوڈیشل مجسٹریٹ نے الزامات کا جائزہ لینا ہوتا ہے، اگر مقدمہ نہیں بنتا تو جج مقدمہ ڈسچارج کرسکتا ہے۔
عدالتی فیصلے میں کہا گیا ہے کہ آئین ہر شہری کو حقوق فراہم کرتا ہے، پراسیکیوٹر جنرل عدالت کو قانونی طور پر مطمئن نہیں کرسکے۔
لاہور ہائیکورٹ نے تحریری فیصلے میں کہا ہے کہ بانی پی ٹی آئی کا جسمانی ریمانڈ کالعدم قرار دیا جاتا ہے، بانی پی ٹی آئی کی درخواستوں کو منظور کیا جاتا ہے۔

Criminal Revision No.45661 of 2024
Imran Ahmad Khan Niazi Vs Special Judge , ATC etc.
DATE OF HEARING:25.07.2024 .

We have also noted that physical remand of the accused / petitioner has been granted merely on the ground that as per police report he is named for hatching of criminal conspiracy which was disseminated and conveyed through modern devices like mobile phone and audio/video clips . We are afraid the learned Judge has failed to consider/discuss any incriminating material available with the prosecution constituting the offence of abetment against the accused/petitioner necessitating his physical remand . During the course of his extensive arguments the learned Prosecutor General , Punjab has not been able to show any incriminating portions of statements of the accused constituting an offence except the statement of one Asmat Kamal Inspector , recorded in case F.I.R No.366 / 2023 dated 10.05.2023 , Police Station Model Town , Lahore , who along with some other personnel of law enforcement agency had allegedly heard the conspiracy/instigation of the present petitioner/accused about the occurrence mentioned in the said F.I.R : however , the learned counsel for the petitioner has placed on record copy of order dated 01.03.2024 passed by the learned Judge , Anti- Terrorism Court No.111 , Lahore , whereby the pre - arrest bail granted to the petitioner accused in the aforementioned case F.1.R No.366 / 2023 has been confirmed while observing that such alleged information provided by the personnel of law enforcement agency was withheld for a considerable time till 12.05.2023 and that admittedly , no voice / video recording of the alleged abetment conspiracy is available on record .
Article 9 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan , 1973 guarantees that no person would be deprived of life or liberty save as in accordance with law . Article 10 of Constitution provides a safeguard as to arrest and detention . The Courts should be mindful of the said Articles before remanding the accused to police custody . In the judgment reported as Rehan vs The State ( 2009 SCMR 181 ) the apex Court has held that a Magistrate , while granting remand , should be mindful of the Constitutional guarantees provided under the afore - referred Articles of the Constitution . The Judge , who grants remand , is under legal duty to satisfy himself if under the circumstances remand is to be granted or not . Liberty of a person cannot be curtailed and he has a legal right to explain his point of view before the Judge when remand is to be granted . Before granting the remand , the Judge should be satisfied about availability of sufficient incriminating evidence on record and the remand is not to be granted in a mechanical manner on the police request . The passing of the mechanical orders granting physical remand by the Magistrate has been deprecated by the Superior Courts of this Country . In the dictum reported as Abdul Majid and another vs. Qazi Abbas Hussain Shah ( 1995 SCMR 429 ) , while dealing with the matter of grant of physical remand , the Hon'ble Supreme Court of Pakistan has held as under : -
" This Court expects the presiding officers to perform their duties with their eyes and ears open as required under the law and pass orders after judicial application of mind and not in perfunctory and slipshod manner allowing room for mistakes because these mistakes whether they are inadvertent or not reflect upon the conduct of the Judge and can be considered as a minus point . We disapprove and deprecate such conduct of the presiding officers and it should be discouraged in true sense as far as possible . "
In view of all above , we are of the considered view that arguments of the learned counsel for the petitioner have weight and the impugned remand orders are violative of the settled statutory provisions for the grant of physical remand and guidelines rendered by the Superior Courts on the subject . Therefore , all these revision petitions are accepted and the impugned orders dated 15.07.2024 passed by the Administrative Judge , ATC's Lahore , qua granting physical remand of the accused/petitioner , are set aside .


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